+# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+# License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
-# Copyright (C) 1999-2010, International Business Machines
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016, International Business Machines
# Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-ifneq ($(top_builddir),$(top_srcdir))
-CPPFLAGS += -I- -I$(top_builddir)/common
+ifeq ($(OS390BATCH),1)
-CPPFLAGS += -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/i18n $(LIBCPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGSICUUC)
-# we want DEFS here, because we want icucfg.h
+# we want DEFS here
# for plugin configuration
OBJECTS = errorcode.o putil.o umath.o utypes.o uinvchar.o umutex.o ucln_cmn.o \
-uinit.o uobject.o cmemory.o charstr.o \
-udata.o ucmndata.o udatamem.o umapfile.o udataswp.o ucol_swp.o utrace.o \
+uinit.o uobject.o cmemory.o charstr.o cstr.o \
+udata.o ucmndata.o udatamem.o umapfile.o udataswp.o utrie_swap.o ucol_swp.o utrace.o \
uhash.o uhash_us.o uenum.o ustrenum.o uvector.o ustack.o uvectr32.o uvectr64.o \
ucnv.o ucnv_bld.o ucnv_cnv.o ucnv_io.o ucnv_cb.o ucnv_err.o ucnvlat1.o \
ucnv_u7.o ucnv_u8.o ucnv_u16.o ucnv_u32.o ucnvscsu.o ucnvbocu.o \
-ucnv_ext.o ucnvmbcs.o ucnv2022.o ucnvhz.o ucnv_lmb.o ucnvisci.o ucnvdisp.o ucnv_set.o \
-uresbund.o ures_cnv.o uresdata.o resbund.o resbund_cnv.o \
-ucat.o locmap.o uloc.o locid.o locutil.o locavailable.o locdispnames.o loclikely.o locresdata.o \
-bytestream.o stringpiece.o \
-ustr_cnv.o unistr_cnv.o unistr.o unistr_case.o unistr_props.o \
-utf_impl.o ustring.o ustrcase.o ucasemap.o cstring.o ustrfmt.o ustrtrns.o ustr_wcs.o utext.o \
-normalizer2impl.o normalizer2.o filterednormalizer2.o normlzr.o unorm.o unormcmp.o unorm_it.o \
+ucnv_ext.o ucnvmbcs.o ucnv2022.o ucnvhz.o ucnv_lmb.o ucnvisci.o ucnvdisp.o ucnv_set.o ucnv_ct.o \
+resource.o uresbund.o ures_cnv.o uresdata.o resbund.o resbund_cnv.o \
+ucurr.o \
+localebuilder.o \
+messagepattern.o ucat.o locmap.o uloc.o locid.o locutil.o locavailable.o locdispnames.o locdspnm.o loclikely.o locresdata.o \
+bytestream.o stringpiece.o bytesinkutil.o \
+stringtriebuilder.o bytestriebuilder.o \
+bytestrie.o bytestrieiterator.o \
+ucharstrie.o ucharstriebuilder.o ucharstrieiterator.o \
+dictionarydata.o \
+edits.o \
+appendable.o ustr_cnv.o unistr_cnv.o unistr.o unistr_case.o unistr_props.o \
+utf_impl.o ustring.o ustrcase.o ucasemap.o ucasemap_titlecase_brkiter.o cstring.o ustrfmt.o ustrtrns.o ustr_wcs.o utext.o \
+unistr_case_locale.o ustrcase_locale.o unistr_titlecase_brkiter.o ustr_titlecase_brkiter.o \
+normalizer2impl.o normalizer2.o filterednormalizer2.o normlzr.o unorm.o unormcmp.o loadednormalizer2impl.o \
chariter.o schriter.o uchriter.o uiter.o \
-uchar.o uprops.o ucase.o propname.o ubidi_props.o ubidi.o ubidiwrt.o ubidiln.o ushape.o \
-uscript.o usc_impl.o unames.o \
-utrie.o utrie2.o utrie2_builder.o bmpset.o unisetspan.o uset_props.o uniset_props.o uset.o uniset.o usetiter.o ruleiter.o caniter.o unifilt.o unifunct.o \
-uarrsort.o brkiter.o ubrk.o brkeng.o dictbe.o triedict.o \
-rbbi.o rbbidata.o rbbinode.o rbbirb.o rbbiscan.o rbbisetb.o rbbistbl.o rbbitblb.o \
+patternprops.o uchar.o uprops.o ucase.o propname.o ubidi_props.o characterproperties.o \
+ubidi.o ubidiwrt.o ubidiln.o ushape.o \
+uscript.o uscript_props.o usc_impl.o unames.o \
+utrie.o utrie2.o utrie2_builder.o ucptrie.o umutablecptrie.o \
+bmpset.o unisetspan.o uset_props.o uniset_props.o uniset_closure.o uset.o uniset.o usetiter.o ruleiter.o caniter.o unifilt.o unifunct.o \
+uarrsort.o brkiter.o ubrk.o brkeng.o dictbe.o filteredbrk.o \
+rbbi.o rbbidata.o rbbinode.o rbbirb.o rbbiscan.o rbbisetb.o rbbistbl.o rbbitblb.o rbbi_cache.o \
serv.o servnotf.o servls.o servlk.o servlkf.o servrbf.o servslkf.o \
uidna.o usprep.o uts46.o punycode.o \
-util.o util_props.o parsepos.o locbased.o cwchar.o wintz.o mutex.o dtintrv.o ucnvsel.o propsvec.o \
-ulist.o uloc_tag.o icudataver.o icuplug.o
+util.o util_props.o parsepos.o locbased.o cwchar.o wintz.o dtintrv.o ucnvsel.o propsvec.o \
+ulist.o uloc_tag.o icudataver.o icuplug.o \
+sharedobject.o simpleformatter.o unifiedcache.o uloc_keytype.o \
+ubiditransform.o \
+pluralmap.o \
## Header files to install
-HEADERS = $(srcdir)/unicode/*.h unicode/*.h
+HEADERS = $(srcdir)/unicode/*.h
## List of phony targets
.PHONY : all all-local install install-local clean clean-local \
distclean distclean-local install-library install-headers dist \
-dist-local check check-local
+dist-local check check-local check-exhaustive
## Clear suffix list
dist: dist-local
check: all check-local
-all-local: $(ALL_TARGETS) unicode/platform.h
+check-exhaustive: check
+all-local: $(ALL_TARGETS)
install-local: install-headers install-library
distclean-local: clean-local
- $(RMV) Makefile icucfg.h unicode/platform.h $(SVC_HOOK_INC)
+ $(RMV) Makefile icucfg.h $(SVC_HOOK_INC)
cd $(top_builddir) \
&& CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
-unicode/platform.h: $(srcdir)/unicode/platform.h.in $(top_builddir)/config.status
- cd $(top_builddir) \
- && CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status
ifneq ($(ENABLE_STATIC),)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(AR_OUTOPT)$@ $^
ifneq ($(ENABLE_SHARED),)
$(SHLIB.cc) $(LD_SONAME) $(OUTOPT)$@ $^ $(LIBS)
+ifneq ($(wildcard $(libdir)/$(MIDDLE_SO_TARGET)),)
+ $(warning RPATH warning: --enable-rpath means test programs may use existing $(libdir)/$(MIDDLE_SO_TARGET))
ifeq ($(OS390BATCH),1)