#include <varargs.h>
-#include <syslog.h>
+#include <asl.h>
+#include <sys/queue.h>
+#include <SystemConfiguration/SCPreferences.h>
- * INFO: begin negotiation, SA establishment/deletion/expiration.
- * NOTIFY: just notifiable.
- * WARNING: not error strictly.
- * ERROR: system call error. also invalid parameter/format.
- * ERROR2: error causing exit - to be logged to syslog.
- * DEBUG1: debugging informatioin.
- * DEBUG2: too more verbose. e.g. parsing config.
- */
-#define LLV_INFO 1
-#define LLV_NOTIFY 2
-#define LLV_WARNING 3
-#define LLV_ERROR 4
-#define LLV_ERROR2 5
-#define LLV_DEBUG 6
-#define LLV_DEBUG2 7
-#define LLV_BASE 5 /* always logging less than or equal to this value. */
extern char *pname;
extern u_int32_t loglevel;
extern int f_foreground;
extern int print_location;
+extern char *logfile;
+extern char logFileStr[];
+extern char *gSessId;
+extern char *gSessType;
+extern char *gSessVer;
+extern aslclient logRef;
+struct sockaddr_storage;
+typedef enum clog_err_op {
+} clog_err_op_t;
+typedef struct clog_err {
+ int clog_err_level; /* will be used for filtering */
+ int clog_err_code; /* internal code */
+ char *client_id;
+ char *client_type;
+ char *description;
+ int description_len;
+ const char *function;
+ const char *line;
+ // add a CFErrorRef for global error code (i.e. number-space)
+ TAILQ_HEAD(_chain_head, clog_err) chain_head;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(clog_err) chain;
+} clog_err_t;
+extern const char *plog_facility;
+extern const char *plog_session_id;
+extern const char *plog_session_type;
+extern const char *plog_session_ver;
+extern void clog_func (clog_err_t *, clog_err_op_t, int, const char *, const char *, const char *, ...);
+extern void plogdump_asl (aslmsg, int, const char *, ...);
+extern void plogdump_func (int, void *, size_t, const char *, ...);
+extern void plogcf(int priority, CFStringRef fmt, ...);
+#define clog(cerr, cerr_op, pri, fmt, args...) do { \
+ if (pri <= loglevel) { \
+ clog_func(cerr, cerr_op, pri, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fmt, ##args); \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+#define plog(pri, fmt, args...) do { \
+ if (pri <= loglevel) { \
+ aslmsg m; \
+ if ((m = asl_new(ASL_TYPE_MSG))) { \
+ asl_set(m, ASL_KEY_FACILITY, plog_facility); \
+ if (gSessId) \
+ asl_set(m, plog_session_id, gSessId); \
+ if (gSessType) \
+ asl_set(m, plog_session_type, gSessType); \
+ if (gSessVer) \
+ asl_set(m, plog_session_ver, gSessVer); \
+ asl_log(logRef, m, pri, fmt, ##args); \
+ asl_free(m); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+#define plogdump(pri, buf, len, fmt, args...) do { \
+ if (pri <= loglevel) { \
+ plogdump_func(pri, buf, len, fmt, ##args); \
+ } \
+ } while(0)
+void ploginit(void);
+void plogreadprefs (void);
+void plogsetfile (char *);
+void plogresetfile (char *);
+int ploggetlevel(void);
+void plogsetlevel (int);
+void plogresetlevel (void);
+void plogsetlevelstr (char *);
+void plogsetlevelquotedstr (char *);
-struct sockaddr;
-extern void plog_func __P((int, const char *, struct sockaddr *, const char *, ...))
- __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 4, 5)));
-extern void plogv __P((int, const char *, struct sockaddr *,
- const char *, va_list *));
-extern void plogdump __P((int, void *, size_t));
-extern void ploginit __P((void));
-extern void plogset __P((char *));
-extern char* binsanitize __P((char*, size_t));
-#define plog(pri, func, sa, fmt, args...) do { \
- if (pri <= loglevel) { \
- plog_func(pri, func, sa, fmt, ##args); \
- } \
- } while(0)
-extern void plogmtxinit __P((void));
+// Called at the beginning of any dispatch event to initialize the logger with protocol client info
+void plogsetsessioninfo (const char *session_id,
+ const char *session_type,
+ const char *session_ver);
#endif /* _PLOG_H */