+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
-* Copyright (C) 1999-2003, International Business Machines
+* Copyright (C) 1999-2015, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
#include "rbt_data.h"
#include "rbt_rule.h"
#include "rbt.h"
+#include "mutex.h"
+#include "umutex.h"
-const char RuleBasedTransliterator::fgClassID = 0; // Value is irrelevant
+static UMutex transliteratorDataMutex = U_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static Replaceable *gLockedText = NULL;
void RuleBasedTransliterator::_construct(const UnicodeString& rules,
UTransDirection direction,
UParseError& parseError,
UErrorCode& status) {
- data = 0;
+ fData = 0;
isDataOwned = TRUE;
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- TransliteratorParser parser;
+ TransliteratorParser parser(status);
parser.parse(rules, direction, parseError, status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- if (parser.idBlock.length() != 0 ||
- parser.compoundFilter != NULL) {
+ if (parser.idBlockVector.size() != 0 ||
+ parser.compoundFilter != NULL ||
+ parser.dataVector.size() == 0) {
status = U_INVALID_RBT_SYNTAX; // ::ID blocks disallowed in RBT
- data = parser.orphanData();
- setMaximumContextLength(data->ruleSet.getMaximumContextLength());
+ fData = (TransliterationRuleData*)parser.dataVector.orphanElementAt(0);
+ setMaximumContextLength(fData->ruleSet.getMaximumContextLength());
+ * Constructs a new transliterator from the given rules.
+ * @param id the id for the transliterator.
+ * @param rules rules, separated by ';'
+ * @param direction either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+ * @param adoptedFilter the filter for this transliterator.
+ * @param parseError Struct to recieve information on position
+ * of error if an error is encountered
+ * @param status Output param set to success/failure code.
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if rules are malformed
+ * or direction is invalid.
+ */
+ const UnicodeString& id,
+ const UnicodeString& rules,
+ UTransDirection direction,
+ UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+ UParseError& parseError,
+ UErrorCode& status) :
+ Transliterator(id, adoptedFilter) {
+ _construct(rules, direction,parseError,status);
+ * Constructs a new transliterator from the given rules.
+ * @param id the id for the transliterator.
+ * @param rules rules, separated by ';'
+ * @param direction either FORWARD or REVERSE.
+ * @param adoptedFilter the filter for this transliterator.
+ * @param status Output param set to success/failure code.
+ * @exception IllegalArgumentException if rules are malformed
+ * or direction is invalid.
+ */
+ const UnicodeString& id,
+ const UnicodeString& rules,
+ UTransDirection direction,
+ UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+ UErrorCode& status) :
+ Transliterator(id, adoptedFilter) {
+ UParseError parseError;
+ _construct(rules, direction,parseError, status);
+ * Covenience constructor with no filter.
+ */
+ const UnicodeString& id,
+ const UnicodeString& rules,
+ UTransDirection direction,
+ UErrorCode& status) :
+ Transliterator(id, 0) {
+ UParseError parseError;
+ _construct(rules, direction,parseError, status);
+ * Covenience constructor with no filter and FORWARD direction.
+ */
+ const UnicodeString& id,
+ const UnicodeString& rules,
+ UErrorCode& status) :
+ Transliterator(id, 0) {
+ UParseError parseError;
+ _construct(rules, UTRANS_FORWARD, parseError, status);
+ * Covenience constructor with FORWARD direction.
+ */
+ const UnicodeString& id,
+ const UnicodeString& rules,
+ UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter,
+ UErrorCode& status) :
+ Transliterator(id, adoptedFilter) {
+ UParseError parseError;
+ _construct(rules, UTRANS_FORWARD,parseError, status);
RuleBasedTransliterator::RuleBasedTransliterator(const UnicodeString& id,
const TransliterationRuleData* theData,
UnicodeFilter* adoptedFilter) :
Transliterator(id, adoptedFilter),
- data((TransliterationRuleData*)theData), // cast away const
+ fData((TransliterationRuleData*)theData), // cast away const
isDataOwned(FALSE) {
- setMaximumContextLength(data->ruleSet.getMaximumContextLength());
+ setMaximumContextLength(fData->ruleSet.getMaximumContextLength());
TransliterationRuleData* theData,
UBool isDataAdopted) :
Transliterator(id, 0),
- data(theData),
+ fData(theData),
isDataOwned(isDataAdopted) {
- setMaximumContextLength(data->ruleSet.getMaximumContextLength());
+ setMaximumContextLength(fData->ruleSet.getMaximumContextLength());
const RuleBasedTransliterator& other) :
- Transliterator(other), data(other.data),
+ Transliterator(other), fData(other.fData),
isDataOwned(other.isDataOwned) {
// The data object may or may not be owned. If it is not owned we
// will be later deleted. System transliterators contain
// non-owned data.
if (isDataOwned) {
- data = new TransliterationRuleData(*other.data);
+ fData = new TransliterationRuleData(*other.fData);
RuleBasedTransliterator::~RuleBasedTransliterator() {
// Delete the data object only if we own it.
if (isDataOwned) {
- delete data;
+ delete fData;
loopLimit <<= 4;
- while (index.start < index.limit &&
- loopCount <= loopLimit &&
- data->ruleSet.transliterate(text, index, isIncremental)) {
- ++loopCount;
+ // Transliterator locking. Rule-based Transliterators are not thread safe; concurrent
+ // operations must be prevented.
+ // A Complication: compound transliterators can result in recursive entries to this
+ // function, sometimes with different "This" objects, always with the same text.
+ // Double-locking must be prevented in these cases.
+ //
+ UBool lockedMutexAtThisLevel = FALSE;
+ // Test whether this request is operating on the same text string as
+ // some other transliteration that is still in progress and holding the
+ // transliteration mutex. If so, do not lock the transliteration
+ // mutex again.
+ //
+ // gLockedText variable is protected by the global ICU mutex.
+ // Shared RBT data protected by transliteratorDataMutex.
+ //
+ // TODO(andy): Need a better scheme for handling this.
+ UBool needToLock;
+ {
+ Mutex m;
+ needToLock = (&text != gLockedText);
+ }
+ if (needToLock) {
+ umtx_lock(&transliteratorDataMutex); // Contention, longish waits possible here.
+ Mutex m;
+ gLockedText = &text;
+ lockedMutexAtThisLevel = TRUE;
+ }
+ // Check to make sure we don't dereference a null pointer.
+ if (fData != NULL) {
+ while (index.start < index.limit &&
+ loopCount <= loopLimit &&
+ fData->ruleSet.transliterate(text, index, isIncremental)) {
+ ++loopCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lockedMutexAtThisLevel) {
+ {
+ Mutex m;
+ gLockedText = NULL;
+ }
+ umtx_unlock(&transliteratorDataMutex);
UnicodeString& RuleBasedTransliterator::toRules(UnicodeString& rulesSource,
UBool escapeUnprintable) const {
- return data->ruleSet.toRules(rulesSource, escapeUnprintable);
+ return fData->ruleSet.toRules(rulesSource, escapeUnprintable);
* Implement Transliterator framework
void RuleBasedTransliterator::handleGetSourceSet(UnicodeSet& result) const {
- data->ruleSet.getSourceTargetSet(result, FALSE);
+ fData->ruleSet.getSourceTargetSet(result, FALSE);
* Override Transliterator framework
UnicodeSet& RuleBasedTransliterator::getTargetSet(UnicodeSet& result) const {
- return data->ruleSet.getSourceTargetSet(result, TRUE);
+ return fData->ruleSet.getSourceTargetSet(result, TRUE);