+static void TestShortString(void)
+ struct {
+ const char *input;
+ const char *expectedOutput;
+ const char *locale;
+ UErrorCode expectedStatus;
+ int32_t expectedOffset;
+ uint32_t expectedIdentifier;
+ } testCases[] = {
+ {"LDE_RDE_KPHONEBOOK_T0041_ZLATN","B2600_KPHONEBOOK_LDE", "de@collation=phonebook", U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, 0, 0 },
+ {"LDE_VPHONEBOOK_EO_SI","EO_KPHONEBOOK_LDE_SI", "de@collation=phonebook", U_ZERO_ERROR, 0, 0 },
+ {"LDE_Kphonebook","KPHONEBOOK_LDE", "de@collation=phonebook", U_ZERO_ERROR, 0, 0 },
+ {"Xqde_DE@collation=phonebookq_S3_EX","KPHONEBOOK_LDE", "de@collation=phonebook", U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING, 0, 0 },
+ {"LFR_FO", "LFR", NULL, U_ZERO_ERROR, 0, 0 },
+ };
+ int32_t i = 0, j = 0;
+ UCollator *coll = NULL, *fromID = NULL, *fromNormalized = NULL;
+ UParseError parseError;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ char fromShortBuffer[256], fromIDBuffer[256], fromIDRoundtrip[256], normalizedBuffer[256], fromNormalizedBuffer[256];
+ uint32_t identifier = 0, idFromSS = 0;
+ const char* locale = NULL;
+ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0]); i++) {
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ if(testCases[i].locale) {
+ locale = testCases[i].locale;
+ } else {
+ locale = NULL;
+ }
+ coll = ucol_openFromShortString(testCases[i].input, FALSE, &parseError, &status);
+ if(status != testCases[i].expectedStatus) {
+ log_err("Got status '%s' that is different from expected '%s' for '%s'\n",
+ u_errorName(status), u_errorName(testCases[i].expectedStatus), testCases[i].input);
+ }
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ ucol_getShortDefinitionString(coll, locale, fromShortBuffer, 256, &status);
+ if(strcmp(fromShortBuffer, testCases[i].expectedOutput)) {
+ log_err("Got short string '%s' from the collator. Expected '%s' for input '%s'\n",
+ fromShortBuffer, testCases[i].expectedOutput, testCases[i].input);
+ }
+ ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString(testCases[i].input, normalizedBuffer, 256, &parseError, &status);
+ fromNormalized = ucol_openFromShortString(normalizedBuffer, FALSE, &parseError, &status);
+ ucol_getShortDefinitionString(fromNormalized, locale, fromNormalizedBuffer, 256, &status);
+ if(strcmp(fromShortBuffer, fromNormalizedBuffer)) {
+ log_err("Strings obtained from collators instantiated by short string ('%s') and from normalized string ('%s') differ\n",
+ fromShortBuffer, fromNormalizedBuffer);
+ }
+ if(!ucol_equals(coll, fromNormalized)) {
+ log_err("Collator from short string ('%s') differs from one obtained through a normalized version ('%s')\n",
+ testCases[i].input, normalizedBuffer);
+ }
+ /* test identifiers */
+ identifier = ucol_collatorToIdentifier(coll, locale, &status);
+ ucol_identifierToShortString(identifier, fromIDBuffer, 256, FALSE, &status);
+ fromID = ucol_openFromIdentifier(identifier, FALSE, &status);
+ if(!ucol_equals(coll, fromID)) {
+ log_err("Collator from short string ('%s') differs from one obtained through an identifier ('%s')\n",
+ testCases[i].input, fromIDBuffer);
+ }
+ ucol_close(fromID);
+ }
+ /* round-trip short string - identifier */
+ for(j = 1; j < 2; j++) {
+ idFromSS = ucol_shortStringToIdentifier(testCases[i].input, (UBool)j, &status);
+ ucol_identifierToShortString(idFromSS, fromIDBuffer, 256, (UBool)j, &status);
+ identifier = ucol_shortStringToIdentifier(fromIDBuffer, (UBool)j, &status);
+ ucol_identifierToShortString(identifier, fromIDRoundtrip, 256, (UBool)j, &status);
+ if(idFromSS != identifier) {
+ log_err("FD = %i, id didn't round trip. %08X vs %08X (%s)\n",
+ j, idFromSS, identifier, testCases[i]);
+ }
+ if(strcmp(fromIDBuffer, fromIDRoundtrip)) {
+ log_err("FD = %i, SS didn't round trip. %s vs %s (%s)\n",
+ j, fromIDBuffer, fromIDRoundtrip, testCases[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ ucol_close(fromNormalized);
+ ucol_close(coll);
+ } else {
+ if(parseError.offset != testCases[i].expectedOffset) {
+ log_err("Got parse error offset %i, but expected %i instead for '%s'\n",
+ parseError.offset, testCases[i].expectedOffset, testCases[i].input);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+doSetsTest(const USet *ref, USet *set, const char* inSet, const char* outSet, UErrorCode *status) {
+ UChar buffer[512];
+ int32_t bufLen;
+ uset_clear(set);
+ bufLen = u_unescape(inSet, buffer, 512);
+ uset_applyPattern(set, buffer, bufLen, 0, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
+ log_err("Failure setting pattern %s\n", u_errorName(*status));
+ }
+ if(!uset_containsAll(ref, set)) {
+ log_err("Some stuff from %s is not present in the set\n", inSet);
+ }
+ uset_clear(set);
+ bufLen = u_unescape(outSet, buffer, 512);
+ uset_applyPattern(set, buffer, bufLen, 0, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
+ log_err("Failure setting pattern %s\n", u_errorName(*status));
+ }
+ if(!uset_containsNone(ref, set)) {
+ log_err("Some stuff from %s is present in the set\n", outSet);
+ }
+static void
+ static struct {
+ const char* locale;
+ const char* inConts;
+ const char* outConts;
+ const char* unsafeCodeUnits;
+ const char* safeCodeUnits;
+ } tests[] = {
+ { "ru",
+ "[{\\u0474\\u030F}{\\u0475\\u030F}{\\u04D8\\u0308}{\\u04D9\\u0308}{\\u04E8\\u0308}{\\u04E9\\u0308}]",
+ "[{\\u0430\\u0306}{\\u0410\\u0306}{\\u0430\\u0308}{\\u0410\\u0306}{\\u0433\\u0301}{\\u0413\\u0301}]",
+ "[\\u0474\\u0475\\u04d8\\u04d9\\u04e8\\u04e9]",
+ "[aAbB\\u0430\\u0410\\u0433\\u0413]"
+ },
+ { "uk",
+ "[{\\u0474\\u030F}{\\u0475\\u030F}{\\u04D8\\u0308}{\\u04D9\\u0308}{\\u04E8\\u0308}{\\u04E9\\u0308}"
+ "{\\u0430\\u0306}{\\u0410\\u0306}{\\u0430\\u0308}{\\u0410\\u0306}{\\u0433\\u0301}{\\u0413\\u0301}]",
+ "[]",
+ "[\\u0474\\u0475\\u04D8\\u04D9\\u04E8\\u04E9\\u0430\\u0410\\u0433\\u0413]",
+ "[aAbBxv]",
+ },
+ { "ja",
+ "[{\\u309d\\u3099}{\\u30fd\\u3099}]",
+ "[{lj}{nj}]",
+ "[\\u3099\\u309d\\u30fd]",
+ "[\\u30a6\\u3044\\uff73]"
+ },
+ { "sh",
+ "[{C\\u0301}{C\\u030C}{C\\u0341}{DZ\\u030C}{Dz\\u030C}{D\\u017D}{D\\u017E}{lj}{nj}]",
+ "[{\\u309d\\u3099}{\\u30fd\\u3099}]",
+ "[nlcdzNLCDZ]",
+ "[jabv]"
+ }
+ };
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UCollator *coll = NULL;
+ int32_t i = 0;
+ int32_t noConts = 0;
+ USet *conts = uset_open(0,0);
+ USet *set = uset_open(0,0);
+ UChar buffer[32768];
+ int32_t setLen = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0]); i++) {
+ log_verbose("Testing locale: %s\n", tests[i].locale);
+ coll = ucol_open(tests[i].locale, &status);
+ noConts = ucol_getContractions(coll, conts, &status);
+ doSetsTest(conts, set, tests[i].inConts, tests[i].outConts, &status);
+ setLen = uset_toPattern(conts, buffer, 32768, TRUE, &status);
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ log_verbose("%i: %s\n", noConts, aescstrdup(buffer, setLen));
+ } else {
+ log_err("error %s. %i\n", u_errorName(status), setLen);
+ }
+ noConts = ucol_getUnsafeSet(coll, conts, &status);
+ doSetsTest(conts, set, tests[i].unsafeCodeUnits, tests[i].safeCodeUnits, &status);
+ ucol_close(coll);
+ }
+ uset_close(conts);
+ uset_close(set);