+ /**
+ * Initializes the zoneStrings hash and keys StringEnumeration after reading the zoneStrings resource
+ */
+ void initZoneStrings(UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * initialzes the zoneStrings has and keys enumeration after reading the strings[][]. Required for backwards
+ * compatibility of setZoneStrings method
+ */
+ void initZoneStrings(const UnicodeString** strings, int32_t rowCount, int32_t collumnCount, UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * initialization of the fZoneStrings data member
+ */
+ void initZoneStringsArray(UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Creates a deep clone of the Hashtable
+ */
+ Hashtable* createZoneStringsHash(const Hashtable* otherHash);
+ /**
+ * Fetches the key from the hashtable for a given ID.
+ * e.g: for a given ID such as PST returns "Americal/Los_Angeles"
+ * Used by SimpleDateFormat class.
+ * @param ID The id of the time zone for which the key needs to be fetched
+ * @param result Output parameter to recieve the key.
+ * @return the input UnicodeString object for chaining
+ */
+ UnicodeString& getZoneID(const UnicodeString& zid, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Fetches the zone type and zone string from the hashtable for a given key.
+ * e.g: for key: "Americal/Los_Angeles", text: "2004/1/1 PT 1:00" and start:9
+ * returns TIMEZONE_SHORT_GENERIC and "PT".
+ * Used by SimpleDateFormat class.
+ * @param ID the name of the timezone
+ * @param text the string containing the time zone translation
+ * @param start The position in string where time zone string starts
+ * @param type output parameter to recieve the type of time zone string
+ * @param value output parameter to recieve the the acutal time zone string
+ */
+ void getZoneType(const UnicodeString& zid, const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, TimeZoneTranslationType& type, UnicodeString& value, UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Fetches the zone type and zone string from the hashtable by cycling through all elements in the hashtable.
+ * e.g: text: "2004/1/1 PT 1:00" and start:9
+ * returns "Americal/Los_Angeles", TIMEZONE_SHORT_GENERIC and "PT". Used by SimpleDateFormat class.
+ * Used by SimpleDateFormat class.
+ * @param ID output parameter to recieve the key name of the time zone
+ * @param text the string containing the time zone translation
+ * @param start The position in string where time zone string starts
+ * @param type output parameter to recieve the type of time zone string
+ * @param value output parameter to recieve the the acutal time zone string
+ * @param status output parameter to recive the error information
+ */
+ void findZoneIDTypeValue(UnicodeString& zid, const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, TimeZoneTranslationType& type, UnicodeString& value, UErrorCode& status);