+ /**
+ * Resolve a link in Olson tzdata. When the given id is known and it's not a link,
+ * the id itself is returned. When the given id is known and it is a link, then
+ * dereferenced zone id is returned. When the given id is unknown, then it returns
+ * empty string.
+ * @param linkTo Input zone id string
+ * @param linkFrom Receives the dereferenced zone id string
+ * @return The reference to the result (linkFrom)
+ */
+ static UnicodeString& dereferOlsonLink(const UnicodeString& linkTo, UnicodeString& linkFrom);
+ /**
+ * Parses the given custom time zone identifier
+ * @param id id A string of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, or
+ * GMT[+-]hh.
+ * @param sign Receves parsed sign, 1 for positive, -1 for negative.
+ * @param hour Receives parsed hour field
+ * @param minute Receives parsed minute field
+ * @param second Receives parsed second field
+ * @return Returns TRUE when the given custom id is valid.
+ */
+ static UBool parseCustomID(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& sign, int32_t& hour,
+ int32_t& min, int32_t& sec);
+ /**
+ * Parse a custom time zone identifier and return the normalized
+ * custom time zone identifier for the given custom id string.
+ * @param id a string of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, or
+ * GMT[+-]hh.
+ * @param normalized Receives the normalized custom ID
+ * @param status Receives the status. When the input ID string is invalid,
+ * @return The normalized custom id string.
+ */
+ static UnicodeString& getCustomID(const UnicodeString& id, UnicodeString& normalized,
+ UErrorCode& status);
+ /**
+ * Returns the normalized custome timezone ID for the given offset fields.
+ * @param hour offset hours
+ * @param min offset minutes
+ * @param sec offset seconds
+ * @param netative sign of the offset, TRUE for negative offset.
+ * @param id Receves the format result (normalized custom ID)
+ * @return The reference to id
+ */
+ static UnicodeString& formatCustomID(int32_t hour, int32_t min, int32_t sec,
+ UBool negative, UnicodeString& id);