-* Copyright (C) 1997-2007, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2008, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
"mo", "moh", "mos", "mr", "ms", "mt", "mul", "mun",
"mus", "mwl", "mwr", "my", "myn", "myv", "na", "nah", "nai", "nap",
"nb", "nd", "nds", "ne", "new", "ng", "nia", "nic",
- "niu", "nl", "nn", "no", "nog", "non", "nr", "nso", "nub",
+ "niu", "nl", "nn", "no", "nog", "non", "nqo", "nr", "nso", "nub",
"nv", "nwc", "ny", "nym", "nyn", "nyo", "nzi", "oc", "oj",
"om", "or", "os", "osa", "ota", "oto", "pa", "paa",
"pag", "pal", "pam", "pap", "pau", "peo", "phi", "phn",
"sk", "sl", "sla", "sm", "sma", "smi", "smj", "smn",
"sms", "sn", "snk", "so", "sog", "son", "sq", "sr",
"srn", "srr", "ss", "ssa", "st", "su", "suk", "sus", "sux",
- "sv", "sw", "syr", "ta", "tai", "te", "tem", "ter",
+ "sv", "sw", "syc", "syr", "ta", "tai", "te", "tem", "ter",
"tet", "tg", "th", "ti", "tig", "tiv", "tk", "tkl",
"tl", "tlh", "tli", "tmh", "tn", "to", "tog", "tpi", "tr",
"ts", "tsi", "tt", "tum", "tup", "tut", "tvl", "tw",
"ty", "tyv", "udm", "ug", "uga", "uk", "umb", "und", "ur",
"uz", "vai", "ve", "vi", "vo", "vot", "wa", "wak",
"wal", "war", "was", "wen", "wo", "xal", "xh", "yao", "yap",
- "yi", "yo", "ypk", "za", "zap", "zen", "zh", "znd",
- "zu", "zun", "zxx",
+ "yi", "yo", "ypk", "za", "zap", "zbl", "zen", "zh", "znd",
+ "zu", "zun", "zxx", "zza",
"in", "iw", "ji", "jw", "sh", /* obsolete language codes */
"enm", "epo", "spa", "est", "eus", "ewo", "fas",
/* "fan", "fat", "ff", "fi", "fil", "fiu", "fj", "fo", "fon", */
"fan", "fat", "ful", "fin", "fil", "fiu", "fij", "fao", "fon",
-/* "fr", "frm", "fro", "fur", "frr", "frs", "fy", "ga", "gaa", "gay", */
- "fra", "frm", "fro", "fur", "frr", "frs", "fry", "gle", "gaa", "gay",
+/* "fr", "frm", "fro", "frr", "frs", "fur", "fy", "ga", "gaa", "gay", */
+ "fra", "frm", "fro", "frr", "frs", "fur", "fry", "gle", "gaa", "gay",
/* "gba", "gd", "gem", "gez", "gil", "gl", "gmh", "gn", */
"gba", "gla", "gem", "gez", "gil", "glg", "gmh", "grn",
/* "goh", "gon", "gor", "got", "grb", "grc", "gsw", "gu", "gv", */
"mus", "mwl", "mwr", "mya", "myn", "myv", "nau", "nah", "nai", "nap",
/* "nb", "nd", "nds", "ne", "new", "ng", "nia", "nic", */
"nob", "nde", "nds", "nep", "new", "ndo", "nia", "nic",
-/* "niu", "nl", "nn", "no", "nog", "non", "nr", "nso", "nub", */
- "niu", "nld", "nno", "nor", "nog", "non", "nbl", "nso", "nub",
+/* "niu", "nl", "nn", "no", "nog", "non", "nqo", "nr", "nso", "nub", */
+ "niu", "nld", "nno", "nor", "nog", "non", "nqo", "nbl", "nso", "nub",
/* "nv", "nwc", "ny", "nym", "nyn", "nyo", "nzi", "oc", "oj", */
"nav", "nwc", "nya", "nym", "nyn", "nyo", "nzi", "oci", "oji",
/* "om", "or", "os", "osa", "ota", "oto", "pa", "paa", */
"sms", "sna", "snk", "som", "sog", "son", "sqi", "srp",
/* "srn", "srr", "ss", "ssa", "st", "su", "suk", "sus", "sux", */
"srn", "srr", "ssw", "ssa", "sot", "sun", "suk", "sus", "sux",
-/* "sv", "sw", "syr", "ta", "tai", "te", "tem", "ter", */
- "swe", "swa", "syr", "tam", "tai", "tel", "tem", "ter",
+/* "sv", "sw", "syc", "syr", "ta", "tai", "te", "tem", "ter", */
+ "swe", "swa", "syc", "syr", "tam", "tai", "tel", "tem", "ter",
/* "tet", "tg", "th", "ti", "tig", "tiv", "tk", "tkl", */
"tet", "tgk", "tha", "tir", "tig", "tiv", "tuk", "tkl",
/* "tl", "tlh", "tli", "tmh", "tn", "to", "tog", "tpi", "tr", */
"uzb", "vai", "ven", "vie", "vol", "vot", "wln", "wak",
/* "wal", "war", "was", "wen", "wo", "xal", "xh", "yao", "yap", */
"wal", "war", "was", "wen", "wol", "xal", "xho", "yao", "yap",
-/* "yi", "yo", "ypk", "za", "zap", "zen", "zh", "znd", */
- "yid", "yor", "ypk", "zha", "zap", "zen", "zho", "znd",
-/* "zu", "zun", */
- "zul", "zun", "zxx",
+/* "yi", "yo", "ypk", "za", "zap", "zbl", "zen", "zh", "znd", */
+ "yid", "yor", "ypk", "zha", "zap", "zbl", "zen", "zho", "znd",
+/* "zu", "zun", "zxx", "zza", */
+ "zul", "zun", "zxx", "zza",
/* "in", "iw", "ji", "jw", "sh", */
"ind", "heb", "yid", "jaw", "srp",
"AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AI", "AL", "AM", "AN",
"AO", "AQ", "AR", "AS", "AT", "AU", "AW", "AX", "AZ",
"BA", "BB", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BI",
- "BJ", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV",
+ "BJ", "BL", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV",
"BW", "BY", "BZ", "CA", "CC", "CD", "CF", "CG",
"CH", "CI", "CK", "CL", "CM", "CN", "CO", "CR",
"CU", "CV", "CX", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DJ", "DK",
"IT", "JE", "JM", "JO", "JP", "KE", "KG", "KH", "KI",
"KM", "KN", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KY", "KZ", "LA",
"LB", "LC", "LI", "LK", "LR", "LS", "LT", "LU",
- "LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "MG", "MH", "MK",
+ "LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "ME", "MF", "MG", "MH", "MK",
"ML", "MM", "MN", "MO", "MP", "MQ", "MR", "MS",
"MT", "MU", "MV", "MW", "MX", "MY", "MZ", "NA",
"NC", "NE", "NF", "NG", "NI", "NL", "NO", "NP",
"NR", "NU", "NZ", "OM", "PA", "PE", "PF", "PG",
"PH", "PK", "PL", "PM", "PN", "PR", "PS", "PT",
- "PW", "PY", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RU", "RW", "SA",
+ "PW", "PY", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RS", "RU", "RW", "SA",
"SB", "SC", "SD", "SE", "SG", "SH", "SI", "SJ",
