# Paul Hsieh's SuperFastHash
# http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html
-# Ported from UString..
sub hashValue($) {
my @chars = split(/ */, $_[0]);
# Handle end case
- if ($rem !=0) {
+ if ($rem != 0) {
$hash += ord($chars[$s]);
$hash ^= (leftShift($hash, 11)% $EXP2_32);
$hash += $hash >> 17;
$hash += ($hash >> 15);
$hash = $hash% $EXP2_32;
$hash ^= (leftShift($hash, 10)% $EXP2_32);
- # this avoids ever returning a hash code of 0, since that is used to
- # signal "hash not computed yet", using a value that is likely to be
- # effectively the same as 0 when the low bits are masked
- $hash = 0x80000000 if ($hash == 0);
+ # Save 8 bits for StringImpl to use as flags.
+ $hash &= 0xffffff;
+ # This avoids ever returning a hash code of 0, since that is used to
+ # signal "hash not computed yet". Setting the high bit maintains
+ # reasonable fidelity to a hash code of 0 because it is likely to yield
+ # exactly 0 when hash lookup masks out the high bits.
+ $hash = (0x80000000 >> 8) if ($hash == 0);
return $hash;
print "\nnamespace JSC {\n";
my $count = scalar @keys + 1;
- print "#if ENABLE(JIT)\n";
- print "#define THUNK_GENERATOR(generator) , generator\n";
- print "#else\n";
- print "#define THUNK_GENERATOR(generator)\n";
- print "#endif\n";
print "\nstatic const struct HashTableValue ${nameEntries}\[$count\] = {\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $key (@keys) {
$firstValue = $values[$i]{"value"};
$secondValue = "0";
- my $thunkGenerator = "0";
- if ($key eq "charCodeAt") {
- $thunkGenerator = "charCodeAtThunkGenerator";
- }
- if ($key eq "charAt") {
- $thunkGenerator = "charAtThunkGenerator";
- }
- if ($key eq "sqrt") {
- $thunkGenerator = "sqrtThunkGenerator";
+ my $intrinsic = "NoIntrinsic";
+ $intrinsic = "FromCharCodeIntrinsic" if ($key eq "fromCharCode");
+ if ($name eq "mathTable") {
+ $intrinsic = "MinIntrinsic" if ($key eq "min");
+ $intrinsic = "MaxIntrinsic" if ($key eq "max");
+ $intrinsic = "SqrtIntrinsic" if ($key eq "sqrt");
+ $intrinsic = "PowIntrinsic" if ($key eq "pow");
+ $intrinsic = "AbsIntrinsic" if ($key eq "abs");
+ $intrinsic = "FloorIntrinsic" if ($key eq "floor");
+ $intrinsic = "CeilIntrinsic" if ($key eq "ceil");
+ $intrinsic = "RoundIntrinsic" if ($key eq "round");
+ $intrinsic = "ExpIntrinsic" if ($key eq "exp");
+ $intrinsic = "LogIntrinsic" if ($key eq "log");
+ $intrinsic = "IMulIntrinsic" if ($key eq "imul");
- if ($key eq "pow") {
- $thunkGenerator = "powThunkGenerator";
+ if ($name eq "arrayPrototypeTable") {
+ $intrinsic = "ArrayPushIntrinsic" if ($key eq "push");
+ $intrinsic = "ArrayPopIntrinsic" if ($key eq "pop");
- if ($key eq "fromCharCode") {
- $thunkGenerator = "fromCharCodeThunkGenerator";
+ if ($name eq "regExpPrototypeTable") {
+ $intrinsic = "RegExpExecIntrinsic" if ($key eq "exec");
+ $intrinsic = "RegExpTestIntrinsic" if ($key eq "test");
- print " { \"$key\", $attrs[$i], (intptr_t)" . $castStr . "($firstValue), (intptr_t)$secondValue THUNK_GENERATOR($thunkGenerator) },\n";
+ print " { \"$key\", $attrs[$i], (intptr_t)" . $castStr . "($firstValue), (intptr_t)$secondValue, $intrinsic },\n";
- print " { 0, 0, 0, 0 THUNK_GENERATOR(0) }\n";
+ print " { 0, 0, 0, 0, NoIntrinsic }\n";
print "};\n\n";
- print "#undef THUNK_GENERATOR\n";
- print "extern JSC_CONST_HASHTABLE HashTable $name =\n";
+ print "extern const struct HashTable $name =\n";
print " \{ $compactSize, $compactHashSizeMask, $nameEntries, 0 \};\n";
print "} // namespace\n";