-// ***************************************************************************
+// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Copyright (C) 2016 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
+// * Source File: <path>/common/main/om.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
-// * Oromo language locale.
-// * Contributed by Daniel Yacob <yacob@geez.org>
-// *
-// * Oromo terms are provided by Mahdi Hamid Muudee of Sagalee Oromoo
-// * Publishing Co. Inc and formatted in Posix format locale by Daniel Yacob of
-// * the Ge'ez Frontier Foundation. The Oromo language terms used here
-// * are those considered to be canonical in the Oromo language under
-// * contemporary and progressive usage adopted by government bureaus
-// * across the Oromo region. Regional synonyms naturally exist for many
-// * of the month and day names.
- Version{ "2.0" }
- DayAbbreviations {
- "Dil",
- "Wix",
- "Qib",
- "Rob",
- "Kam",
- "Jim",
- "San",
- }
- DayNames {
- "Dilbata",
- "Wiixata",
- "Qibxata",
- "Roobii",
- "Kamiisa",
- "Jimaata",
- "Sanbata",
- }
-// LanguageLibraryUse { "orm" }
- MonthAbbreviations {
- "Ama",
- "Gur",
- "Bit",
- "Elb",
- "Cam",
- "Wax",
- "Ado",
- "Hag",
- "Ful",
- "Onk",
- "Sad",
- "Mud",
- }
- MonthNames {
- "Amajjii",
- "Guraandhala",
- "Bitooteessa",
- "Elba",
- "Caamsa",
- "Waxabajjii",
- "Adooleessa",
- "Hagayya",
- "Fuulbana",
- "Onkololeessa",
- "Sadaasa",
- "Muddee",
- }
- Eras {
- "KD", // KD = Kiristoos Dura = Before Christ
- "KB", // KB = Kiristoos Booda = After Christ
- }
- DateTimeElements:intvector {
- 7,
- 1,
- }
- Languages {
- om { "Oromoo" }
- }
- Countries {
- ET { "Itoophiyaa" }
- KE { "Keeniyaa" }
+ ExemplarCharacters{"[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
+ NumberElements{
+ default{"latn"}
+ latn{
+ patterns{
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ }
+ }
+ native{"latn"}
+ traditional{"ethi"}
- // Currency display names
- Currencies {
- KES { "Ksh", "KES" }
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
+ "h:mm:ss a z",
+ "h:mm:ss a",
+ "h:mm a",
+ "EEEE, MMMM d, y G",
+ "dd MMMM y G",
+ "dd-MMM-y G",
+ "dd/MM/yy GGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ MMMMdd{"dd MMMM"}
+ MMdd{"dd/MM"}
+ yMM{"MM/y"}
+ yMMMM{"MMMM y"}
+ yQQQ{"QQQ y"}
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "WD",
+ "WB",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersAbbr{
+ "WD",
+ "WB",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
+ "h:mm:ss a z",
+ "h:mm:ss a",
+ "h:mm a",
+ "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
+ "dd MMMM y",
+ "dd-MMM-y",
+ "dd/MM/yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ MMMMdd{"dd MMMM"}
+ MMdd{"dd/MM"}
+ yMM{"MM/y"}
+ yMMMM{"MMMM y"}
+ yQQQ{"QQQ y"}
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Dil",
+ "Wix",
+ "Qib",
+ "Rob",
+ "Kam",
+ "Jim",
+ "San",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Dilbata",
+ "Wiixata",
+ "Qibxata",
+ "Roobii",
+ "Kamiisa",
+ "Jimaata",
+ "Sanbata",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ narrow{
+ "S",
+ "M",
+ "T",
+ "W",
+ "T",
+ "F",
+ "S",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "KD",
+ "KB",
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Ama",
+ "Gur",
+ "Bit",
+ "Elb",
+ "Cam",
+ "Wax",
+ "Ado",
+ "Hag",
+ "Ful",
+ "Onk",
+ "Sad",
+ "Mud",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Amajjii",
+ "Guraandhala",
+ "Bitooteessa",
+ "Elba",
+ "Caamsa",
+ "Waxabajjii",
+ "Adooleessa",
+ "Hagayya",
+ "Fuulbana",
+ "Onkololeessa",
+ "Sadaasa",
+ "Muddee",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ narrow{
+ "J",
+ "F",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "J",
+ "J",
+ "A",
+ "S",
+ "O",
+ "N",
+ "D",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }