+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
-* Copyright (C) 2011-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
+* Copyright (C) 2011-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/format.h"
* by other styles.
* @stable ICU 50
- ,
- * When parsing a time zone display name in UTZFMT_STYLE_SPECIFIC_SHORT,
+ * When parsing a time zone display name in \link UTZFMT_STYLE_SPECIFIC_SHORT \endlink,
* look for the IANA tz database compatible zone abbreviations in addition
- * to the localized names coming from the {@link TimeZoneNames} currently
- * used by the {@link TimeZoneFormat}.
- * @draft ICU 54
+ * to the localized names coming from the icu::TimeZoneNames currently
+ * used by the icu::TimeZoneFormat.
+ * @stable ICU 54
-#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
} UTimeZoneFormatParseOption;
* @return A copy of the object
* @stable ICU 50
- virtual Format* clone() const;
+ virtual TimeZoneFormat* clone() const;
* Creates an instance of <code>TimeZoneFormat</code> for the given locale.
* @param parsedLen the parsed length, or 0 on failure.
* @return the parsed offset in milliseconds.
- int32_t parseDefaultOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, UChar separator,
+ int32_t parseDefaultOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, int32_t start, char16_t separator,
int32_t& parsedLen) const;
* @param maxFields The maximum fields
* @return The offset string
- static UnicodeString& formatOffsetWithAsciiDigits(int32_t offset, UChar sep,
+ static UnicodeString& formatOffsetWithAsciiDigits(int32_t offset, char16_t sep,
OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields, UnicodeString& result);
* @param maxFields The maximum Fields to be parsed
* @return Parsed offset, 0 or positive number.
- static int32_t parseAsciiOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, UChar sep,
+ static int32_t parseAsciiOffsetFields(const UnicodeString& text, ParsePosition& pos, char16_t sep,
OffsetFields minFields, OffsetFields maxFields);
+#endif /* U_SHOW_CPLUSPLUS_API */