- * Copyright (C) 2002-2010, International Business Machines
+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2014, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+ (void)copyright; // Suppress unused variable warning.
+ (void)fVertical; // Suppress warning for unused field fVertical.
// FIXME: should check the limit arrays for consistency...
le_int32 styleCount = sizeof styleRunArrays / sizeof styleRunArrays[0];
StyleRuns styleRuns(styleRunArrays, styleCount);
LEErrorCode layoutStatus = LE_NO_ERROR;
fStyleRunCount = styleRuns.getRuns(NULL, NULL);
fStyleRunLimits = LE_NEW_ARRAY(le_int32, fStyleRunCount);
else {
// initialize
- for (runStart = 0, run = 0; run < fStyleRunCount; run += 1) {
+ for (run = 0; run < fStyleRunCount; run += 1) {
fStyleRunInfo[run].font = NULL;
fStyleRunInfo[run].runBase = 0;
fStyleRunInfo[run].runLimit = 0;
// Make big arrays for the glyph widths, glyph-to-char and char-to-glyph maps,
- // in logical order. (Both maps need an extra entry for the end of the text.)
+ // in logical order. (Both maps need an extra entry for the end of the text.)
// For each layout get the positions and convert them into glyph widths, in
// logical order. Get the glyph-to-char mapping, offset by starting index in the
fGlyphToCharMap = LE_NEW_ARRAY(le_int32, fGlyphCount + 1);
fCharToMinGlyphMap = LE_NEW_ARRAY(le_int32, fCharCount + 1);
fCharToMaxGlyphMap = LE_NEW_ARRAY(le_int32, fCharCount + 1);
- if ((fGlyphWidths == NULL) || (fGlyphToCharMap == NULL) ||
+ if ((fGlyphWidths == NULL) || (fGlyphToCharMap == NULL) ||
(fCharToMinGlyphMap == NULL) || (fCharToMaxGlyphMap == NULL)) {
fStyleRunInfo[run].glyphs = LE_NEW_ARRAY(LEGlyphID, glyphCount);
fStyleRunInfo[run].positions = LE_NEW_ARRAY(float, glyphCount * 2 + 2);
- if ((fStyleRunInfo[run].glyphs == NULL) ||
+ if ((fStyleRunInfo[run].glyphs == NULL) ||
(fStyleRunInfo[run].positions == NULL)) {
le_bool ParagraphLayout::isComplex(const LEUnicode chars[], le_int32 count)
UErrorCode scriptStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// previous run, even though this glyph may be in the middle of the
// run.
fVisualRunLastX -= fStyleRunInfo[run].positions[leftGlyph * 2];
// Make rightGlyph be the glyph just to the right of
// the run's glyphs
rightGlyph += 1;
le_int32 glyphCount = lastRun->getGlyphCount();
const float *positions = lastRun->getPositions();
return (le_int32) positions[glyphCount * 2];