+# Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+# License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2010, International Business Machines
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2014, International Business Machines
# Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
# This is an ICU-specific file with the same format as regular
Link America/Anchorage AST
Link America/Sao_Paulo BET
Link Asia/Dhaka BST
-Link Africa/Harare CAT
+Link Africa/Maputo CAT
Link America/St_Johns CNT
Link America/Chicago CST
Link Asia/Shanghai CTT
Link Pacific/Guadalcanal SST
#Link Etc/UTC UTC # Olson LINK
Link Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh VST
+# Aliases already dropped from the TZ database.
+# ICU may also remove these aliases.
+Link America/Regina Canada/East-Saskatchewan # removed from backward in 2017c
+# Note:
+# Following section was added for tz database 2018a and 2018b.
+# ICU has a bug handling negative DST, and we also don't want to
+# flip sumer time name and winter time name for Dublin at least for
+# now. Because the change had major impacts to tz database external
+# consumers, the tz database maintainer once reverted the Europe/Dublin
+# rules (same as 2017c or older) in 2018c. The tz database maintainer
+# thinks the changes in 2018a should be brought back when external
+# tz database consumers are ready to adopt the change. We don't know
+# what CLDR TC want to do with this for now. But if tz database brings
+# back the change, and CLDR TC (and ICU TC) want to keep the display name
+# unchanged, then we can uncomment the block below to restore ICU
+# custom override. (Yoshito 2018-01-23)
+# tzdata2018a changed Europe/Dublin to use IST (UTC+1) as the standard time
+# of the region, and GMT (UTC) as the daylight saving time with negative
+# offset (-1 hour) in winter. ICU SimpleTimeZone rejects a zone with negative
+# daylight saving time offset. We could remove the restriction in newer version
+# of ICU, but such data does not work well with older ICU runtime without
+# fixing the issue. For now, we define our own Europe/Dubin in ICU, replacing
+# Europe/Dublin data from the tz database.
+# tzdata2018e suggests to use alternative zone definitions for use GB-Eire
+# and EU rule after Oct 27, 1968. (Yoshito 2018-05-04)
+Zone Europe/Dublin--ICU -0:25:00 - LMT 1880 Aug 2
+ -0:25:21 - DMT 1916 May 21 2:00s
+ -0:25:21 1:00 IST 1916 Oct 1 2:00s
+ 0:00 GB-Eire %s 1921 Dec 6 # independence
+ 0:00 GB-Eire GMT/IST 1940 Feb 25 2:00s
+ 0:00 1:00 IST 1946 Oct 6 2:00s
+ 0:00 - GMT 1947 Mar 16 2:00s
+ 0:00 1:00 IST 1947 Nov 2 2:00s
+ 0:00 - GMT 1948 Apr 18 2:00s
+ 0:00 GB-Eire GMT/IST 1968 Oct 27
+# The next line is for when negative SAVE values are used.
+# 1:00 Eire IST/GMT
+# These three lines are for when SAVE values are always nonnegative.
+ 1:00 - IST 1971 Oct 31 2:00u
+ 0:00 GB-Eire GMT/IST 1996
+ 0:00 EU GMT/IST
+Link Europe/Dublin--ICU Eire--ICU
+# tzdata2018e also added another instance of negative DST to
+# Europe/Prague and Africa/Windhoek
+Zone Europe/Prague--ICU 0:57:44 - LMT 1850
+ 0:57:44 - PMT 1891 Oct # Prague Mean Time
+ 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 May 9
+ 1:00 Czech CE%sT 1946 Dec 1 3:00
+# Vanguard section, for zic and other parsers that support negative DST.
+# 1:00 -1:00 GMT 1947 Feb 23 2:00
+# Rearguard section, for parsers that do not support negative DST.
+ 0:00 - GMT 1947 Feb 23 2:00
+# End of rearguard section.
+ 1:00 Czech CE%sT 1979
+ 1:00 EU CE%sT
+# Slovakia
+Link Europe/Prague--ICU Europe/Bratislava--ICU
+# Vanguard section, for zic and other parsers that support negative DST.
+#Rule Namibia 1994 only - Mar 21 0:00 -1:00 WAT
+#Rule Namibia 1994 2017 - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 0 CAT
+#Rule Namibia 1995 2017 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 -1:00 WAT
+# Rearguard section, for parsers that do not support negative DST.
+Rule Namibia--ICU 1994 only - Mar 21 0:00 0 WAT
+Rule Namibia--ICU 1994 2017 - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 CAT
+Rule Namibia--ICU 1995 2017 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 0 WAT
+Zone Africa/Windhoek--ICU 1:08:24 - LMT 1892 Feb 8
+ 1:30 - +0130 1903 Mar
+ 2:00 - SAST 1942 Sep 20 2:00
+ 2:00 1:00 SAST 1943 Mar 21 2:00
+ 2:00 - SAST 1990 Mar 21 # independence
+# Vanguard section, for zic and other parsers that support negative DST.
+# 2:00 Namibia %s
+# Rearguard section, for parsers that do not support negative DST.
+ 2:00 - CAT 1994 Mar 21 0:00
+# From Paul Eggert (2017-04-07):
+# The official date of the 2017 rule change was 2017-10-24. See:
+# http://www.lac.org.na/laws/annoSTAT/Namibian%20Time%20Act%209%20of%202017.pdf
+ 1:00 Namibia--ICU %s 2017 Oct 24
+ 2:00 - CAT
+# End of rearguard section.