"SK", "SL", "SM", "SN", "SO", "SR", "ST", "SV",
"SY", "SZ", "TC", "TD", "TF", "TG", "TH", "TJ",
"TK", "TL", "TM", "TN", "TO", "TR", "TT", "TV",
"TW", "TZ", "UA", "UG", "UM", "US", "UY", "UZ",
"VA", "VC", "VE", "VG", "VI", "VN", "VU", "WF",
- "WS", "YE", "YT", "YU", "ZA", "ZM", "ZW", "ZZ",
+ "WS", "YE", "YT", "ZA", "ZM", "ZW",
- "FX", "RO", "TP", "ZR", /* obsolete country codes */
+ "FX", "CS", "RO", "TP", "YU", "ZR", /* obsolete country codes */
static const char* const DEPRECATED_COUNTRIES[] ={
- "BU", "DY", "FX", "HV", "NH", "RH", "TP", "YU", "ZR", NULL, NULL /* deprecated country list */
+ "BU", "CS", "DY", "FX", "HV", "NH", "RH", "TP", "YU", "ZR", NULL, NULL /* deprecated country list */
static const char* const REPLACEMENT_COUNTRIES[] = {
-/* "BU", "DY", "FX", "HV", "NH", "RH", "TP", "YU", "ZR" */
- "MM", "BJ", "FR", "BF", "VU", "ZW", "TL", "CS", "CD", NULL, NULL /* replacement country codes */
+/* "BU", "CS", "DY", "FX", "HV", "NH", "RH", "TP", "YU", "ZR" */
+ "MM", "RS", "BJ", "FR", "BF", "VU", "ZW", "TL", "RS", "CD", NULL, NULL /* replacement country codes */
"AGO", "ATA", "ARG", "ASM", "AUT", "AUS", "ABW", "ALA", "AZE",
/* "BA", "BB", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH", "BI", */
"BIH", "BRB", "BGD", "BEL", "BFA", "BGR", "BHR", "BDI",
-/* "BJ", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV", */
- "BEN", "BMU", "BRN", "BOL", "BRA", "BHS", "BTN", "BVT",
+/* "BJ", "BL", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV", */
+ "BEN", "BLM", "BMU", "BRN", "BOL", "BRA", "BHS", "BTN", "BVT",
/* "BW", "BY", "BZ", "CA", "CC", "CD", "CF", "CG", */
"BWA", "BLR", "BLZ", "CAN", "CCK", "COD", "CAF", "COG",
/* "CH", "CI", "CK", "CL", "CM", "CN", "CO", "CR", */
"DMA", "DOM", "DZA", "ECU", "EST", "EGY", "ESH", "ERI",
/* "ES", "ET", "FI", "FJ", "FK", "FM", "FO", "FR", */
"ESP", "ETH", "FIN", "FJI", "FLK", "FSM", "FRO", "FRA",
-/* "GA", "GB", "GD", "GE", "GF", "GG", "GH", "GI", "GL", */
+/* "GA", "GB", "GD", "GE", "GF", "GG", "GH", "GI", "GL", */
"GAB", "GBR", "GRD", "GEO", "GUF", "GGY", "GHA", "GIB", "GRL",
/* "GM", "GN", "GP", "GQ", "GR", "GS", "GT", "GU", */
"GMB", "GIN", "GLP", "GNQ", "GRC", "SGS", "GTM", "GUM",
/* "GW", "GY", "HK", "HM", "HN", "HR", "HT", "HU", */
"GNB", "GUY", "HKG", "HMD", "HND", "HRV", "HTI", "HUN",
-/* ID", "IE", "IL", "IM", "IN", "IO", "IQ", "IR", "IS" */
- "IDN", "IRL", "ISR", "IMN", "IND", "IOT", "IRQ", "IRN", "ISL",
-/* "IT", "JE", "JM", "JO", "JP", "KE", "KG", "KH", "KI", */
+/* "ID", "IE", "IL", "IM", "IN", "IO", "IQ", "IR", "IS" */
+ "IDN", "IRL", "ISR", "IMN", "IND", "IOT", "IRQ", "IRN", "ISL",
+/* "IT", "JE", "JM", "JO", "JP", "KE", "KG", "KH", "KI", */
"ITA", "JEY", "JAM", "JOR", "JPN", "KEN", "KGZ", "KHM", "KIR",
/* "KM", "KN", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KY", "KZ", "LA", */
"COM", "KNA", "PRK", "KOR", "KWT", "CYM", "KAZ", "LAO",
/* "LB", "LC", "LI", "LK", "LR", "LS", "LT", "LU", */
"LBN", "LCA", "LIE", "LKA", "LBR", "LSO", "LTU", "LUX",
-/* "LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "MG", "MH", "MK", */
- "LVA", "LBY", "MAR", "MCO", "MDA", "MDG", "MHL", "MKD",
+/* "LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "ME", "MF", "MG", "MH", "MK", */
+ "LVA", "LBY", "MAR", "MCO", "MDA", "MNE", "MAF", "MDG", "MHL", "MKD",
/* "ML", "MM", "MN", "MO", "MP", "MQ", "MR", "MS", */
"MLI", "MMR", "MNG", "MAC", "MNP", "MTQ", "MRT", "MSR",
/* "MT", "MU", "MV", "MW", "MX", "MY", "MZ", "NA", */
"NRU", "NIU", "NZL", "OMN", "PAN", "PER", "PYF", "PNG",
/* "PH", "PK", "PL", "PM", "PN", "PR", "PS", "PT", */
"PHL", "PAK", "POL", "SPM", "PCN", "PRI", "PSE", "PRT",
-/* "PW", "PY", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RU", "RW", "SA", */
- "PLW", "PRY", "QAT", "REU", "ROU", "RUS", "RWA", "SAU",
+/* "PW", "PY", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RS", "RU", "RW", "SA", */
+ "PLW", "PRY", "QAT", "REU", "ROU", "SRB", "RUS", "RWA", "SAU",
/* "SB", "SC", "SD", "SE", "SG", "SH", "SI", "SJ", */
"SLB", "SYC", "SDN", "SWE", "SGP", "SHN", "SVN", "SJM",
/* "SK", "SL", "SM", "SN", "SO", "SR", "ST", "SV", */
"TWN", "TZA", "UKR", "UGA", "UMI", "USA", "URY", "UZB",
/* "VA", "VC", "VE", "VG", "VI", "VN", "VU", "WF", */
"VAT", "VCT", "VEN", "VGB", "VIR", "VNM", "VUT", "WLF",
-/* "WS", "YE", "YT", "YU", "ZA", "ZM", "ZW", "ZZZ" */
- "WSM", "YEM", "MYT", "YUG", "ZAF", "ZMB", "ZWE", "ZZZ",
+/* "WS", "YE", "YT", "ZA", "ZM", "ZW", */
+ "WSM", "YEM", "MYT", "ZAF", "ZMB", "ZWE",
-/* "FX", "RO", "TP", "ZR", */
- "FXX", "ROM", "TMP", "ZAR",
+/* "FX", "CS", "RO", "TP", "YU", "ZR", */
+ "FXX", "SCG", "ROM", "TMP", "YUG", "ZAR",
{ "cel_GAULISH", "cel__GAULISH", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "de_1901", "de__1901", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "de_1906", "de__1906", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
- { "de__PHONEBOOK", "de", "collation", "phonebook" },
+ { "de__PHONEBOOK", "de", "collation", "phonebook" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "de_AT_PREEURO", "de_AT", "currency", "ATS" },
{ "de_DE_PREEURO", "de_DE", "currency", "DEM" },
{ "de_LU_PREEURO", "de_LU", "currency", "LUF" },
{ "en_SCOUSE", "en__SCOUSE", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "en_BE_PREEURO", "en_BE", "currency", "BEF" },
{ "en_IE_PREEURO", "en_IE", "currency", "IEP" },
