-# PropertyAliases-4.0.1.txt
-# Date: 2004-03-02, 19:47:55 GMT [MD]
+# PropertyAliases-5.0.0.txt
+# Date: 2006-03-03, 08:23:34 GMT [MD]
# Unicode Character Database
-# Copyright (c) 1991-2004 Unicode, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1991-2006 Unicode, Inc.
# For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html
# For documentation, see UCD.html
# This file contains aliases for properties used in the UCD.
# These names can be used for XML formats of UCD data, for regular-expression
# property tests, and other programmatic textual descriptions of Unicode data.
dt ; Decomposition_Type
ea ; East_Asian_Width
gc ; General_Category
+GCB ; Grapheme_Cluster_Break
hst ; Hangul_Syllable_Type
jg ; Joining_Group
jt ; Joining_Type
NFKC_QC ; NFKC_Quick_Check
NFKD_QC ; NFKD_Quick_Check
nt ; Numeric_Type
+SB ; Sentence_Break
+WB ; Word_Break
# ================================================
# Binary Properties
OAlpha ; Other_Alphabetic
ODI ; Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point
OGr_Ext ; Other_Grapheme_Extend
+OIDC ; Other_ID_Continue
OIDS ; Other_ID_Start
OLower ; Other_Lowercase
OMath ; Other_Math
OUpper ; Other_Uppercase
+Pat_Syn ; Pattern_Syntax
+Pat_WS ; Pattern_White_Space
QMark ; Quotation_Mark
Radical ; Radical
SD ; Soft_Dotted
UIdeo ; Unified_Ideograph
Upper ; Uppercase
VS ; Variation_Selector
-WSpace ; White_Space
+WSpace ; White_Space ; space
XIDC ; XID_Continue
XIDS ; XID_Start
XO_NFC ; Expands_On_NFC
XO_NFKD ; Expands_On_NFKD
# ================================================
-# Total: 82
+# Total: 88
+# EOF