* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com)
- * Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
#ifndef CallFrame_h
#define CallFrame_h
-#include "JSGlobalData.h"
+#include "AbstractPC.h"
+#include "VM.h"
+#include "JSStack.h"
#include "MacroAssemblerCodeRef.h"
-#include "RegisterFile.h"
+#include "Register.h"
+#include "StackVisitor.h"
namespace JSC {
class Arguments;
class JSActivation;
class Interpreter;
- class ScopeChainNode;
+ class JSScope;
// Represents the current state of script execution.
// Passed as the first argument to most functions.
class ExecState : private Register {
- JSObject* callee() const { return this[RegisterFile::Callee].function(); }
- CodeBlock* codeBlock() const { return this[RegisterFile::CodeBlock].Register::codeBlock(); }
- ScopeChainNode* scopeChain() const
+ JSValue calleeAsValue() const { return this[JSStack::Callee].jsValue(); }
+ JSObject* callee() const { return this[JSStack::Callee].function(); }
+ CodeBlock* codeBlock() const { return this[JSStack::CodeBlock].Register::codeBlock(); }
+ JSScope* scope() const
- ASSERT(this[RegisterFile::ScopeChain].Register::scopeChain());
- return this[RegisterFile::ScopeChain].Register::scopeChain();
+ ASSERT(this[JSStack::ScopeChain].Register::scope());
+ return this[JSStack::ScopeChain].Register::scope();
+ bool hasActivation() const { return !!uncheckedActivation(); }
+ JSActivation* activation() const;
+ JSValue uncheckedActivation() const;
// Global object in which execution began.
- JSGlobalObject* dynamicGlobalObject();
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSGlobalObject* vmEntryGlobalObject();
// Global object in which the currently executing code was defined.
- // Differs from dynamicGlobalObject() during function calls across web browser frames.
- inline JSGlobalObject* lexicalGlobalObject() const;
+ // Differs from vmEntryGlobalObject() during function calls across web browser frames.
+ JSGlobalObject* lexicalGlobalObject() const;
// Differs from lexicalGlobalObject because this will have DOM window shell rather than
// the actual DOM window, which can't be "this" for security reasons.
- inline JSObject* globalThisValue() const;
+ JSObject* globalThisValue() const;
- inline JSGlobalData& globalData() const;
+ VM& vm() const;
// Convenience functions for access to global data.
// It takes a few memory references to get from a call frame to the global data
// pointer, so these are inefficient, and should be used sparingly in new code.
// But they're used in many places in legacy code, so they're not going away any time soon.
- void clearException() { globalData().exception = JSValue(); }
- JSValue exception() const { return globalData().exception; }
- bool hadException() const { return globalData().exception; }
+ void clearException() { vm().clearException(); }
+ void clearSupplementaryExceptionInfo()
+ {
+ vm().clearExceptionStack();
+ }
- const CommonIdentifiers& propertyNames() const { return *globalData().propertyNames; }
- const MarkedArgumentBuffer& emptyList() const { return *globalData().emptyList; }
- Interpreter* interpreter() { return globalData().interpreter; }
- Heap* heap() { return &globalData().heap; }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- void dumpCaller();
+ JSValue exception() const { return vm().exception(); }
+ bool hadException() const { return !vm().exception().isEmpty(); }
+ AtomicStringTable* atomicStringTable() const { return vm().atomicStringTable(); }
+ const CommonIdentifiers& propertyNames() const { return *vm().propertyNames; }
+ const MarkedArgumentBuffer& emptyList() const { return *vm().emptyList; }
+ Interpreter* interpreter() { return vm().interpreter; }
+ Heap* heap() { return &vm().heap; }
+ static const HashTable& arrayConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.arrayConstructorTable; }
+ static const HashTable& arrayPrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.arrayPrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& booleanPrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.booleanPrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& dataViewTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.dataViewTable; }
+ static const HashTable& dateTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.dateTable; }
+ static const HashTable& dateConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.dateConstructorTable; }
+ static const HashTable& errorPrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.errorPrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& globalObjectTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.globalObjectTable; }
+ static const HashTable& jsonTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.jsonTable; }
+ static const HashTable& numberConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.numberConstructorTable; }
+ static const HashTable& numberPrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.numberPrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& objectConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.objectConstructorTable; }
+ static const HashTable& privateNamePrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.privateNamePrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& regExpTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.regExpTable; }
+ static const HashTable& regExpConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.regExpConstructorTable; }
+ static const HashTable& regExpPrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.regExpPrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& stringConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.stringConstructorTable; }
+ static const HashTable& promisePrototypeTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.promisePrototypeTable; }
+ static const HashTable& promiseConstructorTable(VM& vm) { return *vm.promiseConstructorTable; }
- static const HashTable* arrayConstructorTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().arrayConstructorTable; }
- static const HashTable* arrayPrototypeTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().arrayPrototypeTable; }
- static const HashTable* booleanPrototypeTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().booleanPrototypeTable; }
- static const HashTable* dateTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().dateTable; }
- static const HashTable* dateConstructorTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().dateConstructorTable; }
- static const HashTable* errorPrototypeTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().errorPrototypeTable; }
- static const HashTable* globalObjectTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().globalObjectTable; }
- static const HashTable* jsonTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().jsonTable; }
- static const HashTable* mathTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().mathTable; }
- static const HashTable* numberConstructorTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().numberConstructorTable; }
- static const HashTable* numberPrototypeTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().numberPrototypeTable; }
- static const HashTable* objectConstructorTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().objectConstructorTable; }
- static const HashTable* objectPrototypeTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().objectPrototypeTable; }
- static const HashTable* regExpTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().regExpTable; }
- static const HashTable* regExpConstructorTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().regExpConstructorTable; }
- static const HashTable* regExpPrototypeTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().regExpPrototypeTable; }
- static const HashTable* stringTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().stringTable; }
- static const HashTable* stringConstructorTable(CallFrame* callFrame) { return callFrame->globalData().stringConstructorTable; }
static CallFrame* create(Register* callFrameBase) { return static_cast<CallFrame*>(callFrameBase); }
Register* registers() { return this; }
+ const Register* registers() const { return this; }
CallFrame& operator=(const Register& r) { *static_cast<Register*>(this) = r; return *this; }
- CallFrame* callerFrame() const { return this[RegisterFile::CallerFrame].callFrame(); }
- ReturnAddressPtr returnPC() const { return ReturnAddressPtr(this[RegisterFile::ReturnPC].vPC()); }
+ CallFrame* callerFrame() const { return callerFrameAndPC().callerFrame; }
+ static ptrdiff_t callerFrameOffset() { return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(CallerFrameAndPC, callerFrame); }
+ ReturnAddressPtr returnPC() const { return ReturnAddressPtr(callerFrameAndPC().pc); }
+ bool hasReturnPC() const { return !!callerFrameAndPC().pc; }
+ void clearReturnPC() { callerFrameAndPC().pc = 0; }
+ static ptrdiff_t returnPCOffset() { return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(CallerFrameAndPC, pc); }
+ AbstractPC abstractReturnPC(VM& vm) { return AbstractPC(vm, this); }
+ class Location {
+ public:
+ static inline uint32_t decode(uint32_t bits);
+ static inline bool isBytecodeLocation(uint32_t bits);
+ static inline uint32_t encodeAsBytecodeOffset(uint32_t bits);
+ static inline uint32_t encodeAsBytecodeInstruction(Instruction*);
+ static inline bool isCodeOriginIndex(uint32_t bits);
+ static inline uint32_t encodeAsCodeOriginIndex(uint32_t bits);
+ private:
+ enum TypeTag {
+ BytecodeLocationTag = 0,
+ CodeOriginIndexTag = 1,
+ };
+ static inline uint32_t encode(TypeTag, uint32_t bits);
+ static const uint32_t s_mask = 0x1;
+ static const uint32_t s_shift = 31;
+ static const uint32_t s_shiftedMask = s_mask << s_shift;
+ static const uint32_t s_shift = 1;
+ };
+ bool hasLocationAsBytecodeOffset() const;
+ bool hasLocationAsCodeOriginIndex() const;
+ unsigned locationAsRawBits() const;
+ unsigned locationAsBytecodeOffset() const;
+ unsigned locationAsCodeOriginIndex() const;
+ void setLocationAsRawBits(unsigned);
+ void setLocationAsBytecodeOffset(unsigned);
+ unsigned bytecodeOffsetFromCodeOriginIndex();
- Instruction* returnVPC() const { return this[RegisterFile::ReturnPC].vPC(); }
+ // This will try to get you the bytecode offset, but you should be aware that
+ // this bytecode offset may be bogus in the presence of inlining. This will
+ // also return 0 if the call frame has no notion of bytecode offsets (for
+ // example if it's native code).
+ // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121754
+ unsigned bytecodeOffset();
+ // This will get you a CodeOrigin. It will always succeed. May return
+ // CodeOrigin(0) if we're in native code.
+ CodeOrigin codeOrigin();
+ Register* topOfFrame()
+ {
+ if (isVMEntrySentinel() || !codeBlock())
+ return registers();
+ return topOfFrameInternal();
+ }
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+ Instruction* currentVPC() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(!isVMEntrySentinel());
+ return bitwise_cast<Instruction*>(this[JSStack::ArgumentCount].tag());
+ }
+ void setCurrentVPC(Instruction* vpc)
+ {
+ ASSERT(!isVMEntrySentinel());
+ this[JSStack::ArgumentCount].tag() = bitwise_cast<int32_t>(vpc);
+ }
+ Instruction* currentVPC() const;
+ void setCurrentVPC(Instruction* vpc);
- void setCallerFrame(CallFrame* callerFrame) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[RegisterFile::CallerFrame] = callerFrame; }
- void setScopeChain(ScopeChainNode* scopeChain) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[RegisterFile::ScopeChain] = scopeChain; }
+ void setCallerFrame(CallFrame* frame) { callerFrameAndPC().callerFrame = frame; }
+ void setScope(JSScope* scope) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[JSStack::ScopeChain] = scope; }
+ void setActivation(JSActivation*);
- ALWAYS_INLINE void init(CodeBlock* codeBlock, Instruction* vPC, ScopeChainNode* scopeChain,
+ ALWAYS_INLINE void init(CodeBlock* codeBlock, Instruction* vPC, JSScope* scope,
CallFrame* callerFrame, int argc, JSObject* callee)
- ASSERT(callerFrame); // Use noCaller() rather than 0 for the outer host call frame caller.
- ASSERT(callerFrame == noCaller() || callerFrame->removeHostCallFrameFlag()->registerFile()->end() >= this);
+ ASSERT(callerFrame == noCaller() || callerFrame->isVMEntrySentinel() || callerFrame->stack()->containsAddress(this));
- setScopeChain(scopeChain);
+ setScope(scope);
setReturnPC(vPC); // This is either an Instruction* or a pointer into JIT generated code stored as an Instruction*.
setArgumentCountIncludingThis(argc); // original argument count (for the sake of the "arguments" object)
// Read a register from the codeframe (or constant from the CodeBlock).
- inline Register& r(int);
- // Read a register for a non-constant
- inline Register& uncheckedR(int);
+ Register& r(int);
+ // Read a register for a non-constant
+ Register& uncheckedR(int);
- // Access to arguments.
- int hostThisRegister() { return -RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - argumentCountIncludingThis(); }
- JSValue hostThisValue() { return this[hostThisRegister()].jsValue(); }
+ // Access to arguments as passed. (After capture, arguments may move to a different location.)
size_t argumentCount() const { return argumentCountIncludingThis() - 1; }
- size_t argumentCountIncludingThis() const { return this[RegisterFile::ArgumentCount].i(); }
- JSValue argument(int argumentNumber)
+ size_t argumentCountIncludingThis() const { return this[JSStack::ArgumentCount].payload(); }
+ static int argumentOffset(int argument) { return (JSStack::FirstArgument + argument); }
+ static int argumentOffsetIncludingThis(int argument) { return (JSStack::ThisArgument + argument); }
+ // In the following (argument() and setArgument()), the 'argument'
+ // parameter is the index of the arguments of the target function of
+ // this frame. The index starts at 0 for the first arg, 1 for the
+ // second, etc.
+ //
+ // The arguments (in this case) do not include the 'this' value.
+ // arguments(0) will not fetch the 'this' value. To get/set 'this',
+ // use thisValue() and setThisValue() below.
+ JSValue argument(size_t argument)
+ {
+ if (argument >= argumentCount())
+ return jsUndefined();
+ return getArgumentUnsafe(argument);
+ }
+ JSValue uncheckedArgument(size_t argument)
+ {
+ ASSERT(argument < argumentCount());
+ return getArgumentUnsafe(argument);
+ }
+ void setArgument(size_t argument, JSValue value)
- int argumentIndex = -RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize - this[RegisterFile::ArgumentCount].i() + argumentNumber + 1;
- if (argumentIndex >= -RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize)
- return jsUndefined();
- return this[argumentIndex].jsValue();
+ this[argumentOffset(argument)] = value;
- static CallFrame* noCaller() { return reinterpret_cast<CallFrame*>(HostCallFrameFlag); }
+ static int thisArgumentOffset() { return argumentOffsetIncludingThis(0); }
+ JSValue thisValue() { return this[thisArgumentOffset()].jsValue(); }
+ void setThisValue(JSValue value) { this[thisArgumentOffset()] = value; }
- bool hasHostCallFrameFlag() const { return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this) & HostCallFrameFlag; }
- CallFrame* addHostCallFrameFlag() const { return reinterpret_cast<CallFrame*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this) | HostCallFrameFlag); }
- CallFrame* removeHostCallFrameFlag() { return reinterpret_cast<CallFrame*>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this) & ~HostCallFrameFlag); }
+ JSValue argumentAfterCapture(size_t argument);
- void setArgumentCountIncludingThis(int count) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[RegisterFile::ArgumentCount] = Register::withInt(count); }
- void setCallee(JSObject* callee) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[RegisterFile::Callee] = Register::withCallee(callee); }
- void setCodeBlock(CodeBlock* codeBlock) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[RegisterFile::CodeBlock] = codeBlock; }
- void setReturnPC(void* value) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[RegisterFile::ReturnPC] = (Instruction*)value; }
+ static int offsetFor(size_t argumentCountIncludingThis) { return argumentCountIncludingThis + JSStack::ThisArgument - 1; }
+ static CallFrame* noCaller() { return 0; }
+ bool isVMEntrySentinel() const
+ {
+ return !!this && codeBlock() == vmEntrySentinelCodeBlock();
+ }
+ CallFrame* vmEntrySentinelCallerFrame() const
+ {
+ ASSERT(isVMEntrySentinel());
+ return this[JSStack::ScopeChain].callFrame();
+ }
+ void initializeVMEntrySentinelFrame(CallFrame* callFrame)
+ {
+ setCallerFrame(noCaller());
+ setReturnPC(0);
+ setCodeBlock(vmEntrySentinelCodeBlock());
+ static_cast<Register*>(this)[JSStack::ScopeChain] = callFrame;
+ setCallee(0);
+ setArgumentCountIncludingThis(0);
+ }
+ CallFrame* callerFrameSkippingVMEntrySentinel()
+ {
+ CallFrame* caller = callerFrame();
+ if (caller->isVMEntrySentinel())
+ return caller->vmEntrySentinelCallerFrame();
+ return caller;
+ }
+ void setArgumentCountIncludingThis(int count) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[JSStack::ArgumentCount].payload() = count; }
+ void setCallee(JSObject* callee) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[JSStack::Callee] = Register::withCallee(callee); }
+ void setCodeBlock(CodeBlock* codeBlock) { static_cast<Register*>(this)[JSStack::CodeBlock] = codeBlock; }
+ void setReturnPC(void* value) { callerFrameAndPC().pc = reinterpret_cast<Instruction*>(value); }
+ // CallFrame::iterate() expects a Functor that implements the following method:
+ // StackVisitor::Status operator()(StackVisitor&);
+ template <typename Functor> void iterate(Functor& functor)
+ {
+ StackVisitor::visit<Functor>(this, functor);
+ }
+ void dump(PrintStream&);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE const char* describeFrame();
- static const intptr_t HostCallFrameFlag = 1;
+ static const intptr_t s_VMEntrySentinel = 1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
- RegisterFile* registerFile();
+ JSStack* stack();
+ Register* topOfFrameInternal();
+ // The following are for internal use in debugging and verification
+ // code only and not meant as an API for general usage:
+ size_t argIndexForRegister(Register* reg)
+ {
+ // The register at 'offset' number of slots from the frame pointer
+ // i.e.
+ // reg = frame[offset];
+ // ==> reg = frame + offset;
+ // ==> offset = reg - frame;
+ int offset = reg - this->registers();
+ // The offset is defined (based on argumentOffset()) to be:
+ // offset = JSStack::FirstArgument - argIndex;
+ // Hence:
+ // argIndex = JSStack::FirstArgument - offset;
+ size_t argIndex = offset - JSStack::FirstArgument;
+ return argIndex;
+ }
+ JSValue getArgumentUnsafe(size_t argIndex)
+ {
+ // User beware! This method does not verify that there is a valid
+ // argument at the specified argIndex. This is used for debugging
+ // and verification code only. The caller is expected to know what
+ // he/she is doing when calling this method.
+ return this[argumentOffset(argIndex)].jsValue();
+ }
+ CallerFrameAndPC& callerFrameAndPC() { return *reinterpret_cast<CallerFrameAndPC*>(this); }
+ const CallerFrameAndPC& callerFrameAndPC() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const CallerFrameAndPC*>(this); }
+ static CodeBlock* vmEntrySentinelCodeBlock() { return reinterpret_cast<CodeBlock*>(s_VMEntrySentinel); }
+ friend class JSStack;
+ friend class VMInspector;
} // namespace JSC