-* Copyright (C) 1999-2006, International Business Machines
-* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-* file name: gennames.c
-* encoding: US-ASCII
-* tab size: 8 (not used)
-* indentation:4
-* created on: 1999nov01
-* created by: Markus W. Scherer
-* This program reads a binary file and creates a C source code file
-* with a byte array that contains the data of the binary file.
-* 12/09/1999 weiv Added multiple file handling
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2011, International Business Machines
+ * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * file name: gennames.c
+ * encoding: US-ASCII
+ * tab size: 8 (not used)
+ * indentation:4
+ *
+ * created on: 1999nov01
+ * created by: Markus W. Scherer
+ *
+ * This program reads a binary file and creates a C source code file
+ * with a byte array that contains the data of the binary file.
+ *
+ * 12/09/1999 weiv Added multiple file handling
+ */
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#ifdef U_WINDOWS
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# define NOUSER
# define NOMCX
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
-/* _M_IA64 should be defined in windows.h */
-#if defined(_M_IA64)
-# define ICU_ENTRY_OFFSET 0
-#elif defined(_M_AMD64)
-# define ICU_ENTRY_OFFSET 0
-# define ICU_ENTRY_OFFSET 1
+# define U_ELF
+#ifdef U_ELF
+# include <elf.h>
+# if defined(ELFCLASS64)
+# define U_ELF64
+# endif
+ /* Old elf.h headers may not have EM_X86_64, or have EM_X8664 instead. */
+# ifndef EM_X86_64
+# define EM_X86_64 62
+# endif
+# define ICU_ENTRY_OFFSET 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include "toolutil.h"
#include "unicode/uclean.h"
#include "uoptions.h"
+#include "pkg_genc.h"
-#define MAX_COLUMN ((uint32_t)(0xFFFFFFFFU))
-static uint32_t column=MAX_COLUMN;
-#ifdef U_WINDOWS
-/* prototypes --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static void
-writeCCode(const char *filename, const char *destdir);
-static void
-writeAssemblyCode(const char *filename, const char *destdir);
-static void
-writeObjectCode(const char *filename, const char *destdir);
-static void
-getOutFilename(const char *inFilename, const char *destdir, char *outFilename, char *entryName, const char *newSuffix);
-static void
-write8(FileStream *out, uint8_t byte);
-static void
-write32(FileStream *out, uint32_t byte);
-#ifdef OS400
-static void
-write8str(FileStream *out, uint8_t byte);
-/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-enum {
+enum {
kOptHelpH = 0,
+ kOptMatchArch,
-Creating Template Files for New Platforms
-Let the cc compiler help you get started.
-Compile this program
- const unsigned int x[5] = {1, 2, 0xdeadbeef, 0xffffffff, 16};
-with the -S option to produce assembly output.
-For example, this will generate array.s:
-gcc -S array.c
-This will produce a .s file that may look like this:
- .file "array.c"
- .version "01.01"
- .globl x
- .section .rodata
- .align 4
- .type x,@object
- .size x,20
- .long 1
- .long 2
- .long -559038737
- .long -1
- .long 16
- .ident "GCC: (GNU) 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-85)"
-which gives a starting point that will compile, and can be transformed
-to become the template, generally with some consulting of as docs and
-some experimentation.
-If you want ICU to automatically use this assembly, you should
-specify "GENCCODE_ASSEMBLY=-a name" in the specific config/mh-* file,
-where the name is the compiler or platform that you used in this
-assemblyHeader data structure.
