-# icu26_testtypes.res is there for cintltst/udatatst.c/TestSwapData()
-# I generated it with an ICU 2.6.1 build on Windows after removing
-# testincludeUTF (which made it large, unnecessarily for this test)
-# and CollationElements (which will not work with a newer swapper)
-# markus 2003nov19
+# old_l_testtypes.res is there for cintltst/udatatst.c/TestSwapData()
+# I generated it with an ICU 4.2.1 build on Linux after removing
+# testincludeUTF (which would make it large, unnecessarily for this test)
+# and renaming the collations element to avoid build CollationElements
+# (which will not work with a newer swapper)
+# markus 2010jan15