# ***************************************************************************
# *
-# * Copyright (C) 2004-2015, International Business Machines
+# * Copyright (C) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
# * Corporation; Unicode, Inc.; and others. All Rights Reserved.
# *
# ***************************************************************************
# File: sk_sk_FONIPA.txt
# Generated from CLDR
+# Slovak orthography to phonemic transcription.
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovak_language
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slovak_alphabet
+# Letters that trigger softening; also triggered at end of word.
+# Softening also occurs before "ch", but that starts in "c" so it
+# is included in the set below.
$soften = [ptťkcčsš$] ;
+# Transform input to normalized form NFC, and to lowercase.
:: NFC () ;
:: Lower () ;
+# digraphs
ch → x ;
dž } $soften → t \u0361 ʃ ; # affricate indicated by ligature tie
dz } $soften → t \u0361 s ;
dž → d \u0361 ʒ ;
dz → d \u0361 z ;
a → a ;
á → aː ;
ä → ɛ ;
í → iː ;
j → j ;
k → k ;
+ľ → ʎ ;
+l\' → ʎ ;
l → l ;
ĺ → l\u0329ː ;
-ľ → ʎ ;
m } [fv] → ɱ ;
m → m ;
n } [kg] → ŋ ;
s → s ;
š → ʃ ;
t } [ie] → c ;
-t → t ;
+t\' → c ;
ť → c ;
+t → t ;
u → u ;
ú → uː ;
vz } $soften → fs ;
z → z ;
ž } $soften → ʃ ;
ž → ʒ ;
+bb → bː;
+cc → cː;
+dd → dː;
+ff → fː;
+nn → nː;
+pp → pː;
+rr → rː;
+ss → sː;
+tt → tː;
+vv → vː;
+zz → zː;
+ʃʃ → ʃː;
+ʒʒ → ʒː;