- * MessageFormat produces concatenated messages in a language-neutral
- * way. Use this whenever concatenating strings that are displayed to
- * end users.
- *
- * <P>A MessageFormat contains an array of <EM>subformats</EM> arranged
- * within a <EM>template string</EM>. Together, the subformats and
- * template string determine how the MessageFormat will operate during
- * formatting and parsing.
- *
- * <P>Typically, both the subformats and the template string are
- * specified at once in a <EM>pattern</EM>. By using different
- * patterns for different locales, messages may be localized.
- *
- * <P>When formatting, MessageFormat takes an array of arguments
- * and produces a user-readable string. Each argument is a
- * Formattable object; they may be passed in in an array, or as a
- * single Formattable object which itself contains an array. Each
- * argument is matched up with its corresponding subformat, which then
- * formats it into a string. The resulting strings are then assembled
- * within the string template of the MessageFormat to produce the
- * final output string.
- *
- * <p><strong>Note:</strong>
- * In ICU 4.0 MessageFormat supports named arguments. If a named argument
- * is used, all arguments must be named. Names start with a character in
- * <code>UCHAR_ID_START</code> and continue with characters in
- * <code>UCHARID_CONTINUE</code>, in particular they do not start with a digit.
- * If named arguments are used, {@link #usesNamedArguments()} will return true.
- *
- * <p>The other new methods supporting named arguments are
- * {@link #getFormatNames(UErrorCode& status)},
- * {@link #getFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, UErrorCode& status)}
- * {@link #setFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, const Format& format, UErrorCode& status)},
- * {@link #adoptFormat(const UnicodeString& formatName, Format* formatToAdopt, UErrorCode& status)},
- * {@link #format(const UnicodeString* argumentNames, const Formattable* arguments,
- * int32_t count, UnicodeString& appendTo,UErrorCode& status)}.
- * These methods are all compatible with patterns that do not used named arguments--
- * in these cases the keys in the input or output use <code>UnicodeString</code>s
- * that name the argument indices, e.g. "0", "1", "2"... etc.
- *
- * <p>If this format uses named arguments, certain methods that take or
- * return arrays do not perform any action, since it is not possible to
- * identify positions in an array using a name. Of these methods,
- * UErrorCode is set to U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR by format, and to
- * These methods are
- * {@link #adoptFormats(Format** formatsToAdopt, int32_t count)},
- * {@link #setFormats(const Format** newFormats,int32_t count)},
- * {@link #adoptFormat(int32_t n, Format *newFormat)},
- * {@link #setFormat(int32_t n, Format& newFormat)},
- * {@link #format(const Formattable* source, int32_t count, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& ignore, UErrorCode& success)},
- * {@link #format(const UnicodeString& pattern,const Formattable* arguments,int32_t cnt,UnicodeString& appendTo,UErrorCode& success)},
- * {@link #format(const Formattable& source, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& ignore, UErrorCode& success)},
- * {@link #format(const Formattable* arguments, int32_t cnt, UnicodeString& appendTo, FieldPosition& status, int32_t recursionProtection,UErrorCode& success)},
- * {@link #parse(const UnicodeString& source, ParsePosition& pos, int32_t& count)},
- * {@link #parse(const UnicodeString& source, int32_t& cnt, UErrorCode& status)}
- *
- * <P>
- * During parsing, an input string is matched against the string
- * template of the MessageFormat to produce an array of Formattable
- * objects. Plain text of the template string is matched directly
- * against input text. At each position in the template string where
- * a subformat is located, the subformat is called to parse the
- * corresponding segment of input text to produce an output argument.
- * In this way, an array of arguments is created which together
- * constitute the parse result.
- * <P>
- * Parsing may fail or produce unexpected results in a number of
- * circumstances.
- * <UL>
- * <LI>If one of the arguments does not occur in the pattern, it
- * will be returned as a default Formattable.
- * <LI>If the format of an argument loses information, such as with
- * a choice format where a large number formats to "many", then the
- * parse may not correspond to the originally formatted argument.
- * <LI>MessageFormat does not handle ChoiceFormat recursion during
- * parsing; such parses will fail.
- * <LI>Parsing will not always find a match (or the correct match) if
- * some part of the parse is ambiguous. For example, if the pattern
- * "{1},{2}" is used with the string arguments {"a,b", "c"}, it will
- * format as "a,b,c". When the result is parsed, it will return {"a",
- * "b,c"}.
- * <LI>If a single argument is formatted more than once in the string,
- * then the rightmost subformat in the pattern string will produce the
- * parse result; prior subformats with the same argument index will
- * have no effect.
- * </UL>
- * Here are some examples of usage:
- * <P>
+ * argNameOrNumber = argName | argNumber
+ * argName = [^[[:Pattern_Syntax:][:Pattern_White_Space:]]]+
+ * argNumber = '0' | ('1'..'9' ('0'..'9')*)
+ *
+ * argType = "number" | "date" | "time" | "spellout" | "ordinal" | "duration"
+ * argStyle = "short" | "medium" | "long" | "full" | "integer" | "currency" | "percent" | argStyleText | "::" argSkeletonText
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>messageText can contain quoted literal strings including syntax characters.
+ * A quoted literal string begins with an ASCII apostrophe and a syntax character
+ * (usually a {curly brace}) and continues until the next single apostrophe.
+ * A double ASCII apostrohpe inside or outside of a quoted string represents
+ * one literal apostrophe.
+ * <li>Quotable syntax characters are the {curly braces} in all messageText parts,
+ * plus the '#' sign in a messageText immediately inside a pluralStyle,
+ * and the '|' symbol in a messageText immediately inside a choiceStyle.
+ * <li>See also {@link #UMessagePatternApostropheMode}
+ * <li>In argStyleText, every single ASCII apostrophe begins and ends quoted literal text,
+ * and unquoted {curly braces} must occur in matched pairs.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>Recommendation: Use the real apostrophe (single quote) character
+ * \htmlonly’\endhtmlonly (U+2019) for
+ * human-readable text, and use the ASCII apostrophe ' (U+0027)
+ * only in program syntax, like quoting in MessageFormat.
+ * See the annotations for U+0027 Apostrophe in The Unicode Standard.
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>choice</code> argument type is deprecated.
+ * Use <code>plural</code> arguments for proper plural selection,
+ * and <code>select</code> arguments for simple selection among a fixed set of choices.
+ *
+ * <p>The <code>argType</code> and <code>argStyle</code> values are used to create
+ * a <code>Format</code> instance for the format element. The following
+ * table shows how the values map to Format instances. Combinations not
+ * shown in the table are illegal. Any <code>argStyleText</code> must
+ * be a valid pattern string for the Format subclass used.
+ *
+ * <p><table border=1>
+ * <tr>
+ * <th>argType
+ * <th>argStyle
+ * <th>resulting Format object
+ * <tr>
+ * <td colspan=2><i>(none)</i>
+ * <td><code>null</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td rowspan=6><code>number</code>
+ * <td><i>(none)</i>
+ * <td><code>NumberFormat.createInstance(getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>integer</code>
+ * <td><code>NumberFormat.createInstance(getLocale(), kNumberStyle, status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>currency</code>
+ * <td><code>NumberFormat.createCurrencyInstance(getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>percent</code>
+ * <td><code>NumberFormat.createPercentInstance(getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><i>argStyleText</i>
+ * <td><code>new DecimalFormat(argStyleText, new DecimalFormatSymbols(getLocale(), status), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><i>argSkeletonText</i>
+ * <td><code>NumberFormatter::forSkeleton(argSkeletonText, status).locale(getLocale()).toFormat(status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td rowspan=7><code>date</code>
+ * <td><i>(none)</i>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>short</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kShort, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>medium</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>long</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kLong, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>full</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createDateInstance(kFull, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><i>argStyleText</i>
+ * <td><code>new SimpleDateFormat(argStyleText, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><i>argSkeletonText</i>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat::createInstanceForSkeleton(argSkeletonText, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td rowspan=6><code>time</code>
+ * <td><i>(none)</i>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>short</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kShort, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>medium</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kDefault, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>long</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kLong, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>full</code>
+ * <td><code>DateFormat.createTimeInstance(kFull, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><i>argStyleText</i>
+ * <td><code>new SimpleDateFormat(argStyleText, getLocale(), status)</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>spellout</code>
+ * <td><i>argStyleText (optional)</i>
+ * <td><code>new RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNF_SPELLOUT, getLocale(), status)
+ * <br/> .setDefaultRuleset(argStyleText, status);</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>ordinal</code>
+ * <td><i>argStyleText (optional)</i>
+ * <td><code>new RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNF_ORDINAL, getLocale(), status)
+ * <br/> .setDefaultRuleset(argStyleText, status);</code>
+ * <tr>
+ * <td><code>duration</code>
+ * <td><i>argStyleText (optional)</i>
+ * <td><code>new RuleBasedNumberFormat(URBNF_DURATION, getLocale(), status)
+ * <br/> .setDefaultRuleset(argStyleText, status);</code>
+ * </table>
+ * <p>
+ *
+ * <h4>Argument formatting</h4>
+ *
+ * <p>Arguments are formatted according to their type, using the default
+ * ICU formatters for those types, unless otherwise specified.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>There are also several ways to control the formatting.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>We recommend you use default styles, predefined style values, skeletons,
+ * or preformatted values, but not pattern strings or custom format objects.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For more details, see the
+ * <a href="http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/messages">ICU User Guide</a>.</p>
+ *
+ * <h4>Usage Information</h4>
+ *
+ * <p>Here are some examples of usage: