- * Copyright (c) 1997-2006, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
static void TestExtremeDates(void);
static void TestAllLocales(void);
+static void TestRelativeCrash(void);
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
void addDateForTest(TestNode** root)
+ TESTCASE(TestRelativeDateFormat);
+ TESTCASE(TestRelativeCrash);
/* Testing the DateFormat API */
static void TestDateFormat()
UChar* result = NULL;
const UCalendar *cal;
const UNumberFormat *numformat1, *numformat2;
- UChar temp[30];
+ UChar temp[50];
int32_t numlocales;
UDate d1;
int i;
log_verbose("PASS: formatting successful\n");
if(u_strcmp(result, temp)==0)
- log_verbose("PASS: Date Format for US locale successful uisng udat_format()\n");
+ log_verbose("PASS: Date Format for US locale successful using udat_format()\n");
log_err("FAIL: Date Format for US locale failed using udat_format()\n");
/*format using fr */
- u_unescape("10 juil. 96 16 h 05 HAP (\\u00c9UA)", temp, 30);
+ u_unescape("10 juil. 1996 16:05:28 \\u00C9tats-Unis (Los Angeles)", temp, 50);
if(result != NULL) {
result = NULL;
if(u_strcmp(result, temp)==0)
log_verbose("PASS: Date Format for french locale successful using udat_format()\n");
- log_data_err("FAIL: Date Format for french locale failed using udat_format(). Expected:\n");
+ log_data_err("FAIL: Date Format for french locale failed using udat_format().\n" );
/*format using it */
- u_uastrcpy(temp, "10/lug/96 16:05:28");
+ u_uastrcpy(temp, "10/lug/1996 16.05.28");
- if(u_strcmp(myDateFormat(it,d), temp)==0)
- log_verbose("PASS: Date Format for italian locale successful uisng udat_format()\n");
- else
- log_data_err("FAIL: Date Format for italian locale failed using udat_format()\n");
+ {
+ UChar *fmtted;
+ char g[100];
+ char x[100];
+ fmtted = myDateFormat(it,d);
+ u_austrcpy(g, fmtted);
+ u_austrcpy(x, temp);
+ if(u_strcmp(fmtted, temp)==0) {
+ log_verbose("PASS: Date Format for italian locale successful uisng udat_format() - wanted %s, got %s\n", x, g);
+ } else {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: Date Format for italian locale failed using udat_format() - wanted %s, got %s\n", x, g);
+ }
+ }
/*Testing parsing using udat_parse()*/
log_verbose("\nTesting parsing using udat_parse()\n");
+Test combined relative date formatting (relative date + non-relative time).
+This is a bit tricky since we can't have static test data for comparison, the
+relative date formatting is relative to the time the tests are run. We generate
+the data for comparison dynamically. However, the tests could fail if they are
+run right at midnight Pacific time and the call to ucal_getNow() is before midnight
+while the calls to udat_format are after midnight or span midnight.
+static const UDate dayInterval = 24.0*60.0*60.0*1000.0;
+static const UChar trdfZone[] = { 0x0055, 0x0053, 0x002F, 0x0050, 0x0061, 0x0063, 0x0069, 0x0066, 0x0069, 0x0063, 0 }; /* US/Pacific */
+static const char trdfLocale[] = "en_US";
+static const UChar minutesPatn[] = { 0x006D, 0x006D, 0 }; /* "mm" */
+static const UChar monthLongPatn[] = { 0x004D, 0x004D, 0x004D, 0x004D, 0 }; /* "MMMM" */
+static const UChar monthMediumPatn[] = { 0x004D, 0x004D, 0x004D, 0 }; /* "MMM" */
+static const UChar monthShortPatn[] = { 0x004D, 0 }; /* "M" */
+static const UDateFormatStyle dateStylesList[] = { UDAT_FULL, UDAT_LONG, UDAT_MEDIUM, UDAT_SHORT, UDAT_NONE };
+static const UChar *monthPatnsList[] = { monthLongPatn, monthLongPatn, monthMediumPatn, monthShortPatn, NULL };
+static const UChar newTimePatn[] = { 0x0048, 0x0048, 0x002C, 0x006D, 0x006D, 0 }; /* "HH,mm" */
+static const UChar minutesStr[] = { 0x0034, 0x0039, 0 }; /* "49", minutes string to search for in output */
+enum { kDateOrTimeOutMax = 96, kDateAndTimeOutMax = 192 };
+static void TestRelativeDateFormat()
+ UDate today = 0.0;
+ const UDateFormatStyle * stylePtr;
+ const UChar ** monthPtnPtr;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UCalendar * ucal = ucal_open(trdfZone, -1, trdfLocale, UCAL_GREGORIAN, &status);
+ if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
+ int32_t year, month, day;
+ ucal_setMillis(ucal, ucal_getNow(), &status);
+ year = ucal_get(ucal, UCAL_YEAR, &status);
+ month = ucal_get(ucal, UCAL_MONTH, &status);
+ day = ucal_get(ucal, UCAL_DATE, &status);
+ ucal_setDateTime(ucal, year, month, day, 18, 49, 0, &status); /* set to today at 18:49:00 */
+ today = ucal_getMillis(ucal, &status);
+ ucal_close(ucal);
+ }
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) || today == 0.0 ) {
+ log_err("Generate UDate for a specified time today fails, error %s\n", myErrorName(status) );
+ return;
+ }
+ for (stylePtr = dateStylesList, monthPtnPtr = monthPatnsList; *stylePtr != UDAT_NONE; ++stylePtr, ++monthPtnPtr) {
+ UDateFormat* fmtRelDateTime;
+ UDateFormat* fmtRelDate;
+ UDateFormat* fmtTime;
+ int32_t dayOffset, limit;
+ UFieldPosition fp;
+ UChar strDateTime[kDateAndTimeOutMax];
+ UChar strDate[kDateOrTimeOutMax];
+ UChar strTime[kDateOrTimeOutMax];
+ UChar * strPtr;
+ int32_t dtpatLen;
+ fmtRelDateTime = udat_open(UDAT_SHORT, *stylePtr | UDAT_RELATIVE, trdfLocale, trdfZone, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_open timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ continue;
+ }
+ fmtRelDate = udat_open(UDAT_NONE, *stylePtr | UDAT_RELATIVE, trdfLocale, trdfZone, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_open timeStyle NONE dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ udat_close(fmtRelDateTime);
+ continue;
+ }
+ fmtTime = udat_open(UDAT_SHORT, UDAT_NONE, trdfLocale, trdfZone, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_open timeStyle SHORT dateStyle NONE fails, error %s\n", myErrorName(status) );
+ udat_close(fmtRelDateTime);
+ udat_close(fmtRelDate);
+ continue;
+ }
+ dtpatLen = udat_toPatternRelativeDate(fmtRelDateTime, strDate, kDateAndTimeOutMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPatternRelativeDate timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if ( u_strstr(strDate, *monthPtnPtr) == NULL || dtpatLen != u_strlen(strDate) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPatternRelativeDate timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) date pattern incorrect\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ dtpatLen = udat_toPatternRelativeTime(fmtRelDateTime, strTime, kDateAndTimeOutMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPatternRelativeTime timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if ( u_strstr(strTime, minutesPatn) == NULL || dtpatLen != u_strlen(strTime) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPatternRelativeTime timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) time pattern incorrect\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ dtpatLen = udat_toPattern(fmtRelDateTime, FALSE, strDateTime, kDateAndTimeOutMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPattern timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if ( u_strstr(strDateTime, strDate) == NULL || u_strstr(strDateTime, strTime) == NULL || dtpatLen != u_strlen(strDateTime) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPattern timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) dateTime pattern incorrect\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ udat_applyPatternRelative(fmtRelDateTime, strDate, u_strlen(strDate), newTimePatn, u_strlen(newTimePatn), &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_applyPatternRelative timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ udat_toPattern(fmtRelDateTime, FALSE, strDateTime, kDateAndTimeOutMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_toPattern timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if ( u_strstr(strDateTime, newTimePatn) == NULL ) {
+ log_err("udat_applyPatternRelative timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) didn't update time pattern\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ }
+ udat_applyPatternRelative(fmtRelDateTime, strDate, u_strlen(strDate), strTime, u_strlen(strTime), &status); /* restore original */
+ fp.field = UDAT_MINUTE_FIELD;
+ for (dayOffset = -2, limit = 2; dayOffset <= limit; ++dayOffset) {
+ UDate dateToUse = today + (float)dayOffset*dayInterval;
+ udat_format(fmtRelDateTime, dateToUse, strDateTime, kDateAndTimeOutMax, &fp, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_format timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ udat_format(fmtRelDate, dateToUse, strDate, kDateOrTimeOutMax, NULL, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_format timeStyle NONE dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE) fails, error %s\n", *stylePtr, myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if ( u_strstr(strDateTime, strDate) == NULL ) {
+ log_err("relative date string not found in udat_format timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE)\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ udat_format(fmtTime, dateToUse, strTime, kDateOrTimeOutMax, NULL, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_err("udat_format timeStyle SHORT dateStyle NONE fails, error %s\n", myErrorName(status) );
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ } else if ( u_strstr(strDateTime, strTime) == NULL ) {
+ log_err("time string not found in udat_format timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE)\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ strPtr = u_strstr(strDateTime, minutesStr);
+ if ( strPtr != NULL ) {
+ int32_t beginIndex = strPtr - strDateTime;
+ if ( fp.beginIndex != beginIndex ) {
+ log_err("UFieldPosition beginIndex %d, expected %d, in udat_format timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE)\n", fp.beginIndex, beginIndex, *stylePtr );
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_err("minutes string not found in udat_format timeStyle SHORT dateStyle (%d | UDAT_RELATIVE)\n", *stylePtr );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ udat_close(fmtRelDateTime);
+ udat_close(fmtRelDate);
+ udat_close(fmtTime);
+ }
/*Testing udat_getSymbols() and udat_setSymbols() and udat_countSymbols()*/
static void TestSymbols()
VerifygetSymbols(def, UDAT_QUARTERS, 3, "4th quarter");
VerifygetSymbols(fr, UDAT_SHORT_QUARTERS, 1, "T2");
VerifygetSymbols(def, UDAT_SHORT_QUARTERS, 2, "Q3");
- VerifygetSymbols(def,UDAT_LOCALIZED_CHARS, 0, "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcL");
+ VerifygetSymbols(def,UDAT_LOCALIZED_CHARS, 0, "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzYeugAZvcLQqV");
if(result != NULL) {
+static void TestRelativeCrash(void) {
+ static const UChar tzName[] = { 0x0055, 0x0053, 0x002F, 0x0050, 0x0061, 0x0063, 0x0069, 0x0066, 0x0069, 0x0063, 0 };
+ static const UDate aDate = -631152000000.0;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UErrorCode expectStatus = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
+ UDateFormat icudf;
+ icudf = udat_open(UDAT_NONE, UDAT_SHORT_RELATIVE, "en", tzName, -1, NULL, 0, &status);
+ if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
+ const char *what = "???";
+ {
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ what = "udat_set2DigitYearStart";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ udat_set2DigitYearStart(icudf, aDate, &subStatus);
+ if(subStatus == expectStatus) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got success %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* clone works polymorphically. try it anyways */
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UDateFormat *oth;
+ what = "clone";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ oth = udat_clone(icudf, &subStatus);
+ if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ udat_close(oth); /* ? */
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ what = "udat_get2DigitYearStart";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ udat_get2DigitYearStart(icudf, &subStatus);
+ if(subStatus == expectStatus) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got success %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* Now udat_toPattern works for relative date formatters, unless localized is TRUE */
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ what = "udat_toPattern";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ udat_toPattern(icudf, TRUE,NULL,0, &subStatus);
+ if(subStatus == expectStatus) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got success %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ what = "udat_applyPattern";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ udat_applyPattern(icudf, FALSE,tzName,-1);
+ subStatus = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; /* what it should be, if this took an errorcode. */
+ if(subStatus == expectStatus) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got success %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ what = "udat_getSymbols";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ udat_getSymbols(icudf, UDAT_ERAS,0,NULL,0, &subStatus); /* bogus values */
+ if(subStatus == expectStatus) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got success %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ what = "udat_countSymbols";
+ log_verbose("Trying %s on a relative date..\n", what);
+ udat_countSymbols(icudf, UDAT_ERAS);
+ subStatus = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; /* should have an errorcode. */
+ if(subStatus == expectStatus) {
+ log_verbose("Success: did not crash on %s, but got %s.\n", what, u_errorName(subStatus));
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: didn't crash on %s, but got success %s instead of %s. \n", what, u_errorName(subStatus), u_errorName(expectStatus));
+ }
+ }
+ udat_close(icudf);
+ } else {
+ log_err("FAIL: err %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ }
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */