- * Copyright (c) 1997-2011, International Business Machines Corporation and
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
#include "cstring.h"
#include "uparse.h"
#include "uresimp.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
#include "unicode/putil.h"
#include "unicode/ubrk.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/ulocdata.h"
+#include "unicode/uldnames.h"
#include "unicode/parseerr.h" /* may not be included with some uconfig switches */
#include "udbgutil.h"
-#define LENGTHOF(array) (int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof((array)[0]))
+#include "unicode/ualoc.h" /* Apple-specific */
static void TestNullDefault(void);
static void TestNonexistentLanguageExemplars(void);
static void TestLocDataErrorCodeChaining(void);
static void TestLanguageExemplarsFallbacks(void);
+static void TestDisplayNameBrackets(void);
static void TestUnicodeDefines(void);
+static void TestIsRightToLeft(void);
+static void TestGetLanguagesForRegion(void);
+static void TestGetAppleParent(void);
+static void TestAppleLocalizationsToUse(void);
void PrintDataTable();
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" },
/* display name (English) */
{ "English (United States)", "French (France)", "Catalan (Spain)",
- "Greek (Greece)", "Norwegian (Norway, NY)", "Chinese (Simplified Han, China)",
- "German (Germany, Collation=Phonebook Sort Order)", "Spanish (Collation=Traditional Sort Order)", "Japanese (Japan, Calendar=Japanese Calendar)" },
+ "Greek (Greece)", "Norwegian (Norway, NY)", "Chinese (Simplified, China)",
+ "German (Germany, Sort Order=Phonebook Sort Order)", "Spanish (Sort Order=Traditional Sort Order)", "Japanese (Japan, Calendar=Japanese Calendar)" },
/* display language (French) */
{ "anglais", "fran\\u00E7ais", "catalan", "grec", "norv\\u00E9gien", "chinois", "allemand", "espagnol", "japonais" },
/* display script code (French) */
- { "", "", "", "", "", "id\\u00e9ogrammes han simplifi\\u00e9s", "", "", "" },
+ { "", "", "", "", "", "sinogrammes simplifi\\u00e9s", "", "", "" },
/* display country (French) */
{ "\\u00C9tats-Unis", "France", "Espagne", "Gr\\u00E8ce", "Norv\\u00E8ge", "Chine", "Allemagne", "", "Japon" },
/* display variant (French) */
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" },
/* display name (French) */
{ "anglais (\\u00C9tats-Unis)", "fran\\u00E7ais (France)", "catalan (Espagne)",
- "grec (Gr\\u00E8ce)", "norv\\u00E9gien (Norv\\u00E8ge, NY)", "chinois (id\\u00e9ogrammes han simplifi\\u00e9s, Chine)",
- "allemand (Allemagne, Ordonnancement=Ordre de l\\u2019annuaire)", "espagnol (Ordonnancement=Ordre traditionnel)", "japonais (Japon, Calendrier=Calendrier japonais)" },
+ "grec (Gr\\u00E8ce)", "norv\\u00E9gien (Norv\\u00E8ge, NY)", "chinois (simplifi\\u00e9, Chine)",
+ "allemand (Allemagne, ordre de tri=ordre de l\\u2019annuaire)", "espagnol (ordre de tri=ordre traditionnel)", "japonais (Japon, calendrier=calendrier japonais)" },
/* display language (Catalan) */
{ "angl\\u00E8s", "franc\\u00E8s", "catal\\u00E0", "grec", "noruec", "xin\\u00E8s", "alemany", "espanyol", "japon\\u00E8s" },
/* display script code (Catalan) */
- { "", "", "", "", "", "simplificat", "", "", "" },
+ { "", "", "", "", "", "han simplificat", "", "", "" },
/* display country (Catalan) */
{ "Estats Units", "Fran\\u00E7a", "Espanya", "Gr\\u00E8cia", "Noruega", "Xina", "Alemanya", "", "Jap\\u00F3" },
/* display variant (Catalan) */
/* display name (Catalan) */
{ "angl\\u00E8s (Estats Units)", "franc\\u00E8s (Fran\\u00E7a)", "catal\\u00E0 (Espanya)",
"grec (Gr\\u00E8cia)", "noruec (Noruega, NY)", "xin\\u00E8s (simplificat, Xina)",
- "alemany (Alemanya, ordre alfab\\u00e8tic=ordre de la guia telef\\u00F2nica)", "espanyol (ordre alfab\\u00e8tic=ordre tradicional)", "japon\\u00E8s (Jap\\u00F3, calendari=calendari japon\\u00e8s)" },
+ "alemany (Alemanya, ordenaci\\u00F3=ordre de la guia telef\\u00F2nica)", "espanyol (ordenaci\\u00F3=ordre tradicional)", "japon\\u00E8s (Jap\\u00F3, calendari=calendari japon\\u00e8s)" },
/* display language (Greek) */
/* display script code (Greek) */
- { "", "", "", "", "", "\\u0391\\u03c0\\u03bb\\u03bf\\u03c0\\u03bf\\u03b9\\u03b7\\u03bc\\u03ad\\u03bd\\u03bf \\u039a\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03b5\\u03b6\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03cc", "", "", "" },
+ { "", "", "", "", "", "\\u0391\\u03c0\\u03bb\\u03bf\\u03c0\\u03bf\\u03b9\\u03b7\\u03bc\\u03ad\\u03bd\\u03bf \\u03a7\\u03b1\\u03bd", "", "", "" },
/* display country (Greek) */
- "\\u0397\\u03BD\\u03C9\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03A0\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03B9\\u03C4\\u03B5\\u03AF\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03C4\\u03B7\\u03C2 \\u0391\\u03BC\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AE\\u03C2",
+ "\\u0397\\u03BD\\u03C9\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03A0\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03B9\\u03C4\\u03B5\\u03AF\\u03B5\\u03C2",
{ "", "", "", "", "NY", "", "", "", "" }, /* TODO: currently there is no translation for NY in Greek fix this test when we have it */
