-* Copyright (C) 2001-2003, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2008, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
#define __UTRIE_H__
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "udataswp.h"
* Number of index (stage 1) entries per lead surrogate.
- * Same as number of indexe entries for 1024 trail surrogates,
+ * Same as number of index entries for 1024 trail surrogates,
* ==0x400>>UTRIE_SHIFT
+ * Number of bytes for a dummy trie.
+ * A dummy trie is an empty runtime trie, used when a real data trie cannot
+ * be loaded.
+ * The number of bytes works for Latin-1-linear tries with 32-bit data
+ * (worst case).
+ *
+ * Calculation:
+ * BMP index + 1 index block for lead surrogate code points +
+ * Latin-1-linear array + 1 data block for lead surrogate code points
+ *
+ * Latin-1: if(UTRIE_SHIFT<=8) { 256 } else { included in first data block }
+ *
+ * @see utrie_unserializeDummy
+ */
* Runtime UTrie callback function.
* Extract from a lead surrogate's data the
* This function is not used in _FROM_LEAD, _FROM_BMP, and _FROM_OFFSET_TRAIL macros.
* If convenience macros like _GET16 or _NEXT32 are used, this function must be set.
+ *
+ * utrie_unserialize() sets a default function which simply returns
+ * the lead surrogate's value itself - which is the inverse of the default
+ * folding function used by utrie_serialize().
+ *
* @see UTrieGetFoldingOffset
UTrieGetFoldingOffset *getFoldingOffset;
UBool isLatin1Linear;
+#ifndef __UTRIE2_H__
typedef struct UTrie UTrie;
/** Internal trie getter from an offset (0 if c16 is a BMP/lead units) and a 16-bit unit */
#define _UTRIE_GET_RAW(trie, data, offset, c16) \
* @param context an opaque pointer that is passed on to the callback functions
-utrie_enum(UTrie *trie,
+utrie_enum(const UTrie *trie,
UTrieEnumValue *enumValue, UTrieEnumRange *enumRange, const void *context);
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
utrie_unserialize(UTrie *trie, const void *data, int32_t length, UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * "Unserialize" a dummy trie.
+ * A dummy trie is an empty runtime trie, used when a real data trie cannot
+ * be loaded.
+ *
+ * The input memory is filled so that the trie always returns the initialValue,
+ * or the leadUnitValue for lead surrogate code points.
+ * The Latin-1 part is always set up to be linear.
+ *
+ * @param trie a pointer to the runtime trie structure
+ * @param data a pointer to 32-bit-aligned memory to be filled with the dummy trie data
+ * @param length the number of bytes available at data (recommended to use UTRIE_DUMMY_SIZE)
+ * @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param leadUnitValue the value for lead surrogate code _units_ that do not
+ * have associated supplementary data
+ * @param pErrorCode an in/out ICU UErrorCode
+ *
+ * @see utrie_open
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_unserializeDummy(UTrie *trie,
+ void *data, int32_t length,
+ uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t leadUnitValue,
+ UBool make16BitTrie,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Default implementation for UTrie.getFoldingOffset, set automatically by
+ * utrie_unserialize().
+ * Simply returns the lead surrogate's value itself - which is the inverse
+ * of the default folding function used by utrie_serialize().
+ * Exported for static const UTrie structures.
+ *
+ * @see UTrieGetFoldingOffset
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_defaultGetFoldingOffset(uint32_t data);
/* Building a trie ----------------------------------------------------------*/
int32_t index[UTRIE_MAX_INDEX_LENGTH];
uint32_t *data;
+ uint32_t leadUnitValue;
int32_t indexLength, dataCapacity, dataLength;
UBool isAllocated, isDataAllocated;
UBool isLatin1Linear, isCompacted;
* @param maxDataLength the capacity of aliasData (if not NULL) or
* the length of the data array to be allocated
* @param initialValue the initial value that is set for all code points
+ * @param leadUnitValue the value for lead surrogate code _units_ that do not
+ * have associated supplementary data
* @param latin1Linear a flag indicating whether the Latin-1 range is to be allocated and
* kept in a linear, contiguous part of the data array
* @return a pointer to the initialized fillIn or the allocated and initialized new UNewTrie
utrie_open(UNewTrie *fillIn,
uint32_t *aliasData, int32_t maxDataLength,
- uint32_t initialValue, UBool latin1Linear);
+ uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t leadUnitValue,
+ UBool latin1Linear);
* Clone a build-time trie structure with all entries.
* @param capacity the number of bytes available at data
* @param getFoldedValue a callback function that calculates the value for
* a lead surrogate from all of its supplementary code points
- * and the folding offset
+ * and the folding offset;
+ * if NULL, then a default function is used which returns just
+ * the input offset when there are any non-initial-value entries
* @param reduceTo16Bits flag for whether the values are to be reduced to a
* width of 16 bits for serialization and runtime
* @param pErrorCode a UErrorCode argument; among other possible error codes:
UBool reduceTo16Bits,
UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+ * Swap a serialized UTrie.
+ * @internal
+ */
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+utrie_swap(const UDataSwapper *ds,
+ const void *inData, int32_t length, void *outData,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode);
+/* serialization ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ * Trie data structure in serialized form:
+ *
+ * UTrieHeader header;
+ * uint16_t index[header.indexLength];
+ * uint16_t data[header.dataLength];
+ * @internal
+ */
+typedef struct UTrieHeader {
+ /** "Trie" in big-endian US-ASCII (0x54726965) */
+ uint32_t signature;
+ /**
+ * options bit field:
+ * 9 1=Latin-1 data is stored linearly at data+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH
+ * 8 0=16-bit data, 1=32-bit data
+ * 3..0 UTRIE_SHIFT // 1..9
+ */
+ uint32_t options;
+ /** indexLength is a multiple of UTRIE_SURROGATE_BLOCK_COUNT */
+ int32_t indexLength;
+ /** dataLength>=UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH */
+ int32_t dataLength;
+} UTrieHeader;
+ * Constants for use with UTrieHeader.options.
+ * @internal
+ */
+enum {
+ /** Mask to get the UTRIE_SHIFT value from options. */
+ /** Shift options right this much to get the UTRIE_INDEX_SHIFT value. */
+ /** If set, then the data (stage 2) array is 32 bits wide. */
+ /**
+ * If set, then Latin-1 data (for U+0000..U+00ff) is stored in the data (stage 2) array
+ * as a simple, linear array at data+UTRIE_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH.
+ */