<!ENTITY icu-config SYSTEM "./icu-config.xml">
<!ENTITY icu-locale-deprecates SYSTEM "./icu-locale-deprecates.xml">
<!ENTITY icu-coll-deprecates SYSTEM "./icu-coll-deprecates.xml">
+ <!ENTITY icu-rbnf-deprecates SYSTEM "./icu-rbnf-deprecates.xml">
-* Copyright (C) 2005-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and *
+* Copyright (C) 2005-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
<!-- target for generating ICU data -->
- <target name="all" depends="locales, collation, rbnf, supplementalData, metadata, metaZones, windowsZones, likelySubtags, plurals, numberingSystems, translit, brkitr, keyTypeData, genderList, postalCodeData, dayPeriods" />
+ <target name="all" depends="locales, collation, rbnf, supplementalData, metadata, metaZones, windowsZones, likelySubtags, plurals, numberingSystems, translit, brkitr, keyTypeData, genderList, dayPeriods" />
<!-- parallel target -->
<target name="pall" depends="init">
<parallel threadsPerProcessor ="1">
<ant target='genderList'/>
- <sequential>
- <ant target='postalCodeData'/>
- </sequential>
<ant target='dayPeriods'/>
<!-- http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#xml-entity-include -->
+ &icu-rbnf-deprecates;
- <target name="postalCodeData" depends="init,setup" description="builds postalCodeData.txt from postalCodeData.xml">
- <cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="postalCodeData.txt" noArgs="true">
- <!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
- <run>
- <args>
- <arg name="-s" value="${env.CLDR_DIR}/common/supplemental" />
- <arg name="-d" value="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc"/>
- <arg name="-t" value="postalCodeData"/>
- </args>
- </run>
- </cldr-build>
- </target>
<target name="dayPeriods" depends="init,setup" description="builds dayPeriods.txt from dayPeriods.xml">
<cldr-build toolName="org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter" destFile="dayPeriods.txt" noArgs="true">
<!-- launch the tool and generate the data after reading the config file -->
<include name="root.txt" />
<fileset id="brkitr" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/brkitr">
- <!-- brkitr directory contains bunch of txt files that are not produced by LDML2ICUConverter.
- So can't clean up everything. This needs to be updated when new files are added to xml/brkitr directory -->
- <include name="root.txt" />
- <include name="el.txt" />
- <include name="en.txt" />
- <include name="en_US.txt" />
- <include name="en_US_POSIX.txt" />
- <include name="fi.txt" />
- <include name="ja.txt" />
+ <include name="*.txt"/>
<fileset id="brkfiles" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/brkitr">
<include name="brkfiles.mk" />
<fileset id="genderList" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
<include name="genderList.txt" />
- <fileset id="postalCodeData" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
- <include name="postalCodeData.txt" />
- </fileset>
<fileset id="dayPeriods" dir="${env.ICU4C_DIR}/source/data/misc">
<include name="dayPeriods.txt" />