-// ***************************************************************************
+// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 1997-2003, International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Copyright (C) 2014 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
+// * Source File: <path>/common/main/de.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
-// Country names in de, de_AT, and de_CH are short names from the
-// list of names maintained by the German
-// Federal Permanent Committee for Geographic Names,
-// Sta"ndiger Ausschuss fu"r Geographische Namen (StAGN),
-// as published at its web site at
-// http://www.ifag.de/kartographie/Stagn/Staatennamen.htm
-// Date there: 1999-apr-19
-de {
- Version{ "2.0" }
- "%%PHONEBOOK" { "Telefonbuch-Sortierregeln" }
- "%%PREEURO" { "Vor-Euro" }
- //"%%EURO" { "Euro" }
- "%%TRADITIONAL" { "Traditionell" }
- "%%REVISED" { "Revidiert" }
- // This shouldn't be used, but valid data should be here.
- // vorm. -> vormittags -> in the morning
- // nachm. -> nachmittags -> in the afternoon
- AmPmMarkers {
- "vorm.",
- "nachm.",
+ * ICU <specials> source: <path>/common/main/de.xml
+ */
+ AuxExemplarCharacters{
+ "[á à ă â å ã ā æ ç é è ĕ ê ë ē ğ í ì ĭ î ï İ ī ı ñ ó ò ŏ ô ø ō œ ş ú ù ŭ û ū"
+ " ÿ]"
+ }
+ Ellipsis{
+ final{"{0} …"}
+ initial{"… {0}"}
+ medial{"{0} … {1}"}
+ word-final{"{0} …"}
+ word-initial{"… {0}"}
+ word-medial{"{0} … {1}"}
- Countries {
- //AF { "Afghanistan" }
- EG { "\u00c4gypten" }
- AL { "Albanien" }
- DZ { "Algerien" }
- //AD { "Andorra" }
- //AO { "Angola" }
- AG { "Antigua und Barbuda" }
- GQ { "\u00c4quatorialguinea" }
- AR { "Argentinien" }
- AM { "Armenien" }
- AZ { "Aserbaidschan" }
- ET { "\u00c4thiopien" }
- AU { "Australien" }
- //BS { "Bahamas" }
- //BH { "Bahrain" }
- BD { "Bangladesch" }
- //BB { "Barbados" }
- BE { "Belgien" }
- //BZ { "Belize" }
- //BJ { "Benin" }
- //BT { "Bhutan" }
- BO { "Bolivien" }
- BA { "Bosnien und Herzegowina" }
- BW { "Botsuana" }
- BR { "Brasilien" }
- BN { "Brunei Darussalam" }
- BG { "Bulgarien" }
- //BF { "Burkina Faso" }
- //BI { "Burundi" }
- //CL { "Chile" }
- //CN { "China" }
- //CR { "Costa Rica" }
- CI { "Elfenbeink\u00fcste" }
- DK { "D\u00e4nemark" }
- DE { "Deutschland" }
- //DM { "Dominica" }
- DO { "Dominikanische Republik" }
- DJ { "Dschibuti" }
- //EC { "Ecuador" }
- //SV { "El Salvador" }
- //ER { "Eritrea" }
- EE { "Estland" }
- FJ { "Fidschi" }
- FI { "Finnland" }
- FR { "Frankreich" }
- GA { "Gabun" }
- //GM { "Gambia" }
- GE { "Georgien" }
- //GH { "Ghana" }
- //GD { "Grenada" }
- GR { "Griechenland" }
- //GT { "Guatemala" }
- //GN { "Guinea" }
- //GW { "Guinea-Bissau" }
- //GY { "Guyana" }
- //HT { "Haiti" }
- //HN { "Honduras" }
- IN { "Indien" }
- ID { "Indonesien" }
- IQ { "Irak" }
- //IR { "Iran" }
- IE { "Irland" }
- IS { "Island" }
- //IL { "Israel" }
- IT { "Italien" }
- JM { "Jamaika" }
- //JP { "Japan" }
- YE { "Jemen" }
- JO { "Jordanien" }
- YU { "Jugoslawien" }
- KH { "Kambodscha" }
- CM { "Kamerun" }
- CA { "Kanada" }
- CV { "Kap Verde" }
- KZ { "Kasachstan" }
- QA { "Katar" }
- KE { "Kenia" }
- KG { "Kirgisistan" }
- //KI { "Kiribati" }
- CO { "Kolumbien" }
- KM { "Komoren" }
- CG { "Kongo" }
- CD { "Demokratische Republik Kongo" }
- KP { "Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea" }
- KR { "Korea, Republik" }
- HR { "Kroatien" }
- CU { "Kuba" }
- //KW { "Kuwait" }
- //LA { "Laos" }
- //LS { "Lesotho" }
- LV { "Lettland" }
- LB { "Libanon" }
- //LR { "Liberia" }
- LY { "Libyen" }
- //LI { "Liechtenstein" }
- LT { "Litauen" }
- LU { "Luxemburg" }
- MG { "Madagaskar" }
- //MW { "Malawi" }
- //MY { "Malaysia" }
- MV { "Malediven" }
- //ML { "Mali" }
- //MT { "Malta" }
- MA { "Marokko" }
- MH { "Marshallinseln" }
- MR { "Mauretanien" }
- //MU { "Mauritius" }
- MK { "Mazedonien" }
- MX { "Mexiko" }
- FM { "Mikronesien" }
- MD { "Moldau, Republik" } // D-Localizer: "Moldawien, Republik" is incorrect
- //MC { "Monaco" }
- MN { "Mongolei" }
- MZ { "Mosambik" }
- //MM { "Myanmar" }
- //NA { "Namibia" }
- //NR { "Nauru" }
- //NP { "Nepal" }
- NZ { "Neuseeland" }
- //NI { "Nicaragua" }
- NL { "Niederlande" }
- //NE { "Niger" }
- //NG { "Nigeria" }
- NO { "Norwegen" }
- //OM { "Oman" }
- AT { "\u00d6sterreich" }
- //PK { "Pakistan" }
- //PW { "Palau" }
- //PA { "Panama" }
- PG { "Papua-Neuguinea" }
- //PY { "Paraguay" }
- //PE { "Peru" }
- PH { "Philippinen" }
- PL { "Polen" }
- //PT { "Portugal" }
- RW { "Ruanda" }
- RO { "Rum\u00e4nien" }
- RU { "Russische F\u00f6deration" }
- KN { "St. Kitts und Nevis" }
- LC { "St. Lucia" }
- VC { "St. Vincent und die Grenadinen" }
- SB { "Salomonen" }
- ZM { "Sambia" }
- //WS { "Samoa" }
- //SM { "San Marino" }
- ST { "S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 und Pr\u00edncipe" }
- SA { "Saudi-Arabien" }
- SE { "Schweden" }
- CH { "Schweiz" }
- //SN { "Senegal" }
- SC { "Seychellen" }
- //SL { "Sierra Leone" }
- ZW { "Simbabwe" }
- SG { "Singapur" }
- SK { "Slowakei" }
- SI { "Slowenien" }
- //SO { "Somalia" }
- ES { "Spanien" }
- //LK { "Sri Lanka" }
- ZA { "S\u00fcdafrika" }
- //SD { "Sudan" }
- //SR { "Suriname" }
- SZ { "Swasiland" }
- SY { "Syrien" }
- TJ { "Tadschikistan" }
- //TW { "Taiwan" }
- TZ { "Tansania" }
- //TH { "Thailand" }
- //TG { "Togo" }
- //TO { "Tonga" }
- TT { "Trinidad und Tobago" }
- TD { "Tschad" }
- CZ { "Tschechische Republik" }
- TN { "Tunesien" }
- TR { "T\u00fcrkei" }
- //TM { "Turkmenistan" }
- //TV { "Tuvalu" }
- //UG { "Uganda" }
- //UA { "Ukraine" }
- HU { "Ungarn" }
- //UY { "Uruguay" }
- UZ { "Usbekistan" }
- //VU { "Vanuatu" }
- VA { "Vatikanstadt" }
- //VE { "Venezuela" }
- AE { "Vereinigte Arabische Emirate" }
- GB { "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich" }
- US { "Vereinigte Staaten" }
- //VN { "Vietnam" }
- BY { "Wei\u00dfrussland" }
- CF { "Zentralafrikanische Republik" }
- CY { "Zypern" }
- UM { "Amerikanisch-Ozeanien" }
- AS { "Amerikanisch-Samoa" }
- VI { "Amerikanische Jungferninseln" }
- //AI { "Anguilla" }
- AQ { "Antarktis" }
- //AW { "Aruba" }
- SJ { "Svalbard und Jan Mayen" }
- //BM { "Bermuda" }
- BV { "Bouvetinsel" }
- VG { "Britische Jungferninseln" }
- IO { "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean" }
- CK { "Cookinseln" }
- FK { "Falklandinseln" }
- FO { "F\u00e4r\u00f6er-Inseln" }
- GF { "Franz\u00f6sisch-Guayana" }
- PF { "Franz\u00f6sisch-Polynesien" }
- TF { "Franz\u00f6sische S\u00fcd- und Antarktisgebiete" }
- //GI { "Gibraltar" }
- GL { "Gr\u00f6nland" }
- //GP { "Guadeloupe" }
- //GU { "Guam" }
- HM { "Heard und McDonaldinseln" }
- KY { "Cayman-Inseln" } // D-Localizer translated
- CC { "Kokosinseln" }
- //MO { "Macau S.A.R.,China" }
- //MQ { "Martinique" }
- //YT { "Mayotte" }
- //MS { "Montserrat" }
- NC { "Neukaledonien" }
- AN { "Niederl\u00e4ndische Antillen" }
- //NU { "Niue" }
- MP { "N\u00f6rdliche Marianen" }
- NF { "Norfolkinsel" }
- //PN { "Pitcairn" }
- //PR { "Puerto Rico" }
- RE { "R\u00e9union" }
- SH { "St. Helena" }
- PM { "St. Pierre und Miquelon" }
- GS { "S\u00fcdgeorgien und die S\u00fcdlichen Sandwichinseln" }
- //TK { "Tokelau" }
- TC { "Turks- und Caicosinseln" }
- WF { "Wallis und Futuna" }
- CX { "Weihnachtsinsel" }
- // some entries that are not in the official list:
- //EH { "West Sahara" }
- //HK { "Hong Kong S.A.R., China" }
- SP { "Serbien" }
- // Zaire is now the Democratic Republic of Congo (CD)
- // same as in root: ZR { "Zaire" }
+ ExemplarCharacters{"[a ä b c d e f g h i j k l m n o ö p q r s ß t u ü v w x y z]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{
+ "[\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ‘ ‚ \u0022 “ „ « » ( ) \\[ \\] \\{ \\} § @ * / "
+ "\\& #]"
- DateTimeElements:intvector {
- 2,
- 4,
+ LocaleScript{
+ "Latn",
- DateTimePatterns {
- "H:mm' Uhr 'z",
- "HH:mm:ss z",
- "HH:mm:ss",
- "HH:mm",
- "EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy",
- "d. MMMM yyyy",
- "dd.MM.yyyy",
- "dd.MM.yy",
- "{1} {0}",
+ MoreInformation{"?"}
+ NumberElements{
+ latn{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}–{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0 %"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ patternsLong{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0 Tausend"}
+ other{"0 Tausend"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00 Tausend"}
+ other{"00 Tausend"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000 Tausend"}
+ other{"000 Tausend"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 Million"}
+ other{"0 Millionen"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 Millionen"}
+ other{"00 Millionen"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 Millionen"}
+ other{"000 Millionen"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0 Milliarde"}
+ other{"0 Milliarden"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00 Milliarden"}
+ other{"00 Milliarden"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000 Milliarden"}
+ other{"000 Milliarden"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 Billion"}
+ other{"0 Billionen"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 Billionen"}
+ other{"00 Billionen"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 Billionen"}
+ other{"000 Billionen"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patternsShort{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0 Tsd"}
+ other{"0 Tsd"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00 Tsd"}
+ other{"00 Tsd"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000 Tsd"}
+ other{"000 Tsd"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 Mio"}
+ other{"0 Mio"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 Mio"}
+ other{"00 Mio"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 Mio"}
+ other{"000 Mio"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0 Mrd"}
+ other{"0 Mrd"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00 Mrd"}
+ other{"00 Mrd"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000 Mrd"}
+ other{"000 Mrd"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 Bio"}
+ other{"0 Bio"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 Bio"}
+ other{"00 Bio"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 Bio"}
+ other{"000 Bio"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{","}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{"."}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"·"}
+ }
+ }
- DayAbbreviations {
- "So",
- "Mo",
- "Di",
- "Mi",
- "Do",
- "Fr",
- "Sa",
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ buddhist{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "BE",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ chinese{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d. MMMM U",
+ "d. MMMM U",
+ "dd.MM U",
+ "dd.MM.yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"E, d."}
+ Gy{"U"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM U"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM U"}
+ GyMMMd{"d. MMM U"}
+ H{"HH 'Uhr'"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d.M."}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d. MMM"}
+ MMMd{"d. MMM"}
+ Md{"d.M."}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h:mm a"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"U"}
+ yyyy{"U"}
+ yyyyM{"M.y"}
+ yyyyMEd{"E, d.M.y"}
+ yyyyMMM{"MMM U"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM U"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"MMMM U"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"d. MMM U"}
+ yyyyMd{"d.M.y"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"QQQ U"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ U"}
+ }
+ }
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d. MMMM y G",
+ "d. MMMM y G",
+ "dd.MM.y G",
+ "dd.MM.y GGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"E, d."}
+ Gy{"y G"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMd{"d. MMM y G"}
+ H{"HH 'Uhr'"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d.M."}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d. MMM"}
+ MMMd{"d. MMM"}
+ Md{"d.M."}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h:mm a"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y G"}
+ yyyy{"y G"}
+ yyyyM{"M.y GGGGG"}
+ yyyyMEd{"E, d.M.y GGGGG"}
+ yyyyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"d. MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMd{"d.M.y GGGGG"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"QQQ y G"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH-HH 'Uhr'"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm-HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm-HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm-HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm-HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH-HH 'Uhr' v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M.-M."}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM."}
+ d{"E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM."}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM-MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM"}
+ d{"E, d. - E, d. MMM"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM - d. MMM"}
+ d{"d.-d. MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"dd.MM. - dd.MM."}
+ d{"dd.MM. - dd.MM."}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d.-d."}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} - {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a - h a"}
+ h{"h-h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h:mm a - h:mm a"}
+ h{"h:mm-h:mm a"}
+ m{"h:mm-h:mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mm a - h:mm a v"}
+ h{"h:mm-h:mm a v"}
+ m{"h:mm-h:mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a - h a v"}
+ h{"h-h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y-y G"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"MM.y - MM.y G"}
+ y{"MM.y - MM.y G"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y G"}
+ d{"E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y G"}
+ y{"E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y G"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"MMM-MMM y G"}
+ y{"MMM y - MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM y G"}
+ d{"E, d. - E, d. MMM y G"}
+ y{"E, d. MMM y - E, d. MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"MMMM-MMMM y G"}
+ y{"MMMM y - MMMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM - d. MMM y G"}
+ d{"d.-d. MMM y G"}
+ y{"d. MMM y - d. MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y G"}
+ d{"dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y G"}
+ y{"dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y G"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "vorm.",
+ "nachm.",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
+ "d. MMMM y",
+ "dd.MM.y",
+ "dd.MM.yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ NoonMarker{"Mittag"}
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ EHm{"E, HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E, HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"E, d."}
+ Ehm{"E h:mm a"}
+ Ehms{"E, h:mm:ss a"}
+ Gy{"y G"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMd{"d. MMM y G"}
+ H{"HH 'Uhr'"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d.M."}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d. MMM"}
+ MMMMEd{"E, d. MMMM"}
+ MMMd{"d. MMM"}
+ MMd{"d.MM."}
+ MMdd{"dd.MM."}
+ Md{"d.M."}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h:mm a"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y"}
+ yM{"M.y"}
+ yMEd{"E, d.M.y"}
+ yMM{"MM.y"}
+ yMMM{"MMM y"}
+ yMMMEd{"E, d. MMM y"}
+ yMMMM{"MMMM y"}
+ yMMMd{"d. MMM y"}
+ yMMdd{"dd.MM.y"}
+ yMd{"d.M.y"}
+ yQQQ{"QQQ y"}
+ yQQQQ{"QQQQ y"}
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "So.",
+ "Mo.",
+ "Di.",
+ "Mi.",
+ "Do.",
+ "Fr.",
+ "Sa.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "S",
+ "M",
+ "D",
+ "M",
+ "D",
+ "F",
+ "S",
+ }
+ short{
+ "So.",
+ "Mo.",
+ "Di.",
+ "Mi.",
+ "Do.",
+ "Fr.",
+ "Sa.",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Sonntag",
+ "Montag",
+ "Dienstag",
+ "Mittwoch",
+ "Donnerstag",
+ "Freitag",
+ "Samstag",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "So",
+ "Mo",
+ "Di",
+ "Mi",
+ "Do",
+ "Fr",
+ "Sa",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "S",
+ "M",
+ "D",
+ "M",
+ "D",
+ "F",
+ "S",
+ }
+ short{
+ "So.",
+ "Mo.",
+ "Di.",
+ "Mi.",
+ "Do.",
+ "Fr.",
+ "Sa.",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Sonntag",
+ "Montag",
+ "Dienstag",
+ "Mittwoch",
+ "Donnerstag",
+ "Freitag",
+ "Samstag",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "v. Chr.",
+ "n. Chr.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "v. Chr.",
+ "n. Chr.",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "v. Chr.",
+ "n. Chr.",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH-HH 'Uhr'"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm-HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm-HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm-HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm-HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH-HH 'Uhr' v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M.-M."}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM."}
+ d{"E, dd.MM. - E, dd.MM."}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM-MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM"}
+ d{"E, d. - E, d. MMM"}
+ }
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM - d. MMM"}
+ d{"d.-d. MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"dd.MM. - dd.MM."}
+ d{"dd.MM. - dd.MM."}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d.-d."}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} - {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a - h a"}
+ h{"h-h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h:mm a - h:mm a"}
+ h{"h:mm-h:mm a"}
+ m{"h:mm-h:mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mm a - h:mm a v"}
+ h{"h:mm-h:mm a v"}
+ m{"h:mm-h:mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a - h a v"}
+ h{"h-h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y-y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"MM.y - MM.y"}
+ y{"MM.y - MM.y"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y"}
+ d{"E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y"}
+ y{"E, dd.MM.y - E, dd.MM.y"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"MMM-MMM y"}
+ y{"MMM y - MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d. MMM - E, d. MMM y"}
+ d{"E, d. - E, d. MMM y"}
+ y{"E, d. MMM y - E, d. MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"MMMM-MMMM y"}
+ y{"MMMM y - MMMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d. MMM - d. MMM y"}
+ d{"d.-d. MMM y"}
+ y{"d. MMM y - d. MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y"}
+ d{"dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y"}
+ y{"dd.MM.y - dd.MM.y"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Jan.",
+ "Feb.",
+ "März",
+ "Apr.",
+ "Mai",
+ "Juni",
+ "Juli",
+ "Aug.",
+ "Sep.",
+ "Okt.",
+ "Nov.",
+ "Dez.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "J",
+ "F",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "J",
+ "J",
+ "A",
+ "S",
+ "O",
+ "N",
+ "D",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Januar",
+ "Februar",
+ "März",
+ "April",
+ "Mai",
+ "Juni",
+ "Juli",
+ "August",
+ "September",
+ "Oktober",
+ "November",
+ "Dezember",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Jan",
+ "Feb",
+ "Mär",
+ "Apr",
+ "Mai",
+ "Jun",
+ "Jul",
+ "Aug",
+ "Sep",
+ "Okt",
+ "Nov",
+ "Dez",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "J",
+ "F",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "J",
+ "J",
+ "A",
+ "S",
+ "O",
+ "N",
+ "D",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Januar",
+ "Februar",
+ "März",
+ "April",
+ "Mai",
+ "Juni",
+ "Juli",
+ "August",
+ "September",
+ "Oktober",
+ "November",
+ "Dezember",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Q1",
+ "Q2",
+ "Q3",
+ "Q4",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1. Quartal",
+ "2. Quartal",
+ "3. Quartal",
+ "4. Quartal",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Q1",
+ "Q2",
+ "Q3",
+ "Q4",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1. Quartal",
+ "2. Quartal",
+ "3. Quartal",
+ "4. Quartal",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hebrew{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "AM",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ islamic{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "AH",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ japanese{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d. MMMM y G",
+ "d. MMMM y G",
+ "dd.MM.y G",
+ "dd.MM.y GGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ }
+ roc{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Before R.O.C.",
+ "Minguo",
+ }
+ }
+ }
- DayNames {
- "Sonntag",
- "Montag",
- "Dienstag",
- "Mittwoch",
- "Donnerstag",
- "Freitag",
- "Samstag",
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"‘"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"‚"}
+ quotationEnd{"“"}
+ quotationStart{"„"}
- Eras {
- "v. Chr.",
- "n. Chr.",
+ durationUnits{
+ hm{"h:mm"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"m:ss"}
- // For the languages, I am trying to use the adjective list in the
- // official list of country names.
- // Sometimes I am guessing, many entries have a question mark for
- // further checking.
- // Markus Scherer, 2000jun01
- Languages {
- ab { "Abchasisch" }
- // ? aa { "Afar" }
- // same as in root? af { "Afrikaans" }
- sq { "Albanisch" }
- am { "Amharisch" } // ?
- ar { "Arabisch" }
- hy { "Armenisch" }
- as { "Assamesisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- ay { "Aimara" } // D-Localizer translated
- az { "Aserbaidschanisch" }
- ba { "Baschkirisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- eu { "Baskisch" }
- bn { "Bengalisch" } // ?
- dz { "Bhutanisch" }
- bh { "Biharisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- // bi { "Bislama" } D-Localizer not translated
- br { "Bretonisch" }
- bg { "Bulgarisch" }
- my { "Birmanisch" }
- be { "Wei\u00dfrussisch" }
- km { "Kambodschanisch" }
- ca { "Katalanisch" } // Katalonisch?
- zh { "Chinesisch" }
- co { "Korsisch" }
- hr { "Kroatisch" }
- cs { "Tschechisch" }
- da { "D\u00e4nisch" }
- nl { "Niederl\u00e4ndisch" } // D-Localizer: "Holl\u00e4ndisch" is not correct
- en { "Englisch" }
- // same as in root: eo { "Esperanto" }
- et { "Estnisch" }
- fo { "F\u00e4r\u00f6isch" }
- fj { "Fidschianisch" }
- fi { "Finnisch" }
- fr { "Franz\u00f6sisch" }
- fy { "Friesisch" }
- gl { "Galizisch" } // Galizianisch??
- ka { "Georgisch" }
- de { "Deutsch" }
- el { "Griechisch" }
- kl { "Gr\u00f6nl\u00e4ndisch" }
- // ? gn { "Guarani" }
- // ? gu { "Gujarati" }
- // ? ha { "Hausa" }
- haw { "Hawaiianisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- he { "Hebr\u00e4isch" }
- // iw { "Hebr\u00e4isch" }// Use he instead
- // same as in root? hi { "Hindi" }
- hu { "Ungarisch" }
- is { "Isl\u00e4ndisch" }
- id { "Indonesisch" }
- //in { "Indonesisch" } // Use "id" instead
- // same as in root: ia { "Interlingua" }
- // same as in root: ie { "Interlingue" }
- // ? iu { "Inukitut" }
- // ? ik { "Inupiak" }
- ga { "Irisch" }
- it { "Italienisch" }
- ja { "Japanisch" }
- jv { "Javanesisch" } // ?
