#include "unicode/simpletz.h"
#include "unicode/gregocal.h"
-#include "tzdat.h"
-const char SimpleTimeZone::fgClassID = 0; // Value is irrelevant
// WARNING: assumes that no rule is measured from the end of February,
// since we don't handle leap years. Could handle assuming always
// Gregorian, since we know they didn't have daylight time when
// Gregorian calendar started.
-const int8_t SimpleTimeZone::staticMonthLength[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
+const int8_t SimpleTimeZone::STATICMONTHLENGTH[] = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
// *****************************************************************************
// class SimpleTimeZone
savingsDST, status);
- * Construct from memory-mapped data. For private use by TimeZone.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(const StandardZone& stdZone,
- const UnicodeString& ID)
-: TimeZone(ID)
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- construct(stdZone.gmtOffset,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, WALL_TIME,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, WALL_TIME,
- 0, status);
- * Construct from memory-mapped data. For private use by TimeZone.
- */
-SimpleTimeZone::SimpleTimeZone(const DSTZone& dstZone,
- const UnicodeString& ID)
-: TimeZone(ID)
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- construct(dstZone.gmtOffset,
- dstZone.onsetRule.month, dstZone.onsetRule.dowim,
- dstZone.onsetRule.dow,
- dstZone.onsetRule.time * (int32_t)60000,
- (TimeMode)dstZone.onsetRule.mode,
- dstZone.ceaseRule.month, dstZone.ceaseRule.dowim,
- dstZone.ceaseRule.dow,
- dstZone.ceaseRule.time * (int32_t)60000,
- (TimeMode)dstZone.ceaseRule.mode,
- dstZone.dstSavings * (int32_t)60000, status);
* Internal construction method.
SimpleTimeZone::getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis, UErrorCode& status) const
- // Check the month before indexing into staticMonthLength. This
+ // Check the month before indexing into STATICMONTHLENGTH. This
// duplicates the test that occurs in the 7-argument getOffset(),
// however, this is unavoidable. We don't mind because this method, in
// fact, should not be called; internal code should always call the
return 0;
- return getOffset(era, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, millis, staticMonthLength[month], status);
+ return getOffset(era, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, millis, STATICMONTHLENGTH[month], status);
SimpleTimeZone::getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day,
uint8_t dayOfWeek, int32_t millis,
int32_t monthLength, UErrorCode& status) const {
- // Check the month before indexing into staticMonthLength. This
+ // Check the month before indexing into STATICMONTHLENGTH. This
// duplicates a test that occurs in the 9-argument getOffset(),
// however, this is unavoidable. We don't mind because this method, in
// fact, should not be called; internal code should always call the
// TODO FIX We don't handle leap years yet!
- int32_t prevMonthLength = (month >= 1) ? staticMonthLength[month - 1] : 31;
+ int32_t prevMonthLength = (month >= 1) ? STATICMONTHLENGTH[month - 1] : 31;
return getOffset(era, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, millis,
monthLength, prevMonthLength, status);
|| millis < 0
|| millis >= U_MILLIS_PER_DAY
|| monthLength < 28
- || monthLength > 31) {
+ || monthLength > 31
+ || prevMonthLength < 28
+ || prevMonthLength > 31) {
return -1;
// if ruleDay is negative (we assume it's not zero here), we have to do
// the same calculation figuring backward from the last day of the month.
- // (staticMonthLength gives us that last day. We don't take leap years
+ // (STATICMONTHLENGTH gives us that last day. We don't take leap years
// into account, so this may not work right for February.)
- } else if (startDay > staticMonthLength[startMonth]) {
+ } else if (startDay > STATICMONTHLENGTH[startMonth]) {
- } else if (endDay > staticMonthLength[endMonth]) {
+ } else if (endDay > STATICMONTHLENGTH[endMonth]) {