+OlsonTimeZone::hasSameRules(const TimeZone &other) const {
+ if (this == &other) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (other.getDynamicClassID() != OlsonTimeZone::getStaticClassID()) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ const OlsonTimeZone* z = (const OlsonTimeZone*) &other;
+ // [sic] pointer comparison: typeData points into
+ // memory-mapped or DLL space, so if two zones have the same
+ // pointer, they are equal.
+ if (typeData == z->typeData) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // If the pointers are not equal, the zones may still
+ // be equal if their rules and transitions are equal
+ return
+ (finalYear == z->finalYear &&
+ // Don't compare finalMillis; if finalYear is ==, so is finalMillis
+ ((finalZone == 0 && z->finalZone == 0) ||
+ (finalZone != 0 && z->finalZone != 0 && *finalZone == *z->finalZone)) &&
+ transitionCount == z->transitionCount &&
+ typeCount == z->typeCount &&
+ uprv_memcmp(transitionTimes, z->transitionTimes,
+ sizeof(transitionTimes[0]) * transitionCount) == 0 &&
+ uprv_memcmp(typeOffsets, z->typeOffsets,
+ (sizeof(typeOffsets[0]) * typeCount) << 1) == 0 &&
+ uprv_memcmp(typeData, z->typeData,
+ (sizeof(typeData[0]) * typeCount)) == 0);
+OlsonTimeZone::clearTransitionRules(void) {
+ initialRule = NULL;
+ firstTZTransition = NULL;
+ firstFinalTZTransition = NULL;
+ historicRules = NULL;
+ historicRuleCount = 0;
+ finalZoneWithStartYear = NULL;
+ firstTZTransitionIdx = 0;
+ transitionRulesInitialized = FALSE;
+OlsonTimeZone::deleteTransitionRules(void) {
+ if (initialRule != NULL) {
+ delete initialRule;
+ }
+ if (firstTZTransition != NULL) {
+ delete firstTZTransition;
+ }
+ if (firstFinalTZTransition != NULL) {
+ delete firstFinalTZTransition;
+ }
+ if (finalZoneWithStartYear != NULL) {
+ delete finalZoneWithStartYear;
+ }
+ if (historicRules != NULL) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < historicRuleCount; i++) {
+ if (historicRules[i] != NULL) {
+ delete historicRules[i];
+ }
+ }
+ uprv_free(historicRules);
+ }
+ clearTransitionRules();
+OlsonTimeZone::initTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) {
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (transitionRulesInitialized) {
+ return;
+ }
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ UnicodeString tzid;
+ getID(tzid);
+ UnicodeString stdName = tzid + UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("(STD)");
+ UnicodeString dstName = tzid + UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("(DST)");
+ int32_t raw, dst;
+ if (transitionCount > 0) {
+ int16_t transitionIdx, typeIdx;
+ // Note: Since 2007c, the very first transition data is a dummy entry
+ // added for resolving a offset calculation problem.
+ // Create initial rule
+ typeIdx = (int16_t)typeData[0]; // initial type
+ raw = rawOffset(typeIdx) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ dst = dstOffset(typeIdx) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ initialRule = new InitialTimeZoneRule((dst == 0 ? stdName : dstName), raw, dst);
+ // Check to make sure initialRule was created
+ if (initialRule == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ firstTZTransitionIdx = 0;
+ for (transitionIdx = 1; transitionIdx < transitionCount; transitionIdx++) {
+ firstTZTransitionIdx++;
+ if (typeIdx != (int16_t)typeData[transitionIdx]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (transitionIdx == transitionCount) {
+ // Actually no transitions...
+ } else {
+ // Build historic rule array
+ UDate* times = (UDate*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UDate)*transitionCount); /* large enough to store all transition times */
+ if (times == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (typeIdx = 0; typeIdx < typeCount; typeIdx++) {
+ // Gather all start times for each pair of offsets
+ int32_t nTimes = 0;
+ for (transitionIdx = firstTZTransitionIdx; transitionIdx < transitionCount; transitionIdx++) {
+ if (typeIdx == (int16_t)typeData[transitionIdx]) {
+ UDate tt = ((UDate)transitionTimes[transitionIdx]) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ if (tt < finalMillis) {
+ // Exclude transitions after finalMillis
+ times[nTimes++] = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (nTimes > 0) {
+ // Create a TimeArrayTimeZoneRule
+ raw = rawOffset(typeIdx) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ dst = dstOffset(typeIdx) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ if (historicRules == NULL) {
+ historicRuleCount = typeCount;
+ historicRules = (TimeArrayTimeZoneRule**)uprv_malloc(sizeof(TimeArrayTimeZoneRule*)*historicRuleCount);
+ if (historicRules == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ uprv_free(times);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < historicRuleCount; i++) {
+ // Initialize TimeArrayTimeZoneRule pointers as NULL
+ historicRules[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ historicRules[typeIdx] = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule((dst == 0 ? stdName : dstName),
+ raw, dst, times, nTimes, DateTimeRule::UTC_TIME);
+ // Check for memory allocation error
+ if (historicRules[typeIdx] == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uprv_free(times);
+ // Create initial transition
+ typeIdx = (int16_t)typeData[firstTZTransitionIdx];
+ firstTZTransition = new TimeZoneTransition(((UDate)transitionTimes[firstTZTransitionIdx]) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND,
+ *initialRule, *historicRules[typeIdx]);
+ // Check to make sure firstTZTransition was created.
+ if (firstTZTransition == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (initialRule == NULL) {
+ // No historic transitions
+ raw = rawOffset(0) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ dst = dstOffset(0) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ initialRule = new InitialTimeZoneRule((dst == 0 ? stdName : dstName), raw, dst);
+ // Check to make sure initialRule was created.
+ if (initialRule == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (finalZone != NULL) {
+ // Get the first occurence of final rule starts
+ UDate startTime = (UDate)finalMillis;
+ TimeZoneRule *firstFinalRule = NULL;
+ if (finalZone->useDaylightTime()) {
+ /*
+ * Note: When an OlsonTimeZone is constructed, we should set the final year
+ * as the start year of finalZone. However, the bounday condition used for
+ * getting offset from finalZone has some problems. So setting the start year
+ * in the finalZone will cause a problem. For now, we do not set the valid
+ * start year when the construction time and create a clone and set the
+ * start year when extracting rules.
+ */
+ finalZoneWithStartYear = (SimpleTimeZone*)finalZone->clone();
+ // Check to make sure finalZone was actually cloned.
+ if (finalZoneWithStartYear == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ // finalYear is 1 year before the actual final year.
+ // See the comment in the construction method.
+ finalZoneWithStartYear->setStartYear(finalYear + 1);
+ TimeZoneTransition tzt;
+ finalZoneWithStartYear->getNextTransition(startTime, false, tzt);
+ firstFinalRule = tzt.getTo()->clone();
+ // Check to make sure firstFinalRule received proper clone.
+ if (firstFinalRule == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ startTime = tzt.getTime();
+ } else {
+ finalZoneWithStartYear = (SimpleTimeZone*)finalZone->clone();
+ // Check to make sure finalZoneWithStartYear received proper clone before dereference.
+ if (finalZoneWithStartYear == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ finalZone->getID(tzid);
+ firstFinalRule = new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule(tzid,
+ finalZone->getRawOffset(), 0, &startTime, 1, DateTimeRule::UTC_TIME);
+ // Check firstFinalRule was properly created.
+ if (firstFinalRule == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TimeZoneRule *prevRule = NULL;
+ if (transitionCount > 0) {
+ prevRule = historicRules[typeData[transitionCount - 1]];
+ }
+ if (prevRule == NULL) {
+ // No historic transitions, but only finalZone available
+ prevRule = initialRule;
+ }
+ firstFinalTZTransition = new TimeZoneTransition();
+ // Check to make sure firstFinalTZTransition was created before dereferencing
+ if (firstFinalTZTransition == NULL) {
+ deleteTransitionRules();
+ return;
+ }
+ firstFinalTZTransition->setTime(startTime);
+ firstFinalTZTransition->adoptFrom(prevRule->clone());
+ firstFinalTZTransition->adoptTo(firstFinalRule);
+ }
+ transitionRulesInitialized = TRUE;
+OlsonTimeZone::getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) /*const*/ {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ initTransitionRules(status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (finalZone != NULL) {
+ if (inclusive && base == firstFinalTZTransition->getTime()) {
+ result = *firstFinalTZTransition;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (base >= firstFinalTZTransition->getTime()) {
+ if (finalZone->useDaylightTime()) {
+ //return finalZone->getNextTransition(base, inclusive, result);
+ return finalZoneWithStartYear->getNextTransition(base, inclusive, result);
+ } else {
+ // No more transitions
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (historicRules != NULL) {
+ // Find a historical transition
+ int16_t ttidx = transitionCount - 1;
+ for (; ttidx >= firstTZTransitionIdx; ttidx--) {
+ UDate t = ((UDate)transitionTimes[ttidx]) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ if (base > t || (!inclusive && base == t)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ttidx == transitionCount - 1) {
+ if (firstFinalTZTransition != NULL) {
+ result = *firstFinalTZTransition;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else if (ttidx < firstTZTransitionIdx) {
+ result = *firstTZTransition;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ // Create a TimeZoneTransition
+ TimeZoneRule *to = historicRules[typeData[ttidx + 1]];
+ TimeZoneRule *from = historicRules[typeData[ttidx]];
+ UDate startTime = ((UDate)transitionTimes[ttidx+1]) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ // The transitions loaded from zoneinfo.res may contain non-transition data
+ UnicodeString fromName, toName;
+ from->getName(fromName);
+ to->getName(toName);
+ if (fromName == toName && from->getRawOffset() == to->getRawOffset()
+ && from->getDSTSavings() == to->getDSTSavings()) {
+ return getNextTransition(startTime, false, result);
+ }
+ result.setTime(startTime);
+ result.adoptFrom(from->clone());
+ result.adoptTo(to->clone());
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+OlsonTimeZone::getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) /*const*/ {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ initTransitionRules(status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (finalZone != NULL) {
+ if (inclusive && base == firstFinalTZTransition->getTime()) {
+ result = *firstFinalTZTransition;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (base > firstFinalTZTransition->getTime()) {
+ if (finalZone->useDaylightTime()) {
+ //return finalZone->getPreviousTransition(base, inclusive, result);
+ return finalZoneWithStartYear->getPreviousTransition(base, inclusive, result);
+ } else {
+ result = *firstFinalTZTransition;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (historicRules != NULL) {
+ // Find a historical transition
+ int16_t ttidx = transitionCount - 1;
+ for (; ttidx >= firstTZTransitionIdx; ttidx--) {
+ UDate t = ((UDate)transitionTimes[ttidx]) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ if (base > t || (inclusive && base == t)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ttidx < firstTZTransitionIdx) {
+ // No more transitions
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (ttidx == firstTZTransitionIdx) {
+ result = *firstTZTransition;
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ // Create a TimeZoneTransition
+ TimeZoneRule *to = historicRules[typeData[ttidx]];
+ TimeZoneRule *from = historicRules[typeData[ttidx-1]];
+ UDate startTime = ((UDate)transitionTimes[ttidx]) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
+ // The transitions loaded from zoneinfo.res may contain non-transition data
+ UnicodeString fromName, toName;
+ from->getName(fromName);
+ to->getName(toName);
+ if (fromName == toName && from->getRawOffset() == to->getRawOffset()
+ && from->getDSTSavings() == to->getDSTSavings()) {
+ return getPreviousTransition(startTime, false, result);
+ }
+ result.setTime(startTime);
+ result.adoptFrom(from->clone());
+ result.adoptTo(to->clone());
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+OlsonTimeZone::countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) /*const*/ {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ initTransitionRules(status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int32_t count = 0;
+ if (historicRules != NULL) {
+ // historicRules may contain null entries when original zoneinfo data
+ // includes non transition data.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < historicRuleCount; i++) {
+ if (historicRules[i] != NULL) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (finalZone != NULL) {
+ if (finalZone->useDaylightTime()) {
+ count += 2;
+ } else {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+OlsonTimeZone::getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
+ const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[],
+ int32_t& trscount,
+ UErrorCode& status) /*const*/ {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ initTransitionRules(status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Initial rule
+ initial = initialRule;
+ // Transition rules
+ int32_t cnt = 0;
+ if (historicRules != NULL && trscount > cnt) {
+ // historicRules may contain null entries when original zoneinfo data
+ // includes non transition data.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < historicRuleCount; i++) {
+ if (historicRules[i] != NULL) {
+ trsrules[cnt++] = historicRules[i];
+ if (cnt >= trscount) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (finalZoneWithStartYear != NULL && trscount > cnt) {
+ const InitialTimeZoneRule *tmpini;
+ int32_t tmpcnt = trscount - cnt;
+ finalZoneWithStartYear->getTimeZoneRules(tmpini, &trsrules[cnt], tmpcnt, status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ cnt += tmpcnt;
+ }
+ // Set the result length
+ trscount = cnt;