- * Copyright (C) 1996-2006, International Business Machines Corporation and *
+ * Copyright (C) 1996-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
-#include "unicode/uset.h"
-#include "unicode/ustring.h"
-#include "hash.h"
-#include "unormimp.h"
#include "unicode/caniter.h"
-#include "unicode/normlzr.h"
+#include "unicode/normalizer2.h"
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/usetiter.h"
+#include "unicode/ustring.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "normalizer2impl.h"
* This class allows one to iterate through all the strings that are canonically equivalent to a given
- current_length(0)
+ current_length(0),
+ nfd(*Normalizer2Factory::getNFDInstance(status)),
+ nfcImpl(*Normalizer2Factory::getNFCImpl(status))
- if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ if(U_SUCCESS(status) && nfcImpl.ensureCanonIterData(status)) {
setSource(sourceStr, status);
int32_t i = 0;
UnicodeString *list = NULL;
- Normalizer::normalize(newSource, UNORM_NFD, 0, source, status);
+ nfd.normalize(newSource, source, status);
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
// i should initialy be the number of code units at the
// start of the string
- i = UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(source.char32At(0));
+ i = U16_LENGTH(source.char32At(0));
//int32_t i = 1;
// find the segments
// This code iterates through the source string and
// extracts segments that end up on a codepoint that
// doesn't start any decompositions. (Analysis is done
// on the NFD form - see above).
- for (; i < source.length(); i += UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(cp)) {
+ for (; i < source.length(); i += U16_LENGTH(cp)) {
cp = source.char32At(i);
- if (unorm_isCanonSafeStart(cp)) {
+ if (nfcImpl.isCanonSegmentStarter(cp)) {
source.extract(start, i-start, list[list_length++]); // add up to i
start = i;
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
- subpermute.setValueDeleter(uhash_deleteUnicodeString);
+ subpermute.setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
- for (i = 0; i < source.length(); i += UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(cp)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < source.length(); i += U16_LENGTH(cp)) {
cp = source.char32At(i);
const UHashElement *ne = NULL;
int32_t el = -1;
// see what the permutations of the characters before and after this one are
//Hashtable *subpermute = permute(source.substring(0,i) + source.substring(i + UTF16.getCharCount(cp)));
- permute(subPermuteString.replace(i, UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(cp), NULL, 0), skipZeros, &subpermute, status);
+ permute(subPermuteString.replace(i, U16_LENGTH(cp), NULL, 0), skipZeros, &subpermute, status);
/* Test for buffer overflows */
if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
return 0;
- result.setValueDeleter(uhash_deleteUnicodeString);
- permutations.setValueDeleter(uhash_deleteUnicodeString);
- basic.setValueDeleter(uhash_deleteUnicodeString);
+ result.setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
+ permutations.setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
+ basic.setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
UChar USeg[256];
int32_t segLen = segment.extract(USeg, 256, status);
//UnicodeString *possible = new UnicodeString(*((UnicodeString *)(ne2->value.pointer)));
UnicodeString possible(*((UnicodeString *)(ne2->value.pointer)));
UnicodeString attempt;
- Normalizer::normalize(possible, UNORM_NFD, 0, attempt, status);
+ nfd.normalize(possible, attempt, status);
// TODO: check if operator == is semanticaly the same as attempt.equals(segment)
if (attempt==segment) {
fillinResult->put(toPut, new UnicodeString(toPut), status);
- USerializedSet starts;
+ UnicodeSet starts;
// cycle through all the characters
- UChar32 cp, end = 0;
- int32_t i = 0, j;
- for (i = 0; i < segLen; i += UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH(cp)) {
+ UChar32 cp;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < segLen; i += U16_LENGTH(cp)) {
// see if any character is at the start of some decomposition
- UTF_GET_CHAR(segment, 0, i, segLen, cp);
- if (!unorm_getCanonStartSet(cp, &starts)) {
+ U16_GET(segment, 0, i, segLen, cp);
+ if (!nfcImpl.getCanonStartSet(cp, starts)) {
- // if so, see which decompositions match
- for(j = 0, cp = end+1; cp <= end || uset_getSerializedRange(&starts, j++, &cp, &end); ++cp) {
+ // if so, see which decompositions match
+ UnicodeSetIterator iter(starts);
+ while (iter.next()) {
+ UChar32 cp2 = iter.getCodepoint();
Hashtable remainder(status);
- remainder.setValueDeleter(uhash_deleteUnicodeString);
- if (extract(&remainder, cp, segment, segLen, i, status) == NULL) {
+ remainder.setValueDeleter(uprv_deleteUObject);
+ if (extract(&remainder, cp2, segment, segLen, i, status) == NULL) {
// there were some matches, so add all the possibilities to the set.
UnicodeString prefix(segment, i);
- prefix += cp;
+ prefix += cp2;
int32_t el = -1;
const UHashElement *ne = remainder.nextElement(el);
return NULL;
- const int32_t bufSize = 256;
- int32_t bufLen = 0;
- UChar temp[bufSize];
- int32_t inputLen = 0, decompLen;
- UChar stackBuffer[4];
- const UChar *decomp;
- U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(temp, inputLen, comp);
- decomp = unorm_getCanonicalDecomposition(comp, stackBuffer, &decompLen);
- if(decomp == NULL) {
- /* copy temp */
- stackBuffer[0] = temp[0];
- if(inputLen > 1) {
- stackBuffer[1] = temp[1];
- }
- decomp = stackBuffer;
- decompLen = inputLen;
- }
- UChar *buff = temp+inputLen;
+ UnicodeString temp(comp);
+ int32_t inputLen=temp.length();
+ UnicodeString decompString;
+ nfd.normalize(temp, decompString, status);
+ const UChar *decomp=decompString.getBuffer();
+ int32_t decompLen=decompString.length();
// See if it matches the start of segment (at segmentPos)
UBool ok = FALSE;
UChar32 cp;
int32_t decompPos = 0;
UChar32 decompCp;
- UTF_NEXT_CHAR(decomp, decompPos, decompLen, decompCp);
- int32_t i;
- UBool overflow = FALSE;
+ U16_NEXT(decomp, decompPos, decompLen, decompCp);
- i = segmentPos;
+ int32_t i = segmentPos;
while(i < segLen) {
- UTF_NEXT_CHAR(segment, i, segLen, cp);
+ U16_NEXT(segment, i, segLen, cp);
if (cp == decompCp) { // if equal, eat another cp from decomp
//if (PROGRESS) printf(" matches: %s\n", UToS(Tr(UnicodeString(cp))));
if (decompPos == decompLen) { // done, have all decomp characters!
- //u_strcat(buff+bufLen, segment+i);
- uprv_memcpy(buff+bufLen, segment+i, (segLen-i)*sizeof(UChar));
- bufLen+=segLen-i;
+ temp.append(segment+i, segLen-i);
ok = TRUE;
- UTF_NEXT_CHAR(decomp, decompPos, decompLen, decompCp);
+ U16_NEXT(decomp, decompPos, decompLen, decompCp);
} else {
//if (PROGRESS) printf(" buffer: %s\n", UToS(Tr(UnicodeString(cp))));
// brute force approach
- U16_APPEND(buff, bufLen, bufSize, cp, overflow);
- if(overflow) {
- /*
- * ### TODO handle buffer overflow
- * The buffer is large, but an overflow may still happen with
- * unusual input (many combining marks?).
- * Reallocate buffer and continue.
- * markus 20020929
- */
- overflow = FALSE;
- }
+ temp.append(cp);
/* TODO: optimize
// since we know that the classes are monotonically increasing, after zero
//if (PROGRESS) printf("Matches\n");
- if (bufLen == 0) {
+ if (inputLen == temp.length()) {
fillinResult->put(UnicodeString(), new UnicodeString(), status);
return fillinResult; // succeed, but no remainder
// brute force approach
// check to make sure result is canonically equivalent
- int32_t tempLen = inputLen + bufLen;
- UChar trial[bufSize];
- unorm_decompose(trial, bufSize, temp, tempLen, FALSE, 0, &status);
- if(U_FAILURE(status)
- || uprv_memcmp(segment+segmentPos, trial, (segLen - segmentPos)*sizeof(UChar)) != 0)
- {
+ UnicodeString trial;
+ nfd.normalize(temp, trial, status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status) || trial.compare(segment+segmentPos, segLen - segmentPos) != 0) {
return NULL;
- return getEquivalents2(fillinResult, buff, bufLen, status);
+ return getEquivalents2(fillinResult, temp.getBuffer()+inputLen, temp.length()-inputLen, status);