- //jw { "Javanesisch" } // Use jv instead
- // kn { "Kannada" }
- // ks { "Kashmiri" } D-Localizer not translated
- kk { "Kasachisch" }
- rw { "Ruandisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- ky { "Kirgisisch" }
- // ? rn { "Kirundi" }
- ko { "Koreanisch" }
- ku { "Kurdisch" }
- lo { "Laotisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- la { "Lateinisch" } // D-Localizer: "Latein" is incorrect
- lv { "Lettisch" }
- // ? ln { "Lingala" }
- lt { "Litauisch" }
- mk { "Mazedonisch" }
- mg { "Madagassisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- ms { "Malaiisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- // ml { "Malayalam" }
- mt { "Maltesisch" }
- // gv { "Manx" }
- // mi { "Maori" }
- // mr { "Marathi" }
- mo { "Moldauisch" } // D-Localizer "Moldawisch" is incorrect
- mn { "Mongolisch" }
- na { "Nauruisch" }
- nb { "Norwegisch Bokm\u00e5l" }
- ne { "Nepalesisch" }
- nn { "Norwegisch Nynorsk" }
- no { "Norwegisch" }
- oc { "Okzitanisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- or { "Orija" } // D-Localizer translated
- // om { "Oromo" }
- ps { "Afghanisch (Paschtu)" } // D-Localizer translated
- fa { "Persisch" }
- pl { "Polnisch" }
- pt { "Portugiesisch" }
- pa { "Pandschabisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- // qu { "Quechua" }
- rm { "R\u00e4toromanisch" }
- ro { "Rum\u00e4nisch" }
- ru { "Russisch" }
- sm { "Samoanisch" }
- sg { "Sango" } // D-Localizer translated
- // same as in root: sa { "Sanskrit" }
- gd { "Schottisch-G\u00e4lisch" }
- sr { "Serbisch" }
- sh { "Serbo-Kroatisch" }
- st { "Sotho" } // D-Localizer translated
- tn { "Tsuana" } // D-Localizer translated
- // sn { "Shona" }
- // sd { "Sindhi" }
- si { "Singhalesisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- ss { "Swazi" } // D-Localizer translated
- sk { "Slowakisch" }
- sl { "Slowenisch" }
- // so { "Somali" } // D-Localizer: "Somalisch" is incorrect
- es { "Spanisch" }
- su { "Sudanesisch" }
- sw { "Suaheli" } // D-Localizer translated
- sv { "Schwedisch" }
- // ? tl { "Tagalog" }
- tg { "Tadschikisch" }
- ta { "Tamilisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- tt { "Tatarisch" }
- // ? te { "Telugu" }
- // same as in root? th { "Thai" }
- bo { "Tibetisch" }
- ti { "Tigrinja" } // D-Localizer translated
- to { "Tongaisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- // ts { "Tsonga" }
- tr { "T\u00fcrkisch" }
- tk { "Turkmenisch" } // D-Localizer: "T\u00fcrkmenisch" is a typo
- // tw { "Twi" }
- // ug { "Uighur" }
- uk { "Ukrainisch" }
- // ? ur { "Urdu" }
- uz { "Usbekisch" }
- vi { "Vietnamesisch" }
- //vo { "Volap\u00fck" }
- cy { "Walisisch" }
- // ? wo { "Wolof" }
- // ? xh { "Xhosa" }
- // ji { "Jiddisch" } // Use "yi" instead
- yi { "Jiddisch" }
- yo { "Joruba" } // D-Localizer translated
- za { "Zapotekisch" } // D-Localizer translated
- // zu { "Zulu" }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"Tag"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Gestern"}
+ "-2"{"Vorgestern"}
+ "0"{"Heute"}
+ "1"{"Morgen"}
+ "2"{"Übermorgen"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Tag"}
+ other{"In {0} Tagen"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Tag"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Tagen"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"Tageshälfte"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"Epoche"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Freitag"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Freitag"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Freitag"}
+ }
+ }
+ hour{
+ dn{"Stunde"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Stunde"}
+ other{"In {0} Stunden"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Stunde"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Stunden"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"Minute"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Minute"}
+ other{"In {0} Minuten"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Minute"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Minuten"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Montag"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Montag"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Montag"}
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"Monat"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzter Monat"}
+ "0"{"Dieser Monat"}
+ "1"{"Nächster Monat"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Monat"}
+ other{"In {0} Monaten"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Monat"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Monaten"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sat{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Samstag"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Samstag"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Samstag"}
+ }
+ }
+ second{
+ dn{"Sekunde"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"jetzt"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Sekunde"}
+ other{"In {0} Sekunden"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Sekunde"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Sekunden"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Sonntag"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Sonntag"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Sonntag"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Donnerstag"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Donnerstag"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Donnerstag"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Dienstag"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Dienstag"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Dienstag"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzten Mittwoch"}
+ "0"{"Diesen Mittwoch"}
+ "1"{"Nächsten Mittwoch"}
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"Woche"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letzte Woche"}
+ "0"{"Diese Woche"}
+ "1"{"Nächste Woche"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Woche"}
+ other{"In {0} Wochen"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Woche"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Wochen"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ weekday{
+ dn{"Wochentag"}
+ }
+ year{
+ dn{"Jahr"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Letztes Jahr"}
+ "0"{"Dieses Jahr"}
+ "1"{"Nächstes Jahr"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"In {0} Jahr"}
+ other{"In {0} Jahren"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Vor {0} Jahr"}
+ other{"Vor {0} Jahren"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone{
+ dn{"Zeitzone"}
+ }
- LocaleID:int { 0x07 }
-// LocaleString { "de" }
- MonthAbbreviations {
- "Jan",
- "Feb",
- "Mrz",
- "Apr",
- "Mai",
- "Jun",
- "Jul",
- "Aug",
- "Sep",
- "Okt",
- "Nov",
- "Dez",
+ listPattern{
+ standard{
+ 2{"{0} und {1}"}
+ end{"{0} und {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit{
+ 2{"{0} und {1}"}
+ end{"{0} und {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-narrow{
+ 2{"{0}, {1}"}
+ end{"{0} und {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-short{
+ 2{"{0}, {1}"}
+ end{"{0} und {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
- MonthNames {
- "Januar",
- "Februar",
- "M\u00E4rz",
- "April",
- "Mai",
- "Juni",
- "Juli",
- "August",
- "September",
- "Oktober",
- "November",
- "Dezember",
+ measurementSystemNames{
+ UK{"Englisches"}
+ US{"Angloamerikanisches"}
+ metric{"Internationales (SI)"}
- NumberElements {
- ",",
- ".",
- ";",
- "%",
- "0",
- "#",
- "-",
- "E",
- "\u2030",
- "\u221E",
- "\uFFFD",
- ",",
+ transformNames{
+ BGN{"BGN"}
+ Numeric{"Numerisch"}
+ Tone{"Tonsprache"}
+ x-Accents{"Akzente"}
+ x-Fullwidth{"Breit"}
+ x-Halfwidth{"Halbe Breite"}
+ x-Jamo{"Jamo"}
+ x-Pinyin{"Pinyin"}
+ x-Publishing{"Veröffentlichung"}
-// ShortLanguage { "deu" }
- localPatternChars { "GjMtkHmsSEDFwWahKzJe" }
- zoneStrings {
- {
- "Europe/Berlin",
- "Mitteleurop\u00E4ische Zeit",
- "MEZ",
- "Mitteleurop\u00E4ische Sommerzeit",
- "MESZ",
- "Berlin",
+ units{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ one{"{0}-fache Erdbeschleunigung"}
+ other{"{0}-fache Erdbeschleunigung"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ one{"{0} Winkelminute"}
+ other{"{0} Winkelminuten"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ one{"{0} Winkelsekunde"}
+ other{"{0} Winkelsekunden"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ one{"{0} Grad"}
+ other{"{0} Grad"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ one{"{0} Acre"}
+ other{"{0} Acres"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ one{"{0} Hektar"}
+ other{"{0} Hektar"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ one{"{0} Quadratfuß"}
+ other{"{0} Quadratfuß"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} Quadratkilometer"}
+ other{"{0} Quadratkilometer"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ one{"{0} Quadratmeter"}
+ other{"{0} Quadratmeter"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ one{"{0} Quadratmeile"}
+ other{"{0} Quadratmeilen"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0} pro {1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ one{"{0} Tag"}
+ other{"{0} Tage"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ one{"{0} Stunde"}
+ other{"{0} Stunden"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ one{"{0} Millisekunde"}
+ other{"{0} Millisekunden"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ one{"{0} Minute"}
+ other{"{0} Minuten"}
+ }
+ month{
+ one{"{0} Monat"}
+ other{"{0} Monate"}
+ }
+ second{
+ one{"{0} Sekunde"}
+ other{"{0} Sekunden"}
+ }
+ week{
+ one{"{0} Woche"}
+ other{"{0} Wochen"}
+ }
+ year{
+ one{"{0} Jahr"}
+ other{"{0} Jahre"}
+ }
+ }
+ energy{
+ calorie{
+ one{"{0} Kalorie"}
+ other{"{0} Kalorien"}
+ }
+ foodcalorie{
+ one{"{0} Kalorie"}
+ other{"{0} Kalorien"}
+ }
+ joule{
+ one{"{0} Joule"}
+ other{"{0} Joule"}
+ }
+ kilocalorie{
+ one{"{0} Kilokalorie"}
+ other{"{0} Kilokalorien"}
+ }
+ kilojoule{
+ one{"{0} Kilojoule"}
+ other{"{0} Kilojoule"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ one{"{0} Zentimeter"}
+ other{"{0} Zentimeter"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ one{"{0} Fuß"}
+ other{"{0} Fuß"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ one{"{0} Zoll"}
+ other{"{0} Zoll"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ one{"{0} Kilometer"}
+ other{"{0} Kilometer"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ one{"{0} Lichtjahr"}
+ other{"{0} Lichtjahre"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ one{"{0} Meter"}
+ other{"{0} Meter"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ one{"{0} Meile"}
+ other{"{0} Meilen"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ one{"{0} Millimeter"}
+ other{"{0} Millimeter"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ one{"{0} Pikometer"}
+ other{"{0} Pikometer"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ one{"{0} Yard"}
+ other{"{0} Yards"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ one{"{0} Gramm"}
+ other{"{0} Gramm"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ one{"{0} Kilogramm"}
+ other{"{0} Kilogramm"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ one{"{0} Unze"}
+ other{"{0} Unzen"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ one{"{0} Pfund"}
+ other{"{0} Pfund"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ one{"{0} Pferdestärke"}
+ other{"{0} Pferdestärken"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ one{"{0} Kilowatt"}
+ other{"{0} Kilowatt"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ one{"{0} Watt"}
+ other{"{0} Watt"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ one{"{0} Hektopascal"}
+ other{"{0} Hektopascal"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ one{"{0} Zoll Quecksilbersäule"}
+ other{"{0} Zoll Quecksilbersäule"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ one{"{0} Millibar"}
+ other{"{0} Millibar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} Kilometer pro Stunde"}
+ other{"{0} Kilometer pro Stunde"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ one{"{0} Meter pro Sekunde"}
+ other{"{0} Meter pro Sekunde"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} Meile pro Stunde"}
+ other{"{0} Meilen pro Stunde"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ one{"{0} Grad Celsius"}
+ other{"{0} Grad Celsius"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ one{"{0} Grad Fahrenheit"}
+ other{"{0} Grad Fahrenheit"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} Kubikkilometer"}
+ other{"{0} Kubikkilometer"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ one{"{0} Kubikmeile"}
+ other{"{0} Kubikmeilen"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ one{"{0} Liter"}
+ other{"{0} Liter"}
+ }
-// LocaleScript{
-// "Latn", // ISO 15924 Name
-// }
- ExemplarCharacters { "[a-z \u00e4 \u00f6 \u00fc \u00df]" }
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // Rule Based Number Format Support
- //------------------------------------------------------------
- // * RuleBasedNumberFormat data for German
- // again, I'm not 100% sure of these rules. I think both "hundert" and
- // "einhundert" are correct or 100, but I'm not sure which is preferable
- // in situations where this framework is likely to be used. Also, is it
- // really true that numbers are run together into compound words all the
- // time?
- SpelloutRules {
- // 1 is "eins" when by itself, but turns into "ein" in most
- // combinations
- "%alt-ones:\n"
- " -x: minus >>;\n"
- " x.x: << komma >>;\n"
- " null; eins; =%%main=;\n"
- "%%main:\n"
- // words for numbers from 0 to 12. Notice that the values
- // from 13 to 19 can derived algorithmically, unlike in most
- // other languages
- " null; ein; zwei; drei; vier; f\u00fcnf; sechs; sieben; acht; neun;\n"
- " zehn; elf; zw\u00f6lf; >>zehn;\n"
- // rules for the multiples of 10. Notice that the ones digit
- // goes on the front
- " 20: [>>und]zwanzig;\n"
- " 30: [>>und]drei\u00dfig;\n"
- " 40: [>>und]vierzig;\n"
- " 50: [>>und]f\u00fcnfzig;\n"
- " 60: [>>und]sechzig;\n"
- " 70: [>>und]siebzig;\n"
- " 80: [>>und]achtzig;\n"
- " 90: [>>und]neunzig;\n"
- " 100: hundert[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 200: <<hundert[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 1000: tausend[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 2000: <<tausend[>%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 1,000,000: eine Million[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 2,000,000: << Millionen[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 1,000,000,000: eine Milliarde[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 2,000,000,000: << Milliarden[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 1,000,000,000,000: eine Billion[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 2,000,000,000,000: << Billionen[ >%alt-ones>];\n"
- " 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;"
- "%%lenient-parse:\n"
- " &\u0000 << ' ' << '-'\n"
- " & ae , \u00e4 & ae , \u00c4\n"
- " & oe , \u00f6 & oe , \u00d6\n"
- " & ue , \u00fc & ue , \u00dc\n"
+ unitsNarrow{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ one{"{0}°"}
+ other{"{0}°"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ one{"{0} ac"}
+ other{"{0} ac"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ one{"{0} T"}
+ other{"{0} T"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ one{"{0} Std."}
+ other{"{0} Std."}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ one{"{0} Min."}
+ other{"{0} Min."}
+ }
+ month{
+ one{"{0} M"}
+ other{"{0} M"}
+ }
+ second{
+ one{"{0} s"}
+ other{"{0} s"}
+ }
+ week{
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ year{
+ one{"{0} J"}
+ other{"{0} J"}
+ }
+ }
+ energy{
+ calorie{
+ one{"{0}cal"}
+ other{"{0}cal"}
+ }
+ foodcalorie{
+ one{"{0}cal"}
+ other{"{0}cal"}
+ }
+ joule{
+ one{"{0}J"}
+ other{"{0}J"}
+ }
+ kilocalorie{
+ one{"{0}kcal"}
+ other{"{0}kcal"}
+ }
+ kilojoule{
+ one{"{0}kJ"}
+ other{"{0}kJ"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ one{"{0} ly"}
+ other{"{0} ly"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ one{"{0} PS"}
+ other{"{0} PS"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ one{"{0} mbar"}
+ other{"{0} mbar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} mi/h"}
+ other{"{0} mi/h"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ one{"{0}°"}
+ other{"{0}°"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ one{"{0}°F"}
+ other{"{0}°F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }
- // Currency display names
- // See for example "W\u00e4hrungscodes" at
- // http://www-cik.uni-paderborn.de/vddk/Dokumentationen/Dokumentation_IDM_1_3/ISO-Tabellen/Wahrungscodes/body_wahrungscodes.html
- // (On the page it says "Quelle: gem\u00e4\u00df ISO 4217 3-alpha-code (Stand: Juli 2000)"
- // and "Verzeichnis der ISO-Codes f\u00FCr W\u00e4hrung mit Land".)
- // See also http://umrechnen.de/
- Currencies {
- AED { "AED", "UAE Dirham" }
- AFA { "AFA", "Afghani" }
- ALL { "ALL", "Lek" }
- AMD { "AMD", "Dram" }
- ANG { "ANG", "Niederl. Antillen Gulden" }
- AOA { "AOA", "Kwanza" }
- AON { "AON", "Neuer Kwanza" }
- AOR { "AOR", "Kwanza Reajustado" }
- ARS { "ARS", "Argentinischer Peso" }
- ATS { "\u00F6S", "\u00D6sterreichischer Schilling" }
- AUD { "AUD", "Australischer Dollar" }
- AWG { "AWG", "Aruba Florin" }
- AZM { "AZM", "Aserbeidschan Manat" }
- BAM { "BAM", "Konvertierbare Mark" }
- BBD { "BBD", "Barbados-Dollar" }
- BDT { "BDT", "Taka" }
- BEF { "BEF", "Belgischer Franc" }
- BGL { "BGL", "Lew" }
- BGN { "BGN", "Bulgarian Lev" }
- BHD { "BHD", "Bahrain-Dinar" }
- BIF { "BIF", "Burundi-Franc" }
- BMD { "BMD", "Bermuda-Dollar" }
- BND { "BND", "Brunei-Dollar" }
- BOB { "BOB", "Boliviano" }
- BOV { "BOV", "Mvdol" } // financial instrument
- BRL { "BRL", "Real" }
- BSD { "BSD", "Bahama-Dollar" }
- BTN { "BTN", "Ngultrum" }
- BWP { "BWP", "Pula" }
- BYB { "BYB", "Belarus Rubel (alt)" }
- BYR { "BYR", "Belarus Rubel (neu)" }
- BZD { "BZD", "Belize-Dollar" }
- CAD { "CAD", "Kanadischer Dollar" }
- CDF { "CDF", "Franc congolais" }
- CHF { "SFr.", "Schweizer Franken" }
- CLF { "CLF", "Unidades de Fomento" }
- CLP { "CLP", "Chilenischer Peso" }
- CNY { "CNY", "Renminbi Yuan" }
- COP { "COP", "Kolumbianischer Peso" }
- CRC { "CRC", "Costa Rica Colon" }
- CUP { "CUP", "Kubanischer Peso" }
- CVE { "CVE", "Kap Verde Escudo" }
- CYP { "CYP", "Zypern Pfund" }
- CZK { "CZK", "Tschechische Krone" }
- DEM { "DM", "Deutsche Mark" }
- DJF { "DJF", "Dschibuti-Franc" }
- DKK { "DKK", "D\u00E4nische Krone" }
- DOP { "DOP", "Dominikanischer Peso" }
- DZD { "DZD", "Algerischer Dinar" }
- ECS { "ECS", "Ecuadorianischer Sucre" }
- ECV { "ECV", "Verrechnungseinheit f\u00FCr EC" }
- EEK { "EEK", "Estnische Krone" }
- EGP { "EGP", "\u00C4gyptisches Pfund" }
- ERN { "ERN", "Nakfa" }
- ESP { "ESP", "Spanische Pesete" }
- ETB { "ETB", "Birr" }
- EUR { "\u20AC", "Euro" }
- FIM { "FIM", "Finnische Mark" }
- FJD { "FJD", "Fidschi Dollar" }
- FKP { "FKP", "Falkland Pfund" }
- FRF { "FF", "Franz\u00F6sischer Franc" }
- GBP { "\u00A3", "Pfund Sterling" }
- GEL { "GEL", "Georgischer Lari" }
- GHC { "GHC", "Cedi" }
- GIP { "GIP", "Gibraltar Pfund" }
- GMD { "GMD", "Dalasi" }
- GNF { "GNF", "Guinea Franc" }
- GRD { "GRD", "Griechische Drachme" }
- GTQ { "GTQ", "Quetzal" }
- GWP { "GWP", "Guinea Bissau Peso" }
- GYD { "GYD", "Guyana Dollar" }
- HKD { "HKD", "Hongkong Dollar" }
- HNL { "HNL", "Lempira" }
- HRK { "HRK", "Kuna" }
- HTG { "HTG", "Gourde" }
- HUF { "HUF", "Forint" }
- IDR { "IDR", "Rupiah" }
- IEP { "IEP", "Irisches Pfund" }
- ILS { "ILS", "Schekel" }
- INR { "=0#Rs.|1#Re.|1<Rs.", "Indische Rupie" }
- IQD { "IQD", "Irak Dinar" }
- IRR { "IRR", "Rial" }
- ISK { "ISK", "Isl\u00E4ndische Krone" }
- ITL { "\u20A4", "Italienische Lire" }
- JMD { "JMD", "Jamaika Dollar" }
- JOD { "JOD", "Jordanischer Dinar" }
- JPY { "\u00A5", "Yen" }
- KES { "KES", "Kenia Schilling" }
- // KGS { "KGS", "SOM" } -- not useful, commented out -- markus 20030424
- KHR { "KHR", "Riel" }
- KMF { "KMF", "Komoren Franc" }
- KPW { "KPW", "Nordkoreanischer Won" }
- KRW { "KRW", "S\u00FCdkoreanischer Won" }
- KWD { "KWD", "Kuwait Dinar" }
- KYD { "KYD", "Kaiman-Dollar" }
- KZT { "KZT", "Tenge" }
- LAK { "LAK", "Kip" }
- LBP { "LBP", "Libanesisches Pfund" }
- LKR { "LKR", "Sri Lanka Rupie" }
- LRD { "LRD", "Liberianischer Dollar" }
- LSL { "LSL", "Loti" }
- LTL { "LTL", "Litauischer Litas" }
- LUF { "LUF", "Luxemburgischer Franc" }
- LVL { "LVL", "Lettischer Lats" }
- LYD { "LYD", "Libyscher Dinar" }
- MAD { "MAD", "Marokkanischer Dirham" }
- MDL { "MDL", "Moldau Leu" }
- MGF { "MGF", "Madagaskar Franc" }
- MKD { "MKD", "Denar" }
- MMK { "MMK", "Kyat" }
- MNT { "MNT", "Tugrik" }
- MOP { "MOP", "Pataca" }
- MRO { "MRO", "Ouguiya" }
- MTL { "MTL", "Maltesische Lira" }
- MUR { "MUR", "Mauritius Rupie" }
- MVR { "MVR", "Rufiyaa" }
- MWK { "MWK", "Malawi Kwacha" }
- MXN { "MXN", "Mexikanischer Peso" }
- MXV { "MXV", "Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI)" }
- MYR { "MYR", "Malaysischer Ringgit" }
- MZM { "MZM", "Metical" }
- NAD { "NAD", "Namibia Dollar" }
- NGN { "NGN", "Naira" }
- NIO { "NIO", "Gold-Cordoba" }
- NLG { "NLG", "Holl\u00e4ndischer Gulden" }
- NOK { "NOK", "Norwegische Krone" }
- NPR { "NPR", "Nepalesische Rupie" }
- NZD { "NZD", "Neuseeland Dollar" }
- OMR { "OMR", "Rial Omani" }
- PAB { "PAB", "Balboa" }
- PEN { "PEN", "Neuer Sol" }
- PGK { "PGK", "Kina" }
- PHP { "PHP", "Philippinischer Peso" }
- PKR { "PKR", "Pakistanische Rupie" }
- PLN { "PLN", "Zloty" }
- PTE { "PTE", "Portugiesischer Escudo" }
- PYG { "PYG", "Guarani" }
- QAR { "QAR", "Katar Riyal" }
- ROL { "ROL", "Leu" }
- RUB { "RUB", "Russischer Rubel (neu)" }
- RUR { "RUR", "Russischer Rubel (alt)" }
- RWF { "RWF", "Ruanda Franc" }
- SAR { "SAR", "Saudi Riyal" }
- SBD { "SBD", "Salomonen Dollar" }
- SCR { "SCR", "Seychellen Rupie" }
- SDD { "SDD", "Sudanesischer Dinar" }
- SEK { "SEK", "Schwedische Krone" }
- SGD { "SGD", "Singapur Dollar" }
- SHP { "SHP", "St. Helena Pfund" }
- SIT { "SIT", "Tolar" }
- SKK { "SKK", "Slowakische Krone" }
- SLL { "SLL", "Leone" }
- SOS { "SOS", "Somalia Schilling" }
- SRG { "SRG", "Suriname Gulden" }
- STD { "STD", "Dobra" }
- SVC { "SVC", "El Salvador Colon" }
- SYP { "SYP", "Syrisches Pfund" }
- SZL { "SZL", "Lilangeni" }
- THB { "THB", "Baht" }
- TJR { "TJR", "Tadschikistan Rubel" }
- TMM { "TMM", "Turkmenistan-Manat" }
- TND { "TND", "Tunesischer Dinar" }
- TOP { "TOP", "Pa'anga" }
- TPE { "TPE", "Timor Escudo" }
- TRL { "TRL", "T\u00FCrkische Lira" }
- TTD { "TTD", "Trinidad und Tobago Dollar" }
- TWD { "TWD", "Neuer Taiwan Dollar" }
- TZS { "TZS", "Tansania Schilling" }
- UAH { "UAH", "Hryvnia" }
- UGX { "UGX", "Uganda Schilling" }
- USD { "$", "US Dollar" }
- UYU { "UYU", "Uruguayischer Peso" }
- UZS { "UZS", "Usbekistan Sum" }
- VEB { "VEB", "Bolivar" }
- VND { "VND", "Dong" }
- VUV { "VUV", "Vatu" }
- WST { "WST", "Tala" }
- XAF { "XAF", "CFA Franc (\u00C4quatorial)" }
- XCD { "XCD", "Ostkaribischer Dollar" }
- XOF { "XOF", "CFA Franc (West)" }
- XPF { "XPF", "CFP Franc" }
- YER { "YER", "Jemen Rial" }
- YUM { "YUM", "Neuer Dinar" }
- ZAR { "ZAR", "Rand" }
- ZMK { "ZMK", "Kwacha" }
- ZWD { "ZWD", "Simbabwe Dollar" }
+ unitsShort{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ one{"{0}°"}
+ other{"{0}°"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ one{"{0} ac"}
+ other{"{0} ac"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ one{"{0} T"}
+ other{"{0} T"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ one{"{0} Std."}
+ other{"{0} Std."}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ one{"{0} Min."}
+ other{"{0} Min."}
+ }
+ month{
+ one{"{0} Mon"}
+ other{"{0} Mon"}
+ }
+ second{
+ one{"{0} Sek."}
+ other{"{0} Sek."}
+ }
+ week{
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ year{
+ one{"{0} J"}
+ other{"{0} J"}
+ }
+ }
+ energy{
+ calorie{
+ one{"{0} cal"}
+ other{"{0} cal"}
+ }
+ foodcalorie{
+ one{"{0} cal"}
+ other{"{0} cal"}
+ }
+ joule{
+ one{"{0} J"}
+ other{"{0} J"}
+ }
+ kilocalorie{
+ one{"{0} kcal"}
+ other{"{0} kcal"}
+ }
+ kilojoule{
+ one{"{0} kJ"}
+ other{"{0} kJ"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ one{"{0} ly"}
+ other{"{0} ly"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ one{"{0} PS"}
+ other{"{0} PS"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ one{"{0} mbar"}
+ other{"{0} mbar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} mi/h"}
+ other{"{0} mi/h"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ one{"{0}°C"}
+ other{"{0}°C"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ one{"{0}°F"}
+ other{"{0}°F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }