#ifndef MarkStack_h
#define MarkStack_h
-#include "HandleTypes.h"
-#include "JSValue.h"
-#include "Register.h"
-#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
-#include <wtf/Vector.h>
-#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
-#include <wtf/OSAllocator.h>
-namespace JSC {
- class ConservativeRoots;
- class JSGlobalData;
- class Register;
- template<typename T> class WriteBarrierBase;
- template<typename T> class JITWriteBarrier;
- enum MarkSetProperties { MayContainNullValues, NoNullValues };
- class MarkStack {
- public:
- MarkStack(void* jsArrayVPtr)
- : m_jsArrayVPtr(jsArrayVPtr)
- , m_shouldUnlinkCalls(false)
- , m_isCheckingForDefaultMarkViolation(false)
- , m_isDraining(false)
- {
- }
- ~MarkStack()
- {
- ASSERT(m_markSets.isEmpty());
- ASSERT(m_values.isEmpty());
- }
- template<typename T> inline void append(JITWriteBarrier<T>*);
- template<typename T> inline void append(WriteBarrierBase<T>*);
- inline void appendValues(WriteBarrierBase<Unknown>*, size_t count, MarkSetProperties = NoNullValues);
- void append(ConservativeRoots&);
- bool addOpaqueRoot(void* root) { return m_opaqueRoots.add(root).second; }
- bool containsOpaqueRoot(void* root) { return m_opaqueRoots.contains(root); }
- int opaqueRootCount() { return m_opaqueRoots.size(); }
- void drain();
- void reset();
- bool shouldUnlinkCalls() const { return m_shouldUnlinkCalls; }
- void setShouldUnlinkCalls(bool shouldUnlinkCalls) { m_shouldUnlinkCalls = shouldUnlinkCalls; }
- private:
- friend class HeapRootVisitor; // Allowed to mark a JSValue* or JSCell** directly.
- static void validateSet(JSValue*, size_t);
- static void validateValue(JSValue);
- void append(JSValue*);
- void append(JSValue*, size_t count);
- void append(JSCell**);
- void internalAppend(JSCell*);
- void internalAppend(JSValue);
- void visitChildren(JSCell*);
- struct MarkSet {
- MarkSet(JSValue* values, JSValue* end, MarkSetProperties properties)
- : m_values(values)
- , m_end(end)
- , m_properties(properties)
- {
- ASSERT(values);
- }
- JSValue* m_values;
- JSValue* m_end;
- MarkSetProperties m_properties;
- };
- static void* allocateStack(size_t size) { return OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit(size); }
- static void releaseStack(void* addr, size_t size) { OSAllocator::decommitAndRelease(addr, size); }
- static void initializePagesize();
- static size_t pageSize()
- {
- if (!s_pageSize)
- initializePagesize();
- return s_pageSize;
- }
- template<typename T> struct MarkStackArray {
- MarkStackArray()
- : m_top(0)
- , m_allocated(MarkStack::pageSize())
- , m_capacity(m_allocated / sizeof(T))
- {
- m_data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(allocateStack(m_allocated));
- }
- ~MarkStackArray()
- {
- releaseStack(m_data, m_allocated);
- }
- void expand()
- {
- size_t oldAllocation = m_allocated;
- m_allocated *= 2;
- m_capacity = m_allocated / sizeof(T);
- void* newData = allocateStack(m_allocated);
- memcpy(newData, m_data, oldAllocation);
- releaseStack(m_data, oldAllocation);
- m_data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(newData);
- }
- inline void append(const T& v)
- {
- if (m_top == m_capacity)
- expand();
- m_data[m_top++] = v;
- }
- inline T removeLast()
- {
- ASSERT(m_top);
- return m_data[--m_top];
- }
- inline T& last()
- {
- ASSERT(m_top);
- return m_data[m_top - 1];
- }
- inline bool isEmpty()
- {
- return m_top == 0;
- }
- inline size_t size() { return m_top; }
- inline void shrinkAllocation(size_t size)
- {
- ASSERT(size <= m_allocated);
- ASSERT(0 == (size % MarkStack::pageSize()));
- if (size == m_allocated)
- return;
- // We cannot release a part of a region with VirtualFree. To get around this,
- // we'll release the entire region and reallocate the size that we want.
- releaseStack(m_data, m_allocated);
- m_data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(allocateStack(size));
+#define MARK_LOG_MESSAGE0(message) dataLogF(message)
+#define MARK_LOG_MESSAGE1(message, arg1) dataLogF(message, arg1)
+#define MARK_LOG_MESSAGE2(message, arg1, arg2) dataLogF(message, arg1, arg2)
+#define MARK_LOG_ROOT(visitor, rootName) \
+ dataLogF("\n%s: ", rootName); \
+ (visitor).resetChildCount()
+#define MARK_LOG_PARENT(visitor, parent) \
+ dataLogF("\n%p (%s): ", parent, parent->className() ? parent->className() : "unknown"); \
+ (visitor).resetChildCount()
+#define MARK_LOG_CHILD(visitor, child) \
+ if ((visitor).childCount()) \
+ dataLogFString(", "); \
+ dataLogF("%p", child); \
+ (visitor).incrementChildCount()
- releaseStack(reinterpret_cast<char*>(m_data) + size, m_allocated - size);
+#define MARK_LOG_MESSAGE0(message) do { } while (false)
+#define MARK_LOG_MESSAGE1(message, arg1) do { } while (false)
+#define MARK_LOG_MESSAGE2(message, arg1, arg2) do { } while (false)
+#define MARK_LOG_ROOT(visitor, rootName) do { } while (false)
+#define MARK_LOG_PARENT(visitor, parent) do { } while (false)
+#define MARK_LOG_CHILD(visitor, child) do { } while (false)
- m_allocated = size;
- m_capacity = m_allocated / sizeof(T);
- }
- private:
- size_t m_top;
- size_t m_allocated;
- size_t m_capacity;
- T* m_data;
- };
- void* m_jsArrayVPtr;
- MarkStackArray<MarkSet> m_markSets;
- MarkStackArray<JSCell*> m_values;
- static size_t s_pageSize;
- HashSet<void*> m_opaqueRoots; // Handle-owning data structures not visible to the garbage collector.
- bool m_shouldUnlinkCalls;
+#include "HeapBlock.h"
+#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
- public:
- bool m_isCheckingForDefaultMarkViolation;
- bool m_isDraining;
- };
+namespace JSC {
- typedef MarkStack SlotVisitor;
+class BlockAllocator;
+class DeadBlock;
+class JSCell;
- inline void MarkStack::append(JSValue* slot, size_t count)
- {
- if (!count)
- return;
- validateSet(slot, count);
+class MarkStackSegment : public HeapBlock<MarkStackSegment> {
+ MarkStackSegment(Region* region)
+ : HeapBlock<MarkStackSegment>(region)
+ , m_top(0)
- m_markSets.append(MarkSet(slot, slot + count, NoNullValues));
- }
- ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkStack::append(JSValue* value)
- ASSERT(value);
- internalAppend(*value);
- ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkStack::append(JSCell** value)
+ static MarkStackSegment* create(DeadBlock*);
+ const JSCell** data()
- ASSERT(value);
- internalAppend(*value);
+ return bitwise_cast<const JSCell**>(this + 1);
- ALWAYS_INLINE void MarkStack::internalAppend(JSValue value)
- {
- ASSERT(value);
- validateValue(value);
+ static const size_t blockSize = 4 * KB;
+ size_t m_top;
- if (value.isCell())
- internalAppend(value.asCell());
- }
- // Privileged class for marking JSValues directly. It is only safe to use
- // this class to mark direct heap roots that are marked during every GC pass.
- // All other references should be wrapped in WriteBarriers and marked through
- // the MarkStack.
- class HeapRootVisitor {
- private:
- friend class Heap;
- HeapRootVisitor(SlotVisitor&);
- public:
- void mark(JSValue*);
- void mark(JSValue*, size_t);
- void mark(JSString**);
- void mark(JSCell**);
- SlotVisitor& visitor();
+class MarkStackArray {
+ MarkStackArray(BlockAllocator&);
+ ~MarkStackArray();
- private:
- SlotVisitor& m_visitor;
- };
+ void append(const JSCell*);
- inline HeapRootVisitor::HeapRootVisitor(SlotVisitor& visitor)
- : m_visitor(visitor)
- {
- }
+ bool canRemoveLast();
+ const JSCell* removeLast();
+ bool refill();
+ void donateSomeCellsTo(MarkStackArray& other);
+ void stealSomeCellsFrom(MarkStackArray& other, size_t idleThreadCount);
- inline void HeapRootVisitor::mark(JSValue* slot)
- {
- m_visitor.append(slot);
- }
+ size_t size();
+ bool isEmpty();
- inline void HeapRootVisitor::mark(JSValue* slot, size_t count)
- {
- m_visitor.append(slot, count);
- }
+ template <size_t size> struct CapacityFromSize {
+ static const size_t value = (size - sizeof(MarkStackSegment)) / sizeof(const JSCell*);
+ };
- inline void HeapRootVisitor::mark(JSString** slot)
- {
- m_visitor.append(reinterpret_cast<JSCell**>(slot));
- }
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void expand();
+ size_t postIncTop();
+ size_t preDecTop();
+ void setTopForFullSegment();
+ void setTopForEmptySegment();
+ size_t top();
+ void validatePrevious();
- inline void HeapRootVisitor::mark(JSCell** slot)
- {
- m_visitor.append(slot);
- }
+ DoublyLinkedList<MarkStackSegment> m_segments;
+ BlockAllocator& m_blockAllocator;
- inline SlotVisitor& HeapRootVisitor::visitor()
- {
- return m_visitor;
- }
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static const size_t s_segmentCapacity = CapacityFromSize<MarkStackSegment::blockSize>::value;
+ size_t m_top;
+ size_t m_numberOfSegments;
} // namespace JSC