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# ***************************************************************************
# File: es_FONIPA_zh.txt
# Generated from CLDR
+# Tranforms Spanish to Mandarin Chinese. The input Spanish string must be in
+# phonemic IPA transcription (es_FONIPA); the output is in Simplified Chinese.
$word_boundary = [-\ $];
$vowel = [aeijouw]; # Vowels and glides
$not_vowel = [^$vowel];
+# First pass: Collapse phonetic distinctions not preserved in Mandarin.
ð → | d;
ɣ → | g;
ŋ → | n;
[^ʧ] { jo → io; # GB/T 17693.5-2009 表 1, 注 7
j } an $not_vowel → i ; # GB/T 17693.5-2009 表 1, 注 8
+# GB/T 17693.5-2009 表 1, 注 8 also says that <uai> should be treated as if
+# it was <u> plus <ai>. This is not borne out by the observed data, which
+# suggests that <ua> plus <i> is the more appropriate choice in some
+# situations.
[g.$] { wai\u032F → wai ;
wai\u032F → uai\u032F ;
[g.$] { wau\u032F → wau ;
wau\u032F → uau\u032F ;
jau\u032F → iau\u032F ;
+# Even though "ao" is not a diphthong in Spanish, Mandarin treats it as one.
[^jw] { ao } [^n] → au\u032F ;
[^jw] { ao } n $vowel → au\u032F ;
+# Main pass: Phoneme to Hanzi conversion.
+# This generally follows GB/T 17693.5-2009 表 1, unless otherwise noted.
'.' → ;
ai\u032F → 艾 ;
fwe → 富埃 ;
fwi → 富伊 ;
fwo → 福 ;
+# The choice of 弗 vs. 夫 sounds simple according to the GB/T standard, but the
+# data suggest otherwise. Ideally, 弗 should occur at the beginning of a
+# morpheme (e.g. in "villafranca" 比利亚弗兰卡) and 夫 everywhere else. Since
+# we don't have morpheme boundaries, we'll fudge it by writing 夫 at the end of
+# a word and 弗 everywhere else.
f } $word_boundary → 夫 ;
f → 弗 ;
gai\u032F → 盖 ;
tju → 蒂乌 ;
ton } $not_vowel → 通 ;
to → 托 ;
+# The rules for /ts/ (tz in the orthography) are nonstandard and derived
+# entirely from the observed data. They apply mostly to native toponyms
+# in Mexico.
tsa → 察 ;
tsen } $not_vowel → 岑 ;
tse → 采 ;
xwi → 惠 ;
xwo → 霍 ;
x → 赫 ;
+# 尔 simplification pass. The idea is to drop most occurences of 尔
+# corresponding to <r> (not to <l> or <ll>) from a word if there is another /l/
+# sound nearby. There is a vague pattern like this in the data, but the details
+# remain to be determined. At the moment, this does nothing, it just puts 尔 in
+# for every <r> in a syllable coda.
$r = [R利拉];
+# R } . $r → ;
+# R } .. $r → ;
+# R } ... $r → ;
+# R } .... $r → ;
R → 尔 ;
+# Dong-nan-xi-hai pass. Per GB/T 17693.5-2009 表 1, 注 4, replace confusing
+# characters at the beginning and end of a word.
$word_boundary { 东 → 栋 ;
$word_boundary { 南 → 楠 ;
$word_boundary { 西 → 锡 ;
海 } $word_boundary → 亥 ;