-// ***************************************************************************
+// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 1997-2003, International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Copyright (C) 2015 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
+// * Source File: <path>/common/main/es_VE.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
-es_VE {
- Version { "2.0" }
- DateTimePatterns {
- "hh:mm:ss a z",
- "hh:mm:ss a z",
- "hh:mm:ss a",
- "hh:mm a",
- "EEEE d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
- "d' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
- "dd/MM/yyyy",
- "dd/MM/yy",
- "{1} {0}",
- }
- LocaleID:int { 0x200a }
-// LocaleString { "es_VE" }
- NumberElements {
- ",",
- ".",
- ";",
- "%",
- "0",
- "#",
- "-",
- "E",
- "\u2030",
- "\u221E",
- "\uFFFD",
- ",",
- }
- NumberPatterns {
- "#,##0.###;-#,##0.###",
- "\u00A4#,##0.00;\u00A4 -#,##0.00",
- "#,##0%",
- "#E0",
+ %%Parent{"es_419"}
+ NumberElements{
+ latn{
+ patterns{
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00;¤-#,##0.00"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{","}
+ group{"."}
+ }
+ }
-// ShortCountry { "VEN" }
+ Version{""}