- static inline UClassID getStaticClassID() { return (UClassID)&fgClassID; }
- protected:
- /**
- * Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
- * @param text the buffer holding transliterated and
- * untransliterated text
- * @param offset the start and limit of the text, the position
- * of the cursor, and the start and limit of transliteration.
- * @param incremental if true, assume more text may be coming after
- * pos.contextLimit. Otherwise, assume the text is complete.
- */
- virtual void handleTransliterate(Replaceable& text,
- UTransPosition& offsets,
- UBool isIncremental) const;
- private:
- Locale loc;
- UChar* buffer;
- static const char _ID[];
- /**
- * The address of this static class variable serves as this class's ID
- * for ICU "poor man's RTTI".
- */
- static const char fgClassID;