- { "es__TRADITIONAL", "es", "collation", "traditional" },
+ { "es__TRADITIONAL", "es", "collation", "traditional" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "es_ES_PREEURO", "es_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
{ "eu_ES_PREEURO", "eu_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
{ "fi_FI_PREEURO", "fi_FI", "currency", "FIM" },
{ "fr_LU_PREEURO", "fr_LU", "currency", "LUF" },
{ "ga_IE_PREEURO", "ga_IE", "currency", "IEP" },
{ "gl_ES_PREEURO", "gl_ES", "currency", "ESP" },
- { "hi__DIRECT", "hi", "collation", "direct" },
+ { "hi__DIRECT", "hi", "collation", "direct" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "it_IT_PREEURO", "it_IT", "currency", "ITL" },
- { "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP", "calendar", "japanese" },
+ { "ja_JP_TRADITIONAL", "ja_JP", "calendar", "japanese" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "nb_NO_NY", "nn_NO", NULL, NULL }, /* "markus said this was ok" :-) */
{ "nl_BE_PREEURO", "nl_BE", "currency", "BEF" },
{ "nl_NL_PREEURO", "nl_NL", "currency", "NLG" },
{ "pt_PT_PREEURO", "pt_PT", "currency", "PTE" },
{ "sl_ROZAJ", "sl__ROZAJ", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
- { "sr_SP_CYRL", "sr_Cyrl_CS", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
- { "sr_SP_LATN", "sr_Latn_CS", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
- { "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_Cyrl_CS", NULL, NULL }, /* Linux name */
+ { "sr_SP_CYRL", "sr_Cyrl_RS", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
+ { "sr_SP_LATN", "sr_Latn_RS", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
+ { "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_Cyrl_RS", NULL, NULL }, /* Linux name */
+ { "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH", "calendar", "buddhist" }, /* Old ICU name */
{ "uz_UZ_CYRILLIC", "uz_Cyrl_UZ", NULL, NULL }, /* Linux name */
{ "uz_UZ_CYRL", "uz_Cyrl_UZ", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "uz_UZ_LATN", "uz_Latn_UZ", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh_CHS", "zh_Hans", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
- { "zh_CHT", "zh_Hant", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name TODO: This should be zh_Hant once the locale structure is fixed. */
+ { "zh_CHT", "zh_Hant", NULL, NULL }, /* .NET name */
{ "zh_GAN", "zh__GAN", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_GUOYU", "zh", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_HAKKA", "zh__HAKKA", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_WUU", "zh__WUU", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_XIANG", "zh__XIANG", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
{ "zh_YUE", "zh__YUE", NULL, NULL }, /* registered name */
- { "th_TH_TRADITIONAL", "th_TH", "calendar", "buddhist" },
- { "zh_TW_STROKE", "zh_Hant_TW", "collation", "stroke" },
- { "zh__PINYIN", "zh", "collation", "pinyin" }
+typedef struct VariantMap {
+ const char *variant; /* input ID */
+ const char *keyword; /* keyword, or NULL if none */
+ const char *value; /* keyword value, or NULL if kw==NULL */
+} VariantMap;
+static const VariantMap VARIANT_MAP[] = {
+ { "EURO", "currency", "EUR" },
+ { "PINYIN", "collation", "pinyin" }, /* Solaris variant */
+ { "STROKE", "collation", "stroke" } /* Solaris variant */
/* ### Keywords **************************************************/
static int32_t
_deleteVariant(char* variants, int32_t variantsLen,
- const char* toDelete, int32_t toDeleteLen) {
+ const char* toDelete, int32_t toDeleteLen)
int32_t delta = 0; /* number of chars deleted */
for (;;) {
UBool flag = FALSE;
if (uprv_strncmp(variants, toDelete, toDeleteLen) == 0 &&
(variantsLen == toDeleteLen ||
- (flag=(variants[toDeleteLen] == '_')))) {
+ (flag=(variants[toDeleteLen] == '_'))))
+ {
int32_t d = toDeleteLen + (flag?1:0);
variantsLen -= d;
delta += d;
- uprv_memmove(variants, variants+d, variantsLen);
+ if (variantsLen > 0) {
+ uprv_memmove(variants, variants+d, variantsLen);
+ }
} else {
char* p = _strnchr(variants, variantsLen, '_');
if (p == NULL) {
U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
uloc_openKeywordList(const char *keywordList, int32_t keywordListSize, UErrorCode* status)
- UKeywordsContext *myContext = NULL;
- UEnumeration *result = NULL;
+ UKeywordsContext *myContext = NULL;
+ UEnumeration *result = NULL;
- if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- result = (UEnumeration *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));
- uprv_memcpy(result, &gKeywordsEnum, sizeof(UEnumeration));
- myContext = uprv_malloc(sizeof(UKeywordsContext));
- if (myContext == NULL) {
- uprv_free(result);
- return NULL;
- }
- myContext->keywords = (char *)uprv_malloc(keywordListSize+1);
- uprv_memcpy(myContext->keywords, keywordList, keywordListSize);
- myContext->keywords[keywordListSize] = 0;
- myContext->current = myContext->keywords;
- result->context = myContext;
- return result;
+ if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result = (UEnumeration *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));
+ /* Null pointer test */
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uprv_memcpy(result, &gKeywordsEnum, sizeof(UEnumeration));
+ myContext = uprv_malloc(sizeof(UKeywordsContext));
+ if (myContext == NULL) {
+ uprv_free(result);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ myContext->keywords = (char *)uprv_malloc(keywordListSize+1);
+ uprv_memcpy(myContext->keywords, keywordList, keywordListSize);
+ myContext->keywords[keywordListSize] = 0;
+ myContext->current = myContext->keywords;
+ result->context = myContext;
+ return result;
U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
UErrorCode* err) {
int32_t j, len, fieldCount=0, scriptSize=0, variantSize=0, nameCapacity;
char localeBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
- const char* origLocaleID = localeID;
+ const char* origLocaleID;
const char* keywordAssign = NULL;
const char* separatorIndicator = NULL;
const char* addKeyword = NULL;
const char* addValue = NULL;
char* name;
char* variant = NULL; /* pointer into name, or NULL */
- int32_t sawEuro = 0;
if (U_FAILURE(*err)) {
return 0;
if (localeID==NULL) {
+ origLocaleID=localeID;
/* if we are doing a full canonicalization, then put results in
localeBuffer, if necessary; otherwise send them to result. */
- /* Check for EURO variants. */
- sawEuro = _deleteVariant(variant, variantSize, "EURO", 4);
- len -= sawEuro;
- if (sawEuro > 0 && name[len-1] == '_') { /* delete trailing '_' */
- --len;
+ /* Handle generic variants first */
+ if (variant) {
+ for (j=0; j<(int32_t)(sizeof(VARIANT_MAP)/sizeof(VARIANT_MAP[0])); j++) {
+ const char* variantToCompare = VARIANT_MAP[j].variant;
+ int32_t n = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(variantToCompare);
+ int32_t variantLen = _deleteVariant(variant, uprv_min(variantSize, (nameCapacity-len)), variantToCompare, n);
+ len -= variantLen;
+ if (variantLen > 0) {
+ if (name[len-1] == '_') { /* delete trailing '_' */
+ --len;
+ }
+ addKeyword = VARIANT_MAP[j].keyword;
+ addValue = VARIANT_MAP[j].value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (name[len-1] == '_') { /* delete trailing '_' */
+ --len;
+ }
/* Look up the ID in the canonicalization map */
break; /* Don't remap "" if keywords present */
len = _copyCount(name, nameCapacity, CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].canonicalID);
- addKeyword = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].keyword;
- addValue = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].value;
+ if (CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].keyword) {
+ addKeyword = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].keyword;
+ addValue = CANONICALIZE_MAP[j].value;
+ }
- /* Explicit EURO variant overrides keyword in CANONICALIZE_MAP */
- if (sawEuro > 0) {
- addKeyword = "currency";
- addValue = "EUR";
- }
- if (U_SUCCESS(*err) && name == localeBuffer) {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(*err) && result != NULL && name == localeBuffer) {
uprv_strncpy(result, localeBuffer, (len > resultCapacity) ? resultCapacity : len);
} else {
- /* second-level item, use special fallback */
- s=_res_getTableStringWithFallback(path, locale,
- tableKey,
- subTableKey,
- itemKey,
- &length,
- pErrorCode);
+ /* Language code should not be a number. If it is, set the error code. */
+ if (!uprv_strncmp(tableKey, "Languages", 9) && uprv_strtol(itemKey, NULL, 10)) {
+ } else {
+ /* second-level item, use special fallback */
+ s=_res_getTableStringWithFallback(path, locale,
+ tableKey,
+ subTableKey,
+ itemKey,
+ &length,
+ pErrorCode);
+ }
if(U_SUCCESS(*pErrorCode)) {
int32_t copyLength=uprv_min(length, destCapacity);
UBool localesLoaded;
- umtx_lock(NULL);
- localesLoaded = _installedLocales != NULL;
- umtx_unlock(NULL);
+ UMTX_CHECK(NULL, _installedLocales != NULL, localesLoaded);
if (localesLoaded == FALSE) {
UResourceBundle *index = NULL;
if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
localeCount = ures_getSize(&installed);
temp = (char **) uprv_malloc(sizeof(char*) * (localeCount+1));
- ures_resetIterator(&installed);
- while(ures_hasNext(&installed)) {
- ures_getNextString(&installed, NULL, (const char **)&temp[i++], &status);
+ /* Check for null pointer */
+ if (temp != NULL) {
+ ures_resetIterator(&installed);
+ while(ures_hasNext(&installed)) {
+ ures_getNextString(&installed, NULL, (const char **)&temp[i++], &status);
+ }
+ temp[i] = NULL;
+ umtx_lock(NULL);
+ if (_installedLocales == NULL)
+ {
+ _installedLocalesCount = localeCount;
+ _installedLocales = temp;
+ temp = NULL;
+ ucln_common_registerCleanup(UCLN_COMMON_ULOC, uloc_cleanup);
+ }
+ umtx_unlock(NULL);
+ uprv_free(temp);
- temp[i] = NULL;
- umtx_lock(NULL);
- if (_installedLocales == NULL)
- {
- _installedLocales = temp;
- _installedLocalesCount = localeCount;
- temp = NULL;
- ucln_common_registerCleanup(UCLN_COMMON_ULOC, uloc_cleanup);
- }
- umtx_unlock(NULL);
- uprv_free(temp);
- ures_close(&installed);
+ ures_close(&installed);
/* U_EXPORT2 */
_uloc_strtod(const char *start, char **end) {
- char *decimal;
- char *myEnd;
- char buf[30];
- double rv;
- if (!gDecimal) {
- char rep[5];
- /* For machines that decide to change the decimal on you,
- and try to be too smart with localization.
- This normally should be just a '.'. */
- sprintf(rep, "%+1.1f", 1.0);
- gDecimal = rep[2];
- }
+ char *decimal;
+ char *myEnd;
+ char buf[30];
+ double rv;
+ if (!gDecimal) {
+ char rep[5];
+ /* For machines that decide to change the decimal on you,
+ and try to be too smart with localization.
+ This normally should be just a '.'. */
+ sprintf(rep, "%+1.1f", 1.0);
+ gDecimal = rep[2];
+ }
- if(gDecimal == '.') {
- return uprv_strtod(start, end); /* fall through to OS */
- } else {
- uprv_strncpy(buf, start, 29);
- buf[29]=0;
- decimal = uprv_strchr(buf, '.');
- if(decimal) {
- *decimal = gDecimal;
+ if(gDecimal == '.') {
+ return uprv_strtod(start, end); /* fall through to OS */
} else {
- return uprv_strtod(start, end); /* no decimal point */
- }
- rv = uprv_strtod(buf, &myEnd);
- if(end) {
- *end = (char*)(start+(myEnd-buf)); /* cast away const (to follow uprv_strtod API.) */
+ uprv_strncpy(buf, start, 29);
+ buf[29]=0;
+ decimal = uprv_strchr(buf, '.');
+ if(decimal) {
+ *decimal = gDecimal;
+ } else {
+ return uprv_strtod(start, end); /* no decimal point */
+ }
+ rv = uprv_strtod(buf, &myEnd);
+ if(end) {
+ *end = (char*)(start+(myEnd-buf)); /* cast away const (to follow uprv_strtod API.) */
+ }
+ return rv;
- return rv;
- }
typedef struct {
- double q;
- char *locale;
-#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG_PURIFY)
+ float q;
int32_t dummy; /* to avoid uninitialized memory copy from qsort */
+ char *locale;
} _acceptLangItem;
static int32_t U_CALLCONV
return rc;
+static ULayoutType
+_uloc_getOrientationHelper(const char* localeId,
+ const char* key,
+ UErrorCode *status)
+ ULayoutType result = ULOC_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN;
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*status)) {
+ int32_t length = 0;
+ char localeBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+ uloc_canonicalize(localeId, localeBuffer, sizeof(localeBuffer), status);
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*status)) {
+ const UChar* const value =
+ _res_getTableStringWithFallback(
+ localeBuffer,
+ "layout",
+ key,
+ &length,
+ status);
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*status) && length != 0) {
+ switch(value[0])
+ {
+ case 0x0062: /* 'b' */
+ result = ULOC_LAYOUT_BTT;
+ break;
+ case 0x006C: /* 'l' */
+ result = ULOC_LAYOUT_LTR;
+ break;
+ case 0x0072: /* 'r' */
+ result = ULOC_LAYOUT_RTL;
+ break;
+ case 0x0074: /* 't' */
+ result = ULOC_LAYOUT_TTB;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+uloc_getCharacterOrientation(const char* localeId,
+ UErrorCode *status)
+ return _uloc_getOrientationHelper(localeId, "characters", status);
+ * Get the layout line orientation for the specified locale.
+ *
+ * @param localeID locale name
+ * @param status Error status
+ * @return an enum indicating the layout orientation for lines.
+ * @draft ICU 4.0
+ */
+uloc_getLineOrientation(const char* localeId,
+ UErrorCode *status)
+ return _uloc_getOrientationHelper(localeId, "lines", status);
mt-mt, ja;q=0.76, en-us;q=0.95, en;q=0.92, en-gb;q=0.89, fr;q=0.87, iu-ca;q=0.84, iu;q=0.82, ja-jp;q=0.79, mt;q=0.97, de-de;q=0.74, de;q=0.71, es;q=0.68, it-it;q=0.66, it;q=0.63, vi-vn;q=0.61, vi;q=0.58, nl-nl;q=0.55, nl;q=0.53
int32_t i;
int32_t l = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(httpAcceptLanguage);
int32_t jSize;
+ char *tempstr; /* Use for null pointer check */
j = smallBuffer;
jSize = sizeof(smallBuffer)/sizeof(smallBuffer[0]);
while(isspace(*t)) {
- j[n].q = _uloc_strtod(t,NULL);
+ j[n].q = (float)_uloc_strtod(t,NULL);
} else {
/* no semicolon - it's 1.0 */
- j[n].q = 1.0;
+ j[n].q = 1.0f;
paramEnd = itemEnd;
-#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG_PURIFY)
- j[n].dummy=0xDECAFBAD;
+ j[n].dummy=0;
/* eat spaces prior to semi */
- j[n].locale = uprv_strndup(s,(int32_t)((t+1)-s));
+ /* Check for null pointer from uprv_strndup */
+ tempstr = uprv_strndup(s,(int32_t)((t+1)-s));
+ if (tempstr == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ j[n].locale = tempstr;
if(strcmp(j[n].locale,tmp)) {
if(n>=jSize) {
- if(j==smallBuffer) { /* overflowed the small buffer. */
- j = uprv_malloc(sizeof(j[0])*(jSize*2));
- if(j!=NULL) {
- uprv_memcpy(j,smallBuffer,sizeof(j[0])*jSize);
- }
+ if(j==smallBuffer) { /* overflowed the small buffer. */
+ j = uprv_malloc(sizeof(j[0])*(jSize*2));
+ if(j!=NULL) {
+ uprv_memcpy(j,smallBuffer,sizeof(j[0])*jSize);
+ }
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr,"malloced at size %d\n", jSize);
+ fprintf(stderr,"malloced at size %d\n", jSize);
- } else {
- j = uprv_realloc(j, sizeof(j[0])*jSize*2);
+ } else {
+ j = uprv_realloc(j, sizeof(j[0])*jSize*2);
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr,"re-alloced at size %d\n", jSize);
+ fprintf(stderr,"re-alloced at size %d\n", jSize);
- }
- jSize *= 2;
- if(j==NULL) {
- return -1;
- }
+ }
+ jSize *= 2;
+ if(j==NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
uprv_sortArray(j, n, sizeof(j[0]), uloc_acceptLanguageCompare, NULL, TRUE, status);
if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
- if(j != smallBuffer) {
+ if(j != smallBuffer) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr,"freeing j %p\n", j);
+ fprintf(stderr,"freeing j %p\n", j);
- uprv_free(j);
- }
- return -1;
+ uprv_free(j);
+ }
+ return -1;
strs = uprv_malloc((size_t)(sizeof(strs[0])*n));
+ /* Check for null pointer */
+ if (strs == NULL) {
+ uprv_free(j); /* Free to avoid memory leak */
+ return -1;
+ }
for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
/*fprintf(stderr,"%d: s <%s> q <%g>\n", i, j[i].locale, j[i].q);*/
if(j != smallBuffer) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
- fprintf(stderr,"freeing j %p\n", j);
+ fprintf(stderr,"freeing j %p\n", j);
- uprv_free(j);
+ uprv_free(j);
return res;
fallbackList = uprv_malloc((size_t)(sizeof(fallbackList[0])*acceptListCount));
if(fallbackList==NULL) {
- return -1;
+ return -1;
for(i=0;i<acceptListCount;i++) {
#if defined(ULOC_DEBUG)
return -1;
+ * This function looks for the localeID in the likelySubtags resource.
+ *
+ * @param localeID The tag to find.
+ * @param buffer A buffer to hold the matching entry
+ * @param bufferLength The length of the output buffer
+ * @return A pointer to "buffer" if found, or a null pointer if not.
+ */
+static const char* U_CALLCONV
+findLikelySubtags(const char* localeID,
+ char* buffer,
+ int32_t bufferLength,
+ UErrorCode* err) {
+ const char* result = NULL;
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ int32_t resLen = 0;
+ const UChar* s = NULL;
+ UResourceBundle* subtags = ures_openDirect(NULL, "likelySubtags", err);
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ s = ures_getStringByKey(subtags, localeID, &resLen, err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ /*
+ * If a resource is missing, it's not really an error, it's
+ * just that we don't have any data for that particular locale ID.
+ */
+ *err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (resLen >= bufferLength) {
+ /* The buffer should never overflow. */
+ }
+ else {
+ u_UCharsToChars(s, buffer, resLen + 1);
+ result = buffer;
+ }
+ ures_close(subtags);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Append a tag to a buffer, adding the separator if necessary. The buffer
+ * must be large enough to contain the resulting tag plus any separator
+ * necessary. The tag must not be a zero-length string.
+ *
+ * @param tag The tag to add.
+ * @param tagLength The length of the tag.
+ * @param buffer The output buffer.
+ * @param bufferLength The length of the output buffer. This is an input/ouput parameter.
+ **/
+static void U_CALLCONV
+ const char* tag,
+ int32_t tagLength,
+ char* buffer,
+ int32_t* bufferLength) {
+ if (*bufferLength > 0) {
+ buffer[*bufferLength] = '_';
+ ++(*bufferLength);
+ }
+ uprv_memmove(
+ &buffer[*bufferLength],
+ tag,
+ tagLength);
+ *bufferLength += tagLength;
+ * These are the canonical strings for unknown languages, scripts and regions.
+ **/
+static const char* const unknownLanguage = "und";
+static const char* const unknownScript = "Zzzz";
+static const char* const unknownRegion = "ZZ";
+ * Create a tag string from the supplied parameters. The lang, script and region
+ * parameters may be NULL pointers. If they are, their corresponding length parameters
+ * must be less than or equal to 0.
+ *
+ * If any of the language, script or region parameters are empty, and the alternateTags
+ * parameter is not NULL, it will be parsed for potential language, script and region tags
+ * to be used when constructing the new tag. If the alternateTags parameter is NULL, or
+ * it contains no language tag, the default tag for the unknown language is used.
+ *
+ * If the length of the new string exceeds the capacity of the output buffer,
+ * the function copies as many bytes to the output buffer as it can, and returns
+ *
+ * If an illegal argument is provided, the function returns the error
+ *
+ * Note that this function can return the warning U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING if
+ * the tag string fits in the output buffer, but the null terminator doesn't.
+ *
+ * @param lang The language tag to use.
+ * @param langLength The length of the language tag.
+ * @param script The script tag to use.
+ * @param scriptLength The length of the script tag.
+ * @param region The region tag to use.
+ * @param regionLength The length of the region tag.
+ * @param trailing Any trailing data to append to the new tag.
+ * @param trailingLength The length of the trailing data.
+ * @param alternateTags A string containing any alternate tags.
+ * @param tag The output buffer.
+ * @param tagCapacity The capacity of the output buffer.
+ * @param err A pointer to a UErrorCode for error reporting.
+ * @return The length of the tag string, which may be greater than tagCapacity, or -1 on error.
+ **/
+static int32_t U_CALLCONV
+ const char* lang,
+ int32_t langLength,
+ const char* script,
+ int32_t scriptLength,
+ const char* region,
+ int32_t regionLength,
+ const char* trailing,
+ int32_t trailingLength,
+ const char* alternateTags,
+ char* tag,
+ int32_t tagCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (tag == NULL ||
+ tagCapacity <= 0 ||
+ langLength >= ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY ||
+ scriptLength >= ULOC_SCRIPT_CAPACITY ||
+ regionLength >= ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else {
+ /**
+ * ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY will provide enough capacity
+ * that we can build a string that contains the language,
+ * script and region code without worrying about overrunning
+ * the user-supplied buffer.
+ **/
+ int32_t tagLength = 0;
+ int32_t capacityRemaining = tagCapacity;
+ UBool regionAppended = FALSE;
+ if (langLength > 0) {
+ appendTag(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ }
+ else if (alternateTags == NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Append the value for an unknown language, if
+ * we found no language.
+ */
+ appendTag(
+ unknownLanguage,
+ uprv_strlen(unknownLanguage),
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ }
+ else {
+ /*
+ * Parse the alternateTags string for the language.
+ */
+ char alternateLang[ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t alternateLangLength = sizeof(alternateLang);
+ alternateLangLength =
+ uloc_getLanguage(
+ alternateTags,
+ alternateLang,
+ alternateLangLength,
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err) ||
+ alternateLangLength >= ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (alternateLangLength == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Append the value for an unknown language, if
+ * we found no language.
+ */
+ appendTag(
+ unknownLanguage,
+ uprv_strlen(unknownLanguage),
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ }
+ else {
+ appendTag(
+ alternateLang,
+ alternateLangLength,
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ }
+ }
+ if (scriptLength > 0) {
+ appendTag(
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ }
+ else if (alternateTags != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Parse the alternateTags string for the script.
+ */
+ char alternateScript[ULOC_SCRIPT_CAPACITY];
+ const int32_t alternateScriptLength =
+ uloc_getScript(
+ alternateTags,
+ alternateScript,
+ sizeof(alternateScript),
+ err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(*err) ||
+ alternateScriptLength >= ULOC_SCRIPT_CAPACITY) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (alternateScriptLength > 0) {
+ appendTag(
+ alternateScript,
+ alternateScriptLength,
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ }
+ }
+ if (regionLength > 0) {
+ appendTag(
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ regionAppended = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (alternateTags != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * Parse the alternateTags string for the region.
+ */
+ char alternateRegion[ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY];
+ const int32_t alternateRegionLength =
+ uloc_getCountry(
+ alternateTags,
+ alternateRegion,
+ sizeof(alternateRegion),
+ err);
+ if (U_FAILURE(*err) ||
+ alternateRegionLength >= ULOC_COUNTRY_CAPACITY) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (alternateRegionLength > 0) {
+ appendTag(
+ alternateRegion,
+ alternateRegionLength,
+ tagBuffer,
+ &tagLength);
+ regionAppended = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const int32_t toCopy =
+ tagLength >= tagCapacity ? tagCapacity : tagLength;
+ /**
+ * Copy the partial tag from our internal buffer to the supplied
+ * target.
+ **/
+ uprv_memcpy(
+ tag,
+ tagBuffer,
+ toCopy);
+ capacityRemaining -= toCopy;
+ }
+ if (trailingLength > 0) {
+ if (capacityRemaining > 0 && !regionAppended) {
+ tag[tagLength++] = '_';
+ --capacityRemaining;
+ }
+ if (capacityRemaining > 0) {
+ /*
+ * Copy the trailing data into the supplied buffer. Use uprv_memmove, since we
+ * don't know if the user-supplied buffers overlap.
+ */
+ const int32_t toCopy =
+ trailingLength >= capacityRemaining ? capacityRemaining : trailingLength;
+ uprv_memmove(
+ &tag[tagLength],
+ trailing,
+ toCopy);
+ }
+ }
+ tagLength += trailingLength;
+ return u_terminateChars(
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ tagLength,
+ err);
+ }
+ /**
+ * An overflow indicates the locale ID passed in
+ * is ill-formed. If we got here, and there was
+ * no previous error, it's an implicit overflow.
+ **/
+ if (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR ||
+ U_SUCCESS(*err)) {
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * Create a tag string from the supplied parameters. The lang, script and region
+ * parameters may be NULL pointers. If they are, their corresponding length parameters
+ * must be less than or equal to 0. If the lang parameter is an empty string, the
+ * default value for an unknown language is written to the output buffer.
+ *
+ * If the length of the new string exceeds the capacity of the output buffer,
+ * the function copies as many bytes to the output buffer as it can, and returns
+ *
+ * If an illegal argument is provided, the function returns the error
+ *
+ * @param lang The language tag to use.
+ * @param langLength The length of the language tag.
+ * @param script The script tag to use.
+ * @param scriptLength The length of the script tag.
+ * @param region The region tag to use.
+ * @param regionLength The length of the region tag.
+ * @param trailing Any trailing data to append to the new tag.
+ * @param trailingLength The length of the trailing data.
+ * @param tag The output buffer.
+ * @param tagCapacity The capacity of the output buffer.
+ * @param err A pointer to a UErrorCode for error reporting.
+ * @return The length of the tag string, which may be greater than tagCapacity.
+ **/
+static int32_t U_CALLCONV
+ const char* lang,
+ int32_t langLength,
+ const char* script,
+ int32_t scriptLength,
+ const char* region,
+ int32_t regionLength,
+ const char* trailing,
+ int32_t trailingLength,
+ char* tag,
+ int32_t tagCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ return createTagStringWithAlternates(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ trailing,
+ trailingLength,
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ err);
+ * Parse the language, script, and region subtags from a tag string, and copy the
+ * results into the corresponding output parameters. The buffers are null-terminated,
+ * unless overflow occurs.
+ *
+ * The langLength, scriptLength, and regionLength parameters are input/output
+ * parameters, and must contain the capacity of their corresponding buffers on
+ * input. On output, they will contain the actual length of the buffers, not
+ * including the null terminator.
+ *
+ * If the length of any of the output subtags exceeds the capacity of the corresponding
+ * buffer, the function copies as many bytes to the output buffer as it can, and returns
+ * the error U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR. It will not parse any more subtags once overflow
+ * occurs.
+ *
+ * If an illegal argument is provided, the function returns the error
+ *
+ * @param localeID The locale ID to parse.
+ * @param lang The language tag buffer.
+ * @param langLength The length of the language tag.
+ * @param script The script tag buffer.
+ * @param scriptLength The length of the script tag.
+ * @param region The region tag buffer.
+ * @param regionLength The length of the region tag.
+ * @param err A pointer to a UErrorCode for error reporting.
+ * @return The number of chars of the localeID parameter consumed.
+ **/
+static int32_t U_CALLCONV
+ const char* localeID,
+ char* lang,
+ int32_t* langLength,
+ char* script,
+ int32_t* scriptLength,
+ char* region,
+ int32_t* regionLength,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ const char* position = localeID;
+ int32_t subtagLength = 0;
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err) ||
+ localeID == NULL ||
+ lang == NULL ||
+ langLength == NULL ||
+ script == NULL ||
+ scriptLength == NULL ||
+ region == NULL ||
+ regionLength == NULL) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ subtagLength = _getLanguage(position, lang, *langLength, &position);
+ u_terminateChars(lang, *langLength, subtagLength, err);
+ /*
+ * Note that we explicit consider U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING
+ * to be an error, because it indicates the user-supplied tag is
+ * not well-formed.
+ */
+ if(*err != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ *langLength = subtagLength;
+ /*
+ * If no language was present, use the value of unknownLanguage
+ * instead. Otherwise, move past any separator.
+ */
+ if (*langLength == 0) {
+ uprv_strcpy(
+ lang,
+ unknownLanguage);
+ *langLength = uprv_strlen(lang);
+ }
+ else if (_isIDSeparator(*position)) {
+ ++position;
+ }
+ subtagLength = _getScript(position, script, *scriptLength, &position);
+ u_terminateChars(script, *scriptLength, subtagLength, err);
+ if(*err != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ *scriptLength = subtagLength;
+ if (*scriptLength > 0) {
+ if (uprv_strnicmp(script, unknownScript, *scriptLength) == 0) {
+ /**
+ * If the script part is the "unknown" script, then don't return it.
+ **/
+ *scriptLength = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Move past any separator.
+ */
+ if (_isIDSeparator(*position)) {
+ ++position;
+ }
+ }
+ subtagLength = _getCountry(position, region, *regionLength, &position);
+ u_terminateChars(region, *regionLength, subtagLength, err);
+ if(*err != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ *regionLength = subtagLength;
+ if (*regionLength > 0) {
+ if (uprv_strnicmp(region, unknownRegion, *regionLength) == 0) {
+ /**
+ * If the region part is the "unknown" region, then don't return it.
+ **/
+ *regionLength = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return (int32_t)(position - localeID);
+ /**
+ * If we get here, we have no explicit error, it's the result of an
+ * illegal argument.
+ **/
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ }
+ goto exit;
+static int32_t U_CALLCONV
+ const char* lang,
+ int32_t langLength,
+ const char* script,
+ int32_t scriptLength,
+ const char* region,
+ int32_t regionLength,
+ const char* variants,
+ int32_t variantsLength,
+ char* tag,
+ int32_t tagCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ /**
+ * ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY will provide enough capacity
+ * that we can build a string that contains the language,
+ * script and region code without worrying about overrunning
+ * the user-supplied buffer.
+ **/
+ char likelySubtagsBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t tagBufferLength = 0;
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try the language with the script and region first.
+ **/
+ if (scriptLength > 0 && regionLength > 0) {
+ const char* likelySubtags = NULL;
+ tagBufferLength = createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ likelySubtags =
+ findLikelySubtags(
+ tagBuffer,
+ likelySubtagsBuffer,
+ sizeof(likelySubtagsBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (likelySubtags != NULL) {
+ /* Always use the language tag from the
+ maximal string, since it may be more
+ specific than the one provided. */
+ return createTagStringWithAlternates(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ variants,
+ variantsLength,
+ likelySubtags,
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try the language with just the script.
+ **/
+ if (scriptLength > 0) {
+ const char* likelySubtags = NULL;
+ tagBufferLength = createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ likelySubtags =
+ findLikelySubtags(
+ tagBuffer,
+ likelySubtagsBuffer,
+ sizeof(likelySubtagsBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (likelySubtags != NULL) {
+ /* Always use the language tag from the
+ maximal string, since it may be more
+ specific than the one provided. */
+ return createTagStringWithAlternates(
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ variants,
+ variantsLength,
+ likelySubtags,
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try the language with just the region.
+ **/
+ if (regionLength > 0) {
+ const char* likelySubtags = NULL;
+ createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ 0,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ likelySubtags =
+ findLikelySubtags(
+ tagBuffer,
+ likelySubtagsBuffer,
+ sizeof(likelySubtagsBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (likelySubtags != NULL) {
+ /* Always use the language tag from the
+ maximal string, since it may be more
+ specific than the one provided. */
+ return createTagStringWithAlternates(
+ 0,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ 0,
+ variants,
+ variantsLength,
+ likelySubtags,
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finally, try just the language.
+ **/
+ {
+ const char* likelySubtags = NULL;
+ createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ likelySubtags =
+ findLikelySubtags(
+ tagBuffer,
+ likelySubtagsBuffer,
+ sizeof(likelySubtagsBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (likelySubtags != NULL) {
+ /* Always use the language tag from the
+ maximal string, since it may be more
+ specific than the one provided. */
+ return createTagStringWithAlternates(
+ 0,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ variants,
+ variantsLength,
+ likelySubtags,
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ return u_terminateChars(
+ tag,
+ tagCapacity,
+ 0,
+ err);
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ }
+ return -1;
+static int32_t
+_uloc_addLikelySubtags(const char* localeID,
+ char* maximizedLocaleID,
+ int32_t maximizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ char lang[ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t langLength = sizeof(lang);
+ char script[ULOC_SCRIPT_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t scriptLength = sizeof(script);
+ int32_t regionLength = sizeof(region);
+ const char* trailing = "";
+ int32_t trailingLength = 0;
+ int32_t trailingIndex = 0;
+ int32_t resultLength = 0;
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (localeID == NULL ||
+ maximizedLocaleID == NULL ||
+ maximizedLocaleIDCapacity <= 0) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ trailingIndex = parseTagString(
+ localeID,
+ lang,
+ &langLength,
+ script,
+ &scriptLength,
+ region,
+ ®ionLength,
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ /* Overflow indicates an illegal argument error */
+ if (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
+ }
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Find the length of the trailing portion. */
+ trailing = &localeID[trailingIndex];
+ trailingLength = uprv_strlen(trailing);
+ resultLength =
+ createLikelySubtagsString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ trailing,
+ trailingLength,
+ maximizedLocaleID,
+ maximizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ err);
+ if (resultLength == 0) {
+ const int32_t localIDLength =
+ uprv_strlen(localeID);
+ /*
+ * If we get here, we need to return localeID.
+ */
+ uprv_memcpy(
+ maximizedLocaleID,
+ localeID,
+ localIDLength <= maximizedLocaleIDCapacity ?
+ localIDLength : maximizedLocaleIDCapacity);
+ resultLength =
+ u_terminateChars(
+ maximizedLocaleID,
+ maximizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ localIDLength,
+ err);
+ }
+ return resultLength;
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ }
+ return -1;
+static int32_t
+_uloc_minimizeSubtags(const char* localeID,
+ char* minimizedLocaleID,
+ int32_t minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ /**
+ * ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY will provide enough capacity
+ * that we can build a string that contains the language,
+ * script and region code without worrying about overrunning
+ * the user-supplied buffer.
+ **/
+ char maximizedTagBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t maximizedTagBufferLength = sizeof(maximizedTagBuffer);
+ char lang[ULOC_LANG_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t langLength = sizeof(lang);
+ char script[ULOC_SCRIPT_CAPACITY];
+ int32_t scriptLength = sizeof(script);
+ int32_t regionLength = sizeof(region);
+ const char* trailing = "";
+ int32_t trailingLength = 0;
+ int32_t trailingIndex = 0;
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (localeID == NULL ||
+ minimizedLocaleID == NULL ||
+ minimizedLocaleIDCapacity <= 0) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ trailingIndex =
+ parseTagString(
+ localeID,
+ lang,
+ &langLength,
+ script,
+ &scriptLength,
+ region,
+ ®ionLength,
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ /* Overflow indicates an illegal argument error */
+ if (*err == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
+ }
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Find the spot where the variants begin, if any. */
+ trailing = &localeID[trailingIndex];
+ trailingLength = uprv_strlen(trailing);
+ createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ 0,
+ maximizedTagBuffer,
+ maximizedTagBufferLength,
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /**
+ * First, we need to first get the maximization
+ * from AddLikelySubtags.
+ **/
+ maximizedTagBufferLength =
+ uloc_addLikelySubtags(
+ maximizedTagBuffer,
+ maximizedTagBuffer,
+ maximizedTagBufferLength,
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Start first with just the language.
+ **/
+ {
+ const int32_t tagBufferLength =
+ createLikelySubtagsString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (uprv_strnicmp(
+ maximizedTagBuffer,
+ tagBuffer,
+ tagBufferLength) == 0) {
+ return createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ trailing,
+ trailingLength,
+ minimizedLocaleID,
+ minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Next, try the language and region.
+ **/
+ if (regionLength > 0) {
+ const int32_t tagBufferLength =
+ createLikelySubtagsString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ 0,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (uprv_strnicmp(
+ maximizedTagBuffer,
+ tagBuffer,
+ tagBufferLength) == 0) {
+ return createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ 0,
+ region,
+ regionLength,
+ trailing,
+ trailingLength,
+ minimizedLocaleID,
+ minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finally, try the language and script. This is our last chance,
+ * since trying with all three subtags would only yield the
+ * maximal version that we already have.
+ **/
+ if (scriptLength > 0 && regionLength > 0) {
+ const int32_t tagBufferLength =
+ createLikelySubtagsString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ tagBuffer,
+ sizeof(tagBuffer),
+ err);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else if (uprv_strnicmp(
+ maximizedTagBuffer,
+ tagBuffer,
+ tagBufferLength) == 0) {
+ return createTagString(
+ lang,
+ langLength,
+ script,
+ scriptLength,
+ 0,
+ trailing,
+ trailingLength,
+ minimizedLocaleID,
+ minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /**
+ * If we got here, return the locale ID parameter.
+ **/
+ const int32_t localeIDLength = uprv_strlen(localeID);
+ uprv_memcpy(
+ minimizedLocaleID,
+ localeID,
+ localeIDLength <= minimizedLocaleIDCapacity ?
+ localeIDLength : minimizedLocaleIDCapacity);
+ return u_terminateChars(
+ minimizedLocaleID,
+ minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ localeIDLength,
+ err);
+ }
+ if (!U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ }
+ return -1;
+static UBool
+do_canonicalize(const char* localeID,
+ char* buffer,
+ int32_t bufferCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ uloc_canonicalize(
+ localeID,
+ buffer,
+ bufferCapacity,
+ err);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (U_FAILURE(*err)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uloc_addLikelySubtags(const char* localeID,
+ char* maximizedLocaleID,
+ int32_t maximizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ char localeBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+ if (!do_canonicalize(
+ localeID,
+ localeBuffer,
+ sizeof(localeBuffer),
+ err)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return _uloc_addLikelySubtags(
+ localeBuffer,
+ maximizedLocaleID,
+ maximizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ err);
+ }
+U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uloc_minimizeSubtags(const char* localeID,
+ char* minimizedLocaleID,
+ int32_t minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ UErrorCode* err)
+ char localeBuffer[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
+ if (!do_canonicalize(
+ localeID,
+ localeBuffer,
+ sizeof(localeBuffer),
+ err)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return _uloc_minimizeSubtags(
+ localeBuffer,
+ minimizedLocaleID,
+ minimizedLocaleIDCapacity,
+ err);
+ }