+ *************************************************************************************************/
+struct UInitOnce {
+ u_atomic_int32_t fState;
+ UErrorCode fErrCode;
+ void reset() {fState = 0;}
+ UBool isReset() {return umtx_loadAcquire(fState) == 0;}
+// Note: isReset() is used by service registration code.
+// Thread safety of this usage needs review.
+U_COMMON_API UBool U_EXPORT2 umtx_initImplPreInit(UInitOnce &);
+U_COMMON_API void U_EXPORT2 umtx_initImplPostInit(UInitOnce &);
+template<class T> void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, T *obj, void (U_CALLCONV T::*fp)()) {
+ if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) == 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+ (obj->*fp)();
+ umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+ }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions.
+// No context parameter.
+inline void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)()) {
+ if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) == 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+ (*fp)();
+ umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+ }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions.
+// With ErrorCode, No context parameter.
+inline void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)(UErrorCode &), UErrorCode &errCode) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) != 2 && umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+ // We run the initialization.
+ (*fp)(errCode);
+ uio.fErrCode = errCode;
+ umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+ } else {
+ // Someone else already ran the initialization.
+ if (U_FAILURE(uio.fErrCode)) {
+ errCode = uio.fErrCode;
+ }
+ }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions,
+// with a context parameter.
+template<class T> void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)(T), T context) {
+ if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) == 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+ (*fp)(context);
+ umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+ }
+// umtx_initOnce variant for plain functions, or static class functions,
+// with a context parameter and an error code.
+template<class T> void umtx_initOnce(UInitOnce &uio, void (U_CALLCONV *fp)(T, UErrorCode &), T context, UErrorCode &errCode) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errCode)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (umtx_loadAcquire(uio.fState) != 2 && umtx_initImplPreInit(uio)) {
+ // We run the initialization.
+ (*fp)(context, errCode);
+ uio.fErrCode = errCode;
+ umtx_initImplPostInit(uio);
+ } else {
+ // Someone else already ran the initialization.
+ if (U_FAILURE(uio.fErrCode)) {
+ errCode = uio.fErrCode;
+ }
+ }
+ * ICU Mutex wrappers. Originally wrapped operating system mutexes, giving the rest of ICU a
+ * platform independent set of mutex operations. Now vestigial, wrapping std::mutex only.
+ * For internal ICU use only.
+ *
+ * Caution: do not directly declare static or global instances of UMutex. Doing so can introduce
+ * static initializers, which are disallowed in ICU library code. Instead, use the following
+ * idiom, which avoids static init and also avoids ordering issues on destruction
+ * (use after delete) by avoiding destruction altogether.