+* created on: 2013jul01
+* created by: Matitiahu Allouche
+This function performs a conformance test for implementations of the
+Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, specified in UAX #9: Unicode
+Bidirectional Algorithm, at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr9/
+Each test case is represented in a single line which is read from a file
+named BidiCharacter.txt. Empty, blank and comment lines may also appear
+in this file.
+The format of the test data is specified below. Note that each test
+case constitutes a single line of text; reordering is applied within a
+single line and independently of a rendering engine, and rules L3 and L4
+are out of scope.
+The number sign '#' is the comment character: everything is ignored from
+the occurrence of '#' until the end of the line,
+Empty lines and lines containing only spaces and/or comments are ignored.
+Lines which represent test cases consist of 4 or 5 fields separated by a
+semicolon. Each field consists of tokens separated by whitespace (space
+or Tab). Whitespace before and after semicolons is optional.
+Field 0: A sequence of hexadecimal code point values separated by space
+Field 1: A value representing the paragraph direction, as follows:
+ - 0 represents left-to-right
+ - 1 represents right-to-left
+ - 2 represents auto-LTR according to rules P2 and P3 of the algorithm
+ - 3 represents auto-RTL according to rules P2 and P3 of the algorithm
+ - a negative number whose absolute value is taken as paragraph level;
+ this may be useful to test cases where the embedding level approaches
+ or exceeds the maximum embedding level.
+Field 2: The resolved paragraph embedding level. If the input (field 0)
+ includes more than one paragraph, this field represents the
+ resolved level of the first paragraph.
+Field 3: An ordered list of resulting levels for each token in field 0
+ (each token represents one source character).
+ The UBA does not assign levels to certain characters (e.g. LRO);
+ characters removed in rule X9 are indicated with an 'x'.
+Field 4: An ordered list of indices showing the resulting visual ordering
+ from left to right; characters with a resolved level of 'x' are
+ skipped. The number are zero-based. Each index corresponds to
+ a character in the reordered (visual) string. It represents the
+ index of the source character in the input (field 0).
+ This field is optional. When it is absent, the visual ordering
+ is not verified.
+# This is a comment line.
+L L ON R ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 0 0 1 ; 0 1 2 3
+L L ON R;0;0;0 0 0 1;0 1 2 3
+# Note: in the next line, 'B' represents a block separator, not the letter 'B'.
+LRE A B C PDF;2;0;x 2 0 0 x;1 2 3
+# Note: in the next line, 'b' represents the letter 'b', not a block separator.
+a b c 05d0 05d1 x ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 0 0 1 1 0 ; 0 1 2 4 3 5
+a R R x ; 1 ; 1 ; 2 1 1 2
+L L R R R B R R L L L B ON ON ; 3 ; 0 ; 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
+enum { kMaxUtxt = 32, kMaxUctl = 16 };
+void BiDiConformanceTest::TestBidiCharacterTest() {
+ IcuTestErrorCode errorCode(*this, "TestBidiCharacterTest");
+ const char *sourceTestDataPath=getSourceTestData(errorCode);
+ if(errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("unable to find the source/test/testdata "
+ "folder (getSourceTestData())")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ char bidiTestPath[400];
+ strcpy(bidiTestPath, sourceTestDataPath);
+ strcat(bidiTestPath, "BidiCharacterTest.txt");
+ LocalStdioFilePointer bidiTestFile(fopen(bidiTestPath, "r"));
+ if(bidiTestFile.isNull()) {
+ errln("unable to open %s", bidiTestPath);
+ return;
+ }
+ LocalUBiDiPointer ubidi(ubidi_open());
+ lineNumber=0;
+ levelsCount=0;
+ orderingCount=0;
+ errorCount=0;
+ while(errorCount<20 && fgets(line, (int)sizeof(line), bidiTestFile.getAlias())!=NULL) {
+ ++lineNumber;
+ paraLevelName="N/A";
+ inputString="N/A";
+ // Remove trailing comments and whitespace.
+ char *commentStart=strchr(line, '#');
+ if(commentStart!=NULL) {
+ *commentStart=0;
+ }
+ u_rtrim(line);
+ const char *start=u_skipWhitespace(line);
+ if(*start==0) {
+ continue; // Skip empty and comment-only lines.
+ }
+ // Parse the code point string in field 0.
+ UChar *buffer=inputString.getBuffer(200);
+ int32_t length=u_parseString(start, buffer, inputString.getCapacity(), NULL, errorCode);
+ if(errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("Invalid string in field 0")) {
+ errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ inputString.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ inputString.releaseBuffer(length);
+ start=strchr(start, ';');
+ if(start==NULL) {
+ errorCount++;
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Missing ; separator on line: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ start=u_skipWhitespace(start+1);
+ char *end;
+ int32_t paraDirection=(int32_t)strtol(start, &end, 10);
+ if(paraDirection==0) {
+ paraLevel=0;
+ paraLevelName="LTR";
+ }
+ else if(paraDirection==1) {
+ paraLevel=1;
+ paraLevelName="RTL";
+ }
+ else if(paraDirection==2) {
+ paraLevelName="Auto/LTR";
+ }
+ else if(paraDirection==3) {
+ paraLevelName="Auto/RTL";
+ }
+ else if(paraDirection<0 && -paraDirection<=(UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+1)) {
+ paraLevel=(UBiDiLevel)(-paraDirection);
+ sprintf(levelNameString, "%d", (int)paraLevel);
+ paraLevelName=levelNameString;
+ }
+ if(end<=start || (!U_IS_INV_WHITESPACE(*end) && *end!=';' && *end!=0) ||
+ paraLevel==(UBIDI_MAX_EXPLICIT_LEVEL+2)) {
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Input paragraph direction incorrect at %s", (int)lineNumber, start);
+ printErrorLine();
+ continue;
+ }
+ start=u_skipWhitespace(end);
+ if(*start!=';') {
+ errorCount++;
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Missing ; separator on line: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ start++;
+ uint32_t resolvedParaLevel=(uint32_t)strtoul(start, &end, 10);
+ if(end<=start || (!U_IS_INV_WHITESPACE(*end) && *end!=';' && *end!=0) ||
+ resolvedParaLevel>1) {
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Resolved paragraph level incorrect at %s", (int)lineNumber, start);
+ printErrorLine();
+ continue;
+ }
+ start=u_skipWhitespace(end);
+ if(*start!=';') {
+ errorCount++;
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Missing ; separator on line: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ return;
+ }
+ start++;
+ if(!parseLevels(start)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ start=u_skipWhitespace(start);
+ if(*start==';') {
+ if(!parseOrdering(start+1)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ orderingCount=-1;
+ ubidi_setPara(ubidi.getAlias(), inputString.getBuffer(), inputString.length(),
+ paraLevel, NULL, errorCode);
+ const UBiDiLevel *actualLevels=ubidi_getLevels(ubidi.getAlias(), errorCode);
+ if(errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("ubidi_setPara() or ubidi_getLevels()")) {
+ errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ UBiDiLevel actualLevel;
+ if((actualLevel=ubidi_getParaLevel(ubidi.getAlias()))!=resolvedParaLevel) {
+ printErrorLine();
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Wrong resolved paragraph level; expected %d actual %d",
+ (int)lineNumber, resolvedParaLevel, actualLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!checkLevels(actualLevels, ubidi_getProcessedLength(ubidi.getAlias()))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(orderingCount>=0 && !checkOrdering(ubidi.getAlias())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // tests for ubidi_setParaWithControls
+ // skip 2 tests known not to work (out of 91678 cases, though
+ // only 86 of those tests use controls so 2.3% of those failing),
+ // still investigating these
+ if (lineNumber>=212 && lineNumber<=213) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const UChar* ubufPtr = inputString.getBuffer();
+ int32_t ubufIdx;
+ UChar utxt[kMaxUtxt];
+ UBiDiLevel ulev[kMaxUtxt];
+ int32_t offsets[kMaxUctl];
+ UChar* uctlPtrs[kMaxUctl];
+ UChar uctl[kMaxUctl][5];
+ UChar *uctlPtr;
+ int32_t utxtLen = 0, offsetsLen = 0, ctlLen = 0;
+ UBool fail = FALSE;
+ for (ubufIdx = 0; ubufIdx < inputString.length(); ubufIdx++) {
+ UChar uc = ubufPtr[ubufIdx];
+ if ( (uc >=0x202A && uc<=0x202E) || (uc >=0x2066 && uc<=0x2069) ) {
+ // have a bidi control
+ if (ctlLen >= 4) {
+ fail = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ if (ctlLen == 0) {
+ // starting a new control sequence
+ if (offsetsLen >= kMaxUctl) {
+ fail = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ offsets[offsetsLen] = utxtLen;
+ uctlPtr = &uctl[offsetsLen][0];
+ uctlPtrs[offsetsLen] = uctlPtr;
+ offsetsLen++;
+ }
+ uctlPtr[ctlLen++] = uc;
+ uctlPtr[ctlLen] = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (utxtLen >= kMaxUtxt) {
+ fail = TRUE; break;
+ }
+ ctlLen = 0;
+ utxt[utxtLen] = uc;
+ levels[utxtLen] = levels[ubufIdx]; // will always have ubufIdx >= utxtLen so this is OK
+ utxtLen++;
+ }
+ }
+ levelsCount = utxtLen;
+ if (fail) {
+ logln("Skipping BidiCharacterTest unsuitable for ubidi_setParaWithControls: %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue; // can't use this test
+ }
+ if (offsetsLen > 0 && offsets[offsetsLen-1] >= utxtLen) {
+ --offsetsLen;
+ ubidi_setContext(ubidi.getAlias(), NULL, 0, uctlPtrs[offsetsLen], -1, errorCode);
+ } else {
+ ubidi_setContext(ubidi.getAlias(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, errorCode);
+ }
+ ubidi_setParaWithControls(ubidi.getAlias(), utxt, utxtLen, paraLevel,
+ offsets, offsetsLen, NULL, uctlPtrs, errorCode);
+ actualLevels=ubidi_getLevels(ubidi.getAlias(), errorCode);
+ if(errorCode.errIfFailureAndReset("ubidi_setContext()/ubidi_setParaWithControls()/ubidi_getLevels()")) {
+ errln("Input line %d: %s", (int)lineNumber, line);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((actualLevel=ubidi_getParaLevel(ubidi.getAlias()))!=resolvedParaLevel) {
+ printErrorLine();
+ errln("\nError on line %d: Wrong resolved paragraph level from ubidi_setParaWithControls; expected %d actual %d",
+ (int)lineNumber, resolvedParaLevel, actualLevel);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!checkLevels(actualLevels, ubidi_getProcessedLength(ubidi.getAlias()))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }