+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2003, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2015, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "dcfmapts.h"
-#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/currpinf.h"
#include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
+#include "unicode/decimfmt.h"
+#include "unicode/fmtable.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "putilimp.h"
+#include "plurrule_impl.h"
+#include "number_decimalquantity.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
// This is an API test, not a unit test. It doesn't test very many cases, and doesn't
// try to test the full functionality. It just calls each function in the class and
if (exec) logln((UnicodeString)"TestSuite DecimalFormatAPI");
switch (index) {
- case 0: name = "DecimalFormat API test";
+ case 0: name = "DecimalFormat API test";
if (exec) {
logln((UnicodeString)"DecimalFormat API test---"); logln((UnicodeString)"");
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- default: name = ""; break;
+ case 2: name = "Test6354";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"DecimalFormat Rounding Increment test---");
+ testRoundingInc(/*par*/);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3: name = "TestCurrencyPluralInfo";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"CurrencyPluralInfo API test---");
+ TestCurrencyPluralInfo();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4: name = "TestScale";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"Scale test---");
+ TestScale();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5: name = "TestFixedDecimal";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"TestFixedDecimal ---");
+ TestFixedDecimal();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6: name = "TestBadFastpath";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"TestBadFastpath ---");
+ TestBadFastpath();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7: name = "TestRequiredDecimalPoint";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"TestRequiredDecimalPoint ---");
+ TestRequiredDecimalPoint();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8: name = "testErrorCode";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString)"testErrorCode ---");
+ testErrorCode();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 9: name = "testInvalidObject";
+ if(exec) {
+ logln((UnicodeString) "testInvalidObject ---");
+ testInvalidObject();
+ }
+ break;
+ default: name = ""; break;
DecimalFormat def(status);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
- errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default)");
+ errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ // bug 10864
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormat noGrouping("###0.##", status);
+ assertEquals("Grouping size should be 0 for no grouping.", 0, noGrouping.getGroupingSize());
+ noGrouping.setGroupingUsed(TRUE);
+ assertEquals("Grouping size should still be 0.", 0, noGrouping.getGroupingSize());
+ // end bug 10864
+ // bug 13442 comment 14
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df("0", {"en", status}, status);
+ UnicodeString result;
+ assertEquals("pat 0: ", 0, df.getGroupingSize());
+ assertEquals("pat 0: ", (UBool) FALSE, (UBool) df.isGroupingUsed());
+ df.setGroupingUsed(false);
+ assertEquals("pat 0 then disabled: ", 0, df.getGroupingSize());
+ assertEquals("pat 0 then disabled: ", u"1111", df.format(1111, result.remove()));
+ df.setGroupingUsed(true);
+ assertEquals("pat 0 then enabled: ", 0, df.getGroupingSize());
+ assertEquals("pat 0 then enabled: ", u"1111", df.format(1111, result.remove()));
+ }
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df("#,##0", {"en", status}, status);
+ UnicodeString result;
+ assertEquals("pat #,##0: ", 3, df.getGroupingSize());
+ assertEquals("pat #,##0: ", (UBool) TRUE, (UBool) df.isGroupingUsed());
+ df.setGroupingUsed(false);
+ assertEquals("pat #,##0 then disabled: ", 3, df.getGroupingSize());
+ assertEquals("pat #,##0 then disabled: ", u"1111", df.format(1111, result.remove()));
+ df.setGroupingUsed(true);
+ assertEquals("pat #,##0 then enabled: ", 3, df.getGroupingSize());
+ assertEquals("pat #,##0 then enabled: ", u"1,111", df.format(1111, result.remove()));
+ }
+ // end bug 13442 comment 14
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
const UnicodeString pattern("#,##0.# FF");
DecimalFormat pat(pattern, status);
Formattable fL(l);
UnicodeString res1, res2, res3, res4;
- FieldPosition pos1(0), pos2(0), pos3(0), pos4(0);
+ FieldPosition pos1(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), pos2(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), pos3(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), pos4(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
res1 = def.format(d, res1, pos1);
logln( (UnicodeString) "" + (int32_t) d + " formatted to " + res1);
if(sn != TRUE) {
errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: setScientificNotation() failed");
// Added by Ken Liu testing set/getMinimumExponentDigits
int8_t MinimumExponentDigits = 0;
// ======= Test applyPattern()
logln((UnicodeString)"Testing applyPattern()");
+ pat = DecimalFormat(status); // reset
UnicodeString p1("#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)");
logln((UnicodeString)"Applying pattern " + p1);
UnicodeString s2;
s2 = pat.toPattern(s2);
logln((UnicodeString)"Extracted pattern is " + s2);
- if(s2 != p1) {
- errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: toPattern() result did not match pattern applied");
- }
+ assertEquals("toPattern() result did not match pattern applied", p1, s2);
if(pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize() != 0) {
errln("FAIL: Secondary Grouping Size should be 0, not %d\n", pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize());
UnicodeString s3;
s3 = pat.toLocalizedPattern(s3);
logln((UnicodeString)"Extracted pattern is " + s3);
- if(s3 != p2) {
- errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: toLocalizedPattern() result did not match pattern applied");
- }
+ assertEquals("toLocalizedPattern() result did not match pattern applied", p2, s3);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UParseError pe;
UnicodeString s4;
s4 = pat.toLocalizedPattern(s3);
logln((UnicodeString)"Extracted pattern is " + s4);
- if(s4 != p2) {
- errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: toLocalizedPattern(with ParseErr) result did not match pattern applied");
- }
+ assertEquals("toLocalizedPattern(with ParseErr) result did not match pattern applied", p2, s4);
if(pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize() != 2) {
errln("FAIL: Secondary Grouping Size should be 2, not %d\n", pat.getSecondaryGroupingSize());
delete test;
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestCurrencyPluralInfo(){
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ CurrencyPluralInfo *cpi = new CurrencyPluralInfo(status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo(UErrorCode) could not be created");
+ }
+ CurrencyPluralInfo cpi1 = *cpi;
+ if(cpi->getDynamicClassID() != CurrencyPluralInfo::getStaticClassID()){
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::getDynamicClassID() didn't return the expected value");
+ }
+ cpi->setCurrencyPluralPattern("","",status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::setCurrencyPluralPattern");
+ }
+ cpi->setLocale(Locale::getCanada(), status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::setLocale");
+ }
+ cpi->setPluralRules("",status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: CurrencyPluralInfo::setPluralRules");
+ }
+ DecimalFormat *df = new DecimalFormat(status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ df->adoptCurrencyPluralInfo(cpi);
+ df->getCurrencyPluralInfo();
+ df->setCurrencyPluralInfo(cpi1);
+ delete df;
void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testRounding(/*char *par*/)
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
3.0, -3.0, // kRoundUp 3,
3.0, -3.0, // kRoundHalfEven 4,
3.0, -3.0, // kRoundHalfDown 5,
- 3.0, -3.0 // kRoundHalfUp 6
+ 3.0, -3.0 // kRoundHalfUp 6
DecimalFormat pat(status);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
- errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default)");
+ errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
uint16_t mode;
UnicodeString expectedStr("");
expectedStr=expectedStr + expected;
if(got != expectedStr ) {
- errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Round() failed: " + message + got + (UnicodeString)" Expected : " + expectedStr);
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: " + message + got + (UnicodeString)" Expected : " + expectedStr);
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::verifyString(const UnicodeString& message, const UnicodeString& got, UnicodeString& expected){
+ logln((UnicodeString)message + got + (UnicodeString)" Expected : " + expected);
+ if(got != expected ) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: " + message + got + (UnicodeString)" Expected : " + expected);
+ }
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testRoundingInc(/*char *par*/)
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormat pat(UnicodeString("#,##0.00"),status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ // get default rounding increment
+ double roundingInc = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
+ if (roundingInc != 0.0) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Rounding increment not zero");
+ return;
+ }
+ // With rounding now being handled by decNumber, we no longer
+ // set a rounding increment to enable non-default mode rounding,
+ // checking of which was the original point of this test.
+ // set rounding mode with zero increment. Rounding
+ // increment should not be set by this operation
+ pat.setRoundingMode((DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode)0);
+ roundingInc = pat.getRoundingIncrement();
+ if (roundingInc != 0.0) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: Rounding increment not zero after setRoundingMode");
+ return;
+ }
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestScale()
+ typedef struct TestData {
+ double inputValue;
+ int inputScale;
+ const char *expectedOutput;
+ } TestData;
+ static TestData testData[] = {
+ { 100.0, 3, "100,000" },
+ { 10034.0, -2, "100.34" },
+ { 0.86, -3, "0.0009" },
+ { -0.000455, 1, "-0%" },
+ { -0.000555, 1, "-1%" },
+ { 0.000455, 1, "0%" },
+ { 0.000555, 1, "1%" },
+ };
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormat pat(status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errcheckln(status, "ERROR: Could not create DecimalFormat (default) - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ UnicodeString message;
+ UnicodeString resultStr;
+ UnicodeString exp;
+ UnicodeString percentPattern("#,##0%");
+ pat.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);
+ for(int32_t i=0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(testData); i++) {
+ if ( i > 2 ) {
+ pat.applyPattern(percentPattern,status);
+ }
+ // Test both the attribute and the setter
+ if (i % 2 == 0) {
+ pat.setAttribute(UNUM_SCALE, testData[i].inputScale,status);
+ assertEquals("", testData[i].inputScale, pat.getMultiplierScale());
+ } else {
+ pat.setMultiplierScale(testData[i].inputScale);
+ assertEquals("", testData[i].inputScale, pat.getAttribute(UNUM_SCALE, status));
+ }
+ pat.format(testData[i].inputValue, resultStr);
+ message = UnicodeString("Unexpected output for ") + testData[i].inputValue + UnicodeString(" and scale ") +
+ testData[i].inputScale + UnicodeString(". Got: ");
+ exp = testData[i].expectedOutput;
+ verifyString(message, resultStr, exp);
+ message.remove();
+ resultStr.remove();
+ exp.remove();
+ }
+#define ASSERT_EQUAL(expect, actual) { \
+ /* ICU-20080: Use temporary variables to avoid strange compiler behaviour \
+ (with the nice side-effect of avoiding repeated function calls too). */ \
+ auto lhs = (expect); \
+ auto rhs = (actual); \
+ char tmp[200]; \
+ sprintf(tmp, "(%g==%g)", (double)lhs, (double)rhs); \
+ assertTrue(tmp, (lhs==rhs), FALSE, TRUE, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Ignore the noisy warning 4805 (comparisons between int and bool) in the function below as we use the ICU TRUE/FALSE macros
+// which are int values, whereas some of the DecimalQuantity methods return C++ bools.
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4805)
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestFixedDecimal() {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat("###", status), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ if (status == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
+ return;
+ }
+ number::impl::DecimalQuantity fd;
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(44, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(44, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(-44, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(44, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative());
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormat("###.00##", status), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123.456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(-123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123.456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative());
+ // test max int digits
+ df->setMaximumIntegerDigits(2);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(23, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(23.456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(-123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(23, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(23.456, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative());
+ // test max fraction digits
+ df->setMaximumIntegerDigits(2000000000);
+ df->setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(46, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(46, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123.46, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(-123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(46, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(46, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123.46, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative());
+ // test esoteric rounding
+ df->setMaximumFractionDigits(6);
+ df->setRoundingIncrement(7.3);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(30.0, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(20, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(29, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(29.2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(-30.0, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V)); // v
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(20, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F)); // f
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T)); // t
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(29, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I)); // i
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(29.2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_N)); // n
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative());
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormat("###", status), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123.456, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormat("###.0", status), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123.01, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormat("###.0", status), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123.06, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormat("@@@@@", status), status); // Significant Digits
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(123, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(123, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(new DecimalFormat("@@@@@", status), status); // Significant Digits
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(1.23, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(4, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2300, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(23, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(uprv_getInfinity(), fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNaN() || fd.isInfinite());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(0.0, fd, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNaN() || fd.isInfinite());
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(uprv_getNaN(), fd, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNaN() || fd.isInfinite());
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ // Test Big Decimal input.
+ // 22 digits before and after decimal, will exceed the precision of a double
+ // and force DecimalFormat::getFixedDecimal() to work with a digit list.
+ df.adoptInsteadAndCheckErrorCode(
+ new DecimalFormat("#####################0.00####################", status), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ Formattable fable("12.34", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(34, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(34, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("12.3456789012345678900123456789", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3456789012345678900LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(34567890123456789LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ // On field overflow, Integer part is truncated on the left, fraction part on the right.
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("123456789012345678901234567890.123456789012345678901234567890", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1234567890123456789LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1234567890123456789LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(345678901234567890LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ // Digits way to the right of the decimal but within the format's precision aren't truncated
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("1.0000000000000000000012", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ // Digits beyond the precision of the format are rounded away
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("1.000000000000000000000012", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ // Negative numbers come through
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("-1.0000000000000000000012", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(22, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(12, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(1, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.isNegative());
+ // MinFractionDigits from format larger than from number.
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("1000000000000000000000.3", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(30, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ fable.setDecimalNumber("1000000000000000050000.3", status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(30, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(3, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(50000LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ // Test some int64_t values that are out of the range of a double
+ fable.setInt64(4503599627370496LL);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(4503599627370496LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ fable.setInt64(4503599627370497LL);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(4503599627370497LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+ fable.setInt64(9223372036854775807LL);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ df->formatToDecimalQuantity(fable, fd, status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(2, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_V));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_F));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(0, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_T));
+ // note: going through DigitList path to FixedDecimal, which is trimming
+ // int64_t fields to 18 digits. See ticket Ticket #10374
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(223372036854775807LL, fd.getPluralOperand(PLURAL_OPERAND_I));
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(TRUE, fd.hasIntegerValue());
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(FALSE, fd.isNegative());
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Re-enable 4805 warnings (comparisons between int and bool).
+#pragma warning(pop)
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestBadFastpath() {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat("###", status), status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ dataerrln("Error creating new DecimalFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ UnicodeString fmt;
+ fmt.remove();
+ assertEquals("Format 1234", "1234", df->format((int32_t)1234, fmt));
+ df->setGroupingUsed(FALSE);
+ fmt.remove();
+ assertEquals("Format 1234", "1234", df->format((int32_t)1234, fmt));
+ df->setGroupingUsed(TRUE);
+ df->setGroupingSize(3);
+ fmt.remove();
+ assertEquals("Format 1234 w/ grouping", "1,234", df->format((int32_t)1234, fmt));
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::TestRequiredDecimalPoint() {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UnicodeString text("99");
+ Formattable result1;
+ UnicodeString pat1("##.0000");
+ UnicodeString pat2("00.0");
+ LocalPointer<DecimalFormat> df(new DecimalFormat(pat1, status), status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ dataerrln("Error creating new DecimalFormat - %s", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ df->applyPattern(pat1, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: applyPattern() failed");
+ }
+ df->parse(text, result1, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: parse() failed");
+ }
+ df->setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(TRUE);
+ df->parse(text, result1, status);
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: unexpected parse()");
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ df->applyPattern(pat2, status);
+ df->setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(FALSE);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: applyPattern(2) failed");
+ }
+ df->parse(text, result1, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: parse(2) failed - " + u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ df->setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(TRUE);
+ df->parse(text, result1, status);
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ errln((UnicodeString)"ERROR: unexpected parse(2)");
+ }
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testErrorCode() {
+ // Try each DecimalFormat constructor with an errorCode set on input,
+ // Verify no crashes or leaks, and that the errorCode is not altered.
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const UnicodeString pattern(u"0.###E0");
+ UParseError pe;
+ DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df(status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df(pattern, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), UNUM_DECIMAL_COMPACT_LONG, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), pe, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+ {
+ DecimalFormat df(pattern, symbols ,status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+ // Try each DecimalFormat method with an error code parameter, verifying that
+ // an input error is not altered, and that no segmentation faults occur.
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus(status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormat dfGood(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ for (DecimalFormat *df: {&dfBogus, &dfGood}) {
+ df->setAttribute(UNUM_PARSE_INT_ONLY, 0, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->getAttribute(UNUM_MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ UnicodeString dest;
+ FieldPosition fp;
+ df->format(1.2, dest, fp, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->format(1.2, dest, nullptr, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->format((int32_t)666, dest, nullptr, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->format((int64_t)666, dest, nullptr, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->format(StringPiece("3.1415926535897932384626"), dest, nullptr, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->applyPattern(pattern, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->applyLocalizedPattern(pattern, pe, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->applyLocalizedPattern(pattern, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->setCurrency(u"USD", status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ df->setCurrencyUsage(UCURR_USAGE_CASH, &status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ }
+void IntlTestDecimalFormatAPI::testInvalidObject() {
+ {
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus(status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormat dfGood(status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ // An invalid object should not be equal to a valid object.
+ // This also tests that no segmentation fault occurs in the comparison operator due
+ // to any dangling/nullptr pointers. (ICU-20381).
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfGood != dfBogus);
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus2(status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, status);
+ // Two invalid objects should not be equal.
+ // (Also verify that nullptr isn't t dereferenced in the comparision operator.)
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfBogus != dfBogus2);
+ // Verify the comparison operator works for two valid objects.
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ DecimalFormat dfGood2(status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfGood == dfGood2);
+ // Verify that the assignment operator sets the object to an invalid state, and
+ // that no segmentation fault occurs due to any dangling/nullptr pointers.
+ DecimalFormat dfAssignmentBogus = DecimalFormat(status);
+ // Verify comparison for the assigned object.
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfAssignmentBogus != dfGood);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfAssignmentBogus != dfGood2);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfAssignmentBogus != dfBogus);
+ // Verify that cloning our original invalid object gives nullptr.
+ auto dfBogusClone = dfBogus.clone();
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfBogusClone == nullptr);
+ // Verify that cloning our assigned invalid object gives nullptr.
+ auto dfBogusClone2 = dfAssignmentBogus.clone();
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfBogusClone2 == nullptr);
+ // Verify copy constructing from an invalid object is also invalid.
+ DecimalFormat dfCopy(dfBogus);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfCopy != dfGood);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfCopy != dfGood2);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfCopy != dfBogus);
+ DecimalFormat dfCopyAssign = dfBogus;
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfCopyAssign != dfGood);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfCopyAssign != dfGood2);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfCopyAssign != dfBogus);
+ auto dfBogusCopyClone1 = dfCopy.clone();
+ auto dfBogusCopyClone2 = dfCopyAssign.clone();
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfBogusCopyClone1 == nullptr);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfBogusCopyClone2 == nullptr);
+ }
+ {
+ // Try each DecimalFormat class method that lacks an error code parameter, verifying
+ // we don't crash (segmentation fault) on invalid objects.
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const UnicodeString pattern(u"0.###E0");
+ UParseError pe;
+ DecimalFormatSymbols symbols(Locale::getUS(), status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ CurrencyPluralInfo currencyPI(status);
+ assertSuccess(WHERE, status);
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus1(status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus2(pattern, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus3(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus4(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), UNumberFormatStyle::UNUM_CURRENCY, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ DecimalFormat dfBogus5(pattern, new DecimalFormatSymbols(symbols), pe, status);
+ assertEquals(WHERE, U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR, status);
+ for (DecimalFormat *df : {&dfBogus1, &dfBogus2, &dfBogus3, &dfBogus4, &dfBogus5})
+ {
+ df->setGroupingUsed(true);
+ df->setParseIntegerOnly(false);
+ df->setLenient(true);
+ auto dfClone = df->clone();
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfClone == nullptr);
+ UnicodeString dest;
+ FieldPosition fp;
+ df->format(1.2, dest, fp);
+ df->format(static_cast<int32_t>(1234), dest, fp);
+ df->format(static_cast<int64_t>(1234), dest, fp);
+ UnicodeString text("-1,234.00");
+ Formattable result;
+ ParsePosition pos(0);
+ df->parse(text, result, pos);
+ CurrencyAmount* ca = df->parseCurrency(text, pos);
+ assertTrue(WHERE, ca == nullptr);
+ const DecimalFormatSymbols* dfs = df->getDecimalFormatSymbols();
+ assertTrue(WHERE, dfs == nullptr);
+ df->adoptDecimalFormatSymbols(nullptr);
+ df->setDecimalFormatSymbols(symbols);
+ const CurrencyPluralInfo* cpi = df->getCurrencyPluralInfo();
+ assertTrue(WHERE, cpi == nullptr);
+ df->adoptCurrencyPluralInfo(nullptr);
+ df->setCurrencyPluralInfo(currencyPI);
+ UnicodeString prefix("-123");
+ df->getPositivePrefix(dest);
+ df->setPositivePrefix(prefix);
+ df->getNegativePrefix(dest);
+ df->setNegativePrefix(prefix);
+ df->getPositiveSuffix(dest);
+ df->setPositiveSuffix(prefix);
+ df->getNegativeSuffix(dest);
+ df->setNegativeSuffix(prefix);
+ df->isSignAlwaysShown();
+ df->setSignAlwaysShown(true);
+ df->getMultiplier();
+ df->setMultiplier(10);
+ df->getMultiplierScale();
+ df->setMultiplierScale(2);
+ df->getRoundingIncrement();
+ df->setRoundingIncrement(1.2);
+ df->getRoundingMode();
+ df->setRoundingMode(DecimalFormat::ERoundingMode::kRoundDown);
+ df->getFormatWidth();
+ df->setFormatWidth(0);
+ UnicodeString pad(" ");
+ df->getPadCharacterString();
+ df->setPadCharacter(pad);
+ df->getPadPosition();
+ df->setPadPosition(DecimalFormat::EPadPosition::kPadBeforePrefix);
+ df->isScientificNotation();
+ df->setScientificNotation(false);
+ df->getMinimumExponentDigits();
+ df->setMinimumExponentDigits(1);
+ df->isExponentSignAlwaysShown();
+ df->setExponentSignAlwaysShown(true);
+ df->getGroupingSize();
+ df->setGroupingSize(3);
+ df->getSecondaryGroupingSize();
+ df->setSecondaryGroupingSize(-1);
+ df->getMinimumGroupingDigits();
+ df->setMinimumGroupingDigits(-1);
+ df->isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown();
+ df->setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true);
+ df->isDecimalPatternMatchRequired();
+ df->setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(false);
+ df->isParseNoExponent();
+ df->setParseNoExponent(true);
+ df->isParseCaseSensitive();
+ df->setParseCaseSensitive(false);
+ df->isFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits();
+ df->setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits(true);
+ df->toPattern(dest);
+ df->toLocalizedPattern(dest);
+ df->setMaximumIntegerDigits(10);
+ df->setMinimumIntegerDigits(0);
+ df->setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
+ df->setMinimumFractionDigits(0);
+ df->getMinimumSignificantDigits();
+ df->setMinimumSignificantDigits(0);
+ df->getMaximumSignificantDigits();
+ df->setMaximumSignificantDigits(5);
+ df->areSignificantDigitsUsed();
+ df->setSignificantDigitsUsed(true);
+ df->setCurrency(u"USD");
+ df->getCurrencyUsage();
+ const number::LocalizedNumberFormatter* lnf = df->toNumberFormatter(status);
+ assertEquals("toNumberFormatter should return nullptr",
+ (int64_t) nullptr, (int64_t) lnf);
+ // Should not crash when chaining to error code enabled methods on the LNF
+ lnf->formatInt(1, status);
+ lnf->formatDouble(1.0, status);
+ lnf->formatDecimal("1", status);
+ lnf->toFormat(status);
+ lnf->toSkeleton(status);
+ lnf->copyErrorTo(status);
+ }
+ }
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */