-// ***************************************************************************
-// *
-// * Copyright (C) 2010 International Business Machines
-// * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
-// * Tool: com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.cldr.LDML2ICUConverter.java
-// * Source File:<path>/common/main/zh_Hans_SG.xml
-// *
-// ***************************************************************************
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
- Version{""}
+ Version{""}
- gregorian{
- DateTimeElements:intvector{
- 1,
- 4,
+ buddhist{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gd/M/yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ generic{
- "zzzzah时mm分ss秒",
- "ahh:mm:ssz",
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
- "ahh:mm",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "dd/MM/yyGGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ H{"H时"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
+ MMMMdd{"M月d日"}
+ MMdd{"MM-dd"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
+ h{"ah时"}
+ hm{"ah:mm"}
+ hms{"ah:mm:ss"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ yyyyMEd{"Gy年M月d日,E"}
+ yyyyMd{"Gy年M月d日"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ Hmv{
+ H{"vHH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"vHH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"vHH–HH"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M-dE至M-dE"}
+ d{"M-dE至M-dE"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ d{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M-d至M-d"}
+ d{"M-d至M-d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
+ yM{
+ M{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"d/M/yE至d/M/yE"}
+ d{"d/M/yE至d/M/yE"}
+ y{"d/M/yE至d/M/yE"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"d/M/y至d/M/y"}
+ d{"d/M/y至d/M/y"}
+ y{"d/M/y至d/M/y"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
- "yyyy-M-d",
+ "y年M月d日",
"{1} {0}",
- "{1}{0}",
- "{1}{0}",
"{1} {0}",
"{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
+ MMM{"M月"}
+ MMMMdd{"M月d日"}
+ MMdd{"MM-dd"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
+ yMEd{"y年M月d日,E"}
+ yMd{"y年M月d日"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ Hmv{
+ H{"vHH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ m{"vHH:mm–HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"vHH–HH"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"M-dE至M-dE"}
+ d{"M-dE至M-dE"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ d{"M月d日E至M月d日E"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"M-d至M-d"}
+ d{"M-d至M-d"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d日至d日"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0}至{1}"}
+ yM{
+ M{"y年M月至y年M月"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"d/M/yE至d/M/yE"}
+ d{"d/M/yE至d/M/yE"}
+ y{"d/M/yE至d/M/yE"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"d/M/y至d/M/y"}
+ d{"d/M/y至d/M/y"}
+ y{"d/M/y至d/M/y"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ islamic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gd/M/yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ }
+ japanese{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gd/M/yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ MEd{"M/dE"}
+ Md{"M/d"}
+ }
+ }
+ roc{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "zzzz ah:mm:ss",
+ "z ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm:ss",
+ "ah:mm",
+ "Gy年M月d日EEEE",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gy年M月d日",
+ "Gd/M/yy",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ MEd{"M-dE"}
+ MMM{"M月"}
+ Md{"M-d"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fields{
+ second{
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ other{"{0}秒后"}
+ }
+ past{
+ other{"{0}秒前"}
+ }