+class FormattedRelativeDateTimeData;
+ * An immutable class containing the result of a relative datetime formatting operation.
+ *
+ * Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
+ *
+ * Not intended for public subclassing.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+class U_I18N_API FormattedRelativeDateTime : public UMemory, public FormattedValue {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Default constructor; makes an empty FormattedRelativeDateTime.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ FormattedRelativeDateTime() : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(U_INVALID_STATE_ERROR) {}
+ /**
+ * Move constructor: Leaves the source FormattedRelativeDateTime in an undefined state.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ FormattedRelativeDateTime(FormattedRelativeDateTime&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+ /**
+ * Destruct an instance of FormattedRelativeDateTime.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ virtual ~FormattedRelativeDateTime() U_OVERRIDE;
+ /** Copying not supported; use move constructor instead. */
+ FormattedRelativeDateTime(const FormattedRelativeDateTime&) = delete;
+ /** Copying not supported; use move assignment instead. */
+ FormattedRelativeDateTime& operator=(const FormattedRelativeDateTime&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * Move assignment: Leaves the source FormattedRelativeDateTime in an undefined state.
+ * @draft ICU 64
+ */
+ FormattedRelativeDateTime& operator=(FormattedRelativeDateTime&& src) U_NOEXCEPT;
+ /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toString() */
+ UnicodeString toString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+ /** @copydoc FormattedValue::toTempString() */
+ UnicodeString toTempString(UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+ /** @copydoc FormattedValue::appendTo() */
+ Appendable &appendTo(Appendable& appendable, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+ /** @copydoc FormattedValue::nextPosition() */
+ UBool nextPosition(ConstrainedFieldPosition& cfpos, UErrorCode& status) const U_OVERRIDE;
+ private:
+ FormattedRelativeDateTimeData *fData;
+ UErrorCode fErrorCode;
+ explicit FormattedRelativeDateTime(FormattedRelativeDateTimeData *results)
+ : fData(results), fErrorCode(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
+ explicit FormattedRelativeDateTime(UErrorCode errorCode)
+ : fData(nullptr), fErrorCode(errorCode) {}
+ friend class RelativeDateTimeFormatter;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */