-* Copyright (C) 2001 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
+* Copyright (C) 2001-2015 IBM and others. All rights reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 08/13/2001 synwee Creation.
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
#include "unicode/ucol.h"
#include "unicode/ucoleitr.h"
#include "unicode/ubrk.h"
+/* mask off anything but primary order */
+#define UCOL_PRIMARYORDERMASK 0xffff0000
+/* mask off anything but secondary order */
+/* mask off anything but tertiary order */
+#define UCOL_TERTIARYORDERMASK 0x000000ff
+/* primary order shift */
+/* secondary order shift */
+/* get weights from a CE */
+#define UCOL_PRIMARYORDER(order) (((order) >> 16) & 0xffff)
+ * This indicates an error has occured during processing or there are no more CEs
+ * to be returned.
+ */
+class CollationElementIterator;
+class Collator;
+struct PCEI
+ uint64_t ce;
+ int32_t low;
+ int32_t high;
+struct PCEBuffer
+ PCEI defaultBuffer[16];
+ PCEI *buffer;
+ int32_t bufferIndex;
+ int32_t bufferSize;
+ PCEBuffer();
+ ~PCEBuffer();
+ void reset();
+ UBool isEmpty() const;
+ void put(uint64_t ce, int32_t ixLow, int32_t ixHigh, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+ const PCEI *get();
+class UCollationPCE : public UMemory {
+ PCEBuffer pceBuffer;
+ CollationElementIterator *cei;
+ UCollationStrength strength;
+ UBool toShift;
+ UBool isShifted;
+ uint32_t variableTop;
+ UCollationPCE(UCollationElements *elems);
+ UCollationPCE(CollationElementIterator *iter);
+ ~UCollationPCE();
+ void init(UCollationElements *elems);
+ void init(CollationElementIterator *iter);
+ /**
+ * Get the processed ordering priority of the next collation element in the text.
+ * A single character may contain more than one collation element.
+ *
+ * @param ixLow a pointer to an int32_t to receive the iterator index before fetching the CE.
+ * @param ixHigh a pointer to an int32_t to receive the iterator index after fetching the CE.
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors.
+ * @return The next collation elements ordering, otherwise returns UCOL_PROCESSED_NULLORDER
+ * if an error has occured or if the end of string has been reached
+ */
+ int64_t nextProcessed(int32_t *ixLow, int32_t *ixHigh, UErrorCode *status);
+ /**
+ * Get the processed ordering priority of the previous collation element in the text.
+ * A single character may contain more than one collation element.
+ *
+ * @param ixLow A pointer to an int32_t to receive the iterator index after fetching the CE
+ * @param ixHigh A pointer to an int32_t to receiver the iterator index before fetching the CE
+ * @param status A pointer to an UErrorCode to receive any errors. Noteably
+ * a U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is returned if the internal stack
+ * buffer has been exhausted.
+ * @return The previous collation elements ordering, otherwise returns
+ * UCOL_PROCESSED_NULLORDER if an error has occured or if the start of
+ * string has been reached.
+ */
+ int64_t previousProcessed(int32_t *ixLow, int32_t *ixHigh, UErrorCode *status);
+ void init(const Collator &coll);
+ uint64_t processCE(uint32_t ce);
#define MAX_TABLE_SIZE_ 257
int32_t textLength; // exact length
UBool isOverlap;
UBool isCanonicalMatch;
+ int16_t elementComparisonType;
+ UBreakIterator *internalBreakIter; //internal character breakiterator
UBreakIterator *breakIter;
// value USEARCH_DONE is the default value
// if we are not at the start of the text or the end of the text,
// depending on the iteration direction and matchedIndex is USEARCH_DONE
- // it means that we can find any more matches in that particular direction
- int32_t matchedIndex;
+ // it means that we can't find any more matches in that particular direction
+ int32_t matchedIndex;
int32_t matchedLength;
UBool isForwardSearching;
UBool reset;
const UChar *text;
int32_t textLength; // exact length
// length required for backwards ce comparison
- int32_t CELength;
- uint32_t *CE;
- uint32_t CEBuffer[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
+ int32_t cesLength;
+ int32_t *ces;
+ int32_t cesBuffer[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
+ int32_t pcesLength;
+ int64_t *pces;
+ int64_t pcesBuffer[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE_];
UBool hasPrefixAccents;
UBool hasSuffixAccents;
int16_t defaultShiftSize;
struct USearch *search;
struct UPattern pattern;
const UCollator *collator;
+ const icu::Normalizer2 *nfd;
// positions within the collation element iterator is used to determine
// if we are at the start of the text.
UCollationElements *textIter;
+ icu::UCollationPCE *textProcessedIter;
// utility collation element, used throughout program for temporary
// iteration.
UCollationElements *utilIter;