+ digVal = u_charDigitValue(char32);
+ for(;;) {
+ // Make sure we have enough space. No longer needed;
+ // at this point the largest value of digIndx when we need to save data in numTempBuf
+ // is UCOL_MAX_DIGITS_FOR_NUMBER-1 (digIndx is post-incremented) so we just ensure
+ // that numTempBuf is big enough (UCOL_MAX_DIGITS_FOR_NUMBER/2 + 2).
+ // Skip over trailing zeroes, and keep a count of them.
+ if (digVal != 0)
+ nonZeroValReached = TRUE;
+ if (nonZeroValReached) {
+ /*
+ We parse the digit string into base 100 numbers (this fits into a byte).
+ We only add to the buffer in twos, thus if we are parsing an odd character,
+ that serves as the 'tens' digit while the if we are parsing an even one, that
+ is the 'ones' digit. We dumped the parsed base 100 value (collateVal) into
+ a buffer. We multiply each collateVal by 2 (to give us room) and add 5 (to avoid
+ overlapping magic CE byte values). The last byte we subtract 1 to ensure it is less
+ than all the other bytes.
+ Since we're doing in this reverse we want to put the first digit encountered into the
+ ones place and the second digit encountered into the tens place.
+ */
+ if ((digIndx + trailingZeroCount) % 2 == 1) {
+ // High-order digit case (tens place)
+ collateVal += (uint8_t)(digVal * 10);
+ // We cannot set leadingZeroIndex unless it has been set for the
+ // low-order digit. Therefore, all we can do for the high-order
+ // digit is turn it off, never on.
+ // The only time we will have a high digit without a low is for
+ // the very first non-zero digit, so no zero check is necessary.
+ if (collateVal != 0)
+ leadingZeroIndex = 0;
+ // The first pass through, digIndx may exceed the limit, but in that case
+ // we no longer care about numTempBuf contents since they will be discarded
+ if ( digIndx < UCOL_MAX_DIGITS_FOR_NUMBER ) {
+ numTempBuf[(digIndx/2) + 2] = collateVal*2 + 6;
+ }
+ collateVal = 0;
+ } else {
+ // Low-order digit case (ones place)
+ collateVal = (uint8_t)digVal;
+ // Check for leading zeroes.
+ if (collateVal == 0) {
+ if (!leadingZeroIndex)
+ leadingZeroIndex = (digIndx/2) + 2;
+ } else
+ leadingZeroIndex = 0;
+ // No need to write to buffer; the case of a last odd digit
+ // is handled below.
+ }
+ ++digIndx;
+ } else
+ ++trailingZeroCount;
+ if (!collIter_bos(source)) {
+ ch = getPrevNormalizedChar(source, status);
+ //goBackOne(source);
+ if (U16_IS_TRAIL(ch)) {
+ backupState(source, &state);
+ if (!collIter_bos(source)) {
+ goBackOne(source);
+ UChar lead = getPrevNormalizedChar(source, status);
+ if(U16_IS_LEAD(lead)) {
+ char32 = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(lead,ch);
+ } else {
+ loadState(source, &state, FALSE);
+ char32 = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ char32 = ch;
+ if ((digVal = u_charDigitValue(char32)) == -1 || (ceLimit > 0 && (digIndx + trailingZeroCount) >= ceLimit)) {
+ if (char32 > 0xFFFF) {// For surrogates.
+ loadState(source, &state, FALSE);
+ }
+ // Don't need to "reverse" the goBackOne call,
+ // as this points to the next position to process..
+ //if (char32 > 0xFFFF) // For surrogates.
+ //getNextNormalizedChar(source);
+ break;
+ }
+ goBackOne(source);
+ }else
+ break;
+ }
+ if (digIndx + trailingZeroCount <= UCOL_MAX_DIGITS_FOR_NUMBER) {
+ // our collation element is not too big, go ahead and finish with it
+ break;
+ }
+ // our digit string is too long for a collation element;
+ // set the limit for it, reset the state and begin again
+ ceLimit = (digIndx + trailingZeroCount) % UCOL_MAX_DIGITS_FOR_NUMBER;
+ if ( ceLimit == 0 ) {
+ }
+ ch = initial_ch;
+ loadState(source, &initialState, FALSE);
+ digIndx = endIndex = leadingZeroIndex = trailingZeroCount = 0;
+ collateVal = 0;
+ nonZeroValReached = FALSE;