-// ***************************************************************************
+// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 1997-2003, International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Copyright (C) 2014 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
+// * Source File: <path>/common/main/eu.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
-eu {
- Version { "2.0" }
- Languages {
- eu { "euskara" }
+ * ICU <specials> source: <path>/common/main/eu.xml
+ */
+ AuxExemplarCharacters{
+ "[á à ă â å ä ã ā æ ç é è ĕ ê ë ē í ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ó ò ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ú ù ŭ û ü ū ÿ"
+ "]"
+ }
+ Ellipsis{
+ final{"{0}…"}
+ initial{"…{0}"}
+ medial{"{0}…{1}"}
+ word-final{"{0}…"}
+ word-initial{"…{0}"}
+ word-medial{"{0}…{1}"}
+ }
+ ExemplarCharacters{"[a b c ç d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s t u v w x y z]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z]"}
+ LocaleScript{
+ "Latn",
+ }
+ MoreInformation{"?"}
+ NumberElements{
+ latn{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}–{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)"}
+ currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"% #,##0"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ patternsLong{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0000"}
+ other{"0000"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00000"}
+ other{"00000"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000000"}
+ other{"000000"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 milioi"}
+ other{"0 milioi"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 milioi"}
+ other{"00 milioi"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 milioi"}
+ other{"000 milioi"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0000 milioi"}
+ other{"0000 milioi"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00000 milioi"}
+ other{"00000 milioi"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000000 milioi"}
+ other{"000000 milioi"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 bilioi"}
+ other{"0 bilioi"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 bilioi"}
+ other{"00 bilioi"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 bilioi"}
+ other{"000 bilioi"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patternsShort{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0000"}
+ other{"0000"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00000"}
+ other{"00000"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000000"}
+ other{"000000"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 M"}
+ other{"0 M"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 M"}
+ other{"00 M"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 M"}
+ other{"000 M"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0000 M"}
+ other{"0000 M"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00000 M"}
+ other{"00000 M"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000000 M"}
+ other{"000000 M"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 B"}
+ other{"0 B"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 B"}
+ other{"00 B"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 B"}
+ other{"000 B"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{","}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{"."}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ buddhist{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "BG",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "G. 'aroko' y. 'urteko' MMMM d, EEEE",
+ "G. 'aroko' y. 'urteko' MMMM d",
+ "G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMM d",
+ "GGGGG y-MM-dd",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"d, EEEE"}
+ Gy{"G. 'aroko' y. 'urtea'"}
+ GyMMM{"G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE"}
+ GyMMMd{"G. 'aroko' y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"MMM d, EEEE"}
+ MMMd{"MMM d"}
+ Md{"MM/dd"}
+ d{"d"}
+ hm{"h:mm a"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y"}
+ yM{"y/MM"}
+ yMEd{"y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ yMMM{"y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ yMMMEd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE"}
+ yMMMd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
+ yMd{"y/MM/dd"}
+ yQQQ{"y QQQ"}
+ yQQQQ{"y('e')'ko' QQQQ"}
+ yyyy{"G y"}
+ yyyyM{"G y/MM"}
+ yyyyMEd{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ yyyyMMM{"G y MMM"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"G y MMM d, EEEE"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ yyyyMMMMEd{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE"}
+ yyyyMMMMd{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"G y MMM d"}
+ yyyyMd{"G y/MM/dd"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"G y QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"G y('e')'ko' QQQQ"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"MM–MM"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"MM/dd, EEEE – MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ d{"MM/dd, EEEE – MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM–MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"MMMM d, EEEE – MMMM d, EEEE"}
+ d{"MMMM d, EEEE – MMMM d, EEEE"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"MMMM d – MMMM d"}
+ d{"MMMM d–d"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"MM/dd – MM/dd"}
+ d{"MM/dd – MM/dd"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"dd–dd"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a – h a"}
+ h{"h–h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{":h:mm a – h:mm a"}
+ h{"h:mm–h:mm a"}
+ m{"h:mm–h:mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
+ h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"}
+ m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a – h a v"}
+ h{"h–h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"G y–y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"G y/MM – y/MM"}
+ y{"G y/MM – y/MM"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE – y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ d{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE – y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ y{"G y/MM/dd, EEEE – y/MM/dd, EEEE"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM–MMMM"}
+ y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM – y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE – MMMM dd, EEEE"}
+ d{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE – MMMM dd, EEEE"}
+ y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd, EEEE – MMMM dd, EEEE"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM – MMMM"}
+ y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM – y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd – MMMM dd"}
+ d{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd–dd"}
+ y{"G y('e')'ko' MMMM dd – y('e')'ko' MMMM dd"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"G y/MM/dd – y/MM/dd"}
+ d{"G y/MM/dd – y/MM/dd"}
+ y{"G y/MM/dd – y/MM/dd"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "AM",
+ "PM",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersNarrow{
+ "a",
+ "p",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "y('e')'ko' MMMM d, EEEE",
+ "y('e')'ko' MMMM d",
+ "y MMM d",
+ "y-MM-dd",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{0} ({1})"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d, E"}
+ Ehm{"E h:mm a"}
+ Ehms{"E h:mm:ss a"}
+ Gy{"G y"}
+ GyMMM{"G y. 'urteko' MMM"}
+ GyMMMEd{"G y. 'urteko' MMM d, E"}
+ GyMMMd{"G y. 'urteko' MMM d"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"M/d, E"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"MMM d, E"}
+ MMMd{"MMM d"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h:mm a"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y"}
+ yM{"y/M"}
+ yMEd{"y/M/d, E"}
+ yMMM{"y MMM"}
+ yMMMEd{"y MMM d, E"}
+ yMMMM{"y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ yMMMMEd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM d, E"}
+ yMMMMd{"y('e')'ko' MMMM d"}
+ yMMMd{"y MMM d"}
+ yMd{"y/M/d"}
+ yQQQ{"y('e')'ko' QQQ"}
+ yQQQQ{"y('e')'ko' QQQQ"}
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "ig.",
+ "al.",
+ "ar.",
+ "az.",
+ "og.",
+ "or.",
+ "lr.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "I",
+ "A",
+ "A",
+ "A",
+ "O",
+ "O",
+ "L",
+ }
+ short{
+ "ig.",
+ "al.",
+ "ar.",
+ "az.",
+ "og.",
+ "or.",
+ "lr.",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "igandea",
+ "astelehena",
+ "asteartea",
+ "asteazkena",
+ "osteguna",
+ "ostirala",
+ "larunbata",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "ig.",
+ "al.",
+ "ar.",
+ "az.",
+ "og.",
+ "or.",
+ "lr.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "I",
+ "A",
+ "A",
+ "A",
+ "O",
+ "O",
+ "L",
+ }
+ short{
+ "ig.",
+ "al.",
+ "ar.",
+ "az.",
+ "og.",
+ "or.",
+ "lr.",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "igandea",
+ "astelehena",
+ "asteartea",
+ "asteazkena",
+ "osteguna",
+ "ostirala",
+ "larunbata",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "K.a.",
+ "K.o.",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M–M"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M/d, E – M/d, E"}
+ d{"M/d, E – M/d, E"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM–MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"MMM d, E – MMM d, E"}
+ d{"MMM d, E – MMM d, E"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"MMM d – MMM d"}
+ d{"MMM d–d"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M/d – M/d"}
+ d{"M/d – M/d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d–d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a – h a"}
+ h{"h–h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a"}
+ h{"h:mm–h:mm a"}
+ m{"h:mm–h:mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
+ h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"}
+ m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a – h a v"}
+ h{"h–h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y–y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"y/M – y/M"}
+ y{"y/M – y/M"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"y/M/d, E – y/M/d, E"}
+ d{"y/M/d, E – y/M/d, E"}
+ y{"y/M/d, E – y/M/d, E"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"y('e')'ko' MMM–MMM"}
+ y{"y('e')'ko' MMM – y('e')'ko' MMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"y('e')'ko' MMM d, E – MMM d, E"}
+ d{"y('e')'ko' MMM d, E – y('e')'ko' MMM d, E"}
+ y{"y('e')'ko' MMM d, E – y('e')'ko' MMM d, E"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"y('e')'ko' MMMM–MMMM"}
+ y{"y('e')'ko' MMMM – y('e')'ko' MMMM"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"y('e')'ko' MMM d – MMM d"}
+ d{"y('e')'ko' MMM d–d"}
+ y{"y('e')'ko' MMM d – y('e')'ko' MMM d"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ d{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ y{"y/M/d – y/M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "urt.",
+ "ots.",
+ "mar.",
+ "api.",
+ "mai.",
+ "eka.",
+ "uzt.",
+ "abu.",
+ "ira.",
+ "urr.",
+ "aza.",
+ "abe.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "U",
+ "O",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "E",
+ "U",
+ "A",
+ "I",
+ "U",
+ "A",
+ "A",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "urtarrilak",
+ "otsailak",
+ "martxoak",
+ "apirilak",
+ "maiatzak",
+ "ekainak",
+ "uztailak",
+ "abuztuak",
+ "irailak",
+ "urriak",
+ "azaroak",
+ "abenduak",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "urt.",
+ "ots.",
+ "mar.",
+ "api.",
+ "mai.",
+ "eka.",
+ "uzt.",
+ "abu.",
+ "ira.",
+ "urr.",
+ "aza.",
+ "abe.",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "U",
+ "O",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "E",
+ "U",
+ "A",
+ "I",
+ "U",
+ "A",
+ "A",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "urtarrila",
+ "otsaila",
+ "martxoa",
+ "apirila",
+ "maiatza",
+ "ekaina",
+ "uztaila",
+ "abuztua",
+ "iraila",
+ "urria",
+ "azaroa",
+ "abendua",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1Hh",
+ "2Hh",
+ "3Hh",
+ "4Hh",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1. hiruhilekoa",
+ "2. hiruhilekoa",
+ "3. hiruhilekoa",
+ "4. hiruhilekoa",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1Hh",
+ "2Hh",
+ "3Hh",
+ "4Hh",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1. hiruhilekoa",
+ "2. hiruhilekoa",
+ "3. hiruhilekoa",
+ "4. hiruhilekoa",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ roc{
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "R.O.C. aurretik",
+ "R.O.C.",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"”"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"“"}
+ quotationEnd{"»"}
+ quotationStart{"«"}
+ }
+ durationUnits{
+ hm{"h:mm"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"m:ss"}
+ }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"Eguna"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"atzo"}
+ "-2"{"herenegun"}
+ "0"{"gaur"}
+ "1"{"bihar"}
+ "2"{"etzi"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} egun barru"}
+ other{"{0} egun barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} egun"}
+ other{"Duela {0} egun"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"AM//PM"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"Aroa"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko ostirala"}
+ "0"{"ostiral hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo ostirala"}
+ }
+ }
+ hour{
+ dn{"Ordua"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} ordu barru"}
+ other{"{0} ordu barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} ordu"}
+ other{"Duela {0} ordu"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"Minutua"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} minutu barru"}
+ other{"{0} minutu barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} minutu"}
+ other{"Duela {0} minutu"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko astelehena"}
+ "0"{"astelehen hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo astelehena"}
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"Hilabetea"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko hilabetea"}
+ "0"{"hilabete hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo hilabetea"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} hilabete barru"}
+ other{"{0} hilabete barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
+ other{"Duela {0} hilabete"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sat{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko larunbata"}
+ "0"{"larunbat hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo larunbata"}
+ }
+ }
+ second{
+ dn{"Segundoa"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"orain"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} segundo barru"}
+ other{"{0} segundo barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} segundo"}
+ other{"Duela {0} segundo"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko igandea"}
+ "0"{"igande hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo igandea"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko osteguna"}
+ "0"{"ostegun hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo osteguna"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko asteartea"}
+ "0"{"astearte hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo asteartea"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko asteazkena"}
+ "0"{"asteazken hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo asteazkena"}
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"Astea"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko astea"}
+ "0"{"aste hau"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo astea"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} aste barru"}
+ other{"{0} aste barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} aste"}
+ other{"Duela {0} aste"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ weekday{
+ dn{"Asteguna"}
+ }
+ year{
+ dn{"Urtea"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"aurreko urtea"}
+ "0"{"aurten"}
+ "1"{"hurrengo urtea"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} urte barru"}
+ other{"{0} urte barru"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"Duela {0} urte"}
+ other{"Duela {0} urte"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone{
+ dn{"Ordu-zona"}
+ }
- DayAbbreviations {
- "ig",
- "al",
- "as",
- "az",
- "og",
- "or",
- "lr",
+ listPattern{
+ standard{
+ 2{"{0} eta {1}"}
+ end{"{0} eta {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit{
+ 2{"{0} eta {1}"}
+ end{"{0} eta {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-short{
+ 2{"{0} eta {1}"}
+ end{"{0} eta {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
- DayNames {
- "igandea",
- "astelehena",
- "asteartea",
- "asteazkena",
- "osteguna",
- "ostirala",
- "larunbata",
+ measurementSystemNames{
+ UK{"Erresuma Batuko sistema"}
+ US{"AEBetako sistema"}
+ metric{"Sistema metrikoa"}
- MonthAbbreviations {
- "urt",
- "ots",
- "mar",
- "api",
- "mai",
- "eka",
- "uzt",
- "abu",
- "ira",
- "urr",
- "aza",
- "abe",
+ transformNames{
+ BGN{"BGN bihurketa"}
+ Numeric{"Zenbakizko bihurketa"}
+ Tone{"Tonu-bihurketa"}
+ UNGEGN{"UNGEGN bihurketa"}
+ x-Accents{"Azentu-bihurketa"}
+ x-Fullwidth{"Zabalera osoko karaktere-bihurketa"}
+ x-Halfwidth{"Zabalera erdiko karaktere-bihurketa"}
+ x-Jamo{"Jamo-bihurketa"}
+ x-Pinyin{"Pinyina"}
+ x-Publishing{"Argitalpen-bihurketa"}
- MonthNames {
- "urtarrila",
- "otsaila",
- "martxoa",
- "apirila",
- "maiatza",
- "ekaina",
- "uztaila",
- "abuztua",
- "iraila",
- "urria",
- "azaroa",
- "abendua",
+ units{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ one{"{0} grabitate-indar"}
+ other{"{0} grabitate-indar"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ one{"{0} minutu"}
+ other{"{0} minutu"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ one{"{0} segundo"}
+ other{"{0} segundo"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ one{"{0} gradu"}
+ other{"{0} gradu"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ one{"{0} akre"}
+ other{"{0} akre"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ one{"{0} hektarea"}
+ other{"{0} hektarea"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ one{"{0} oin karratu"}
+ other{"{0} oin karratu"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} kilometro karratu"}
+ other{"{0} kilometro karratu"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ one{"{0} metro karratu"}
+ other{"{0} metro karratu"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ one{"{0} milia karratu"}
+ other{"{0} milia karratu"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ one{"{0} egun"}
+ other{"{0} egun"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ one{"{0} ordu"}
+ other{"{0} ordu"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ one{"{0} milisegundo"}
+ other{"{0} milisegundo"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ one{"{0} minutu"}
+ other{"{0} minutu"}
+ }
+ month{
+ one{"{0} hilabete"}
+ other{"{0} hilabete"}
+ }
+ second{
+ one{"{0} segundo"}
+ other{"{0} segundo"}
+ }
+ week{
+ one{"{0} aste"}
+ other{"{0} aste"}
+ }
+ year{
+ one{"{0} urte"}
+ other{"{0} urte"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ one{"{0} zentimetro"}
+ other{"{0} zentimetro"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ one{"{0} oin"}
+ other{"{0} oin"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ one{"{0} hazbete"}
+ other{"{0} hazbete"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ one{"{0} kilometro"}
+ other{"{0} kilometro"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ one{"{0} argi-urte"}
+ other{"{0} argi-urte"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ one{"{0} metro"}
+ other{"{0} metro"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ one{"{0} milia"}
+ other{"{0} milia"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ one{"{0} milimetro"}
+ other{"{0} milimetro"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ one{"{0} pikometro"}
+ other{"{0} pikometro"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ one{"{0} yarda"}
+ other{"{0} yarda"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ one{"{0} gramo"}
+ other{"{0} gramo"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ one{"{0} kilogramo"}
+ other{"{0} kilogramo"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ one{"{0} ontza"}
+ other{"{0} ontza"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ one{"{0} libra"}
+ other{"{0} libra"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ one{"{0} zaldi-potentzia"}
+ other{"{0} zaldi-potentzia"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ one{"{0} kilowatt"}
+ other{"{0} kilowatt"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ one{"{0} watt"}
+ other{"{0} watt"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ one{"{0} hektopascal"}
+ other{"{0} hektopascal"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ one{"{0} merkurio-hazbete"}
+ other{"{0} merkurio-hazbete"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ one{"{0} milibar"}
+ other{"{0} milibar"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} kilometro orduko"}
+ other{"{0} kilometro orduko"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ one{"{0} metro segundoko"}
+ other{"{0} metro segundoko"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} milia orduko"}
+ other{"{0} milia orduko"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ one{"{0}Celcius gradu"}
+ other{"{0}Celcius gradu"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ one{"{0}Fahrenheit gradu"}
+ other{"{0}Fahrenheit gradu"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} kilometro kubiko"}
+ other{"{0} kilometro kubiko"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ one{"{0} milia kubiko"}
+ other{"{0} milia kubiko"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ one{"{0} litro"}
+ other{"{0} litro"}
+ }
+ }
- NumberElements {
- ",",
- ".",
- ";",
- "%",
- "0",
- "#",
- "-",
- "E",
- "\u2030",
- "\u221E",
- "\uFFFD",
- ",",
+ unitsNarrow{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ one{"{0}°"}
+ other{"{0}°"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ one{"{0} ac"}
+ other{"{0} ac"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ one{"{0} egun"}
+ other{"{0} egun"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ one{"{0} h"}
+ other{"{0} h"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ one{"{0} min"}
+ other{"{0} min"}
+ }
+ month{
+ one{"{0} hil."}
+ other{"{0} hil."}
+ }
+ second{
+ one{"{0} s"}
+ other{"{0} s"}
+ }
+ week{
+ one{"{0} aste"}
+ other{"{0} aste"}
+ }
+ year{
+ one{"{0} urte"}
+ other{"{0} urte"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ one{"{0} ly"}
+ other{"{0} ly"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ one{"{0} hp"}
+ other{"{0} hp"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ one{"{0} mb"}
+ other{"{0} mb"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} mph"}
+ other{"{0} mph"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ one{"{0}°"}
+ other{"{0}°"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ one{"{0}°F"}
+ other{"{0}°F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }
- LocaleID:int { 0x2D }
-// LocaleScript{
-// "Latn", // ISO 15924 Name
-// }
- ExemplarCharacters { "[a-z \u00f1 \u00e7]" }
- // /**************** Info Below is needed ****************/
- // CollationElements{}
- // Countries{}
- // Eras{}
- // Languages{}
- // ShortLanguage { }
- // localPatternChars{}
- //
- // Currency display names
- Currencies {
- ESP { "\u20A7", "ESP" }
+ unitsShort{
+ acceleration{
+ g-force{
+ one{"{0} G"}
+ other{"{0} G"}
+ }
+ }
+ angle{
+ arc-minute{
+ one{"{0}′"}
+ other{"{0}′"}
+ }
+ arc-second{
+ one{"{0}″"}
+ other{"{0}″"}
+ }
+ degree{
+ one{"{0}°"}
+ other{"{0}°"}
+ }
+ }
+ area{
+ acre{
+ one{"{0} ac"}
+ other{"{0} ac"}
+ }
+ hectare{
+ one{"{0} ha"}
+ other{"{0} ha"}
+ }
+ square-foot{
+ one{"{0} ft²"}
+ other{"{0} ft²"}
+ }
+ square-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km²"}
+ other{"{0} km²"}
+ }
+ square-meter{
+ one{"{0} m²"}
+ other{"{0} m²"}
+ }
+ square-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi²"}
+ other{"{0} mi²"}
+ }
+ }
+ compound{
+ per{"{0}/{1}"}
+ }
+ duration{
+ day{
+ one{"{0} egun"}
+ other{"{0} egun"}
+ }
+ hour{
+ one{"{0} h"}
+ other{"{0} h"}
+ }
+ millisecond{
+ one{"{0} ms"}
+ other{"{0} ms"}
+ }
+ minute{
+ one{"{0} min"}
+ other{"{0} min"}
+ }
+ month{
+ one{"{0} hilabete"}
+ other{"{0} hilabete"}
+ }
+ second{
+ one{"{0} s"}
+ other{"{0} s"}
+ }
+ week{
+ one{"{0} aste"}
+ other{"{0} aste"}
+ }
+ year{
+ one{"{0} urte"}
+ other{"{0} urte"}
+ }
+ }
+ length{
+ centimeter{
+ one{"{0} cm"}
+ other{"{0} cm"}
+ }
+ foot{
+ one{"{0} ft"}
+ other{"{0} ft"}
+ }
+ inch{
+ one{"{0} in"}
+ other{"{0} in"}
+ }
+ kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km"}
+ other{"{0} km"}
+ }
+ light-year{
+ one{"{0} ly"}
+ other{"{0} ly"}
+ }
+ meter{
+ one{"{0} m"}
+ other{"{0} m"}
+ }
+ mile{
+ one{"{0} mi"}
+ other{"{0} mi"}
+ }
+ millimeter{
+ one{"{0} mm"}
+ other{"{0} mm"}
+ }
+ picometer{
+ one{"{0} pm"}
+ other{"{0} pm"}
+ }
+ yard{
+ one{"{0} yd"}
+ other{"{0} yd"}
+ }
+ }
+ mass{
+ gram{
+ one{"{0} g"}
+ other{"{0} g"}
+ }
+ kilogram{
+ one{"{0} kg"}
+ other{"{0} kg"}
+ }
+ ounce{
+ one{"{0} oz"}
+ other{"{0} oz"}
+ }
+ pound{
+ one{"{0} lb"}
+ other{"{0} lb"}
+ }
+ }
+ power{
+ horsepower{
+ one{"{0} hp"}
+ other{"{0} hp"}
+ }
+ kilowatt{
+ one{"{0} kW"}
+ other{"{0} kW"}
+ }
+ watt{
+ one{"{0} W"}
+ other{"{0} W"}
+ }
+ }
+ pressure{
+ hectopascal{
+ one{"{0} hPa"}
+ other{"{0} hPa"}
+ }
+ inch-hg{
+ one{"{0} inHg"}
+ other{"{0} inHg"}
+ }
+ millibar{
+ one{"{0} mb"}
+ other{"{0} mb"}
+ }
+ }
+ speed{
+ kilometer-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} km/h"}
+ other{"{0} km/h"}
+ }
+ meter-per-second{
+ one{"{0} m/s"}
+ other{"{0} m/s"}
+ }
+ mile-per-hour{
+ one{"{0} mph"}
+ other{"{0} mph"}
+ }
+ }
+ temperature{
+ celsius{
+ one{"{0}°C"}
+ other{"{0}°C"}
+ }
+ fahrenheit{
+ one{"{0}°F"}
+ other{"{0}°F"}
+ }
+ }
+ volume{
+ cubic-kilometer{
+ one{"{0} km³"}
+ other{"{0} km³"}
+ }
+ cubic-mile{
+ one{"{0} mi³"}
+ other{"{0} mi³"}
+ }
+ liter{
+ one{"{0} l"}
+ other{"{0} l"}
+ }
+ }