+ if((destIndex<destCapacity) && (c<0 ? (c2=~c)<=0x7f : UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH<c && (c2=c)<=0x7f)) {
+ /* fast path version of appendResult() for ASCII results */
+ dest[destIndex++]=(uint8_t)c2;
+ } else {
+ destIndex=appendResult(dest, destIndex, destCapacity, c, s);
+ }
+ }
+ if(destIndex>destCapacity) {
+ }
+ return destIndex;
+ * Internal titlecasing function.
+ */
+static int32_t
+_toTitle(UCaseMap *csm,
+ uint8_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+ const uint8_t *src, UCaseContext *csc,
+ int32_t srcLength,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ const UChar *s;
+ UChar32 c;
+ int32_t prev, titleStart, titleLimit, idx, destIndex, length;
+ UBool isFirstIndex;
+ utext_openUTF8(&utext, (const char *)src, srcLength, pErrorCode);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(csm->iter==NULL) {
+ csm->iter=ubrk_open(UBRK_WORD, csm->locale,
+ NULL, 0,
+ pErrorCode);
+ }
+ ubrk_setUText(csm->iter, &utext, pErrorCode);
+ if(U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) {
+ utext_close(&utext);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* set up local variables */
+ destIndex=0;
+ prev=0;
+ isFirstIndex=TRUE;
+ /* titlecasing loop */
+ while(prev<srcLength) {
+ /* find next index where to titlecase */
+ if(isFirstIndex) {
+ isFirstIndex=FALSE;
+ idx=ubrk_first(csm->iter);
+ } else {
+ idx=ubrk_next(csm->iter);
+ }
+ if(idx==UBRK_DONE || idx>srcLength) {
+ idx=srcLength;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Unicode 4 & 5 section 3.13 Default Case Operations:
+ *
+ * R3 toTitlecase(X): Find the word boundaries based on Unicode Standard Annex
+ * #29, "Text Boundaries." Between each pair of word boundaries, find the first
+ * cased character F. If F exists, map F to default_title(F); then map each
+ * subsequent character C to default_lower(C).
+ *
+ * In this implementation, segment [prev..index[ into 3 parts:
+ * a) uncased characters (copy as-is) [prev..titleStart[
+ * b) first case letter (titlecase) [titleStart..titleLimit[
+ * c) subsequent characters (lowercase) [titleLimit..index[
+ */
+ if(prev<idx) {
+ /* find and copy uncased characters [prev..titleStart[ */
+ titleStart=titleLimit=prev;
+ U8_NEXT(src, titleLimit, idx, c);
+ if((csm->options&U_TITLECASE_NO_BREAK_ADJUSTMENT)==0 && UCASE_NONE==ucase_getType(csm->csp, c)) {
+ /* Adjust the titlecasing index (titleStart) to the next cased character. */
+ for(;;) {
+ titleStart=titleLimit;
+ if(titleLimit==idx) {
+ /*
+ * only uncased characters in [prev..index[
+ * stop with titleStart==titleLimit==index
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ U8_NEXT(src, titleLimit, idx, c);
+ if(UCASE_NONE!=ucase_getType(csm->csp, c)) {
+ break; /* cased letter at [titleStart..titleLimit[ */
+ }
+ }
+ length=titleStart-prev;
+ if(length>0) {
+ if((destIndex+length)<=destCapacity) {
+ uprv_memcpy(dest+destIndex, src+prev, length);
+ }
+ destIndex+=length;
+ }
+ }
+ if(titleStart<titleLimit) {
+ /* titlecase c which is from [titleStart..titleLimit[ */
+ csc->cpStart=titleStart;
+ csc->cpLimit=titleLimit;
+ c=ucase_toFullTitle(csm->csp, c, utf8_caseContextIterator, csc, &s, csm->locale, &csm->locCache);
+ destIndex=appendResult(dest, destIndex, destCapacity, c, s);
+ /* Special case Dutch IJ titlecasing */
+ if ( titleStart+1 < idx &&
+ ucase_getCaseLocale(csm->locale,&csm->locCache) == UCASE_LOC_DUTCH &&
+ ( src[titleStart] == 0x0049 || src[titleStart] == 0x0069 ) &&
+ ( src[titleStart+1] == 0x004A || src[titleStart+1] == 0x006A )) {
+ c=0x004A;
+ destIndex=appendResult(dest, destIndex, destCapacity, c, s);
+ titleLimit++;
+ }
+ /* lowercase [titleLimit..index[ */
+ if(titleLimit<idx) {
+ if((csm->options&U_TITLECASE_NO_LOWERCASE)==0) {
+ /* Normal operation: Lowercase the rest of the word. */
+ destIndex+=
+ _caseMap(
+ csm, ucase_toFullLower,
+ dest+destIndex, destCapacity-destIndex,
+ src, csc,
+ titleLimit, idx,
+ pErrorCode);
+ } else {
+ /* Optionally just copy the rest of the word unchanged. */
+ length=idx-titleLimit;
+ if((destIndex+length)<=destCapacity) {
+ uprv_memcpy(dest+destIndex, src+titleLimit, length);
+ }
+ destIndex+=length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prev=idx;
+ }
+ if(destIndex>destCapacity) {
+ }
+ utext_close(&utext);
+ return destIndex;
+static int32_t
+utf8_foldCase(const UCaseProps *csp,
+ uint8_t *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
+ const uint8_t *src, int32_t srcLength,
+ uint32_t options,
+ UErrorCode *pErrorCode) {
+ int32_t srcIndex, destIndex;
+ const UChar *s;
+ UChar32 c, c2;
+ int32_t start;
+ /* case mapping loop */
+ srcIndex=destIndex=0;
+ while(srcIndex<srcLength) {
+ start=srcIndex;
+ U8_NEXT(src, srcIndex, srcLength, c);
+ if(c<0) {
+ while(destIndex<destCapacity && start<srcIndex) {
+ dest[destIndex++]=src[start++];
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ c=ucase_toFullFolding(csp, c, &s, options);
+ if((destIndex<destCapacity) && (c<0 ? (c2=~c)<=0x7f : UCASE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH<c && (c2=c)<=0x7f)) {
+ /* fast path version of appendResult() for ASCII results */
+ dest[destIndex++]=(uint8_t)c2;
+ } else {
+ destIndex=appendResult(dest, destIndex, destCapacity, c, s);
+ }