// ***************************************************************************
// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2010 International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// * Tool: com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.cldr.LDML2ICUConverter.java
-// * Source File:<path>/common/main/uz.xml
+// * Copyright (C) 2016 International Business Machines
+// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+// * Tool: org.unicode.cldr.icu.NewLdml2IcuConverter
+// * Source File: <path>/common/main/uz.xml
// *
// ***************************************************************************
- * ICU <specials> source: <path>/xml/main/uz.xml
- */
- AuxExemplarCharacters{"[ц щ ы ь]"}
- ExemplarCharacters{"[а б в г ғ д е ё ж з и й к қ л м н о п р с т у ў ф х ҳ ч ш ъ э ю я]"}
- LocaleScript{
- "Cyrl",
+ AuxExemplarCharacters{"[c w]"}
+ Ellipsis{
+ final{"{0}…"}
+ initial{"…{0}"}
+ medial{"{0}…{1}"}
+ word-final{"{0} …"}
+ word-initial{"… {0}"}
+ word-medial{"{0} … {1}"}
+ }
+ ExemplarCharacters{
+ "[a {aʼ} b {ch} d e {eʼ} f g {gʻ} h i {iʼ} j k l m n o {oʻ} p q r s {sh} t u "
+ "{uʼ} v x y z]"
+ }
+ ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B {CH} D E F G {Gʻ} H I J K L M N O {Oʻ} P Q R S {SH} T U V X Y Z]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersPunctuation{
+ "[\\- ‐ – — , ; \\: ! ? . … ' ‘ ‚ \u0022 “ „ « » ( ) \\[ \\] \\{ \\} § @ * / "
+ "\\& #]"
+ }
+ MoreInformation{"?"}
+ NumberElements{
+ arabext{
+ patterns{
+ currencyFormat{"¤ #,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"٫"}
+ exponential{"×۱۰^"}
+ group{"٬"}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"haqiqiy son emas"}
+ perMille{"؉"}
+ percentSign{"٪"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ default{"latn"}
+ latn{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}–{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"}
+ currencyFormat{"#,##0.00 ¤"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ patternsLong{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0 ming"}
+ other{"0 ming"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00 ming"}
+ other{"00 ming"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000 ming"}
+ other{"000 ming"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 million"}
+ other{"0 million"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 million"}
+ other{"00 million"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 million"}
+ other{"000 million"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0 milliard"}
+ other{"0 milliard"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00 milliard"}
+ other{"00 milliard"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000 milliard"}
+ other{"000 milliard"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 trillion"}
+ other{"0 trillion"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 trillion"}
+ other{"00 trillion"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 trillion"}
+ other{"000 trillion"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patternsShort{
+ currencyFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0 ming ¤"}
+ other{"0 ming ¤"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00 ming ¤"}
+ other{"00 ming ¤"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000 ming ¤"}
+ other{"000 ming ¤"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 mln ¤"}
+ other{"0 mln ¤"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 mln ¤"}
+ other{"00 mln ¤"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 mln ¤"}
+ other{"000 mln ¤"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0 mlrd ¤"}
+ other{"0 mlrd ¤"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00 mlrd ¤"}
+ other{"00 mlrd ¤"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000 mlrd ¤"}
+ other{"000 mlrd ¤"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 trln ¤"}
+ other{"0 trln ¤"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 trln ¤"}
+ other{"00 trln ¤"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 trln ¤"}
+ other{"000 trln ¤"}
+ }
+ }
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ one{"0 ming"}
+ other{"0 ming"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ one{"00 ming"}
+ other{"00 ming"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ one{"000 ming"}
+ other{"000 ming"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ one{"0 mln"}
+ other{"0 mln"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ one{"00 mln"}
+ other{"00 mln"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ one{"000 mln"}
+ other{"000 mln"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ one{"0 mlrd"}
+ other{"0 mlrd"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ one{"00 mlrd"}
+ other{"00 mlrd"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ one{"000 mlrd"}
+ other{"000 mlrd"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ one{"0 trln"}
+ other{"0 trln"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ one{"00 trln"}
+ other{"00 trln"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ one{"000 trln"}
+ other{"000 trln"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{","}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{" "}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"haqiqiy son emas"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
+ }
+ }
+ minimumGroupingDigits{"1"}
+ native{"latn"}
+ }
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "H:mm:ss (zzzz)",
+ "H:mm:ss (z)",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d-MMMM, G y",
+ "d-MMMM, G y",
+ "d-MMM, G y",
+ "GGGGG dd/MM/y",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"d, E"}
+ Gy{"G y"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM, G y"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d-MMM, G y"}
+ GyMMMd{"d-MMM, G y"}
+ M{"LL"}
+ MEd{"E, dd/MM"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d-MMM"}
+ MMMMd{"d-MMMM"}
+ MMMd{"d-MMM"}
+ Md{"dd/MM"}
+ d{"d"}
+ y{"G y"}
+ yyyy{"G y"}
+ yyyyM{"MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ yyyyMEd{"E, dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ yyyyMMM{"MMM, G y"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"E, d-MMM, G y"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"MMMM, G y"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"d-MMM, G y"}
+ yyyyMd{"dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"y (G), QQQ"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"y (G), QQQQ"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ M{
+ M{"MM–MM"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, dd/MM – E, dd/MM"}
+ d{"E, dd/MM – E, dd/MM"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM"}
+ d{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d-MMM – d-MMM"}
+ d{"d – d-MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"dd/MM – dd/MM"}
+ d{"dd/MM – dd/MM"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d–d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ y{
+ y{"G y–y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"MM/y – MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ y{"MM/y – MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ d{"E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ y{"E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM, G y"}
+ y{"MMM, y – MMM, y (G)"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM, y (G)"}
+ d{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM, y (G)"}
+ y{"E, d-MMM, y – E, d-MMM, y (G)"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"MMMM – MMMM, y (G)"}
+ y{"MMMM, y – MMMM, y (G)"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d-MMM – d-MMM, G y"}
+ d{"d – d-MMM, G y"}
+ y{"d-MMM, y – d-MMM, y (G)"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ d{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ y{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y (GGGGG)"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "TO",
+ "TK",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersAbbr{
+ "TO",
+ "TK",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersNarrow{
+ "TO",
+ "TK",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "H:mm:ss (zzzz)",
+ "H:mm:ss (z)",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, y MMMM dd",
+ "d-MMMM, y",
+ "d-MMM, y",
+ "dd/MM/yy",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ "{1}, {0}",
+ }
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EHm{"E, HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E, HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"d, E"}
+ Ehm{"E, h:mm a"}
+ Ehms{"E, h:mm:ss a"}
+ Gy{"G y"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM, G y"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d-MMM, G y"}
+ GyMMMd{"d-MMM, G y"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ Hmsv{"HH:mm:ss (v)"}
+ Hmv{"HH:mm (v)"}
+ M{"LL"}
+ MEd{"E, dd/MM"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d-MMM"}
+ MMMMd{"d-MMMM"}
+ MMMd{"d-MMM"}
+ Md{"dd/MM"}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"h a"}
+ hm{"h:mm a"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ hmsv{"h:mm:ss (v)"}
+ hmv{"h:mm (v)"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y"}
+ yM{"MM/y"}
+ yMEd{"E, dd/MM/y"}
+ yMMM{"MMM, y"}
+ yMMMEd{"E, d-MMM, y"}
+ yMMMM{"MMMM, y"}
+ yMMMd{"d-MMM, y"}
+ yMd{"dd/MM/y"}
+ yQQQ{"y, QQQ"}
+ yQQQQ{"y, QQQQ"}
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Ya",
+ "Du",
+ "Se",
+ "Ch",
+ "Pa",
+ "Ju",
+ "Sh",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "Y",
+ "D",
+ "S",
+ "C",
+ "P",
+ "J",
+ "S",
+ }
+ short{
+ "Ya",
+ "Du",
+ "Se",
+ "Ch",
+ "Pa",
+ "Ju",
+ "Sh",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "yakshanba",
+ "dushanba",
+ "seshanba",
+ "chorshanba",
+ "payshanba",
+ "juma",
+ "shanba",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Ya",
+ "Du",
+ "Se",
+ "Ch",
+ "Pa",
+ "Ju",
+ "Sh",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "Y",
+ "D",
+ "S",
+ "C",
+ "P",
+ "J",
+ "S",
+ }
+ short{
+ "Ya",
+ "Du",
+ "Se",
+ "Ch",
+ "Pa",
+ "Ju",
+ "Sh",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "yakshanba",
+ "dushanba",
+ "seshanba",
+ "chorshanba",
+ "payshanba",
+ "juma",
+ "shanba",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayPeriod{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ afternoon1{"kunduzi"}
+ evening1{"kechqurun"}
+ midnight{"yarim kechasi"}
+ morning1{"ertalab"}
+ night1{"kechasi"}
+ noon{"tush payti"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ afternoon1{"kunduzi"}
+ evening1{"kechqurun"}
+ midnight{"yarim kechasi"}
+ morning1{"ertalab"}
+ night1{"kechasi"}
+ noon{"tush payti"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ afternoon1{"kunduzi"}
+ evening1{"kechqurun"}
+ midnight{"yarim kechasi"}
+ morning1{"ertalab"}
+ night1{"kechasi"}
+ noon{"tush payti"}
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ afternoon1{"kunduzi"}
+ am{"TO"}
+ evening1{"kechqurun"}
+ midnight{"yarim kechasi"}
+ morning1{"ertalab"}
+ night1{"kechasi"}
+ noon{"tush payti"}
+ pm{"TK"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ afternoon1{"kunduzi"}
+ am{"TO"}
+ evening1{"kechqurun"}
+ midnight{"yarim kechasi"}
+ morning1{"ertalab"}
+ night1{"kechasi"}
+ noon{"tush payti"}
+ pm{"TK"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ afternoon1{"kunduzi"}
+ am{"TO"}
+ evening1{"kechqurun"}
+ midnight{"yarim kechasi"}
+ morning1{"ertalab"}
+ night1{"kechasi"}
+ noon{"tush payti"}
+ pm{"TK"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "m.a.",
+ "milodiy",
+ }
+ abbreviated%variant{
+ "e.a.",
+ "CE",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "miloddan avvalgi",
+ "milodiy",
+ }
+ wide%variant{
+ "eramizdan avvalgi",
+ "CE",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH–HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm–HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH–HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M–M"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, dd/MM – E, dd/MM"}
+ d{"E, dd/MM – E, dd/MM"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"MMM–MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM"}
+ d{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d-MMM – d-MMM"}
+ d{"d – d-MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"dd/MM – dd/MM"}
+ d{"dd/MM – dd/MM"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d–d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"h a – h a"}
+ h{"h–h a"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a"}
+ h{"h:mm–h:mm a"}
+ m{"h:mm–h:mm a"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mm a – h:mm a v"}
+ h{"h:mm–h:mm a v"}
+ m{"h:mm–h:mm a v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"h a – h a v"}
+ h{"h–h a v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y–y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"MM/y – MM/y"}
+ y{"MM/y – MM/y"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y"}
+ d{"E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y"}
+ y{"E, dd/MM/y – E, dd/MM/y"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"MMM – MMM, y"}
+ y{"MMM, y – MMM, y"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM, y"}
+ d{"E, d-MMM – E, d-MMM, y"}
+ y{"E, d-MMM, y – E, d-MMM, y"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"MMMM – MMMM, y"}
+ y{"MMMM, y – MMMM, y"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d-MMM – d-MMM, y"}
+ d{"d – d-MMM, y"}
+ y{"d-MMM, y – d-MMM, y"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"}
+ d{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"}
+ y{"dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "yan",
+ "fev",
+ "mar",
+ "apr",
+ "may",
+ "iyn",
+ "iyl",
+ "avg",
+ "sen",
+ "okt",
+ "noy",
+ "dek",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "Y",
+ "F",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "I",
+ "I",
+ "A",
+ "S",
+ "O",
+ "N",
+ "D",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "yanvar",
+ "fevral",
+ "mart",
+ "aprel",
+ "may",
+ "iyun",
+ "iyul",
+ "avgust",
+ "Sentabr",
+ "Oktabr",
+ "noyabr",
+ "dekabr",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Yanv",
+ "Fev",
+ "Mar",
+ "Apr",
+ "May",
+ "Iyun",
+ "Iyul",
+ "Avg",
+ "Sen",
+ "Okt",
+ "Noya",
+ "Dek",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "Y",
+ "F",
+ "M",
+ "A",
+ "M",
+ "I",
+ "I",
+ "A",
+ "S",
+ "O",
+ "N",
+ "D",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Yanvar",
+ "Fevral",
+ "Mart",
+ "Aprel",
+ "May",
+ "Iyun",
+ "Iyul",
+ "Avgust",
+ "Sentabr",
+ "Oktabr",
+ "Noyabr",
+ "Dekabr",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1-ch",
+ "2-ch",
+ "3-ch",
+ "4-ch",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1-chorak",
+ "2-chorak",
+ "3-chorak",
+ "4-chorak",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "1-ch",
+ "2-ch",
+ "3-ch",
+ "4-ch",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1-chorak",
+ "2-chorak",
+ "3-chorak",
+ "4-chorak",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ islamic{
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ wide{
+ "Muharram",
+ "Safar",
+ "Robiʼ ul-avval",
+ "Robiʼ ul-oxir",
+ "Jumad ul-avval",
+ "Jumad ul-oxir",
+ "Rajab",
+ "Shaʼbon",
+ "Ramazon",
+ "Shavvol",
+ "Zul-qaʼda",
+ "Zul-hijja",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"‘"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"’"}
+ quotationEnd{"”"}
+ quotationStart{"“"}
+ }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"kun"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"kecha"}
+ "0"{"bugun"}
+ "1"{"ertaga"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} kundan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} kundan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} kun oldin"}
+ other{"{0} kun oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-narrow{
+ dn{"kun"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} kundan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} kundan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} kun oldin"}
+ other{"{0} kun oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-short{
+ dn{"kun"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} kundan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} kundan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} kun oldin"}
+ other{"{0} kun oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"kun qismi"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"era"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan juma"}
+ "0"{"shu juma"}
+ "1"{"keyingi juma"}
+ }
+ }
+ fri-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan juma"}
+ "0"{"shu juma"}
+ "1"{"keyingi juma"}
+ }
+ }
+ fri-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan juma"}
+ "0"{"shu juma"}
+ "1"{"keyingi juma"}
+ }
+ }
+ hour{
+ dn{"soat"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} soatdan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} soatdan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} soat oldin"}
+ other{"{0} soat oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hour-narrow{
+ dn{"soat"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} soatdan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} soatdan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} soat oldin"}
+ other{"{0} soat oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hour-short{
+ dn{"soat"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} soatdan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} soatdan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} soat oldin"}
+ other{"{0} soat oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"daqiqa"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} daqiqadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} daqiqadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} daqiqa oldin"}
+ other{"{0} daqiqa oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-narrow{
+ dn{"daq."}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} daqiqadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} daqiqadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} daqiqa oldin"}
+ other{"{0} daqiqa oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-short{
+ dn{"daq."}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} daqiqadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} daqiqadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} daqiqa oldin"}
+ other{"{0} daqiqa oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan dushanba"}
+ "0"{"shu dushanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi dushanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ mon-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan dushanba"}
+ "0"{"shu dushanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi dushanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ mon-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan dushanba"}
+ "0"{"shu dushanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi dushanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"oy"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan oy"}
+ "0"{"shu oy"}
+ "1"{"keyingi oy"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} oydan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} oydan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} oy oldin"}
+ other{"{0} oy oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-narrow{
+ dn{"oy"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} oydan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} oydan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} oy oldin"}
+ other{"{0} oy oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-short{
+ dn{"oy"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} oydan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} oydan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} oy oldin"}
+ other{"{0} oy oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarter{
+ dn{"chorak"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} chorakdan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} chorakdan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} chorak oldin"}
+ other{"{0} chorak oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarter-narrow{
+ dn{"ch"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} chorakdan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} chorakdan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} chorak oldin"}
+ other{"{0} chorak oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarter-short{
+ dn{"ch"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} chorakdan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} chorakdan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} chorak oldin"}
+ other{"{0} chorak oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sat{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan shanba"}
+ "0"{"shu shanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi shanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ sat-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan shanba"}
+ "0"{"shu shanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi shanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ sat-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan shanba"}
+ "0"{"shu shanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi shanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ second{
+ dn{"soniya"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"hozir"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} soniyadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} soniyadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} soniya oldin"}
+ other{"{0} soniya oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ second-narrow{
+ dn{"son."}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} soniyadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} soniyadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} soniya oldin"}
+ other{"{0} soniya oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ second-short{
+ dn{"son."}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} soniyadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} soniyadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} soniya oldin"}
+ other{"{0} soniya oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan yakshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu yakshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi yakshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ sun-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan yakshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu yakshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi yakshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ sun-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan yakshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu yakshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi yakshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan payshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu payshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi payshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan payshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu payshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi payshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan payshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu payshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi payshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan seshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu seshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi seshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan seshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu seshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi seshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan seshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu seshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi seshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan chorshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu chorshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi chorshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan chorshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu chorshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi chorshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan chorshanba"}
+ "0"{"shu chorshanba"}
+ "1"{"keyingi chorshanba"}
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"hafta"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"o‘tgan hafta"}
+ "0"{"shu hafta"}
+ "1"{"keyingi hafta"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} haftadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} haftadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} hafta oldin"}
+ other{"{0} hafta oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week-narrow{
+ dn{"hafta"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} haftadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} haftadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} hafta oldin"}
+ other{"{0} hafta oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week-short{
+ dn{"hafta"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} haftadan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} haftadan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} hafta oldin"}
+ other{"{0} hafta oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ weekday{
+ dn{"hafta kuni"}
+ }
+ year{
+ dn{"yil"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"oʻtgan yil"}
+ "0"{"bu yil"}
+ "1"{"keyingi yil"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} yildan soʻng"}
+ other{"{0} yildan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} yil oldin"}
+ other{"{0} yil oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ year-narrow{
+ dn{"yil"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"oʻtgan yil"}
+ "0"{"bu yil"}
+ "1"{"keyingi yil"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} yildan so‘ng"}
+ other{"{0} yildan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} yil oldin"}
+ other{"{0} yil oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ year-short{
+ dn{"yil"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"oʻtgan yil"}
+ "0"{"bu yil"}
+ "1"{"keyingi yil"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ one{"{0} yildan soʻng"}
+ other{"{0} yildan so‘ng"}
+ }
+ past{
+ one{"{0} yil oldin"}
+ other{"{0} yil oldin"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone{
+ dn{"vaqt mintaqasi"}
+ }
+ }
+ listPattern{
+ standard{
+ 2{"{0} va {1}"}
+ end{"{0} va {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit{
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-narrow{
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-short{
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ }
+ measurementSystemNames{
+ UK{"Buyuk Britaniya"}
+ US{"AQSH"}
+ metric{"Metrik"}
- Version{""}