-// Must be less than 85, because of byte mapping from UChar indexes to native indexes.
-// Worst case is three native bytes to one UChar. (Supplemenaries are 4 native bytes
-// to two UChars.)
+// Must be less than 42 (256/6), because of byte mapping from UChar indexes to native indexes.
+// Worst case there are six UTF-8 bytes per UChar.
+// obsolete 6 byte form fd + 5 trails maps to fffd
+// obsolete 5 byte form fc + 4 trails maps to fffd
+// non-shortest 4 byte forms maps to fffd
+// normal supplementaries map to a pair of utf-16, two utf8 bytes per utf-16 unit
+// mapToUChars array size must allow for the worst case, 6.
+// This could be brought down to 4, by treating fd and fc as pure illegal,
+// rather than obsolete lead bytes. But that is not compatible with the utf-8 access macros.