-* Copyright (C) 1997-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and *
-* others. All Rights Reserved. *
-* Modification History:
-* Date Name Description
-* 02/19/97 aliu Converted from java.
-* 03/20/97 helena Finished first cut of implementation.
-* 04/10/97 aliu Made to work on AIX. Added stoi to replace wtoi.
-* 06/11/97 helena Fixed addPattern to take the pattern correctly.
-* 06/17/97 helena Fixed the getPattern to return the correct pattern.
-* 07/09/97 helena Made ParsePosition into a class.
-* 02/22/99 stephen Removed character literals for EBCDIC safety
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * others. All Rights Reserved.
+ ********************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ * Modification History:
+ *
+ * Date Name Description
+ * 02/19/97 aliu Converted from java.
+ * 03/20/97 helena Finished first cut of implementation.
+ * 04/10/97 aliu Made to work on AIX. Added stoi to replace wtoi.
+ * 06/11/97 helena Fixed addPattern to take the pattern correctly.
+ * 06/17/97 helena Fixed the getPattern to return the correct pattern.
+ * 07/09/97 helena Made ParsePosition into a class.
+ * 02/22/99 stephen Removed character literals for EBCDIC safety
+ * 11/01/09 kirtig Added SelectFormat
+ ********************************************************************/
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
-#include "unicode/msgfmt.h"
-#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/appendable.h"
+#include "unicode/choicfmt.h"
#include "unicode/datefmt.h"
+#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/msgfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/numberformatter.h"
+#include "unicode/plurfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/rbnf.h"
+#include "unicode/selfmt.h"
#include "unicode/smpdtfmt.h"
-#include "unicode/choicfmt.h"
-#include "unicode/ustring.h"
-#include "unicode/ucnv_err.h"
-#include "unicode/uchar.h"
#include "unicode/umsg.h"
-#include "unicode/rbnf.h"
-#include "ustrfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
-#include "util.h"
+#include "patternprops.h"
+#include "messageimpl.h"
+#include "msgfmt_impl.h"
+#include "plurrule_impl.h"
#include "uassert.h"
+#include "uelement.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "ustrfmt.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
// *****************************************************************************
// class MessageFormat
// *****************************************************************************
-#define COMMA ((UChar)0x002C)
#define SINGLE_QUOTE ((UChar)0x0027)
+#define COMMA ((UChar)0x002C)
#define LEFT_CURLY_BRACE ((UChar)0x007B)
#define RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE ((UChar)0x007D)
// static data
-static const UChar ID_EMPTY[] = {
- 0 /* empty string, used for default so that null can mark end of list */
static const UChar ID_NUMBER[] = {
0x6E, 0x75, 0x6D, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0 /* "number" */
static const UChar ID_TIME[] = {
0x74, 0x69, 0x6D, 0x65, 0 /* "time" */
-static const UChar ID_CHOICE[] = {
- 0x63, 0x68, 0x6F, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0 /* "choice" */
static const UChar ID_SPELLOUT[] = {
0x73, 0x70, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x74, 0 /* "spellout" */
// MessageFormat Type List Number, Date, Time or Choice
static const UChar * const TYPE_IDS[] = {
+static const UChar ID_EMPTY[] = {
+ 0 /* empty string, used for default so that null can mark end of list */
static const UChar ID_CURRENCY[] = {
0x63, 0x75, 0x72, 0x72, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x63, 0x79, 0 /* "currency" */
-static const DateFormat::EStyle DATE_STYLES[] = {
- DateFormat::kDefault,
- DateFormat::kShort,
- DateFormat::kMedium,
- DateFormat::kLong,
- DateFormat::kFull,
+static const icu::DateFormat::EStyle DATE_STYLES[] = {
+ icu::DateFormat::kDefault,
+ icu::DateFormat::kShort,
+ icu::DateFormat::kMedium,
+ icu::DateFormat::kLong,
+ icu::DateFormat::kFull,
static const int32_t DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 10;
+static const UChar NULL_STRING[] = {
+ 0x6E, 0x75, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0 // "null"
+static const UChar OTHER_STRING[] = {
+ 0x6F, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x72, 0 // "other"
+static UBool U_CALLCONV equalFormatsForHash(const UHashTok key1,
+ const UHashTok key2) {
+ return icu::MessageFormat::equalFormats(key1.pointer, key2.pointer);
// -------------------------------------
- * Convert a string to an unsigned decimal, ignoring rule whitespace.
- * @return a non-negative number if successful, or a negative number
- * upon failure.
- */
-static int32_t stou(const UnicodeString& string) {
- int32_t n = 0;
- int32_t count = 0;
- UChar32 c;
- for (int32_t i=0; i<string.length(); i+=U16_LENGTH(c)) {
- c = string.char32At(i);
- if (uprv_isRuleWhiteSpace(c)) {
- continue;
- }
- int32_t d = u_digit(c, 10);
- if (d < 0 || ++count > 10) {
- return -1;
- }
- n = 10*n + d;
- }
- return n;
* Convert an integer value to a string and append the result to
* the given UnicodeString.
static UnicodeString& itos(int32_t i, UnicodeString& appendTo) {
UChar temp[16];
uprv_itou(temp,16,i,10,0); // 10 == radix
- appendTo.append(temp);
+ appendTo.append(temp, -1);
return appendTo;
+// AppendableWrapper: encapsulates the result of formatting, keeping track
+// of the string and its length.
+class AppendableWrapper : public UMemory {
+ AppendableWrapper(Appendable& appendable) : app(appendable), len(0) {
+ }
+ void append(const UnicodeString& s) {
+ app.appendString(s.getBuffer(), s.length());
+ len += s.length();
+ }
+ void append(const UChar* s, const int32_t sLength) {
+ app.appendString(s, sLength);
+ len += sLength;
+ }
+ void append(const UnicodeString& s, int32_t start, int32_t length) {
+ append(s.tempSubString(start, length));
+ }
+ void formatAndAppend(const Format* formatter, const Formattable& arg, UErrorCode& ec) {
+ UnicodeString s;
+ formatter->format(arg, s, ec);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
+ append(s);
+ }
+ }
+ void formatAndAppend(const Format* formatter, const Formattable& arg,
+ const UnicodeString &argString, UErrorCode& ec) {
+ if (!argString.isEmpty()) {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
+ append(argString);
+ }
+ } else {
+ formatAndAppend(formatter, arg, ec);
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t length() {
+ return len;
+ }
+ Appendable& app;
+ int32_t len;
// -------------------------------------
// Creates a MessageFormat instance based on the pattern.
MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
UErrorCode& success)
: fLocale(Locale::getDefault()), // Uses the default locale
+ msgPattern(success),
- subformats(NULL),
- subformatCount(0),
- subformatCapacity(0),
+ hasArgTypeConflicts(FALSE),
- defaultDateFormat(NULL)
+ defaultDateFormat(NULL),
+ cachedFormatters(NULL),
+ customFormatArgStarts(NULL),
+ pluralProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL),
+ ordinalProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_ORDINAL)
- if (!allocateSubformats(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) ||
- !allocateArgTypes(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
- return;
- }
- applyPattern(pattern, success);
setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
+ applyPattern(pattern, success);
MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
const Locale& newLocale,
UErrorCode& success)
: fLocale(newLocale),
+ msgPattern(success),
- subformats(NULL),
- subformatCount(0),
- subformatCapacity(0),
+ hasArgTypeConflicts(FALSE),
- defaultDateFormat(NULL)
+ defaultDateFormat(NULL),
+ cachedFormatters(NULL),
+ customFormatArgStarts(NULL),
+ pluralProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL),
+ ordinalProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_ORDINAL)
- if (!allocateSubformats(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) ||
- !allocateArgTypes(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
- return;
- }
- applyPattern(pattern, success);
setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
+ applyPattern(pattern, success);
MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const UnicodeString& pattern,
UParseError& parseError,
UErrorCode& success)
: fLocale(newLocale),
+ msgPattern(success),
- subformats(NULL),
- subformatCount(0),
- subformatCapacity(0),
+ hasArgTypeConflicts(FALSE),
- defaultDateFormat(NULL)
+ defaultDateFormat(NULL),
+ cachedFormatters(NULL),
+ customFormatArgStarts(NULL),
+ pluralProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL),
+ ordinalProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_ORDINAL)
- if (!allocateSubformats(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) ||
- !allocateArgTypes(DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY)) {
- return;
- }
- applyPattern(pattern, parseError, success);
setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
+ applyPattern(pattern, parseError, success);
MessageFormat::MessageFormat(const MessageFormat& that)
-: Format(that),
+ Format(that),
+ fLocale(that.fLocale),
+ msgPattern(that.msgPattern),
- subformats(NULL),
- subformatCount(0),
- subformatCapacity(0),
+ hasArgTypeConflicts(that.hasArgTypeConflicts),
- defaultDateFormat(NULL)
+ defaultDateFormat(NULL),
+ cachedFormatters(NULL),
+ customFormatArgStarts(NULL),
+ pluralProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_CARDINAL),
+ ordinalProvider(*this, UPLURAL_TYPE_ORDINAL)
- *this = that;
+ // This will take care of creating the hash tables (since they are NULL).
+ UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ copyObjects(that, ec);
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ resetPattern();
+ }
- int32_t idx;
- for (idx = 0; idx < subformatCount; idx++) {
- delete subformats[idx].format;
- }
- uprv_free(subformats);
- subformats = NULL;
- subformatCount = subformatCapacity = 0;
+ uhash_close(cachedFormatters);
+ uhash_close(customFormatArgStarts);
- argTypes = NULL;
- argTypeCount = argTypeCapacity = 0;
delete defaultNumberFormat;
delete defaultDateFormat;
// Variable-size array management
- * Allocate subformats[] to at least the given capacity and return
- * TRUE if successful. If not, leave subformats[] unchanged.
- *
- * If subformats is NULL, allocate it. If it is not NULL, enlarge it
- * if necessary to be at least as large as specified.
- */
-UBool MessageFormat::allocateSubformats(int32_t capacity) {
- if (subformats == NULL) {
- subformats = (Subformat*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(*subformats) * capacity);
- subformatCapacity = capacity;
- subformatCount = 0;
- if (subformats == NULL) {
- subformatCapacity = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- } else if (subformatCapacity < capacity) {
- if (capacity < 2*subformatCapacity) {
- capacity = 2*subformatCapacity;
- }
- Subformat* a = (Subformat*)
- uprv_realloc(subformats, sizeof(*subformats) * capacity);
- if (a == NULL) {
- return FALSE; // request failed
- }
- subformats = a;
- subformatCapacity = capacity;
- }
- return TRUE;
* Allocate argTypes[] to at least the given capacity and return
* TRUE if successful. If not, leave argTypes[] unchanged.
* If argTypes is NULL, allocate it. If it is not NULL, enlarge it
* if necessary to be at least as large as specified.
-UBool MessageFormat::allocateArgTypes(int32_t capacity) {
- if (argTypes == NULL) {
- argTypes = (Formattable::Type*) uprv_malloc(sizeof(*argTypes) * capacity);
- argTypeCount = 0;
- argTypeCapacity = capacity;
- if (argTypes == NULL) {
- argTypeCapacity = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (int32_t i=0; i<capacity; ++i) {
- argTypes[i] = Formattable::kString;
- }
- } else if (argTypeCapacity < capacity) {
- if (capacity < 2*argTypeCapacity) {
- capacity = 2*argTypeCapacity;
- }
- Formattable::Type* a = (Formattable::Type*)
+UBool MessageFormat::allocateArgTypes(int32_t capacity, UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (argTypeCapacity >= capacity) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (capacity < DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY) {
+ } else if (capacity < 2*argTypeCapacity) {
+ capacity = 2*argTypeCapacity;
+ }
+ Formattable::Type* a = (Formattable::Type*)
uprv_realloc(argTypes, sizeof(*argTypes) * capacity);
- if (a == NULL) {
- return FALSE; // request failed
- }
- for (int32_t i=argTypeCapacity; i<capacity; ++i) {
- a[i] = Formattable::kString;
- }
- argTypes = a;
- argTypeCapacity = capacity;
+ if (a == NULL) {
+ return FALSE;
+ argTypes = a;
+ argTypeCapacity = capacity;
return TRUE;
const MessageFormat&
MessageFormat::operator=(const MessageFormat& that)
- // Reallocate the arrays BEFORE changing this object
- if (this != &that &&
- allocateSubformats(that.subformatCount) &&
- allocateArgTypes(that.argTypeCount)) {
+ if (this != &that) {
// Calls the super class for assignment first.
- fPattern = that.fPattern;
- int32_t j;
- for (j=0; j<subformatCount; ++j) {
- delete subformats[j].format;
- }
- subformatCount = 0;
- for (j=0; j<that.subformatCount; ++j) {
- // Subformat::operator= does NOT delete this.format
- subformats[j] = that.subformats[j];
- }
- subformatCount = that.subformatCount;
- for (j=0; j<that.argTypeCount; ++j) {
- argTypes[j] = that.argTypes[j];
+ msgPattern = that.msgPattern;
+ hasArgTypeConflicts = that.hasArgTypeConflicts;
+ UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ copyObjects(that, ec);
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ resetPattern();
- argTypeCount = that.argTypeCount;
return *this;
-MessageFormat::operator==(const Format& rhs) const
+MessageFormat::operator==(const Format& rhs) const
if (this == &rhs) return TRUE;
MessageFormat& that = (MessageFormat&)rhs;
// Check class ID before checking MessageFormat members
if (!Format::operator==(rhs) ||
- fPattern != that.fPattern ||
+ msgPattern != that.msgPattern ||
fLocale != that.fLocale) {
return FALSE;
- int32_t j;
- for (j=0; j<subformatCount; ++j) {
- if (subformats[j] != that.subformats[j]) {
+ // Compare hashtables.
+ if ((customFormatArgStarts == NULL) != (that.customFormatArgStarts == NULL)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (customFormatArgStarts == NULL) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const int32_t count = uhash_count(customFormatArgStarts);
+ const int32_t rhs_count = uhash_count(that.customFormatArgStarts);
+ if (count != rhs_count) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ int32_t idx = 0, rhs_idx = 0, pos = UHASH_FIRST, rhs_pos = UHASH_FIRST;
+ for (; idx < count && rhs_idx < rhs_count && U_SUCCESS(ec); ++idx, ++rhs_idx) {
+ const UHashElement* cur = uhash_nextElement(customFormatArgStarts, &pos);
+ const UHashElement* rhs_cur = uhash_nextElement(that.customFormatArgStarts, &rhs_pos);
+ if (cur->key.integer != rhs_cur->key.integer) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ const Format* format = (const Format*)uhash_iget(cachedFormatters, cur->key.integer);
+ const Format* rhs_format = (const Format*)uhash_iget(that.cachedFormatters, rhs_cur->key.integer);
+ if (*format != *rhs_format) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// -------------------------------------
// Creates a copy of this MessageFormat, the caller owns the copy.
MessageFormat::clone() const
return new MessageFormat(*this);
// -------------------------------------
// Sets the locale of this MessageFormat object to theLocale.
MessageFormat::setLocale(const Locale& theLocale)
defaultNumberFormat = NULL;
delete defaultDateFormat;
defaultDateFormat = NULL;
+ fLocale = theLocale;
+ setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
+ pluralProvider.reset();
+ ordinalProvider.reset();
- fLocale = theLocale;
- setLocaleIDs(fLocale.getName(), fLocale.getName());
// -------------------------------------
// Gets the locale of this MessageFormat object.
const Locale&
MessageFormat::getLocale() const
return fLocale;
-MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& newPattern,
+MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& newPattern,
UErrorCode& status)
UParseError parseError;
// Applies the new pattern and returns an error if the pattern
// is not correct.
-MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
UParseError& parseError,
UErrorCode& ec)
if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
- // The pattern is broken up into segments. Each time a subformat
- // is encountered, 4 segments are recorded. For example, consider
- // the pattern:
- // "There {0,choice,0.0#are no files|1.0#is one file|1.0<are {0, number} files} on disk {1}."
- // The first set of segments is:
- // segments[0] = "There "
- // segments[1] = "0"
- // segments[2] = "choice"
- // segments[3] = "0.0#are no files|1.0#is one file|1.0<are {0, number} files"
- // During parsing, the plain text is accumulated into segments[0].
- // Segments 1..3 are used to parse each subpattern. Each time a
- // subpattern is parsed, it creates a format object that is stored
- // in the subformats array, together with an offset and argument
- // number. The offset into the plain text stored in
- // segments[0].
- // Quotes in segment 0 are handled normally. They are removed.
- // Quotes may not occur in segments 1 or 2.
- // Quotes in segment 3 are parsed and _copied_. This makes
- // subformat patterns work, e.g., {1,number,'#'.##} passes
- // the pattern "'#'.##" to DecimalFormat.
- UnicodeString segments[4];
- int32_t part = 0; // segment we are in, 0..3
- // Record the highest argument number in the pattern. (In the
- // subpattern {3,number} the argument number is 3.)
- int32_t formatNumber = 0;
- UBool inQuote = FALSE;
- int32_t braceStack = 0;
- // Clear error struct
- parseError.offset = -1;
- parseError.preContext[0] = parseError.postContext[0] = (UChar)0;
- int32_t patLen = pattern.length();
- int32_t i;
- for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- delete subformats[i].format;
- }
- subformatCount = 0;
- argTypeCount = 0;
+ msgPattern.parse(pattern, &parseError, ec);
+ cacheExplicitFormats(ec);
- for (i=0; i<patLen; ++i) {
- UChar ch = pattern[i];
- if (part == 0) {
- // In segment 0, recognize and remove quotes
- if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- if (i+1 < patLen && pattern[i+1] == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- segments[0] += ch;
- ++i;
- } else {
- inQuote = !inQuote;
- }
- } else if (ch == LEFT_CURLY_BRACE && !inQuote) {
- // The only way we get from segment 0 to 1 is via an
- // unquoted '{'.
- part = 1;
- } else {
- segments[0] += ch;
- }
- } else if (inQuote) {
- // In segments 1..3, recognize quoted matter, and copy it
- // into the segment, together with the quotes. This takes
- // care of '' as well.
- segments[part] += ch;
- if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- inQuote = FALSE;
- }
- } else {
- // We have an unquoted character in segment 1..3
- switch (ch) {
- case COMMA:
- // Commas bump us to the next segment, except for segment 3,
- // which can contain commas. See example above.
- if (part < 3)
- part += 1;
- else
- segments[3] += ch;
- break;
- // Handle '{' within segment 3. The initial '{'
- // before segment 1 is handled above.
- if (part != 3) {
- }
- ++braceStack;
- segments[part] += ch;
- break;
- if (braceStack == 0) {
- makeFormat(formatNumber, segments, parseError,ec);
- if (U_FAILURE(ec)){
- }
- formatNumber++;
- segments[1].remove();
- segments[2].remove();
- segments[3].remove();
- part = 0;
- } else {
- --braceStack;
- segments[part] += ch;
- }
- break;
- inQuote = TRUE;
- // fall through (copy quote chars in segments 1..3)
- default:
- segments[part] += ch;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (braceStack != 0 || part != 0) {
- // Unmatched braces in the pattern
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ resetPattern();
- fPattern = segments[0];
- return;
- syntaxError(pattern, i, parseError);
- for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- delete subformats[i].format;
+void MessageFormat::resetPattern() {
+ msgPattern.clear();
+ uhash_close(cachedFormatters);
+ cachedFormatters = NULL;
+ uhash_close(customFormatArgStarts);
+ customFormatArgStarts = NULL;
+ argTypeCount = 0;
+ hasArgTypeConflicts = FALSE;
+MessageFormat::applyPattern(const UnicodeString& pattern,
+ UMessagePatternApostropheMode aposMode,
+ UParseError* parseError,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (aposMode != msgPattern.getApostropheMode()) {
+ msgPattern.clearPatternAndSetApostropheMode(aposMode);
- argTypeCount = subformatCount = 0;
+ applyPattern(pattern, *parseError, status);
// -------------------------------------
-// Converts this MessageFormat instance to a pattern.
+// Converts this MessageFormat instance to a pattern.
MessageFormat::toPattern(UnicodeString& appendTo) const {
- // later, make this more extensible
- int32_t lastOffset = 0;
- int32_t i;
- for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- copyAndFixQuotes(fPattern, lastOffset, subformats[i].offset, appendTo);
- lastOffset = subformats[i].offset;
- appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
- itos(subformats[i].arg, appendTo);
- Format* fmt = subformats[i].format;
- if (fmt == NULL) {
- // do nothing, string format
- }
- else if (fmt->getDynamicClassID() == DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
- UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- NumberFormat& formatAlias = *(NumberFormat*)fmt;
- NumberFormat *defaultTemplate = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
- NumberFormat *currencyTemplate = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(fLocale, ec);
- NumberFormat *percentTemplate = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(fLocale, ec);
- NumberFormat *integerTemplate = createIntegerFormat(fLocale, ec);
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_NUMBER;
- if (formatAlias != *defaultTemplate) {
- appendTo += COMMA;
- if (formatAlias == *currencyTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_CURRENCY;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *percentTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_PERCENT;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *integerTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_INTEGER;
- }
- else {
- UnicodeString buffer;
- appendTo += ((DecimalFormat*)fmt)->toPattern(buffer);
- }
- }
- delete defaultTemplate;
- delete currencyTemplate;
- delete percentTemplate;
- delete integerTemplate;
- }
- else if (fmt->getDynamicClassID() == SimpleDateFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
- DateFormat& formatAlias = *(DateFormat*)fmt;
- DateFormat *defaultDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kDefault, fLocale);
- DateFormat *shortDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kShort, fLocale);
- DateFormat *longDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kLong, fLocale);
- DateFormat *fullDateTemplate = DateFormat::createDateInstance(DateFormat::kFull, fLocale);
- DateFormat *defaultTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kDefault, fLocale);
- DateFormat *shortTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kShort, fLocale);
- DateFormat *longTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kLong, fLocale);
- DateFormat *fullTimeTemplate = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(DateFormat::kFull, fLocale);
- appendTo += COMMA;
- if (formatAlias == *defaultDateTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_DATE;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *shortDateTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_DATE;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_SHORT;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *defaultDateTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_DATE;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_MEDIUM;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *longDateTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_DATE;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_LONG;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *fullDateTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_DATE;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_FULL;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *defaultTimeTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_TIME;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *shortTimeTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_TIME;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_SHORT;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *defaultTimeTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_TIME;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_MEDIUM;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *longTimeTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_TIME;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_LONG;
- }
- else if (formatAlias == *fullTimeTemplate) {
- appendTo += ID_TIME;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_FULL;
- }
- else {
- UnicodeString buffer;
- appendTo += ID_DATE;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ((SimpleDateFormat*)fmt)->toPattern(buffer);
- }
- delete defaultDateTemplate;
- delete shortDateTemplate;
- delete longDateTemplate;
- delete fullDateTemplate;
- delete defaultTimeTemplate;
- delete shortTimeTemplate;
- delete longTimeTemplate;
- delete fullTimeTemplate;
- // {sfb} there should be a more efficient way to do this!
- }
- else if (fmt->getDynamicClassID() == ChoiceFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
- UnicodeString buffer;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ID_CHOICE;
- appendTo += COMMA;
- appendTo += ((ChoiceFormat*)fmt)->toPattern(buffer);
- }
- else {
- //appendTo += ", unknown";
+ if ((customFormatArgStarts != NULL && 0 != uhash_count(customFormatArgStarts)) ||
+ 0 == msgPattern.countParts()
+ ) {
+ appendTo.setToBogus();
+ return appendTo;
+ }
+ return appendTo.append(msgPattern.getPatternString());
+int32_t MessageFormat::nextTopLevelArgStart(int32_t partIndex) const {
+ if (partIndex != 0) {
+ partIndex = msgPattern.getLimitPartIndex(partIndex);
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ UMessagePatternPartType type = msgPattern.getPartType(++partIndex);
+ return partIndex;
+ }
+ return -1;
- appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
- copyAndFixQuotes(fPattern, lastOffset, fPattern.length(), appendTo);
- return appendTo;
+void MessageFormat::setArgStartFormat(int32_t argStart,
+ Format* formatter,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ delete formatter;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cachedFormatters == NULL) {
+ cachedFormatters=uhash_open(uhash_hashLong, uhash_compareLong,
+ equalFormatsForHash, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ delete formatter;
+ return;
+ }
+ uhash_setValueDeleter(cachedFormatters, uprv_deleteUObject);
+ }
+ if (formatter == NULL) {
+ formatter = new DummyFormat();
+ }
+ uhash_iput(cachedFormatters, argStart, formatter, &status);
+UBool MessageFormat::argNameMatches(int32_t partIndex, const UnicodeString& argName, int32_t argNumber) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part& part = msgPattern.getPart(partIndex);
+ return part.getType() == UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_NAME ?
+ msgPattern.partSubstringMatches(part, argName) :
+ part.getValue() == argNumber; // ARG_NUMBER
+// Sets a custom formatter for a MessagePattern ARG_START part index.
+// "Custom" formatters are provided by the user via setFormat() or similar APIs.
+void MessageFormat::setCustomArgStartFormat(int32_t argStart,
+ Format* formatter,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ setArgStartFormat(argStart, formatter, status);
+ if (customFormatArgStarts == NULL) {
+ customFormatArgStarts=uhash_open(uhash_hashLong, uhash_compareLong,
+ NULL, &status);
+ }
+ uhash_iputi(customFormatArgStarts, argStart, 1, &status);
+Format* MessageFormat::getCachedFormatter(int32_t argumentNumber) const {
+ if (cachedFormatters == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void* ptr = uhash_iget(cachedFormatters, argumentNumber);
+ if (ptr != NULL && dynamic_cast<DummyFormat*>((Format*)ptr) == NULL) {
+ return (Format*) ptr;
+ } else {
+ // Not cached, or a DummyFormat representing setFormat(NULL).
+ return NULL;
+ }
// -------------------------------------
// Adopts the new formats array and updates the array count.
// This MessageFormat instance owns the new formats.
MessageFormat::adoptFormats(Format** newFormats,
int32_t count) {
if (newFormats == NULL || count < 0) {
- int32_t i;
- if (allocateSubformats(count)) {
- for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- delete subformats[i].format;
- }
- for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
- subformats[i].format = newFormats[i];
- }
- subformatCount = count;
- } else {
- // An adopt method must always take ownership. Delete
- // the incoming format objects and return unchanged.
- for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
- delete newFormats[i];
- }
+ // Throw away any cached formatters.
+ if (cachedFormatters != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(cachedFormatters);
+ }
+ if (customFormatArgStarts != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(customFormatArgStarts);
+ }
+ int32_t formatNumber = 0;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0;
+ formatNumber < count && U_SUCCESS(status) &&
+ (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ setCustomArgStartFormat(partIndex, newFormats[formatNumber], status);
+ ++formatNumber;
+ }
+ // Delete those that didn't get used (if any).
+ for (; formatNumber < count; ++formatNumber) {
+ delete newFormats[formatNumber];
- // TODO: What about the .offset and .arg fields?
// -------------------------------------
// Sets the new formats array and updates the array count.
// This MessageFormat instance maks a copy of the new formats.
MessageFormat::setFormats(const Format** newFormats,
int32_t count) {
if (newFormats == NULL || count < 0) {
+ // Throw away any cached formatters.
+ if (cachedFormatters != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(cachedFormatters);
+ }
+ if (customFormatArgStarts != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(customFormatArgStarts);
+ }
- if (allocateSubformats(count)) {
- int32_t i;
- for (i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- delete subformats[i].format;
- }
- subformatCount = 0;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int32_t formatNumber = 0;
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0;
+ formatNumber < count && U_SUCCESS(status) && (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ Format* newFormat = NULL;
+ if (newFormats[formatNumber] != NULL) {
+ newFormat = newFormats[formatNumber]->clone();
+ if (newFormat == NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ setCustomArgStartFormat(partIndex, newFormat, status);
+ ++formatNumber;
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ resetPattern();
+ }
+// -------------------------------------
+// Adopt a single format by format number.
+// Do nothing if the format number is not less than the array count.
- for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
- subformats[i].format = newFormats[i] ? newFormats[i]->clone() : NULL;
+MessageFormat::adoptFormat(int32_t n, Format *newFormat) {
+ LocalPointer<Format> p(newFormat);
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ int32_t formatNumber = 0;
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0; (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ if (n == formatNumber) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ setCustomArgStartFormat(partIndex, p.orphan(), status);
+ return;
+ }
+ ++formatNumber;
- subformatCount = count;
- // TODO: What about the .offset and .arg fields?
// -------------------------------------
-// Adopt a single format.
-// Do nothing is the format number is not less than the array count.
+// Adopt a single format by format name.
+// Do nothing if there is no match of formatName.
-MessageFormat::adoptFormat(int32_t n, Format *newFormat) {
- if (n < 0 || n >= subformatCount) {
- delete newFormat;
- } else {
- delete subformats[n].format;
- subformats[n].format = newFormat;
+MessageFormat::adoptFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName,
+ Format* formatToAdopt,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ LocalPointer<Format> p(formatToAdopt);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t argNumber = MessagePattern::validateArgumentName(formatName);
+ if (argNumber < UMSGPAT_ARG_NAME_NOT_NUMBER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0;
+ (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0 && U_SUCCESS(status);
+ ) {
+ if (argNameMatches(partIndex + 1, formatName, argNumber)) {
+ Format* f;
+ if (p.isValid()) {
+ f = p.orphan();
+ } else if (formatToAdopt == NULL) {
+ f = NULL;
+ } else {
+ f = formatToAdopt->clone();
+ if (f == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ setCustomArgStartFormat(partIndex, f, status);
+ }
// -------------------------------------
// Set a single format.
-// Do nothing is the variable is not less than the array count.
+// Do nothing if the variable is not less than the array count.
MessageFormat::setFormat(int32_t n, const Format& newFormat) {
- if (n >= 0 && n < subformatCount) {
- delete subformats[n].format;
- if (&newFormat == NULL) {
- // This should never happen -- but we'll be nice if it does
- subformats[n].format = NULL;
- } else {
- subformats[n].format = newFormat.clone();
+ if (n >= 0) {
+ int32_t formatNumber = 0;
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0;
+ (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ if (n == formatNumber) {
+ Format* new_format = newFormat.clone();
+ if (new_format) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ setCustomArgStartFormat(partIndex, new_format, status);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ++formatNumber;
+ }
+ }
+// -------------------------------------
+// Get a single format by format name.
+// Do nothing if the variable is not less than the array count.
+Format *
+MessageFormat::getFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status) || cachedFormatters == NULL) return NULL;
+ int32_t argNumber = MessagePattern::validateArgumentName(formatName);
+ if (argNumber < UMSGPAT_ARG_NAME_NOT_NUMBER) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0; (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ if (argNameMatches(partIndex + 1, formatName, argNumber)) {
+ return getCachedFormatter(partIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// -------------------------------------
+// Set a single format by format name
+// Do nothing if the variable is not less than the array count.
+MessageFormat::setFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName,
+ const Format& newFormat,
+ UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) return;
+ int32_t argNumber = MessagePattern::validateArgumentName(formatName);
+ if (argNumber < UMSGPAT_ARG_NAME_NOT_NUMBER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0;
+ (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0 && U_SUCCESS(status);
+ ) {
+ if (argNameMatches(partIndex + 1, formatName, argNumber)) {
+ Format* new_format = newFormat.clone();
+ if (new_format == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setCustomArgStartFormat(partIndex, new_format, status);
// -------------------------------------
// Gets the format array.
const Format**
MessageFormat::getFormats(int32_t& cnt) const
// method on this object. We construct and resize an array
// on demand that contains aliases to the subformats[i].format
// pointers.
- MessageFormat* t = (MessageFormat*) this;
+ // Get total required capacity first (it's refreshed on each call).
+ int32_t totalCapacity = 0;
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0; (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0; ++totalCapacity) {};
+ MessageFormat* t = const_cast<MessageFormat*> (this);
cnt = 0;
- if (formatAliases == NULL) {
- t->formatAliasesCapacity = (subformatCount<10) ? 10 : subformatCount;
+ if (formatAliases == nullptr) {
+ t->formatAliasesCapacity = totalCapacity;
Format** a = (Format**)
uprv_malloc(sizeof(Format*) * formatAliasesCapacity);
- if (a == NULL) {
- return NULL;
+ if (a == nullptr) {
+ t->formatAliasesCapacity = 0;
+ return nullptr;
- t->formatAliases = a;
- } else if (subformatCount > formatAliasesCapacity) {
+ t->formatAliases = a;
+ } else if (totalCapacity > formatAliasesCapacity) {
Format** a = (Format**)
- uprv_realloc(formatAliases, sizeof(Format*) * subformatCount);
- if (a == NULL) {
- return NULL;
+ uprv_realloc(formatAliases, sizeof(Format*) * totalCapacity);
+ if (a == nullptr) {
+ t->formatAliasesCapacity = 0;
+ return nullptr;
t->formatAliases = a;
- t->formatAliasesCapacity = subformatCount;
+ t->formatAliasesCapacity = totalCapacity;
- for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- t->formatAliases[i] = subformats[i].format;
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0; (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ t->formatAliases[cnt++] = getCachedFormatter(partIndex);
- cnt = subformatCount;
return (const Format**)formatAliases;
+UnicodeString MessageFormat::getArgName(int32_t partIndex) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part& part = msgPattern.getPart(partIndex);
+ return msgPattern.getSubstring(part);
+MessageFormat::getFormatNames(UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) return NULL;
+ UVector *fFormatNames = new UVector(status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ fFormatNames->setDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
+ for (int32_t partIndex = 0; (partIndex = nextTopLevelArgStart(partIndex)) >= 0;) {
+ fFormatNames->addElement(new UnicodeString(getArgName(partIndex + 1)), status);
+ }
+ StringEnumeration* nameEnumerator = new FormatNameEnumeration(fFormatNames, status);
+ return nameEnumerator;
// -------------------------------------
// Formats the source Formattable array and copy into the result buffer.
// Ignore the FieldPosition result for error checking.
MessageFormat::format(const Formattable* source,
- int32_t cnt,
- UnicodeString& appendTo,
- FieldPosition& ignore,
+ int32_t cnt,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ FieldPosition& ignore,
UErrorCode& success) const
- if (U_FAILURE(success))
- return appendTo;
- return format(source, cnt, appendTo, ignore, 0, success);
+ return format(source, NULL, cnt, appendTo, &ignore, success);
// -------------------------------------
// Internally creates a MessageFormat instance based on the
-// pattern and formats the arguments Formattable array and
+// pattern and formats the arguments Formattable array and
// copy into the appendTo buffer.
MessageFormat::format( const UnicodeString& pattern,
const Formattable* arguments,
int32_t cnt,
- UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
UErrorCode& success)
MessageFormat temp(pattern, success);
- FieldPosition ignore(0);
- temp.format(arguments, cnt, appendTo, ignore, success);
- return appendTo;
+ return temp.format(arguments, NULL, cnt, appendTo, NULL, success);
// -------------------------------------
-// Formats the source Formattable object and copy into the
+// Formats the source Formattable object and copy into the
// appendTo buffer. The Formattable object must be an array
// of Formattable instances, returns error otherwise.
-MessageFormat::format(const Formattable& source,
- UnicodeString& appendTo,
- FieldPosition& ignore,
+MessageFormat::format(const Formattable& source,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ FieldPosition& ignore,
UErrorCode& success) const
- int32_t cnt;
- if (U_FAILURE(success))
+ if (U_FAILURE(success))
return appendTo;
if (source.getType() != Formattable::kArray) {
return appendTo;
+ int32_t cnt;
const Formattable* tmpPtr = source.getArray(cnt);
- return format(tmpPtr, cnt, appendTo, ignore, 0, success);
+ return format(tmpPtr, NULL, cnt, appendTo, &ignore, success);
-// -------------------------------------
-// Formats the arguments Formattable array and copy into the appendTo buffer.
-// Ignore the FieldPosition result for error checking.
-MessageFormat::format(const Formattable* arguments,
- int32_t cnt,
- UnicodeString& appendTo,
- FieldPosition& status,
- int32_t recursionProtection,
- UErrorCode& success) const
- // Allow NULL array only if cnt == 0
- if (cnt < 0 || (cnt && arguments == NULL)) {
+MessageFormat::format(const UnicodeString* argumentNames,
+ const Formattable* arguments,
+ int32_t count,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ UErrorCode& success) const {
+ return format(arguments, argumentNames, count, appendTo, NULL, success);
+// Does linear search to find the match for an ArgName.
+const Formattable* MessageFormat::getArgFromListByName(const Formattable* arguments,
+ const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+ int32_t cnt, UnicodeString& name) const {
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
+ if (0 == argumentNames[i].compare(name)) {
+ return arguments + i;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MessageFormat::format(const Formattable* arguments,
+ const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+ int32_t cnt,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ FieldPosition* pos,
+ UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return appendTo;
- int32_t lastOffset = 0;
- for (int32_t i=0; i<subformatCount; ++i) {
- // Append the prefix of current format element.
- appendTo.append(fPattern, lastOffset, subformats[i].offset - lastOffset);
- lastOffset = subformats[i].offset;
- int32_t argumentNumber = subformats[i].arg;
- // Checks the scope of the argument number.
- if (argumentNumber >= cnt) {
- appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
- itos(argumentNumber, appendTo);
- appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
- continue;
+ UnicodeStringAppendable usapp(appendTo);
+ AppendableWrapper app(usapp);
+ format(0, NULL, arguments, argumentNames, cnt, app, pos, status);
+ return appendTo;
+namespace {
+ * Mutable input/output values for the PluralSelectorProvider.
+ * Separate so that it is possible to make MessageFormat Freezable.
+ */
+class PluralSelectorContext {
+ PluralSelectorContext(int32_t start, const UnicodeString &name,
+ const Formattable &num, double off, UErrorCode &errorCode)
+ : startIndex(start), argName(name), offset(off),
+ numberArgIndex(-1), formatter(NULL), forReplaceNumber(FALSE) {
+ // number needs to be set even when select() is not called.
+ // Keep it as a Number/Formattable:
+ // For format() methods, and to preserve information (e.g., BigDecimal).
+ if(off == 0) {
+ number = num;
+ } else {
+ number = num.getDouble(errorCode) - off;
+ }
- const Formattable *obj = arguments + argumentNumber;
- Formattable::Type type = obj->getType();
- // Recursively calling the format process only if the current
- // format argument refers to a ChoiceFormat object.
- Format* fmt = subformats[i].format;
- if (fmt != NULL) {
- UnicodeString arg;
- fmt->format(*obj, arg, success);
- // Needs to reprocess the ChoiceFormat option by using the
- // MessageFormat pattern application.
- if (fmt->getDynamicClassID() == ChoiceFormat::getStaticClassID() &&
- arg.indexOf(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) >= 0) {
- MessageFormat temp(arg, fLocale, success);
- // TODO: Implement recursion protection
- temp.format(arguments, cnt, appendTo, status, recursionProtection, success);
- if (U_FAILURE(success)) {
- return appendTo;
- }
+ // Input values for plural selection with decimals.
+ int32_t startIndex;
+ const UnicodeString &argName;
+ /** argument number - plural offset */
+ Formattable number;
+ double offset;
+ // Output values for plural selection with decimals.
+ /** -1 if REPLACE_NUMBER, 0 arg not found, >0 ARG_START index */
+ int32_t numberArgIndex;
+ const Format *formatter;
+ /** formatted argument number - plural offset */
+ UnicodeString numberString;
+ /** TRUE if number-offset was formatted with the stock number formatter */
+ UBool forReplaceNumber;
+} // namespace
+// if argumentNames is NULL, this means arguments is a numeric array.
+// arguments can not be NULL.
+// We use const void *plNumber rather than const PluralSelectorContext *pluralNumber
+// so that we need not declare the PluralSelectorContext in the public header file.
+void MessageFormat::format(int32_t msgStart, const void *plNumber,
+ const Formattable* arguments,
+ const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+ int32_t cnt,
+ AppendableWrapper& appendTo,
+ FieldPosition* ignore,
+ UErrorCode& success) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(success)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const UnicodeString& msgString = msgPattern.getPatternString();
+ int32_t prevIndex = msgPattern.getPart(msgStart).getLimit();
+ for (int32_t i = msgStart + 1; U_SUCCESS(success) ; ++i) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part* part = &msgPattern.getPart(i);
+ const UMessagePatternPartType type = part->getType();
+ int32_t index = part->getIndex();
+ appendTo.append(msgString, prevIndex, index - prevIndex);
+ return;
+ }
+ prevIndex = part->getLimit();
+ const PluralSelectorContext &pluralNumber =
+ *static_cast<const PluralSelectorContext *>(plNumber);
+ if(pluralNumber.forReplaceNumber) {
+ // number-offset was already formatted.
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(pluralNumber.formatter,
+ pluralNumber.number, pluralNumber.numberString, success);
+ } else {
+ const NumberFormat* nf = getDefaultNumberFormat(success);
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(nf, pluralNumber.number, success);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ int32_t argLimit = msgPattern.getLimitPartIndex(i);
+ UMessagePatternArgType argType = part->getArgType();
+ part = &msgPattern.getPart(++i);
+ const Formattable* arg;
+ UBool noArg = FALSE;
+ UnicodeString argName = msgPattern.getSubstring(*part);
+ if (argumentNames == NULL) {
+ int32_t argNumber = part->getValue(); // ARG_NUMBER
+ if (0 <= argNumber && argNumber < cnt) {
+ arg = arguments + argNumber;
+ } else {
+ arg = NULL;
+ noArg = TRUE;
- else {
- appendTo += arg;
+ } else {
+ arg = getArgFromListByName(arguments, argumentNames, cnt, argName);
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ noArg = TRUE;
- // If the obj data type is a number, use a NumberFormat instance.
- else if ((type == Formattable::kDouble) ||
- (type == Formattable::kLong) ||
- (type == Formattable::kInt64)) {
- const NumberFormat* nf = getDefaultNumberFormat(success);
- if (nf == NULL) {
- return appendTo;
+ ++i;
+ int32_t prevDestLength = appendTo.length();
+ const Format* formatter = NULL;
+ if (noArg) {
+ appendTo.append(
+ UnicodeString(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE).append(argName).append(RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE));
+ } else if (arg == NULL) {
+ appendTo.append(NULL_STRING, 4);
+ } else if(plNumber!=NULL &&
+ static_cast<const PluralSelectorContext *>(plNumber)->numberArgIndex==(i-2)) {
+ const PluralSelectorContext &pluralNumber =
+ *static_cast<const PluralSelectorContext *>(plNumber);
+ if(pluralNumber.offset == 0) {
+ // The number was already formatted with this formatter.
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(pluralNumber.formatter, pluralNumber.number,
+ pluralNumber.numberString, success);
+ } else {
+ // Do not use the formatted (number-offset) string for a named argument
+ // that formats the number without subtracting the offset.
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(pluralNumber.formatter, *arg, success);
- if (type == Formattable::kDouble) {
- nf->format(obj->getDouble(), appendTo);
- } else if (type == Formattable::kLong) {
- nf->format(obj->getLong(), appendTo);
+ } else if ((formatter = getCachedFormatter(i -2)) != 0) {
+ // Handles all ArgType.SIMPLE, and formatters from setFormat() and its siblings.
+ if (dynamic_cast<const ChoiceFormat*>(formatter) ||
+ dynamic_cast<const PluralFormat*>(formatter) ||
+ dynamic_cast<const SelectFormat*>(formatter)) {
+ // We only handle nested formats here if they were provided via
+ // setFormat() or its siblings. Otherwise they are not cached and instead
+ // handled below according to argType.
+ UnicodeString subMsgString;
+ formatter->format(*arg, subMsgString, success);
+ if (subMsgString.indexOf(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) >= 0 ||
+ (subMsgString.indexOf(SINGLE_QUOTE) >= 0 && !MessageImpl::jdkAposMode(msgPattern))
+ ) {
+ MessageFormat subMsgFormat(subMsgString, fLocale, success);
+ subMsgFormat.format(0, NULL, arguments, argumentNames, cnt, appendTo, ignore, success);
+ } else {
+ appendTo.append(subMsgString);
+ }
} else {
- nf->format(obj->getInt64(), appendTo);
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(formatter, *arg, success);
+ } else if (argType == UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_NONE || (cachedFormatters && uhash_iget(cachedFormatters, i - 2))) {
+ // We arrive here if getCachedFormatter returned NULL, but there was actually an element in the hash table.
+ // This can only happen if the hash table contained a DummyFormat, so the if statement above is a check
+ // for the hash table containind DummyFormat.
+ if (arg->isNumeric()) {
+ const NumberFormat* nf = getDefaultNumberFormat(success);
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(nf, *arg, success);
+ } else if (arg->getType() == Formattable::kDate) {
+ const DateFormat* df = getDefaultDateFormat(success);
+ appendTo.formatAndAppend(df, *arg, success);
+ } else {
+ appendTo.append(arg->getString(success));
+ }
+ } else if (argType == UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_CHOICE) {
+ if (!arg->isNumeric()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We must use the Formattable::getDouble() variant with the UErrorCode parameter
+ // because only this one converts non-double numeric types to double.
+ const double number = arg->getDouble(success);
+ int32_t subMsgStart = ChoiceFormat::findSubMessage(msgPattern, i, number);
+ formatComplexSubMessage(subMsgStart, NULL, arguments, argumentNames,
+ cnt, appendTo, success);
+ } else if (UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_HAS_PLURAL_STYLE(argType)) {
+ if (!arg->isNumeric()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const PluralSelectorProvider &selector =
+ argType == UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_PLURAL ? pluralProvider : ordinalProvider;
+ // We must use the Formattable::getDouble() variant with the UErrorCode parameter
+ // because only this one converts non-double numeric types to double.
+ double offset = msgPattern.getPluralOffset(i);
+ PluralSelectorContext context(i, argName, *arg, offset, success);
+ int32_t subMsgStart = PluralFormat::findSubMessage(
+ msgPattern, i, selector, &context, arg->getDouble(success), success);
+ formatComplexSubMessage(subMsgStart, &context, arguments, argumentNames,
+ cnt, appendTo, success);
+ } else if (argType == UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_SELECT) {
+ int32_t subMsgStart = SelectFormat::findSubMessage(msgPattern, i, arg->getString(success), success);
+ formatComplexSubMessage(subMsgStart, NULL, arguments, argumentNames,
+ cnt, appendTo, success);
+ } else {
+ // This should never happen.
+ return;
- // If the obj data type is a Date instance, use a DateFormat instance.
- else if (type == Formattable::kDate) {
- const DateFormat* df = getDefaultDateFormat(success);
- if (df == NULL) {
- return appendTo;
+ ignore = updateMetaData(appendTo, prevDestLength, ignore, arg);
+ prevIndex = msgPattern.getPart(argLimit).getLimit();
+ i = argLimit;
+ }
+void MessageFormat::formatComplexSubMessage(int32_t msgStart,
+ const void *plNumber,
+ const Formattable* arguments,
+ const UnicodeString *argumentNames,
+ int32_t cnt,
+ AppendableWrapper& appendTo,
+ UErrorCode& success) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(success)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!MessageImpl::jdkAposMode(msgPattern)) {
+ format(msgStart, plNumber, arguments, argumentNames, cnt, appendTo, NULL, success);
+ return;
+ }
+ // JDK compatibility mode: (see JDK MessageFormat.format() API docs)
+ // - remove SKIP_SYNTAX; that is, remove half of the apostrophes
+ // - if the result string contains an open curly brace '{' then
+ // instantiate a temporary MessageFormat object and format again;
+ // otherwise just append the result string
+ const UnicodeString& msgString = msgPattern.getPatternString();
+ UnicodeString sb;
+ int32_t prevIndex = msgPattern.getPart(msgStart).getLimit();
+ for (int32_t i = msgStart;;) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part& part = msgPattern.getPart(++i);
+ const UMessagePatternPartType type = part.getType();
+ int32_t index = part.getIndex();
+ sb.append(msgString, prevIndex, index - prevIndex);
+ break;
+ sb.append(msgString, prevIndex, index - prevIndex);
+ const PluralSelectorContext &pluralNumber =
+ *static_cast<const PluralSelectorContext *>(plNumber);
+ if(pluralNumber.forReplaceNumber) {
+ // number-offset was already formatted.
+ sb.append(pluralNumber.numberString);
+ } else {
+ const NumberFormat* nf = getDefaultNumberFormat(success);
+ sb.append(nf->format(pluralNumber.number, sb, success));
+ }
- df->format(obj->getDate(), appendTo);
+ prevIndex = part.getLimit();
+ } else if (type == UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_START) {
+ sb.append(msgString, prevIndex, index - prevIndex);
+ prevIndex = index;
+ i = msgPattern.getLimitPartIndex(i);
+ index = msgPattern.getPart(i).getLimit();
+ MessageImpl::appendReducedApostrophes(msgString, prevIndex, index, sb);
+ prevIndex = index;
- else if (type == Formattable::kString) {
- appendTo += obj->getString();
+ }
+ if (sb.indexOf(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) >= 0) {
+ UnicodeString emptyPattern; // gcc 3.3.3 fails with "UnicodeString()" as the first parameter.
+ MessageFormat subMsgFormat(emptyPattern, fLocale, success);
+ subMsgFormat.applyPattern(sb, UMSGPAT_APOS_DOUBLE_REQUIRED, NULL, success);
+ subMsgFormat.format(0, NULL, arguments, argumentNames, cnt, appendTo, NULL, success);
+ } else {
+ appendTo.append(sb);
+ }
+UnicodeString MessageFormat::getLiteralStringUntilNextArgument(int32_t from) const {
+ const UnicodeString& msgString=msgPattern.getPatternString();
+ int32_t prevIndex=msgPattern.getPart(from).getLimit();
+ UnicodeString b;
+ for (int32_t i = from + 1; ; ++i) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part& part = msgPattern.getPart(i);
+ const UMessagePatternPartType type=part.getType();
+ int32_t index=part.getIndex();
+ b.append(msgString, prevIndex, index - prevIndex);
+ return b;
+ }
+ // Unexpected Part "part" in parsed message.
+ prevIndex=part.getLimit();
+ }
+FieldPosition* MessageFormat::updateMetaData(AppendableWrapper& /*dest*/, int32_t /*prevLength*/,
+ FieldPosition* /*fp*/, const Formattable* /*argId*/) const {
+ // Unlike in Java, there are no field attributes defined for MessageFormat. Do nothing.
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ if (fp != NULL && Field.ARGUMENT.equals(fp.getFieldAttribute())) {
+ fp->setBeginIndex(prevLength);
+ fp->setEndIndex(dest.get_length());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return fp;
+ */
+MessageFormat::findOtherSubMessage(int32_t partIndex) const {
+ int32_t count=msgPattern.countParts();
+ const MessagePattern::Part *part = &msgPattern.getPart(partIndex);
+ if(MessagePattern::Part::hasNumericValue(part->getType())) {
+ ++partIndex;
+ }
+ // Iterate over (ARG_SELECTOR [ARG_INT|ARG_DOUBLE] message) tuples
+ // until ARG_LIMIT or end of plural-only pattern.
+ UnicodeString other(FALSE, OTHER_STRING, 5);
+ do {
+ part=&msgPattern.getPart(partIndex++);
+ UMessagePatternPartType type=part->getType();
+ break;
+ }
+ // part is an ARG_SELECTOR followed by an optional explicit value, and then a message
+ if(msgPattern.partSubstringMatches(*part, other)) {
+ return partIndex;
+ }
+ if(MessagePattern::Part::hasNumericValue(msgPattern.getPartType(partIndex))) {
+ ++partIndex; // skip the numeric-value part of "=1" etc.
- else {
- return appendTo;
+ partIndex=msgPattern.getLimitPartIndex(partIndex);
+ } while(++partIndex<count);
+ return 0;
+MessageFormat::findFirstPluralNumberArg(int32_t msgStart, const UnicodeString &argName) const {
+ for(int32_t i=msgStart+1;; ++i) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part &part=msgPattern.getPart(i);
+ UMessagePatternPartType type=part.getType();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ UMessagePatternArgType argType=part.getArgType();
+ if(!argName.isEmpty() && (argType==UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_NONE || argType==UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_SIMPLE)) {
+ if(msgPattern.partSubstringMatches(msgPattern.getPart(i+1), argName)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ i=msgPattern.getLimitPartIndex(i);
+ }
+ }
+void MessageFormat::copyObjects(const MessageFormat& that, UErrorCode& ec) {
+ // Deep copy pointer fields.
+ // We need not copy the formatAliases because they are re-filled
+ // in each getFormats() call.
+ // The defaultNumberFormat, defaultDateFormat and pluralProvider.rules
+ // also get created on demand.
+ argTypeCount = that.argTypeCount;
+ if (argTypeCount > 0) {
+ if (!allocateArgTypes(argTypeCount, ec)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uprv_memcpy(argTypes, that.argTypes, argTypeCount * sizeof(argTypes[0]));
+ }
+ if (cachedFormatters != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(cachedFormatters);
+ }
+ if (customFormatArgStarts != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(customFormatArgStarts);
+ }
+ if (that.cachedFormatters) {
+ if (cachedFormatters == NULL) {
+ cachedFormatters=uhash_open(uhash_hashLong, uhash_compareLong,
+ equalFormatsForHash, &ec);
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uhash_setValueDeleter(cachedFormatters, uprv_deleteUObject);
+ }
+ const int32_t count = uhash_count(that.cachedFormatters);
+ int32_t pos, idx;
+ for (idx = 0, pos = UHASH_FIRST; idx < count && U_SUCCESS(ec); ++idx) {
+ const UHashElement* cur = uhash_nextElement(that.cachedFormatters, &pos);
+ Format* newFormat = ((Format*)(cur->value.pointer))->clone();
+ if (newFormat) {
+ uhash_iput(cachedFormatters, cur->key.integer, newFormat, &ec);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (that.customFormatArgStarts) {
+ if (customFormatArgStarts == NULL) {
+ customFormatArgStarts=uhash_open(uhash_hashLong, uhash_compareLong,
+ NULL, &ec);
+ }
+ const int32_t count = uhash_count(that.customFormatArgStarts);
+ int32_t pos, idx;
+ for (idx = 0, pos = UHASH_FIRST; idx < count && U_SUCCESS(ec); ++idx) {
+ const UHashElement* cur = uhash_nextElement(that.customFormatArgStarts, &pos);
+ uhash_iputi(customFormatArgStarts, cur->key.integer, cur->value.integer, &ec);
- // Appends the rest of the pattern characters after the real last offset.
- appendTo.append(fPattern, lastOffset, 0x7fffffff);
- return appendTo;
-// -------------------------------------
-// Parses the source pattern and returns the Formattable objects array,
-// the array count and the ending parse position. The caller of this method
-// owns the array.
-MessageFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& source,
+MessageFormat::parse(int32_t msgStart,
+ const UnicodeString& source,
ParsePosition& pos,
- int32_t& count) const
- // Allocate at least one element. Allocating an array of length
- // zero causes problems on some platforms (e.g. Win32).
- Formattable *resultArray = new Formattable[argTypeCount ? argTypeCount : 1];
- int32_t patternOffset = 0;
+ int32_t& count,
+ UErrorCode& ec) const {
+ count = 0;
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getIndex());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // parse() does not work with named arguments.
+ if (msgPattern.hasNamedArguments()) {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(pos.getIndex());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ LocalArray<Formattable> resultArray(new Formattable[argTypeCount ? argTypeCount : 1]);
+ const UnicodeString& msgString=msgPattern.getPatternString();
+ int32_t prevIndex=msgPattern.getPart(msgStart).getLimit();
int32_t sourceOffset = pos.getIndex();
- ParsePosition tempPos(0);
- count = 0; // {sfb} reset to zero
- int32_t len;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < subformatCount; ++i) {
- // match up to format
- len = subformats[i].offset - patternOffset;
- if (len == 0 ||
- fPattern.compare(patternOffset, len, source, sourceOffset, len) == 0) {
+ ParsePosition tempStatus(0);
+ for(int32_t i=msgStart+1; ; ++i) {
+ UBool haveArgResult = FALSE;
+ const MessagePattern::Part* part=&msgPattern.getPart(i);
+ const UMessagePatternPartType type=part->getType();
+ int32_t index=part->getIndex();
+ // Make sure the literal string matches.
+ int32_t len = index - prevIndex;
+ if (len == 0 || (0 == msgString.compare(prevIndex, len, source, sourceOffset, len))) {
sourceOffset += len;
- patternOffset += len;
- }
- else {
+ prevIndex += len;
+ } else {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(sourceOffset);
+ return NULL; // leave index as is to signal error
- // now use format
- Format* fmt = subformats[i].format;
- int32_t arg = subformats[i].arg;
- if (fmt == NULL) { // string format
+ // Things went well! Done.
+ pos.setIndex(sourceOffset);
+ return resultArray.orphan();
+ }
+ prevIndex=part->getLimit();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We do not support parsing Plural formats. (No REPLACE_NUMBER here.)
+ // Unexpected Part "part" in parsed message.
+ int32_t argLimit=msgPattern.getLimitPartIndex(i);
+ UMessagePatternArgType argType=part->getArgType();
+ part=&msgPattern.getPart(++i);
+ int32_t argNumber = part->getValue(); // ARG_NUMBER
+ UnicodeString key;
+ ++i;
+ const Format* formatter = NULL;
+ Formattable& argResult = resultArray[argNumber];
+ if(cachedFormatters!=NULL && (formatter = getCachedFormatter(i - 2))!=NULL) {
+ // Just parse using the formatter.
+ tempStatus.setIndex(sourceOffset);
+ formatter->parseObject(source, argResult, tempStatus);
+ if (tempStatus.getIndex() == sourceOffset) {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(sourceOffset);
+ return NULL; // leave index as is to signal error
+ }
+ sourceOffset = tempStatus.getIndex();
+ haveArgResult = TRUE;
+ } else if(
+ argType==UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_NONE || (cachedFormatters && uhash_iget(cachedFormatters, i -2))) {
+ // We arrive here if getCachedFormatter returned NULL, but there was actually an element in the hash table.
+ // This can only happen if the hash table contained a DummyFormat, so the if statement above is a check
+ // for the hash table containind DummyFormat.
+ // Match as a string.
// if at end, use longest possible match
// otherwise uses first match to intervening string
// does NOT recursively try all possibilities
- int32_t tempLength = (i+1<subformatCount) ?
- subformats[i+1].offset : fPattern.length();
+ UnicodeString stringAfterArgument = getLiteralStringUntilNextArgument(argLimit);
int32_t next;
- if (patternOffset >= tempLength) {
+ if (!stringAfterArgument.isEmpty()) {
+ next = source.indexOf(stringAfterArgument, sourceOffset);
+ } else {
next = source.length();
- else {
- UnicodeString buffer;
- fPattern.extract(patternOffset,tempLength - patternOffset, buffer);
- next = source.indexOf(buffer, sourceOffset);
- }
if (next < 0) {
- }
- else {
- UnicodeString buffer;
- source.extract(sourceOffset,next - sourceOffset, buffer);
- UnicodeString strValue = buffer;
- UnicodeString temp(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE);
- // {sfb} check this later
- itos(arg, temp);
- if (strValue != temp) {
- source.extract(sourceOffset,next - sourceOffset, buffer);
- resultArray[arg].setString(buffer);
- // {sfb} not sure about this
- if ((arg + 1) > count) {
- count = arg + 1;
- }
+ pos.setErrorIndex(sourceOffset);
+ return NULL; // leave index as is to signal error
+ } else {
+ UnicodeString strValue(source.tempSubString(sourceOffset, next - sourceOffset));
+ UnicodeString compValue;
+ compValue.append(LEFT_CURLY_BRACE);
+ itos(argNumber, compValue);
+ compValue.append(RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE);
+ if (0 != strValue.compare(compValue)) {
+ argResult.setString(strValue);
+ haveArgResult = TRUE;
sourceOffset = next;
- }
- else {
- tempPos.setIndex(sourceOffset);
- fmt->parseObject(source, resultArray[arg], tempPos);
- if (tempPos.getIndex() == sourceOffset) {
- }
- if ((arg + 1) > count) {
- count = arg + 1;
+ } else if(argType==UMSGPAT_ARG_TYPE_CHOICE) {
+ tempStatus.setIndex(sourceOffset);
+ double choiceResult = ChoiceFormat::parseArgument(msgPattern, i, source, tempStatus);
+ if (tempStatus.getIndex() == sourceOffset) {
+ pos.setErrorIndex(sourceOffset);
+ return NULL; // leave index as is to signal error
- sourceOffset = tempPos.getIndex(); // update
+ argResult.setDouble(choiceResult);
+ haveArgResult = TRUE;
+ sourceOffset = tempStatus.getIndex();
+ // Parsing not supported.
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ // This should never happen.
+ return NULL;
+ if (haveArgResult && count <= argNumber) {
+ count = argNumber + 1;
+ }
+ prevIndex=msgPattern.getPart(argLimit).getLimit();
+ i=argLimit;
- len = fPattern.length() - patternOffset;
- if (len == 0 ||
- fPattern.compare(patternOffset, len, source, sourceOffset, len) == 0) {
- pos.setIndex(sourceOffset + len);
- return resultArray;
- }
- // else fall through...
+// -------------------------------------
+// Parses the source pattern and returns the Formattable objects array,
+// the array count and the ending parse position. The caller of this method
+// owns the array.
- pos.setErrorIndex(sourceOffset);
- delete [] resultArray;
- count = 0;
- return NULL; // leave index as is to signal error
+MessageFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& source,
+ ParsePosition& pos,
+ int32_t& count) const {
+ UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ return parse(0, source, pos, count, ec);
// -------------------------------------
-// Parses the source string and returns the array of
-// Formattable objects and the array count. The caller
+// Parses the source string and returns the array of
+// Formattable objects and the array count. The caller
// owns the returned array.
-MessageFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& source,
+MessageFormat::parse(const UnicodeString& source,
int32_t& cnt,
UErrorCode& success) const
+ if (msgPattern.hasNamedArguments()) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
ParsePosition status(0);
// Calls the actual implementation method and starts
// from zero offset of the source text.
return result;
// -------------------------------------
// Parses the source text and copy into the result buffer.
MessageFormat::parseObject( const UnicodeString& source,
Formattable& result,
int32_t cnt = 0;
Formattable* tmpResult = parse(source, status, cnt);
- if (tmpResult != NULL)
+ if (tmpResult != NULL)
result.adoptArray(tmpResult, cnt);
MessageFormat::autoQuoteApostrophe(const UnicodeString& pattern, UErrorCode& status) {
- UnicodeString result;
- if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
- int32_t plen = pattern.length();
- const UChar* pat = pattern.getBuffer();
- int32_t blen = plen * 2 + 1; // space for null termination, convenience
- UChar* buf = result.getBuffer(blen);
- if (buf == NULL) {
- } else {
- int32_t len = umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe(pat, plen, buf, blen, &status);
- result.releaseBuffer(U_SUCCESS(status) ? len : 0);
+ UnicodeString result;
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ int32_t plen = pattern.length();
+ const UChar* pat = pattern.getBuffer();
+ int32_t blen = plen * 2 + 1; // space for null termination, convenience
+ UChar* buf = result.getBuffer(blen);
+ if (buf == NULL) {
+ } else {
+ int32_t len = umsg_autoQuoteApostrophe(pat, plen, buf, blen, &status);
+ result.releaseBuffer(U_SUCCESS(status) ? len : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ result.setToBogus();
- }
- if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- result.setToBogus();
- }
- return result;
+ return result;
// -------------------------------------
static Format* makeRBNF(URBNFRuleSetTag tag, const Locale& locale, const UnicodeString& defaultRuleSet, UErrorCode& ec) {
RuleBasedNumberFormat* fmt = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(tag, locale, ec);
- if (U_SUCCESS(ec) && defaultRuleSet.length() > 0) {
- fmt->setDefaultRuleSet(defaultRuleSet, ec);
- if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { // ignore unrecognized default rule set
- ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- }
+ if (fmt == NULL) {
+ } else if (U_SUCCESS(ec) && defaultRuleSet.length() > 0) {
+ UErrorCode localStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; // ignore unrecognized default rule set
+ fmt->setDefaultRuleSet(defaultRuleSet, localStatus);
return fmt;
- * Reads the segments[] array (see applyPattern()) and parses the
- * segments[1..3] into a Format* object. Stores the format object in
- * the subformats[] array. Updates the argTypes[] array type
- * information for the corresponding argument.
- *
- * @param formatNumber index into subformats[] for this format
- * @param segments array of strings with the parsed pattern segments
- * @param parseError parse error data (output param)
- * @param ec error code
- */
-MessageFormat::makeFormat(int32_t formatNumber,
- UnicodeString* segments,
- UParseError& parseError,
- UErrorCode& ec) {
- if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+void MessageFormat::cacheExplicitFormats(UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
- // Parse the argument number
- int32_t argumentNumber = stou(segments[1]); // always unlocalized!
- if (argumentNumber < 0) {
+ if (cachedFormatters != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(cachedFormatters);
+ }
+ if (customFormatArgStarts != NULL) {
+ uhash_removeAll(customFormatArgStarts);
+ }
+ // The last two "parts" can at most be ARG_LIMIT and MSG_LIMIT
+ // which we need not examine.
+ int32_t limit = msgPattern.countParts() - 2;
+ argTypeCount = 0;
+ // We also need not look at the first two "parts"
+ // (at most MSG_START and ARG_START) in this loop.
+ // We determine the argTypeCount first so that we can allocateArgTypes
+ // so that the next loop can set argTypes[argNumber].
+ // (This is for the C API which needs the argTypes to read its va_arg list.)
+ for (int32_t i = 2; i < limit && U_SUCCESS(status); ++i) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part& part = msgPattern.getPart(i);
+ if (part.getType() == UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_NUMBER) {
+ const int argNumber = part.getValue();
+ if (argNumber >= argTypeCount) {
+ argTypeCount = argNumber + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!allocateArgTypes(argTypeCount, status)) {
+ // Set all argTypes to kObject, as a "none" value, for lack of any better value.
+ // We never use kObject for real arguments.
+ // We use it as "no argument yet" for the check for hasArgTypeConflicts.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < argTypeCount; ++i) {
+ argTypes[i] = Formattable::kObject;
+ }
+ hasArgTypeConflicts = FALSE;
- // Parse the format, recording the argument type and creating a
- // new Format object (except for string arguments).
- Formattable::Type argType;
- Format *fmt = NULL;
- int32_t typeID, styleID;
- DateFormat::EStyle style;
+ // This loop starts at part index 1 because we do need to examine
+ // ARG_START parts. (But we can ignore the MSG_START.)
+ for (int32_t i = 1; i < limit && U_SUCCESS(status); ++i) {
+ const MessagePattern::Part* part = &msgPattern.getPart(i);
+ if (part->getType() != UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_START) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ UMessagePatternArgType argType = part->getArgType();
- switch (typeID = findKeyword(segments[2], TYPE_IDS)) {
+ int32_t argNumber = -1;
+ part = &msgPattern.getPart(i + 1);
+ if (part->getType() == UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_NUMBER) {
+ argNumber = part->getValue();
+ }
+ Formattable::Type formattableType;
- case 0: // string
- argType = Formattable::kString;
- break;
+ switch (argType) {
+ formattableType = Formattable::kString;
+ break;
+ int32_t index = i;
+ i += 2;
+ UnicodeString explicitType = msgPattern.getSubstring(msgPattern.getPart(i++));
+ UnicodeString style;
+ if ((part = &msgPattern.getPart(i))->getType() == UMSGPAT_PART_TYPE_ARG_STYLE) {
+ style = msgPattern.getSubstring(*part);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ UParseError parseError;
+ Format* formatter = createAppropriateFormat(explicitType, style, formattableType, parseError, status);
+ setArgStartFormat(index, formatter, status);
+ break;
+ }
+ formattableType = Formattable::kDouble;
+ break;
+ formattableType = Formattable::kString;
+ break;
+ default:
+ status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR; // Should be unreachable.
+ formattableType = Formattable::kString;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argNumber != -1) {
+ if (argTypes[argNumber] != Formattable::kObject && argTypes[argNumber] != formattableType) {
+ hasArgTypeConflicts = TRUE;
+ }
+ argTypes[argNumber] = formattableType;
+ }
+ }
- case 1: // number
- argType = Formattable::kDouble;
+Format* MessageFormat::createAppropriateFormat(UnicodeString& type, UnicodeString& style,
+ Formattable::Type& formattableType, UParseError& parseError,
+ UErrorCode& ec) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Format* fmt = NULL;
+ int32_t typeID, styleID;
+ DateFormat::EStyle date_style;
+ int32_t firstNonSpace;
- switch (findKeyword(segments[3], NUMBER_STYLE_IDS)) {
+ switch (typeID = findKeyword(type, TYPE_IDS)) {
+ case 0: // number
+ formattableType = Formattable::kDouble;
+ switch (findKeyword(style, NUMBER_STYLE_IDS)) {
case 0: // default
fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
fmt = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(fLocale, ec);
case 3: // integer
- argType = Formattable::kLong;
+ formattableType = Formattable::kLong;
fmt = createIntegerFormat(fLocale, ec);
- default: // pattern
- fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
- if (fmt &&
- fmt->getDynamicClassID() == DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
- ((DecimalFormat*)fmt)->applyPattern(segments[3],parseError,ec);
+ default: // pattern or skeleton
+ firstNonSpace = PatternProps::skipWhiteSpace(style, 0);
+ if (style.compare(firstNonSpace, 2, u"::", 0, 2) == 0) {
+ // Skeleton
+ UnicodeString skeleton = style.tempSubString(firstNonSpace + 2);
+ fmt = number::NumberFormatter::forSkeleton(skeleton, ec).locale(fLocale).toFormat(ec);
+ } else {
+ // Pattern
+ fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
+ if (fmt) {
+ auto* decfmt = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat*>(fmt);
+ if (decfmt != nullptr) {
+ decfmt->applyPattern(style, parseError, ec);
+ }
+ }
- case 2: // date
- case 3: // time
- argType = Formattable::kDate;
- styleID = findKeyword(segments[3], DATE_STYLE_IDS);
- style = (styleID >= 0) ? DATE_STYLES[styleID] : DateFormat::kDefault;
- if (typeID == 2) {
- fmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(style, fLocale);
+ case 1: // date
+ case 2: // time
+ formattableType = Formattable::kDate;
+ firstNonSpace = PatternProps::skipWhiteSpace(style, 0);
+ if (style.compare(firstNonSpace, 2, u"::", 0, 2) == 0) {
+ // Skeleton
+ UnicodeString skeleton = style.tempSubString(firstNonSpace + 2);
+ fmt = DateFormat::createInstanceForSkeleton(skeleton, fLocale, ec);
} else {
- fmt = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(style, fLocale);
- }
+ // Pattern
+ styleID = findKeyword(style, DATE_STYLE_IDS);
+ date_style = (styleID >= 0) ? DATE_STYLES[styleID] : DateFormat::kDefault;
- if (styleID < 0 &&
- fmt != NULL &&
- fmt->getDynamicClassID() == SimpleDateFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
- ((SimpleDateFormat*)fmt)->applyPattern(segments[3]);
- }
- break;
- case 4: // choice
- argType = Formattable::kDouble;
+ if (typeID == 1) {
+ fmt = DateFormat::createDateInstance(date_style, fLocale);
+ } else {
+ fmt = DateFormat::createTimeInstance(date_style, fLocale);
+ }
- fmt = new ChoiceFormat(segments[3], parseError, ec);
+ if (styleID < 0 && fmt != NULL) {
+ SimpleDateFormat* sdtfmt = dynamic_cast<SimpleDateFormat*>(fmt);
+ if (sdtfmt != NULL) {
+ sdtfmt->applyPattern(style);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- case 5: // spellout
- argType = Formattable::kDouble;
- fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_SPELLOUT, fLocale, segments[3], ec);
+ case 3: // spellout
+ formattableType = Formattable::kDouble;
+ fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_SPELLOUT, fLocale, style, ec);
- case 6: // ordinal
- argType = Formattable::kDouble;
- fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_ORDINAL, fLocale, segments[3], ec);
+ case 4: // ordinal
+ formattableType = Formattable::kDouble;
+ fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_ORDINAL, fLocale, style, ec);
- case 7: // duration
- argType = Formattable::kDouble;
- fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_DURATION, fLocale, segments[3], ec);
+ case 5: // duration
+ formattableType = Formattable::kDouble;
+ fmt = makeRBNF(URBNF_DURATION, fLocale, style, ec);
- argType = Formattable::kString;
+ formattableType = Formattable::kString;
- if (fmt==NULL && argType!=Formattable::kString && U_SUCCESS(ec)) {
- }
- if (!allocateSubformats(formatNumber+1) ||
- !allocateArgTypes(argumentNumber+1)) {
- }
- if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
- delete fmt;
- return;
- }
+ return fmt;
- // Parse succeeded; record results in our arrays
- subformats[formatNumber].format = fmt;
- subformats[formatNumber].offset = segments[0].length();
- subformats[formatNumber].arg = argumentNumber;
- subformatCount = formatNumber+1;
- // Careful here: argumentNumber may in general arrive out of
- // sequence, e.g., "There was {2} on {0,date} (see {1,number})."
- argTypes[argumentNumber] = argType;
- if (argumentNumber+1 > argTypeCount) {
- argTypeCount = argumentNumber+1;
- }
-// -------------------------------------
-// Finds the string, s, in the string array, list.
-int32_t MessageFormat::findKeyword(const UnicodeString& s,
+// Finds the string, s, in the string array, list.
+int32_t MessageFormat::findKeyword(const UnicodeString& s,
const UChar * const *list)
- if (s.length() == 0)
+ if (s.isEmpty()) {
return 0; // default
+ }
- UnicodeString buffer = s;
+ int32_t length = s.length();
+ const UChar *ps = PatternProps::trimWhiteSpace(s.getBuffer(), length);
+ UnicodeString buffer(FALSE, ps, length);
// Trims the space characters and turns all characters
// in s to lower case.
- buffer.trim().toLower("");
+ buffer.toLower("");
for (int32_t i = 0; list[i]; ++i) {
if (!buffer.compare(list[i], u_strlen(list[i]))) {
return i;
return -1;
-// -------------------------------------
-// Checks the range of the source text to quote the special
-// characters, { and ' and copy to target buffer.
-MessageFormat::copyAndFixQuotes(const UnicodeString& source,
- int32_t start,
- int32_t end,
- UnicodeString& appendTo)
- UBool gotLB = FALSE;
- for (int32_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
- UChar ch = source[i];
- if (ch == LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) {
- appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
- appendTo += LEFT_CURLY_BRACE;
- appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
- gotLB = TRUE;
- }
- else if (ch == RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE) {
- if(gotLB) {
- appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
- gotLB = FALSE;
- }
- else {
- // orig code.
- appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
- appendTo += RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE;
- appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
- }
- }
- else if (ch == SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
- appendTo += SINGLE_QUOTE;
- }
- else {
- appendTo += ch;
- }
- }
* Convenience method that ought to be in NumberFormat
MessageFormat::createIntegerFormat(const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& status) const {
NumberFormat *temp = NumberFormat::createInstance(locale, status);
- if (temp != NULL && temp->getDynamicClassID() == DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
- DecimalFormat *temp2 = (DecimalFormat*) temp;
+ DecimalFormat *temp2;
+ if (temp != NULL && (temp2 = dynamic_cast<DecimalFormat*>(temp)) != NULL) {
if (defaultNumberFormat == NULL) {
MessageFormat* t = (MessageFormat*) this;
t->defaultNumberFormat = NumberFormat::createInstance(fLocale, ec);
- if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
delete t->defaultNumberFormat;
t->defaultNumberFormat = NULL;
} else if (t->defaultNumberFormat == NULL) {
return defaultDateFormat;
+MessageFormat::usesNamedArguments() const {
+ return msgPattern.hasNamedArguments();
+MessageFormat::getArgTypeCount() const {
+ return argTypeCount;
+UBool MessageFormat::equalFormats(const void* left, const void* right) {
+ return *(const Format*)left==*(const Format*)right;
+UBool MessageFormat::DummyFormat::operator==(const Format&) const {
+ return TRUE;
+Format* MessageFormat::DummyFormat::clone() const {
+ return new DummyFormat();
+UnicodeString& MessageFormat::DummyFormat::format(const Formattable&,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ }
+ return appendTo;
+UnicodeString& MessageFormat::DummyFormat::format(const Formattable&,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ FieldPosition&,
+ UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ }
+ return appendTo;
+UnicodeString& MessageFormat::DummyFormat::format(const Formattable&,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ FieldPositionIterator*,
+ UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ }
+ return appendTo;
+void MessageFormat::DummyFormat::parseObject(const UnicodeString&,
+ Formattable&,
+ ParsePosition& ) const {
+FormatNameEnumeration::FormatNameEnumeration(UVector *fNameList, UErrorCode& /*status*/) {
+ pos=0;
+ fFormatNames = fNameList;
+const UnicodeString*
+FormatNameEnumeration::snext(UErrorCode& status) {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status) && pos < fFormatNames->size()) {
+ return (const UnicodeString*)fFormatNames->elementAt(pos++);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+FormatNameEnumeration::reset(UErrorCode& /*status*/) {
+ pos=0;
+FormatNameEnumeration::count(UErrorCode& /*status*/) const {
+ return (fFormatNames==NULL) ? 0 : fFormatNames->size();
+FormatNameEnumeration::~FormatNameEnumeration() {
+ delete fFormatNames;
+MessageFormat::PluralSelectorProvider::PluralSelectorProvider(const MessageFormat &mf, UPluralType t)
+ : msgFormat(mf), rules(NULL), type(t) {
+MessageFormat::PluralSelectorProvider::~PluralSelectorProvider() {
+ delete rules;
+UnicodeString MessageFormat::PluralSelectorProvider::select(void *ctx, double number,
+ UErrorCode& ec) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ return UnicodeString(FALSE, OTHER_STRING, 5);
+ }
+ MessageFormat::PluralSelectorProvider* t = const_cast<MessageFormat::PluralSelectorProvider*>(this);
+ if(rules == NULL) {
+ t->rules = PluralRules::forLocale(msgFormat.fLocale, type, ec);
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ return UnicodeString(FALSE, OTHER_STRING, 5);
+ }
+ }
+ // Select a sub-message according to how the number is formatted,
+ // which is specified in the selected sub-message.
+ // We avoid this circle by looking at how
+ // the number is formatted in the "other" sub-message
+ // which must always be present and usually contains the number.
+ // Message authors should be consistent across sub-messages.
+ PluralSelectorContext &context = *static_cast<PluralSelectorContext *>(ctx);
+ int32_t otherIndex = msgFormat.findOtherSubMessage(context.startIndex);
+ context.numberArgIndex = msgFormat.findFirstPluralNumberArg(otherIndex, context.argName);
+ if(context.numberArgIndex > 0 && msgFormat.cachedFormatters != NULL) {
+ context.formatter =
+ (const Format*)uhash_iget(msgFormat.cachedFormatters, context.numberArgIndex);
+ }
+ if(context.formatter == NULL) {
+ context.formatter = msgFormat.getDefaultNumberFormat(ec);
+ context.forReplaceNumber = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (context.number.getDouble(ec) != number) {
+ return UnicodeString(FALSE, OTHER_STRING, 5);
+ }
+ context.formatter->format(context.number, context.numberString, ec);
+ auto* decFmt = dynamic_cast<const DecimalFormat *>(context.formatter);
+ if(decFmt != NULL) {
+ number::impl::DecimalQuantity dq;
+ decFmt->formatToDecimalQuantity(context.number, dq, ec);
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ return UnicodeString(FALSE, OTHER_STRING, 5);
+ }
+ return rules->select(dq);
+ } else {
+ return rules->select(number);
+ }
+void MessageFormat::PluralSelectorProvider::reset() {
+ delete rules;
+ rules = NULL;
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */