-const char* UPerfTest::gUsageString =
- "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n"
- "\tReads the input file and prints out time taken in seconds\n"
- "Options:\n"
- "\t-h or -? or --help this usage text\n"
- "\t-v or --verbose print extra information when processing files\n"
- "\t-s or --sourcedir source directory for files followed by path\n"
- "\t followed by path\n"
- "\t-e or --encoding encoding of source files\n"
- "\t-u or --uselen perform timing analysis on non-null terminated buffer using length\n"
- "\t-f or --file-name file to be used as input data\n"
- "\t-p or --passes Number of passes to be performed. Requires Numeric argument. Cannot be used with --time\n"
- "\t-i or --iterations Number of iterations to be performed. Requires Numeric argument\n"
- "\t-t or --time Threshold time for looping until in seconds. Requires Numeric argument.Cannot be used with --iterations\n"
- "\t-l or --line-mode The data file should be processed in line mode\n"
- "\t-b or --bulk-mode The data file should be processed in file based. Cannot be used with --line-mode\n"
- "\t-L or --locale Locale for the test\n";