-source file testdata.cpp, which contains the expected results of
-letest. Unless you have changed your copy of the LayoutEngine and want
-to validate the changes on other platforms, there's no reason for you
-to run this program. </p>
-<p>(The ICU team first runs a Windows application which uses the ICU
-LayoutEngine to display the text that letest uses. Once it has been
-verified that the text is displayed correctly, gendata is run to
-testdata.cpp, and then letest is run on Windows to verify that letest
-still works with the new data.) <br>
- </p>
-<h2> How do I build letest?</h2>
-First, you need to build ICU, including the LayoutEngine.
-<p>On Windows, the layout project should be listed as a dependency of
-all, so layout will build when you build all. If it doesn't for some
-reason, just select the layout project in the project toolbar and build
-it. </p>
-<p>On UNIX systems, you need to add the "--enable-layout=yes" option
-when you invoke the runConfigureICU script. When you've done that,
-layout should build when you do "make all install" </p>
-<p>To build letest on Windows, just open the letest project in
-<icu>\source\test\letest and build it. On UNIX systems, connect
-<top-build-dir>/test/letest and do "make all" <br>
- </p>
-<h2> How do I run letest?</h2>
-Before you can run letest, you'll need to get the fonts it uses. For
-legal reasons, we can't include them with ICU, but you can download
-from the web. To do this, you'll need access to a computer running
-Windows. Here's how to get the fonts:
-<p>Download a recent version of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
-(J2SE) from <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se.index.jsp">java.sun.com</a>.
-From this page, follow the link for the version you want to download,
-and then select the "Downloads" link on the left side of the page.
-Select either the SDK or the JRE. (The JRE is sufficient for letest.)
-Read the license agreement and click on "Accept" if you agree. This
-will take you to the actual download page. Download the package and
-install it. You'll need one font. On Windows, it will be in, for
-example, "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06/jre/lib/fonts. The file you want is
-"LucidaSansRegular.ttf". Copy this file into the directory from which
-you'll run letest.<br>
-<p>Next is the Hindi font. Go to the NCST site and download <a
- href="http://rohini.ncst.ernet.in/indix/download/font/raghu.ttf">
-raghu.ttf</a>. Be sure to look at the <a
- href="http://rohini.ncst.ernet.in/indix/download/font/README">README</a>
-file before you download the font. You can download raghu.ttf into the
-directory from which you'll run letest.<br>
-<p>Then download the Thai font. Go to <a
- href="http://www.into-asia.com/thai_language/thaifont/">into-asia.com</a>
-and click on the link for the Angsana font. This will download a .ZIP
-file. Extract the font file, angsd___.ttf, into the directory from
-which you will run letest.<br>
-<p>There's still one more font to get, the Code2000 Unicode font.Go to
-James Kass' <a href="http://home.att.net/%7Ejameskass/">Unicode
-Support In Your Browser</a> page and click on the link that says "Click
-Here to download Code2000 shareware demo Unicode font." This will
-download a .ZIP file which contains CODE2000.TTF and CODE2000.HTM.
-Expand this .ZIP file and put the CODE2000.TTF file in the directory
-from which you'll run letest.<br>
-<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span> The Code2000 font is
-shareware. If you want to use it for longer than a trial period, you
-should send a shareware fee to James. Directions for how to do this are
-in CODE2000.HTM.</p>
-<p>That's it! Now all you have to do is run letest (CTRL+F5 in Visual
-C++, or "./letest" in UNIX) If everything's OK you should see
-something like this: </p>
-<blockquote><tt>Test 0, font = raghu.ttf... passed.</tt> <br>
- <tt>Test 1, font = CODE2000.TTF... passed.</tt> <br>
- <tt>Test 2, font = LucidaSansRegular.ttf... passed.</tt> <br>
- <tt>Test 3, font = angsd___.ttf... passed.</tt></blockquote>
+file letest.xml which contains the test cases. Unless you have
+changed your copy of the LayoutEngine and want to validate the
+changes on other platforms, there's no reason for you to run this
+<p>(The ICU team first runs a Windows application which uses the
+ICU LayoutEngine to display the text that letest uses. Once it has
+been verified that the text is displayed correctly, gendata is run
+to produce letest.xml, and then letest is run on Windows to verify
+that letest still works with the new data.)<br></p>
+<h2>How do I build letest?</h2>
+First, you need to build ICU, including the LayoutEngine.
+<p>On Windows, letest is part of the allinone project, so a normal
+build of ICU will also build letest. On UNIX systems, connect to
+<top-build-dir>/test/letest and do "make all" .<br></p>
+<h2>How do I run letest?</h2>
+Before you can run letest, you'll need to get the fonts it uses.
+For legal reasons, we can't include most of them with ICU, but you
+can download them from the web. To do this, you'll need access to a
+computer running Windows. All of the fonts should be stored in
+<icu>/source/test/testdata. Here's how to get the fonts:
+<p>Download a recent version of the Java 2 Platform, Standard
+Edition (J2SE) from <a href=
+Click on the "Download" button for the version of Java that you
+want to download. The page offers both JDKs and JREs. (The JRE is
+sufficient for letest.) The download page will have a link to the
+license agreement. Be sure to read and understand the license
+agreement, and then click on the Accept button. Download the
+package and install it. You'll need one font. On Windows, it will
+be in, for example, "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\jre\lib\fonts".
+The file you want is "LucidaSansRegular.ttf". Copy this file into
+the directory from which you'll run letest.<br></p>
+<p>Next is the Hindi font. Go to the NCST site and download
+<a href="http://tdil.mit.gov.in/download/Raghu.htm">raghu.ttf</a>.
+When you hit the DOWNLOAD button on the page, it will open another
+window which contains a disclaimer and a license agreement. Be sure
+that you understand and agree to all of this before you download
+the font. You can download raghu.ttf into the directory from which
+you'll run letest.<br></p>
+<p>Then download the Thai font. Go to <a href=
+and click on the link for the Angsana font. This will download a
+.ZIP file. Extract the font file, angsd___.ttf, into the directory
+from which you will run letest.<br></p>
+<p>There's still one more font to get, the Code2000 Unicode font.
+Go to James Kass' <a href="http://www.code2000.net/">Unicode
+Support In Your Browser</a> page and click on the link that says
+"Click Here to download Code2000 shareware demo Unicode font." This
+will download a .ZIP file which contains CODE2000.TTF and
+CODE2000.HTM. Expand this .ZIP file and put the CODE2000.TTF file
+in the directory from which you'll run letest.<br></p>
+<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Note:</span> The Code2000 font
+is shareware. If you want to use it for longer than a trial period,
+you should send a shareware fee to James. Directions for how to do
+this are in CODE2000.HTM.</p>
+<p>letest.xml references three other fonts:</p>
+<li>ARIALUNI.TTF is Microsoft's Arial Unicode MS font, which is
+distributed with Microsoft Office and is licensed only for use on
+the Windows operating system.</li>
+<li>Devamt.ttf is a proprietary font which cannot be freely
+<li>TestFont1.otf is included with ICU.</li>
+To run letest type CTRL+F5 in Visual Studio, or "make check" in
+UNIX. If everything's OK you should see something like this:
+<blockquote><tt> /<br>
+ /api/<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/api/ParameterTest<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/api/FactoryTest<br>
+ /layout/<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/layout/AccessTest<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/layout/DataDrivenTest<br>
+ /c_api/<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/c_api/ParameterTest<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/c_api/FactoryTest<br>
+ /c_layout/<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/c_layout/AccessTest<br>
+ ---[OK] ---/c_layout/DataDrivenTest<br>
+[All tests passed successfully...]<br>
+Elapsed Time: 00:00:00.351<br></tt></blockquote>
+If letest cannot open a font, it will print a warning message and
+skip the test. letest will also check the version of the font you
+have to make sure it's the same one that was used to generate the
+test case. If the version doesn't match, letest will print a
+warning message and proceed with the test.<br>