-<p>Download the 1.3 version of the JDK from the<a
- href="http://www.ibm.com/java"> IBM developerWorks Java technology zone</a>
-page. From this page, follow the "Tools and products" link on the left
-hand side, and then the link for the "IBM Developer Kit for Linux", or
-the "IBM Developer Kit for Windows(R), Release 1.3.0". You'll need to
-register with them if you haven't downloaded before. Download and
-install the "Runtime Environment Package." You'll need two fonts from
-this package. If you've let the installer use it's defaults, the fonts
-will be in C:\Program Files\IBM\Java13\jre\lib\fonts. The files you want
-are "LucidaSansRegular.ttf" and "Thonburi.ttf" Copy these font files to
-the directory from which you'll run letest.<br>
+<p>Download a recent version of the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
+(J2SE) from <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se.index.jsp">java.sun.com</a>.
+From this page, follow the link for the version you want to download,
+and then select the "Downloads" link on the left side of the page.
+Select either the SDK or the JRE. (The JRE is sufficient for letest.)
+Read the license agreement and click on "Accept" if you agree. This
+will take you to the actual download page. Download the package and
+install it. You'll need one font. On Windows, it will be in, for
+example, "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06/jre/lib/fonts. The file you want is
+"LucidaSansRegular.ttf". Copy this file into the directory from which
+you'll run letest.<br>