-static const struct AssemblyType {
- const char *name;
- const char *header;
- const char *beginLine;
-} assemblyHeader[] = {
- {"gcc",
- ".globl %s\n"
- "\t.section .note.GNU-stack,\"\",@progbits\n"
- "\t.section .rodata\n"
- "\t.align 8\n" /* Either align 8 bytes or 2^8 (256) bytes. 8 bytes is needed. */
- "\t.type %s,@object\n"
- "%s:\n\n",
- ".long "
- },
- {"gcc-darwin",
- /*"\t.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions\n"
- "\t.section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub1,symbol_stubs,pure_instructions,32\n"*/
- ".globl _%s\n"
- "\t.data\n"
- "\t.const\n"
- "\t.align 4\n" /* 1<<4 = 16 */
- "_%s:\n\n",
- ".long "
- },
- {"gcc-cygwin",
- ".globl _%s\n"
- "\t.section .rodata\n"
- "\t.align 8\n" /* Either align 8 bytes or 2^8 (256) bytes. 8 bytes is needed. */
- "_%s:\n\n",
- ".long "
- },
- {"sun",
- "\t.section \".rodata\"\n"
- "\t.align 8\n"
- ".globl %s\n"
- "%s:\n",
- ".word "
- },
- {"xlc",
- ".globl %s{RO}\n"
- "\t.toc\n"
- "%s:\n"
- "\t.csect %s{RO}, 4\n",
- ".long "
- },
- {"aCC",
- "\t.SPACE $TEXT$\n"
- "\t.SUBSPA $LIT$\n"
- "%s\n"
- "\t.EXPORT %s\n"
- "\t.ALIGN 16\n",
- ".WORD "
- }
-static int32_t assemblyHeaderIndex = -1;
static UOption options[]={
UOPTION_DEF("entrypoint", 'e', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
/*5*/UOPTION_DEF("object", 'o', UOPT_NO_ARG),
+ UOPTION_DEF("match-arch", 'm', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG),
+#define CALL_WRITECCODE 'c'
extern int
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
UBool verbose = TRUE;
- int32_t idx;
+ char writeCode;
U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv);
/* read command line options */
argc=u_parseArgs(argc, argv, sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]), options);
/* error handling, printing usage message */
if(argc<0) {
"\t-h or -? or --help this usage text\n"
"\t-d or --destdir destination directory, followed by the path\n"
"\t-n or --name symbol prefix, followed by the prefix\n"
- "\t-e or --entrypoint entry point name, followed by the name\n"
+ "\t-e or --entrypoint entry point name, followed by the name (_dat will be appended)\n"
"\t-r or --revision Specify a version\n"
+ , argv[0]);
+ fprintf(stderr,
"\t-o or --object write a .obj file instead of .c\n"
+ "\t-m or --match-arch file.o match the architecture (CPU, 32/64 bits) of the specified .o\n"
+ "\t ELF format defaults to i386. Windows defaults to the native platform.\n");
- "\t-f or --filename Specify an alternate base filename. (default: symbolname_typ)\n"
- , argv[0]);
+ "\t-f or --filename Specify an alternate base filename. (default: symbolname_typ)\n"
"\t-a or --assembly Create assembly file. (possible values are: ");
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", assemblyHeader[0].name);
- for (idx = 1; idx < (int32_t)(sizeof(assemblyHeader)/sizeof(assemblyHeader[0])); idx++) {
- fprintf(stderr, ", %s", assemblyHeader[idx].name);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,
- ")\n");
+ printAssemblyHeadersToStdErr();
} else {
const char *message, *filename;
- void (*writeCode)(const char *, const char *);
+ /* TODO: remove void (*writeCode)(const char *, const char *); */
if(options[kOptAssembly].doesOccur) {
message="generating assembly code for %s\n";
- writeCode=&writeAssemblyCode;
- for (idx = 0; idx < (int32_t)(sizeof(assemblyHeader)/sizeof(assemblyHeader[0])); idx++) {
- if (uprv_strcmp(options[kOptAssembly].value, assemblyHeader[idx].name) == 0) {
- assemblyHeaderIndex = idx;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (assemblyHeaderIndex < 0) {
+ /* TODO: remove writeCode=&writeAssemblyCode; */
+ if (!checkAssemblyHeaderName(options[kOptAssembly].value)) {
"Assembly type \"%s\" is unknown.\n", options[kOptAssembly].value);
return -1;
else if(options[kOptObject].doesOccur) {
message="generating object code for %s\n";
- writeCode=&writeObjectCode;
+ /* TODO: remove writeCode=&writeObjectCode; */
message="generating C code for %s\n";
- writeCode=&writeCCode;
+ writeCode = CALL_WRITECCODE;
+ /* TODO: remove writeCode=&writeCCode; */
while(--argc) {
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stdout, message, filename);
- column=MAX_COLUMN;
- writeCode(filename, options[kOptDestDir].value);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void
-writeAssemblyCode(const char *filename, const char *destdir) {
- char entry[64];
- uint32_t buffer[1024];
- char *bufferStr = (char *)buffer;
- FileStream *in, *out;
- size_t i, length;
- in=T_FileStream_open(filename, "rb");
- if(in==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: unable to open input file %s\n", filename);
- }
- getOutFilename(filename, destdir, bufferStr, entry, ".s");
- out=T_FileStream_open(bufferStr, "w");
- if(out==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: unable to open output file %s\n", bufferStr);
- }
- if(options[kOptEntryPoint].doesOccur) {
- uprv_strcpy(entry, options[kOptEntryPoint].value);
- uprv_strcat(entry, "_dat");
- }
- /* turn dashes or dots in the entry name into underscores */
- length=uprv_strlen(entry);
- for(i=0; i<length; ++i) {
- if(entry[i]=='-' || entry[i]=='.') {
- entry[i]='_';
- }
- }
- sprintf(bufferStr, assemblyHeader[assemblyHeaderIndex].header,
- entry, entry, entry, entry,
- entry, entry, entry, entry);
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, bufferStr);
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, assemblyHeader[assemblyHeaderIndex].beginLine);
- for(;;) {
- length=T_FileStream_read(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if(length==0) {
- break;
- }
- if (length != sizeof(buffer)) {
- /* pad with extra 0's when at the end of the file */
- for(i=0; i < (length % sizeof(uint32_t)); ++i) {
- buffer[length+i] = 0;
- }
- }
- for(i=0; i<(length/sizeof(buffer[0])); i++) {
- write32(out, buffer[i]);
- }
- }
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, "\n");
- if(T_FileStream_error(in)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: file read error while generating from file %s\n", filename);
- }
- if(T_FileStream_error(out)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: file write error while generating from file %s\n", filename);
- }
- T_FileStream_close(out);
- T_FileStream_close(in);
-static void
-writeCCode(const char *filename, const char *destdir) {
- char buffer[4096], entry[64];
- FileStream *in, *out;
- size_t i, length;
- in=T_FileStream_open(filename, "rb");
- if(in==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: unable to open input file %s\n", filename);
- }
- if(options[kOptName].doesOccur) { /* prepend 'icudt28_' */
- strcpy(entry, options[kOptName].value);
- strcat(entry, "_");
- } else {
- entry[0] = 0;
- }
- getOutFilename(filename, destdir, buffer, entry+uprv_strlen(entry), ".c");
- out=T_FileStream_open(buffer, "w");
- if(out==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: unable to open output file %s\n", buffer);
- }
- /* turn dashes or dots in the entry name into underscores */
- length=uprv_strlen(entry);
- for(i=0; i<length; ++i) {
- if(entry[i]=='-' || entry[i]=='.') {
- entry[i]='_';
- }
- }
-#ifdef OS400
- /*
- TODO: Fix this once the compiler implements this feature. Keep in sync with udatamem.c
- This is here because this platform can't currently put
- const data into the read-only pages of an object or
- shared library (service program). Only strings are allowed in read-only
- pages, so we use char * strings to store the data.
- In order to prevent the beginning of the data from ever matching the
- magic numbers we must still use the initial double.
- [grhoten 4/24/2003]
- */
- sprintf(buffer,
- "#define U_DISABLE_RENAMING 1\n"
- "#include \"unicode/umachine.h\"\n"
- "const struct {\n"
- " double bogus;\n"
- " const char *bytes; \n"
- "} %s={ 0.0, \n",
- entry);
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, buffer);
- for(;;) {
- length=T_FileStream_read(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if(length==0) {
- break;
- }
- for(i=0; i<length; ++i) {
- write8str(out, (uint8_t)buffer[i]);
- }
- }
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, "\"\n};\nU_CDECL_END\n");
- /* Function renaming shouldn't be done in data */
- sprintf(buffer,
- "#define U_DISABLE_RENAMING 1\n"
- "#include \"unicode/umachine.h\"\n"
- "const struct {\n"
- " double bogus;\n"
- " uint8_t bytes[%ld]; \n"
- "} %s={ 0.0, {\n",
- (long)T_FileStream_size(in), entry);
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, buffer);
- for(;;) {
- length=T_FileStream_read(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if(length==0) {
- break;
- }
- for(i=0; i<length; ++i) {
- write8(out, (uint8_t)buffer[i]);
- }
- }
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, "\n}\n};\nU_CDECL_END\n");
- if(T_FileStream_error(in)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: file read error while generating from file %s\n", filename);
