+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "unicode/udat.h"
#include "unicode/uscript.h"
#include "unicode/ulocdata.h"
+#include "unicode/utf16.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "locmap.h"
#include "uresimp.h"
for (idx = 0; idx < origItemCount; idx++) {
graphmeSize = uset_getItem(origSet, idx,
&start, &end,
- graphme, (int32_t)(sizeof(graphme)/sizeof(graphme[0])),
+ graphme, UPRV_LENGTHOF(graphme),
if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
log_err("ERROR: uset_getItem returned %s\n", u_errorName(*status));
uset_addRange(newSet, start, end);
+ uset_closeOver(newSet,USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE);
return newSet;
static UBool
isCurrencyPreEuro(const char* currencyKey){
if( strcmp(currencyKey, "PTE") == 0 ||
return FALSE;
static void
TestKeyInRootRecursive(UResourceBundle *root, const char *rootName,
UResourceBundle *currentBundle, const char *locale) {
errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
currentBundleKey = ures_getKey(currentBundle);
+ (void)currentBundleKey; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
subBundle = ures_getNextResource(currentBundle, NULL, &errorCode);
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
log_err("Can't open a resource for lnocale %s. Error: %s\n", locale, u_errorName(errorCode));
+ (void)sameArray; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
/* if (sameArray && strcmp(rootName, "root") == 0) {
log_err("Arrays are the same with key \"%s\" in \"%s\" from root for locale \"%s\"\n",
static void
testLCID(UResourceBundle *currentBundle,
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
uint32_t expectedLCID;
char lcidStringC[64] = {0};
+ int32_t len;
expectedLCID = uloc_getLCID(localeName);
if (expectedLCID == 0) {
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- uprv_strcpy(lcidStringC, uprv_convertToPosix(expectedLCID, &status));
+ len = uprv_convertToPosix(expectedLCID, lcidStringC, UPRV_LENGTHOF(lcidStringC) - 1, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
log_err("ERROR: %.4x does not have a POSIX mapping due to %s\n",
expectedLCID, u_errorName(status));
+ lcidStringC[len] = 0;
if(strcmp(localeName, lcidStringC) != 0) {
char langName[1024];
log_verbose("WARNING: %-5s resolves to %s (0x%.4x)\n",
localeName, lcidStringC, expectedLCID);
- else {
+ else if (!(strcmp(localeName, "ku") == 0 && log_knownIssue("20181", "ICU-20181 Fix LCID mapping for ckb vs ku"))) {
log_err("ERROR: %-5s has 0x%.4x and the number resolves wrongfully to %s\n",
localeName, expectedLCID, lcidStringC);
static void
TestLocaleStructure(void) {
+ // This test checks the locale structure against a key file located
+ // at source/test/testdata/structLocale.txt. When adding new data to
+ // a locale file such as en.txt, the structLocale.txt file must be changed
+ // too to include the the template of the new data. Otherwise this test
+ // will fail!
UResourceBundle *root, *currentLocale;
int32_t locCount = uloc_countAvailable();
int32_t locIndex;
resolvedLoc = ures_getLocaleByType(currentLocale, ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, &errorCode);
- if (strcmp(resolvedLoc, currLoc) != 0) {
+ if (strcmp(resolvedLoc, currLoc) != 0 && strcmp(currLoc, "ars") != 0 && strcmp(currLoc, "wuu") != 0 // /* ars,wuu are aliased locales */
+ && strcmp(currLoc, "ur_Arab_IN") != 0 && strcmp(currLoc, "ur_Aran_IN") != 0 /* so are ur_Ara?_IN <rdar://problem/47494884> */
+ && strcmp(currLoc, "pa_Aran") != 0) { /* and pa_Aran <rdar://problem/51418203> */
/* All locales have at least a Version resource.
If it's absolutely empty, then the previous test will fail too.*/
log_err("Locale resolves to different locale. Is %s an alias of %s?\n",
static void
compareArrays(const char *keyName,
static void
compareConsistentCountryInfo(const char *fromLocale, const char *toLocale) {
UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- UResourceBundle *fromDateTimeElements, *toDateTimeElements, *fromWeekendData = NULL, *toWeekendData = NULL;
UResourceBundle *fromArray, *toArray;
UResourceBundle *fromLocaleBund = ures_open(NULL, fromLocale, &errorCode);
UResourceBundle *toLocaleBund = ures_open(NULL, toLocale, &errorCode);
fromCalendar = ures_getByKey(fromLocaleBund, "calendar", NULL, &errorCode);
fromGregorian = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(fromCalendar, "gregorian", NULL, &errorCode);
- fromDateTimeElements = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(fromGregorian, "DateTimeElements", NULL, &errorCode);
toCalendar = ures_getByKey(toLocaleBund, "calendar", NULL, &errorCode);
toGregorian = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(toCalendar, "gregorian", NULL, &errorCode);
- toDateTimeElements = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(toGregorian, "DateTimeElements", NULL, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)){
- log_err("Did not get DateTimeElements from the bundle %s or %s\n", fromLocale, toLocale);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- fromWeekendData = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(fromGregorian, "weekend", NULL, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)){
- log_err("Did not get weekend data from the bundle %s to compare against %s\n", fromLocale, toLocale);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- toWeekendData = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(toGregorian, "weekend", NULL, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)){
- log_err("Did not get weekend data from the bundle %s to compare against %s\n", toLocale, fromLocale);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (strcmp(fromLocale, "ar_IN") != 0)
- {
- int32_t fromSize;
- int32_t toSize;
- int32_t idx;
- const int32_t *fromBundleArr = ures_getIntVector(fromDateTimeElements, &fromSize, &errorCode);
- const int32_t *toBundleArr = ures_getIntVector(toDateTimeElements, &toSize, &errorCode);
- if (fromSize > toSize) {
- fromSize = toSize;
- log_err("Arrays are different size with key \"DateTimeElements\" from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
- fromLocale,
- toLocale);
- }
- for (idx = 0; idx < fromSize; idx++) {
- if (fromBundleArr[idx] != toBundleArr[idx]) {
- log_err("Difference with key \"DateTimeElements\" at index %d from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
- idx,
- fromLocale,
- toLocale);
- }
- }
- }
- /* test for weekend data */
- {
- int32_t fromSize;
- int32_t toSize;
- int32_t idx;
- const int32_t *fromBundleArr = ures_getIntVector(fromWeekendData, &fromSize, &errorCode);
- const int32_t *toBundleArr = ures_getIntVector(toWeekendData, &toSize, &errorCode);
- if (fromSize > toSize) {
- fromSize = toSize;
- log_err("Arrays are different size with key \"weekend\" data from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
- fromLocale,
- toLocale);
- }
- for (idx = 0; idx < fromSize; idx++) {
- if (fromBundleArr[idx] != toBundleArr[idx]) {
- log_err("Difference with key \"weekend\" data at index %d from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
- idx,
- fromLocale,
- toLocale);
- }
- }
- }
fromArray = ures_getByKey(fromLocaleBund, "CurrencyElements", NULL, &errorCode);
toArray = ures_getByKey(toLocaleBund, "CurrencyElements", NULL, &errorCode);
- ures_close(fromDateTimeElements);
- ures_close(toDateTimeElements);
- ures_close(fromWeekendData);
- ures_close(toWeekendData);
fromVariantLen = uloc_getVariant(fromLocale, fromVariant, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &errorCode);
if (fromVariantLen > 0) {
- /* Most variants are ignorable like PREEURO, or collation variants. */
+ /* Most variants are ignorable like collation variants. */
/* Start comparing only after the current index.
toVariantLen = uloc_getVariant(toLocale, toVariant, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &errorCode);
if (toVariantLen > 0) {
- /* Most variants are ignorable like PREEURO, or collation variants. */
+ /* Most variants are ignorable like collation variants. */
/* They're a variant for a reason. */
static int32_t
findStringSetMismatch(const char *currLoc, const UChar *string, int32_t langSize,
- const UChar *exemplarCharacters, int32_t exemplarLen,
- UBool ignoreNumbers, UChar* badCharPtr) {
+ USet * mergedExemplarSet,
+ UBool ignoreNumbers, UChar32* badCharPtr) {
UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- USet *origSet = uset_openPatternOptions(exemplarCharacters, exemplarLen, USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE, &errorCode);
- USet *exemplarSet = createFlattenSet(origSet, &errorCode);
+ USet *exemplarSet;
int32_t strIdx;
- uset_close(origSet);
+ if (mergedExemplarSet == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ exemplarSet = createFlattenSet(mergedExemplarSet, &errorCode);
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- log_err("%s: error uset_openPattern returned %s\n", currLoc, u_errorName(errorCode));
+ log_err("%s: error createFlattenSet returned %s\n", currLoc, u_errorName(errorCode));
return -1;
- for (strIdx = 0; strIdx < langSize; strIdx++) {
- if (!uset_contains(exemplarSet, string[strIdx])
- && string[strIdx] != 0x0020 && string[strIdx] != 0x00A0 && string[strIdx] != 0x002e && string[strIdx] != 0x002c && string[strIdx] != 0x002d && string[strIdx] != 0x0027 && string[strIdx] != 0x2019 && string[strIdx] != 0x0f0b
- && string[strIdx] != 0x200C && string[strIdx] != 0x200D) {
- if (!ignoreNumbers || (ignoreNumbers && (string[strIdx] < 0x30 || string[strIdx] > 0x39))) {
+ for (strIdx = 0; strIdx < langSize;) {
+ UChar32 testChar;
+ U16_NEXT(string, strIdx, langSize, testChar);
+ if (!uset_contains(exemplarSet, testChar)
+ && testChar != 0x0020 && testChar != 0x00A0 && testChar != 0x002e && testChar != 0x002c && testChar != 0x002d && testChar != 0x0027
+ && testChar != 0x005B && testChar != 0x005D && testChar != 0x2019 && testChar != 0x0f0b && testChar != 0x200C && testChar != 0x200D) {
+ if (!ignoreNumbers || (ignoreNumbers && (testChar < 0x30 || testChar > 0x39))) {
if (badCharPtr) {
- *badCharPtr = string[strIdx];
+ *badCharPtr = testChar;
return strIdx;
static void VerifyTranslation(void) {
- static const UVersionInfo icu47 = { 4, 7, 0, 0 };
UResourceBundle *root, *currentLocale;
int32_t locCount = uloc_countAvailable();
int32_t locIndex;
UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- int32_t exemplarLen;
- const UChar *exemplarCharacters;
const char *currLoc;
UScriptCode scripts[USCRIPT_CODE_LIMIT];
int32_t numScripts;
for (locIndex = 0; locIndex < locCount; locIndex++) {
+ USet * mergedExemplarSet = NULL;
currLoc = uloc_getAvailable(locIndex);
currentLocale = ures_open(NULL, currLoc, &errorCode);
- exemplarCharacters = ures_getStringByKey(currentLocale, "ExemplarCharacters", &exemplarLen, &errorCode);
- if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
- log_err("error ures_getStringByKey returned %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
+ {
+ UErrorCode exemplarStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ULocaleData * uld = ulocdata_open(currLoc, &exemplarStatus);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(exemplarStatus)) {
+ USet * exemplarSet = ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld, NULL, USET_ADD_CASE_MAPPINGS, ULOCDATA_ES_STANDARD, &exemplarStatus);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(exemplarStatus)) {
+ mergedExemplarSet = uset_cloneAsThawed(exemplarSet);
+ uset_close(exemplarSet);
+ exemplarSet = ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld, NULL, USET_ADD_CASE_MAPPINGS, ULOCDATA_ES_AUXILIARY, &exemplarStatus);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(exemplarStatus)) {
+ uset_addAll(mergedExemplarSet, exemplarSet);
+ uset_close(exemplarSet);
+ }
+ exemplarStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ exemplarSet = ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld, NULL, 0, ULOCDATA_ES_PUNCTUATION, &exemplarStatus);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(exemplarStatus)) {
+ uset_addAll(mergedExemplarSet, exemplarSet);
+ uset_close(exemplarSet);
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_err("error ulocdata_getExemplarSet (main) for locale %s returned %s\n", currLoc, u_errorName(errorCode));
+ }
+ ulocdata_close(uld);
+ } else {
+ log_err("error ulocdata_open for locale %s returned %s\n", currLoc, u_errorName(errorCode));
+ }
- else if (getTestOption(QUICK_OPTION) && exemplarLen > 2048) {
+ if (mergedExemplarSet == NULL /*|| (getTestOption(QUICK_OPTION) && uset_size() > 2048)*/) {
log_verbose("skipping test for %s\n", currLoc);
- else if (uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"bem",3) == 0) {
- log_verbose("skipping test for %s, some month and country names known to use aux exemplars\n", currLoc);
- }
+ //else if (uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"bem",3) == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"mgo",3) == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"nl",2) == 0) {
+ // log_verbose("skipping test for %s, some month and country names known to use aux exemplars\n", currLoc);
+ //}
else {
UChar langBuffer[128];
int32_t langSize;
int32_t strIdx;
- UChar badChar;
- langSize = uloc_getDisplayLanguage(currLoc, currLoc, langBuffer, sizeof(langBuffer)/sizeof(langBuffer[0]), &errorCode);
+ UChar32 badChar;
+ langSize = uloc_getDisplayLanguage(currLoc, currLoc, langBuffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(langBuffer), &errorCode);
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
log_err("error uloc_getDisplayLanguage returned %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- }
- else {
- strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, langBuffer, langSize, exemplarCharacters, exemplarLen, FALSE, &badChar);
+ } else if (uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"gez",3) == 0 || uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"sa") == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"sa_",3) == 0) { // Apple xtra locales
+ log_verbose("skipping DisplayLanguage test for %s, name or exemplars may need adjustment\n", currLoc);
+ } else {
+ strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, langBuffer, langSize, mergedExemplarSet, FALSE, &badChar);
if (strIdx >= 0) {
- log_err("getDisplayLanguage(%s) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X.\n",
- currLoc, strIdx, badChar);
+ char bbuf[256];
+ log_err("getDisplayLanguage(%s) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X in \"%s\"\n",
+ currLoc, strIdx, badChar, u_austrncpy(bbuf,langBuffer,langSize));
- langSize = uloc_getDisplayCountry(currLoc, currLoc, langBuffer, sizeof(langBuffer)/sizeof(langBuffer[0]), &errorCode);
+ langSize = uloc_getDisplayCountry(currLoc, currLoc, langBuffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(langBuffer), &errorCode);
if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
log_err("error uloc_getDisplayCountry returned %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
- else if (uprv_strstr(currLoc, "ti_") != currLoc || isICUVersionAtLeast(icu47)) { /* TODO: restore DisplayCountry test for ti_* when cldrbug 3058 is fixed) */
- strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, langBuffer, langSize, exemplarCharacters, exemplarLen, FALSE, &badChar);
- if (strIdx >= 0) {
- log_err("getDisplayCountry(%s) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X.\n",
- currLoc, strIdx, badChar);
- }
- }
- {
+ if ( uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"ba") == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"ba_",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"cv") == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"cv_",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"dv") == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"dv_",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"sa") == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"sa_",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"kaj",3) == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"kpe",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"nqo",3) == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"sat",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"syr",3) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"ks_Deva") == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"mni_Mtei",8) == 0 ||
+ uprv_strcmp(currLoc,"sd_Deva") == 0 ) { // Apple xtra locales
+ log_verbose("skipping day/month tests for %s, missing some translated names\n", currLoc);
+ } else {
UResourceBundle* cal = ures_getByKey(currentLocale, "calendar", NULL, &errorCode);
UResourceBundle* greg = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(cal, "gregorian", NULL, &errorCode);
UResourceBundle* names = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(greg, "dayNames", NULL, &errorCode);
end = ures_getSize(resArray);
+ if ((uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"lrc",3) == 0 || uprv_strncmp(currLoc,"mzn",3) == 0) &&
+ log_knownIssue("cldrbug:8899", "lrc and mzn locales don't have translated day names")) {
+ end = 0;
+ }
for (idx = 0; idx < end; idx++) {
const UChar *fromBundleStr = ures_getStringByIndex(resArray, idx, &langSize, &errorCode);
log_err("error ures_getStringByIndex(%d) returned %s\n", idx, u_errorName(errorCode));
- strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, fromBundleStr, langSize, exemplarCharacters, exemplarLen, TRUE, &badChar);
- if (strIdx >= 0) {
+ strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, fromBundleStr, langSize, mergedExemplarSet, TRUE, &badChar);
+ if ( strIdx >= 0 ) {
log_err("getDayNames(%s, %d) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X.\n",
currLoc, idx, strIdx, badChar);
log_err("error ures_getStringByIndex(%d) returned %s\n", idx, u_errorName(errorCode));
- strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, fromBundleStr, langSize, exemplarCharacters, exemplarLen, TRUE, &badChar);
+ strIdx = findStringSetMismatch(currLoc, fromBundleStr, langSize, mergedExemplarSet, TRUE, &badChar);
if (strIdx >= 0) {
log_err("getMonthNames(%s, %d) at index %d returned characters not in the exemplar characters: %04X.\n",
currLoc, idx, strIdx, badChar);
errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- numScripts = uscript_getCode(currLoc, scripts, sizeof(scripts)/sizeof(scripts[0]), &errorCode);
+ numScripts = uscript_getCode(currLoc, scripts, UPRV_LENGTHOF(scripts), &errorCode);
+ if (strcmp(currLoc, "yi") == 0 && numScripts > 0 && log_knownIssue("11217", "Fix result of uscript_getCode for yi: USCRIPT_YI -> USCRIPT_HEBREW")) {
+ scripts[0] = USCRIPT_HEBREW;
+ }
if (numScripts == 0) {
log_err("uscript_getCode(%s) doesn't work.\n", currLoc);
}else if(scripts[0] == USCRIPT_COMMON){
log_err("ulocdata_getPaperSize did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
- /* test that the MeasurementSystem works API works */
+ /* test that the MeasurementSystem API works */
- UMeasurementSystem measurementSystem = ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem(currLoc, &errorCode);
- if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)){
+ UMeasurementSystem measurementSystem;
+ int32_t height = 0, width = 0;
+ uloc_addLikelySubtags(currLoc, fullLoc, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &errorCode);
+ errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ measurementSystem = ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem(currLoc, &errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
log_err("ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem failed for locale %s with error: %s \n", currLoc, u_errorName(errorCode));
+ } else {
+ if ( strstr(fullLoc, "_US")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_MM")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_LR")!=NULL ) {
+ if(measurementSystem != UMS_US){
+ log_err("ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
+ }
+ } else if ( strstr(fullLoc, "_GB")!=NULL ) {
+ if(measurementSystem != UMS_UK){
+ log_err("ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
+ }
+ } else if (measurementSystem != UMS_SI) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
+ }
- if(strstr(currLoc, "_US")!=NULL || strstr(currLoc, "_MM")!=NULL || strstr(currLoc, "_LR")!=NULL){
- if(measurementSystem != UMS_US){
- log_err("ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
+ errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulocdata_getPaperSize(currLoc, &height, &width, &errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getPaperSize failed for locale %s with error: %s \n", currLoc, u_errorName(errorCode));
+ } else {
+ if ( strstr(fullLoc, "_US")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_BZ")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_CA")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_CL")!=NULL ||
+ strstr(fullLoc, "_CO")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_CR")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_GT")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_MX")!=NULL ||
+ strstr(fullLoc, "_NI")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_PA")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_PH")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_PR")!=NULL ||
+ strstr(fullLoc, "_SV")!=NULL || strstr(fullLoc, "_VE")!=NULL ) {
+ if (height != 279 || width != 216) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getPaperSize did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
+ }
+ } else if (height != 297 || width != 210) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getPaperSize did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
- }else if(measurementSystem != UMS_SI){
- log_err("ulocdata_getMeasurementSystem did not return expected data for locale %s \n", currLoc);
+ if (mergedExemplarSet != NULL) {
+ uset_close(mergedExemplarSet);
+ }
log_err("ExemplarSet contains unassigned characters for locale : %s\n", locale);
codeLen = uscript_getCode(locale, code, 8, &ec);
+ if (strcmp(locale, "yi") == 0 && codeLen > 0 && log_knownIssue("11217", "Fix result of uscript_getCode for yi: USCRIPT_YI -> USCRIPT_HEBREW")) {
+ code[0] = USCRIPT_HEBREW;
+ }
if (!assertSuccess("uscript_getCode", &ec)) goto END;
for (j=0; j<MAX_SCRIPTS_PER_LOCALE; ++j) {
itemCount = uset_getItemCount(exemplarSet);
for (m=0; m<itemCount && !existsInScript; ++m) {
strLen = uset_getItem(exemplarSet, m, &start, &end, ubuf,
- sizeof(ubuf)/sizeof(ubuf[0]), &ec);
+ UPRV_LENGTHOF(ubuf), &ec);
/* failure here might mean str[] needs to be larger */
if (!assertSuccess("uset_getItem", &ec)) goto END;
if (strLen == 0) {
+enum { kUBufMax = 32 };
static void TestLocaleDisplayPattern(void){
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- UChar pattern[32] = {0,};
- UChar separator[32] = {0,};
- ULocaleData *uld = ulocdata_open(uloc_getDefault(), &status);
+ UErrorCode status;
+ UChar pattern[kUBufMax] = {0,};
+ UChar separator[kUBufMax] = {0,};
+ ULocaleData *uld;
+ static const UChar enExpectPat[] = { 0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0x0020,0x0028,0x007B,0x0031,0x007D,0x0029,0 }; /* "{0} ({1})" */
+ static const UChar enExpectSep[] = { 0x002C,0x0020,0 }; /* ", " */
+ static const UChar zhExpectPat[] = { 0x007B,0x0030,0x007D,0xFF08,0x007B,0x0031,0x007D,0xFF09,0 };
+ static const UChar zhExpectSep[] = { 0xFF0C,0 };
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ uld = ulocdata_open("en", &status);
- log_data_err("ulocdata_open error");
- return;
- }
- ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern(uld, pattern, 32, &status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)){
- log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern error!");
+ log_data_err("ulocdata_open en error %s", u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern(uld, pattern, kUBufMax, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)){
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern en error %s", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (u_strcmp(pattern, enExpectPat) != 0) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern en returns unexpected pattern");
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator(uld, separator, kUBufMax, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)){
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator en error %s", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (u_strcmp(separator, enExpectSep) != 0) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator en returns unexpected string ");
+ }
+ ulocdata_close(uld);
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator(uld, separator, 32, &status);
- if (U_FAILURE(status)){
- log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator error!");
+ uld = ulocdata_open("zh", &status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status)){
+ log_data_err("ulocdata_open zh error %s", u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern(uld, pattern, kUBufMax, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)){
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern zh error %s", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (u_strcmp(pattern, zhExpectPat) != 0) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleDisplayPattern zh returns unexpected pattern");
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator(uld, separator, kUBufMax, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)){
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator zh error %s", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (u_strcmp(separator, zhExpectSep) != 0) {
+ log_err("ulocdata_getLocaleSeparator zh returns unexpected string ");
+ }
+ ulocdata_close(uld);
- ulocdata_close(uld);
static void TestCoverage(void){
+static void TestIndexChars(void) {
+ /* Very basic test of ULOCDATA_ES_INDEX.
+ * No comprehensive test of data, just basic check that the code path is alive.
+ */
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ULocaleData *uld;
+ USet *exemplarChars;
+ USet *indexChars;
+ uld = ulocdata_open("en", &status);
+ exemplarChars = uset_openEmpty();
+ indexChars = uset_openEmpty();
+ ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld, exemplarChars, 0, ULOCDATA_ES_STANDARD, &status);
+ ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld, indexChars, 0, ULOCDATA_ES_INDEX, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_data_err("File %s, line %d, Failure opening exemplar chars: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status));
+ goto close_sets;
+ }
+ /* en data, standard exemplars are [a-z], lower case. */
+ /* en data, index characters are [A-Z], upper case. */
+ if ((uset_contains(exemplarChars, (UChar32)0x41) || uset_contains(indexChars, (UChar32)0x61))) {
+ log_err("File %s, line %d, Exemplar characters incorrect.", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ goto close_sets;
+ }
+ if (!(uset_contains(exemplarChars, (UChar32)0x61) && uset_contains(indexChars, (UChar32)0x41) )) {
+ log_err("File %s, line %d, Exemplar characters incorrect.", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
+ goto close_sets;
+ }
+ close_sets:
+ uset_close(exemplarChars);
+ uset_close(indexChars);
+ ulocdata_close(uld);
static void TestCurrencyList(void){
UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+static void TestAvailableIsoCodes(void){
+ UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const char* eurCode = "EUR";
+ const char* usdCode = "USD";
+ const char* lastCode = "RHD";
+ const char* zzzCode = "ZZZ";
+ UDate date1950 = (UDate)-630720000000.0;/* year 1950 */
+ UDate date1970 = (UDate)0.0; /* year 1970 */
+ UDate date1975 = (UDate)173448000000.0; /* year 1975 */
+ UDate date1978 = (UDate)260172000000.0; /* year 1978 */
+ UDate date1981 = (UDate)346896000000.0; /* year 1981 */
+ UDate date1992 = (UDate)693792000000.0; /* year 1992 */
+ UChar* isoCode = (UChar*)malloc(sizeof(UChar) * (uprv_strlen(usdCode) + 1));
+ /* testing available codes with no time ranges */
+ u_charsToUChars(eurCode, isoCode, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(usdCode) + 1);
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) is not found.\n", eurCode);
+ }
+ u_charsToUChars(usdCode, isoCode, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(zzzCode) + 1);
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) is not found.\n", usdCode);
+ }
+ u_charsToUChars(zzzCode, isoCode, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(zzzCode) + 1);
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == TRUE) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) is reported as available, but it doesn't exist.\n", zzzCode);
+ }
+ u_charsToUChars(lastCode, isoCode, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(zzzCode) + 1);
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) is not found.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ /* RHD was used from 1970-02-17 to 1980-04-18*/
+ /* to = null */
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1970, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range >1970-01-01.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1975, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range >1975.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1981, U_DATE_MAX, &errorCode) == TRUE) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was not available in time range >1981.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ /* from = null */
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, date1970, &errorCode) == TRUE) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was not available in time range <1970.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, date1975, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range <1975.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, U_DATE_MIN, date1981, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range <1981.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ /* full ranges */
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1975, date1978, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range 1975-1978.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1970, date1975, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range 1970-1975.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1975, date1981, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range 1975-1981.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1970, date1981, &errorCode) == FALSE) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was available in time range 1970-1981.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1981, date1992, &errorCode) == TRUE) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was not available in time range 1981-1992.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1950, date1970, &errorCode) == TRUE) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ISO code (%s) was not available in time range 1950-1970.\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ /* wrong range - from > to*/
+ if (ucurr_isAvailable(isoCode, date1975, date1970, &errorCode) == TRUE) {
+ log_err("FAIL: Wrong range 1975-1970 for ISO code (%s) was not reported.\n", lastCode);
+ } else if (errorCode != U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: Error code not reported for wrong range 1975-1970 for ISO code (%s).\n", lastCode);
+ }
+ free(isoCode);
+// Apple-specific
+typedef struct {
+ const char* locale;
+ const UChar* quoteStart;
+ const UChar* quoteEnd;
+ const UChar* altQuoteStart;
+ const UChar* altQuoteEnd;
+} DelimItem;
+static const DelimItem delimItems[] = {
+ { "en", u"“", u"”", u"‘", u"’"},
+ { "es", u"«", u"»", u"“", u"”"},
+ { "es_MX", u"“", u"”", u"‘", u"’"},
+ { "ja", u"「", u"」", u"『", u"』"},
+enum {kMaxDelimLen = 8};
+static void TestDelimiters(void){
+ const DelimItem* itemPtr;
+ for (itemPtr = delimItems; itemPtr->locale != NULL; itemPtr++) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ULocaleData* uldat = ulocdata_open(itemPtr->locale, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_data_err("FAIL: ulocdata_open fails for locale %s: %s\n", itemPtr->locale, u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ UChar quoteStart[kMaxDelimLen+1];
+ UChar quoteEnd[kMaxDelimLen+1];
+ UChar altQuoteStart[kMaxDelimLen+1];
+ UChar altQuoteEnd[kMaxDelimLen+1];
+ ulocdata_getDelimiter(uldat, ULOCDATA_QUOTATION_START, quoteStart, kMaxDelimLen, &status);
+ quoteStart[kMaxDelimLen] = 0;
+ ulocdata_getDelimiter(uldat, ULOCDATA_QUOTATION_END, quoteEnd, kMaxDelimLen, &status);
+ quoteEnd[kMaxDelimLen] = 0;
+ ulocdata_getDelimiter(uldat, ULOCDATA_ALT_QUOTATION_START, altQuoteStart, kMaxDelimLen, &status);
+ altQuoteStart[kMaxDelimLen] = 0;
+ ulocdata_getDelimiter(uldat, ULOCDATA_ALT_QUOTATION_END, altQuoteEnd, kMaxDelimLen, &status);
+ altQuoteEnd[kMaxDelimLen] = 0;
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ulocdata_getDelimiter fails for locale %s: %s\n", itemPtr->locale, u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (u_strcmp(quoteStart, itemPtr->quoteStart) != 0 || u_strcmp(quoteEnd, itemPtr->quoteEnd) != 0 ||
+ u_strcmp(altQuoteStart, itemPtr->altQuoteStart) != 0 || u_strcmp(altQuoteEnd, itemPtr->altQuoteEnd) != 0) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ulocdata_getDelimiter error for locale %s, one or more delimiters not as expected\n", itemPtr->locale);
+ }
+ ulocdata_close(uldat);
+ }
+ }
#define TESTCASE(name) addTest(root, &name, "tsutil/cldrtest/" #name)
+ TESTCASE(TestIndexChars);
+ TESTCASE(TestAvailableIsoCodes);
+ TESTCASE(TestDelimiters);