+ /**
+ * Selects the standard plural form for the number/formatter/rules.
+ * TODO(13591): Remove this method.
+ */
+ static StandardPlural::Form selectPlural(
+ const Formattable &number,
+ const NumberFormat &fmt,
+ const PluralRules &rules,
+ UnicodeString &formattedNumber,
+ FieldPosition &pos,
+ UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * Formats a quantity and selects its plural form. The output is appended
+ * to a NumberStringBuilder in order to retain field information.
+ *
+ * @param quantity The number to format.
+ * @param fmt The formatter to use to format the number.
+ * @param rules The rules to use to select the plural form of the
+ * formatted number.
+ * @param output Where to append the result of the format operation.
+ * @param pluralForm Output variable populated with the plural form of the
+ * formatted number.
+ * @param status Set if an error occurs.
+ */
+ static void formatAndSelect(
+ double quantity,
+ const NumberFormat& fmt,
+ const PluralRules& rules,
+ number::impl::NumberStringBuilder& output,
+ StandardPlural::Form& pluralForm,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Formats the pattern with the value and adjusts the FieldPosition.
+ * TODO: Remove?
+ */
+ static UnicodeString &format(
+ const SimpleFormatter &pattern,
+ const UnicodeString &value,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ FieldPosition &pos,
+ UErrorCode &status);