- }
- if(T_FileStream_error(out)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: file write error while generating from file %s\n", filename);
- }
- T_FileStream_close(out);
- T_FileStream_close(in);
+ switch (writeCode) {
+ writeCCode(filename, options[kOptDestDir].value,
+ options[kOptName].doesOccur ? options[kOptName].value : NULL,
+ options[kOptFilename].doesOccur ? options[kOptFilename].value : NULL,
+ NULL);
+ break;
+ writeAssemblyCode(filename, options[kOptDestDir].value,
+ options[kOptEntryPoint].doesOccur ? options[kOptEntryPoint].value : NULL,
+ options[kOptFilename].doesOccur ? options[kOptFilename].value : NULL,
+ NULL);
+ break;
-static void
-writeObjectCode(const char *filename, const char *destdir) {
-#ifdef U_WINDOWS
- char buffer[4096], entry[40];
- struct {
- char linkerOptions[100];
- } objHeader;
- IMAGE_SYMBOL symbols[1];
- struct {
- DWORD sizeofLongNames;
- char longNames[100];
- } symbolNames;
- FileStream *in, *out;
- DWORD i, entryLength, length, size;
- in=T_FileStream_open(filename, "rb");
- if(in==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: unable to open input file %s\n", filename);
- }
- /* entry have a leading '_' */
- entry[0]='_';
- getOutFilename(filename, destdir, buffer, entry+ICU_ENTRY_OFFSET, ".obj");
- if(options[kOptEntryPoint].doesOccur) {
- uprv_strcpy(entry+ICU_ENTRY_OFFSET, options[kOptEntryPoint].value);
- uprv_strcat(entry, "_dat");
- }
- /* turn dashes in the entry name into underscores */
- entryLength=(int32_t)uprv_strlen(entry);
- for(i=0; i<entryLength; ++i) {
- if(entry[i]=='-') {
- entry[i]='_';
- }
- }
- /* open the output file */
- out=T_FileStream_open(buffer, "wb");
- if(out==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: unable to open output file %s\n", buffer);
- }
- /* populate the .obj headers */
- uprv_memset(&objHeader, 0, sizeof(objHeader));
- uprv_memset(&symbols, 0, sizeof(symbols));
- uprv_memset(&symbolNames, 0, sizeof(symbolNames));
- size=T_FileStream_size(in);
- /* write the linker export directive */
- uprv_strcpy(objHeader.linkerOptions, "-export:");
- length=8;
- uprv_strcpy(objHeader.linkerOptions+length, entry);
- length+=entryLength;
- uprv_strcpy(objHeader.linkerOptions+length, ",data ");
- length+=6;
- /* set the file header */
- objHeader.fileHeader.Machine=ICU_OBJECT_MACHINE_TYPE;
- objHeader.fileHeader.NumberOfSections=2;
- objHeader.fileHeader.TimeDateStamp=time(NULL);
- objHeader.fileHeader.PointerToSymbolTable=IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER+2*IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER+length+size; /* start of symbol table */
- objHeader.fileHeader.NumberOfSymbols=1;
- /* set the section for the linker options */
- uprv_strncpy((char *)objHeader.sections[0].Name, ".drectve", 8);
- objHeader.sections[0].SizeOfRawData=length;
- /* set the data section */
- uprv_strncpy((char *)objHeader.sections[1].Name, ".rdata", 6);
- objHeader.sections[1].SizeOfRawData=size;
- objHeader.sections[1].PointerToRawData=IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER+2*IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER+length;
- /* set the symbol table */
- if(entryLength<=8) {
- uprv_strncpy((char *)symbols[0].N.ShortName, entry, entryLength);
- symbolNames.sizeofLongNames=4;
- } else {
- symbols[0].N.Name.Short=0;
- symbols[0].N.Name.Long=4;
- symbolNames.sizeofLongNames=4+entryLength+1;
- uprv_strcpy(symbolNames.longNames, entry);
- }
- symbols[0].SectionNumber=2;
- symbols[0].StorageClass=IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL;
- /* write the file header and the linker options section */
- T_FileStream_write(out, &objHeader, objHeader.sections[1].PointerToRawData);
- /* copy the data file into section 2 */
- for(;;) {
- length=T_FileStream_read(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
- if(length==0) {
- break;
- }
- T_FileStream_write(out, buffer, (int32_t)length);
- }
- /* write the symbol table */
- T_FileStream_write(out, symbols, IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL);
- T_FileStream_write(out, &symbolNames, symbolNames.sizeofLongNames);
- if(T_FileStream_error(in)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: file read error while generating from file %s\n", filename);
- }
- if(T_FileStream_error(out)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "genccode: file write error while generating from file %s\n", filename);
- }
- T_FileStream_close(out);
- T_FileStream_close(in);
-static void
-getOutFilename(const char *inFilename, const char *destdir, char *outFilename, char *entryName, const char *newSuffix) {
- const char *basename=findBasename(inFilename), *suffix=uprv_strrchr(basename, '.');
- /* copy path */
- if(destdir!=NULL && *destdir!=0) {
- do {
- *outFilename++=*destdir++;
- } while(*destdir!=0);
- if(*(outFilename-1)!=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR) {
- *outFilename++=U_FILE_SEP_CHAR;
- }
- inFilename=basename;
- } else {
- while(inFilename<basename) {
- *outFilename++=*inFilename++;
- }
- }
- if(suffix==NULL) {
- /* the filename does not have a suffix */
- uprv_strcpy(entryName, inFilename);
- if(options[kOptFilename].doesOccur) {
- uprv_strcpy(outFilename, options[kOptFilename].value);
- } else {
- uprv_strcpy(outFilename, inFilename);
- }
- uprv_strcat(outFilename, newSuffix);
- } else {
- char *saveOutFilename = outFilename;
- /* copy basename */
- while(inFilename<suffix) {
- if(*inFilename=='-') {
- /* iSeries cannot have '-' in the .o objects. */
- *outFilename++=*entryName++='_';
- inFilename++;
- }
- else {
- *outFilename++=*entryName++=*inFilename++;
- }
- }
- /* replace '.' by '_' */
- *outFilename++=*entryName++='_';
- ++inFilename;
- /* copy suffix */
- while(*inFilename!=0) {
- *outFilename++=*entryName++=*inFilename++;
- }
- *entryName=0;
- if(options[kOptFilename].doesOccur) {
- uprv_strcpy(saveOutFilename, options[kOptFilename].value);
- uprv_strcat(saveOutFilename, newSuffix);
- } else {
- /* add ".c" */
- uprv_strcpy(outFilename, newSuffix);
- }
- }
-static void
-write32(FileStream *out, uint32_t bitField) {
- int32_t i;
- char bitFieldStr[64]; /* This is more bits than needed for a 32-bit number */
- char *s = bitFieldStr;
- uint8_t *ptrIdx = (uint8_t *)&bitField;
- static const char hexToStr[16] = {
- '0','1','2','3',
- '4','5','6','7',
- '8','9','A','B',
- 'C','D','E','F'
- };
- /* write the value, possibly with comma and newline */
- if(column==MAX_COLUMN) {
- /* first byte */
- column=1;
- } else if(column<32) {
- *(s++)=',';
- ++column;
- } else {
- *(s++)='\n';
- uprv_strcpy(s, assemblyHeader[assemblyHeaderIndex].beginLine);
- s+=uprv_strlen(s);
- column=1;
- }
- if (bitField < 10) {
- /* It's a small number. Don't waste the space for 0x */
- *(s++)=hexToStr[bitField];
- }
- else {
- int seenNonZero = 0; /* This is used to remove leading zeros */
- *(s++)='0';
- *(s++)='x';
- /* This creates a 32-bit field */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(uint32_t); i++)
- for (i = sizeof(uint32_t)-1; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ writeObjectCode(filename, options[kOptDestDir].value,
+ options[kOptEntryPoint].doesOccur ? options[kOptEntryPoint].value : NULL,
+ options[kOptMatchArch].doesOccur ? options[kOptMatchArch].value : NULL,
+ options[kOptFilename].doesOccur ? options[kOptFilename].value : NULL,
+ NULL);
+ break;
- {
- uint8_t value = ptrIdx[i];
- if (value || seenNonZero) {
- *(s++)=hexToStr[value>>4];
- *(s++)=hexToStr[value&0xF];
- seenNonZero = 1;
+ default:
+ /* Should never occur. */
+ break;
+ /* TODO: remove writeCode(filename, options[kOptDestDir].value); */
- *(s++)=0;
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, bitFieldStr);
-static void
-write8(FileStream *out, uint8_t byte) {
- char s[4];
- int i=0;
- /* convert the byte value to a string */
- if(byte>=100) {
- s[i++]=(char)('0'+byte/100);
- byte%=100;
- }
- if(i>0 || byte>=10) {
- s[i++]=(char)('0'+byte/10);
- byte%=10;
- }
- s[i++]=(char)('0'+byte);
- s[i]=0;
- /* write the value, possibly with comma and newline */
- if(column==MAX_COLUMN) {
- /* first byte */
- column=1;
- } else if(column<16) {
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, ",");
- ++column;
- } else {
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, ",\n");
- column=1;
- }
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, s);
-#ifdef OS400
-static void
-write8str(FileStream *out, uint8_t byte) {
- char s[8];
- if (byte > 7)
- sprintf(s, "\\x%X", byte);
- else
- sprintf(s, "\\%X", byte);
- /* write the value, possibly with comma and newline */
- if(column==MAX_COLUMN) {
- /* first byte */
- column=1;
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, "\"");
- } else if(column<24) {
- ++column;
- } else {
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, "\"\n\"");
- column=1;
- }
- T_FileStream_writeLine(out, s);
+ return 0;