- * Convert a quasi Julian date to the day of the week. The Julian date used here is
- * not a true Julian date, since it is measured from midnight, not noon. Return
- * value is one-based.
- *
- * @param julian The given Julian date number.
- * @return Day number from 1..7 (SUN..SAT).
- */
- static uint8_t julianDayToDayOfWeek(double julian);
- /**
- * Divide two long integers, returning the floor of the quotient.
- * <p>
- * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically well-behaved.
- * E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0
- * but <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1.
- * @param numerator the numerator
- * @param denominator a divisor which must be > 0
- * @return the floor of the quotient.
- */
- static double floorDivide(double numerator, double denominator);
- /**
- * Divide two integers, returning the floor of the quotient.
- * <p>
- * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically well-behaved.
- * E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0
- * but <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1.
- * @param numerator the numerator
- * @param denominator a divisor which must be > 0
- * @return the floor of the quotient.
- */
- static int32_t floorDivide(int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator);
- /**
- * Divide two integers, returning the floor of the quotient, and
- * the modulus remainder.
- * <p>
- * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically well-behaved.
- * E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0 and <code>-1%4</code> => -1,
- * but <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1 with <code>remainder[0]</code> => 3.
- * @param numerator the numerator
- * @param denominator a divisor which must be > 0
- * @param remainder an array of at least one element in which the value
- * <code>numerator mod denominator</code> is returned. Unlike <code>numerator
- * % denominator</code>, this will always be non-negative.
- * @return the floor of the quotient.
- */
- static int32_t floorDivide(int32_t numerator, int32_t denominator, int32_t remainder[]);
- /**
- * Divide two integers, returning the floor of the quotient, and
- * the modulus remainder.
- * <p>
- * Unlike the built-in division, this is mathematically well-behaved.
- * E.g., <code>-1/4</code> => 0 and <code>-1%4</code> => -1,
- * but <code>floorDivide(-1,4)</code> => -1 with <code>remainder[0]</code> => 3.
- * @param numerator the numerator
- * @param denominator a divisor which must be > 0
- * @param remainder an array of at least one element in which the value
- * <code>numerator mod denominator</code> is returned. Unlike <code>numerator
- * % denominator</code>, this will always be non-negative.
- * @return the floor of the quotient.
- */
- static int32_t floorDivide(double numerator, int32_t denominator, int32_t remainder[]);