#include "ArgList.h"
#include "JSCell.h"
+#include "JSFunction.h"
#include "JSValue.h"
#include "JSObject.h"
+#include "LLIntData.h"
#include "Opcode.h"
#include "RegisterFile.h"
class CodeBlock;
class EvalExecutable;
+ class ExecutableBase;
class FunctionExecutable;
- class JSFunction;
class JSGlobalObject;
+ class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
class ProgramExecutable;
class Register;
class ScopeChainNode;
+ enum StackFrameCodeType {
+ StackFrameGlobalCode,
+ StackFrameEvalCode,
+ StackFrameFunctionCode,
+ StackFrameNativeCode
+ };
+ struct StackFrame {
+ Strong<JSObject> callee;
+ StackFrameCodeType codeType;
+ Strong<ExecutableBase> executable;
+ int line;
+ UString sourceURL;
+ UString toString(CallFrame* callFrame) const
+ {
+ bool hasSourceURLInfo = !sourceURL.isNull() && !sourceURL.isEmpty();
+ bool hasLineInfo = line > -1;
+ String traceLine;
+ JSObject* stackFrameCallee = callee.get();
+ switch (codeType) {
+ case StackFrameEvalCode:
+ if (hasSourceURLInfo) {
+ traceLine = hasLineInfo ? String::format("eval code@%s:%d", sourceURL.ascii().data(), line)
+ : String::format("eval code@%s", sourceURL.ascii().data());
+ } else
+ traceLine = String::format("eval code");
+ break;
+ case StackFrameNativeCode: {
+ if (callee) {
+ UString functionName = getCalculatedDisplayName(callFrame, stackFrameCallee);
+ traceLine = String::format("%s@[native code]", functionName.ascii().data());
+ } else
+ traceLine = "[native code]";
+ break;
+ }
+ case StackFrameFunctionCode: {
+ UString functionName = getCalculatedDisplayName(callFrame, stackFrameCallee);
+ if (hasSourceURLInfo) {
+ traceLine = hasLineInfo ? String::format("%s@%s:%d", functionName.ascii().data(), sourceURL.ascii().data(), line)
+ : String::format("%s@%s", functionName.ascii().data(), sourceURL.ascii().data());
+ } else
+ traceLine = String::format("%s\n", functionName.ascii().data());
+ break;
+ }
+ case StackFrameGlobalCode:
+ if (hasSourceURLInfo) {
+ traceLine = hasLineInfo ? String::format("global code@%s:%d", sourceURL.ascii().data(), line)
+ : String::format("global code@%s", sourceURL.ascii().data());
+ } else
+ traceLine = String::format("global code");
+ }
+ return traceLine.impl();
+ }
+ };
+ class TopCallFrameSetter {
+ public:
+ TopCallFrameSetter(JSGlobalData& global, CallFrame* callFrame)
+ : globalData(global)
+ , oldCallFrame(global.topCallFrame)
+ {
+ global.topCallFrame = callFrame;
+ }
+ ~TopCallFrameSetter()
+ {
+ globalData.topCallFrame = oldCallFrame;
+ }
+ private:
+ JSGlobalData& globalData;
+ CallFrame* oldCallFrame;
+ };
+ class NativeCallFrameTracer {
+ public:
+ ALWAYS_INLINE NativeCallFrameTracer(JSGlobalData* global, CallFrame* callFrame)
+ {
+ ASSERT(global);
+ ASSERT(callFrame);
+ global->topCallFrame = callFrame;
+ }
+ };
// We use a smaller reentrancy limit on iPhone because of the high amount of
// stack space required on the web thread.
- enum { MaxLargeThreadReentryDepth = 93, MaxSmallThreadReentryDepth = 32 };
+ enum { MaxLargeThreadReentryDepth = 64, MaxSmallThreadReentryDepth = 16 };
class Interpreter {
- friend class JIT;
friend class CachedCall;
+ friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
+ friend class JIT;
- Interpreter(JSGlobalData&);
+ Interpreter();
+ ~Interpreter();
+ void initialize(LLInt::Data*, bool canUseJIT);
RegisterFile& registerFile() { return m_registerFile; }
Opcode getOpcode(OpcodeID id)
- return m_opcodeTable[id];
- #else
- return id;
- #endif
+ ASSERT(m_initialized);
+ return m_opcodeTable[id];
+ return id;
OpcodeID getOpcodeID(Opcode opcode)
- ASSERT(isOpcode(opcode));
- return m_opcodeIDTable.get(opcode);
- #else
- return opcode;
- #endif
+ ASSERT(m_initialized);
+ ASSERT(isOpcode(opcode));
+ return m_opcodeIDTable.get(opcode);
+ ASSERT(isOpcode(opcode));
+ if (!m_classicEnabled)
+ return static_cast<OpcodeID>(bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(opcode));
+ return m_opcodeIDTable.get(opcode);
+ return opcode;
+ }
+ bool classicEnabled()
+ {
+ return m_classicEnabled;
bool isOpcode(Opcode);
JSValue execute(ProgramExecutable*, CallFrame*, ScopeChainNode*, JSObject* thisObj);
JSValue executeCall(CallFrame*, JSObject* function, CallType, const CallData&, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList&);
JSObject* executeConstruct(CallFrame*, JSObject* function, ConstructType, const ConstructData&, const ArgList&);
- JSValue execute(EvalExecutable* evalNode, CallFrame* exec, JSObject* thisObj, ScopeChainNode* scopeChain);
+ JSValue execute(EvalExecutable*, CallFrame*, JSValue thisValue, ScopeChainNode*);
+ JSValue execute(EvalExecutable*, CallFrame*, JSValue thisValue, ScopeChainNode*, int globalRegisterOffset);
- JSValue retrieveArguments(CallFrame*, JSFunction*) const;
- JSValue retrieveCaller(CallFrame*, JSFunction*) const;
- void retrieveLastCaller(CallFrame*, int& lineNumber, intptr_t& sourceID, UString& sourceURL, JSValue& function) const;
+ JSValue retrieveArgumentsFromVMCode(CallFrame*, JSFunction*) const;
+ JSValue retrieveCallerFromVMCode(CallFrame*, JSFunction*) const;
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void retrieveLastCaller(CallFrame*, int& lineNumber, intptr_t& sourceID, UString& sourceURL, JSValue& function) const;
void getArgumentsData(CallFrame*, JSFunction*&, ptrdiff_t& firstParameterIndex, Register*& argv, int& argc);
SamplingTool* sampler() { return m_sampler.get(); }
- NEVER_INLINE JSValue callEval(CallFrame*, RegisterFile*, Register* argv, int argc, int registerOffset);
NEVER_INLINE HandlerInfo* throwException(CallFrame*&, JSValue&, unsigned bytecodeOffset);
NEVER_INLINE void debug(CallFrame*, DebugHookID, int firstLine, int lastLine);
+ static const UString getTraceLine(CallFrame*, StackFrameCodeType, const UString&, int);
+ JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void getStackTrace(JSGlobalData*, Vector<StackFrame>& results);
+ static void addStackTraceIfNecessary(CallFrame*, JSObject* error);
void dumpSampleData(ExecState* exec);
void startSampling();
enum ExecutionFlag { Normal, InitializeAndReturn };
- CallFrameClosure prepareForRepeatCall(FunctionExecutable*, CallFrame*, JSFunction*, int argCount, ScopeChainNode*);
+ CallFrameClosure prepareForRepeatCall(FunctionExecutable*, CallFrame*, JSFunction*, int argumentCountIncludingThis, ScopeChainNode*);
void endRepeatCall(CallFrameClosure&);
JSValue execute(CallFrameClosure&);
- JSValue execute(EvalExecutable*, CallFrame*, JSObject* thisObject, int globalRegisterOffset, ScopeChainNode*);
NEVER_INLINE bool resolve(CallFrame*, Instruction*, JSValue& exceptionValue);
NEVER_INLINE bool resolveSkip(CallFrame*, Instruction*, JSValue& exceptionValue);
NEVER_INLINE bool resolveGlobal(CallFrame*, Instruction*, JSValue& exceptionValue);
NEVER_INLINE bool resolveGlobalDynamic(CallFrame*, Instruction*, JSValue& exceptionValue);
NEVER_INLINE void resolveBase(CallFrame*, Instruction* vPC);
NEVER_INLINE bool resolveBaseAndProperty(CallFrame*, Instruction*, JSValue& exceptionValue);
+ NEVER_INLINE bool resolveThisAndProperty(CallFrame*, Instruction*, JSValue& exceptionValue);
NEVER_INLINE ScopeChainNode* createExceptionScope(CallFrame*, const Instruction* vPC);
void tryCacheGetByID(CallFrame*, CodeBlock*, Instruction*, JSValue baseValue, const Identifier& propertyName, const PropertySlot&);
void uncacheGetByID(CodeBlock*, Instruction* vPC);
void tryCachePutByID(CallFrame*, CodeBlock*, Instruction*, JSValue baseValue, const PutPropertySlot&);
void uncachePutByID(CodeBlock*, Instruction* vPC);
NEVER_INLINE bool unwindCallFrame(CallFrame*&, JSValue, unsigned& bytecodeOffset, CodeBlock*&);
static ALWAYS_INLINE CallFrame* slideRegisterWindowForCall(CodeBlock*, RegisterFile*, CallFrame*, size_t registerOffset, int argc);
- static CallFrame* findFunctionCallFrame(CallFrame*, JSFunction*);
+ static CallFrame* findFunctionCallFrameFromVMCode(CallFrame*, JSFunction*);
JSValue privateExecute(ExecutionFlag, RegisterFile*, CallFrame*);
RegisterFile m_registerFile;
+ Opcode* m_opcodeTable; // Maps OpcodeID => Opcode for compiling
+ HashMap<Opcode, OpcodeID> m_opcodeIDTable; // Maps Opcode => OpcodeID for decompiling
Opcode m_opcodeTable[numOpcodeIDs]; // Maps OpcodeID => Opcode for compiling
HashMap<Opcode, OpcodeID> m_opcodeIDTable; // Maps Opcode => OpcodeID for decompiling
+ bool m_initialized;
+ bool m_classicEnabled;
+ // This value must not be an object that would require this conversion (WebCore's global object).
+ inline bool isValidThisObject(JSValue thisValue, ExecState* exec)
+ {
+ return !thisValue.isObject() || thisValue.toThisObject(exec) == thisValue;
+ }
+ inline JSValue Interpreter::execute(EvalExecutable* eval, CallFrame* callFrame, JSValue thisValue, ScopeChainNode* scopeChain)
+ {
+ return execute(eval, callFrame, thisValue, scopeChain, m_registerFile.size() + 1 + RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderSize);
+ }
+ JSValue eval(CallFrame*);
+ CallFrame* loadVarargs(CallFrame*, RegisterFile*, JSValue thisValue, JSValue arguments, int firstFreeRegister);
} // namespace JSC
#endif // Interpreter_h