/* display name (Greek) */
- "\\u0391\\u03b3\\u03b3\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0397\\u03BD\\u03C9\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03A0\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03B9\\u03C4\\u03B5\\u03AF\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03C4\\u03B7\\u03C2 \\u0391\\u03BC\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AE\\u03C2)",
+ "\\u0391\\u03b3\\u03b3\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0397\\u03BD\\u03C9\\u03BC\\u03AD\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03C2 \\u03A0\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03B9\\u03C4\\u03B5\\u03AF\\u03B5\\u03C2)",
"\\u0393\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0393\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03af\\u03b1)",
"\\u039a\\u03b1\\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0399\\u03c3\\u03c0\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03af\\u03b1)",
"\\u0395\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03b7\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0395\\u03bb\\u03bb\\u03ac\\u03b4\\u03b1)",
"\\u039d\\u03bf\\u03c1\\u03b2\\u03b7\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u039d\\u03bf\\u03c1\\u03b2\\u03b7\\u03b3\\u03af\\u03b1, NY)",
- "\\u039A\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03B6\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u0391\\u03c0\\u03bb\\u03bf\\u03c0\\u03bf\\u03b9\\u03b7\\u03bc\\u03ad\\u03bd\\u03bf \\u039a\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03b5\\u03b6\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03cc, \\u039A\\u03AF\\u03BD\\u03B1)",
- "\\u0393\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BC\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u0393\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BC\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03AF\\u03B1, \\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BA\\u03C4\\u03BF\\u03C0\\u03BF\\u03AF\\u03B7\\u03C3\\u03B7=\\u03A3\\u03B5\\u03B9\\u03C1\\u03AC \\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BE\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03CC\\u03BC\\u03B7\\u03C3\\u03B7\\u03C2 \\u03C4\\u03B7\\u03BB\\u03B5\\u03C6\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03BF\\u03CD \\u03BA\\u03B1\\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BB\\u03CC\\u03B3\\u03BF\\u03C5)",
- "\\u0399\\u03C3\\u03C0\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BA\\u03C4\\u03BF\\u03C0\\u03BF\\u03AF\\u03B7\\u03C3\\u03B7=\\u03A0\\u03B1\\u03C1\\u03B1\\u03B4\\u03BF\\u03C3\\u03B9\\u03B1\\u03BA\\u03AE \\u03C3\\u03B5\\u03B9\\u03C1\\u03AC \\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BE\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03CC\\u03BC\\u03B7\\u03C3\\u03B7\\u03C2)",
- "\\u0399\\u03B1\\u03C0\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u0399\\u03B1\\u03C0\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03AF\\u03B1, \\u03B7\\u03BC\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03CC\\u03B3\\u03B9\\u03BF=\\u0399\\u03B1\\u03C0\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03CC \\u03B7\\u03BC\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03CC\\u03B3\\u03B9\\u03BF)"
+ "\\u039A\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03B5\\u03B6\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u0391\\u03c0\\u03bb\\u03bf\\u03c0\\u03bf\\u03b9\\u03b7\\u03bc\\u03ad\\u03bd\\u03bf, \\u039A\\u03AF\\u03BD\\u03B1)",
+ "\\u0393\\u03b5\\u03c1\\u03bc\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0393\\u03b5\\u03c1\\u03bc\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03af\\u03b1, \\u03a3\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03c1\\u03ac \\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03be\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03cc\\u03bc\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7\\u03c2=\\u03a3\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03c1\\u03ac \\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03be\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03cc\\u03bc\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7\\u03c2 \\u03c4\\u03b7\\u03bb\\u03b5\\u03c6\\u03c9\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03bf\\u03cd \\u03ba\\u03b1\\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03bb\\u03cc\\u03b3\\u03bf\\u03c5)",
+ "\\u0399\\u03c3\\u03c0\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u03a3\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03c1\\u03ac \\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03be\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03cc\\u03bc\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7\\u03c2=\\u03a0\\u03b1\\u03c1\\u03b1\\u03b4\\u03bf\\u03c3\\u03b9\\u03b1\\u03ba\\u03ae \\u03c3\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03c1\\u03ac \\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03be\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03cc\\u03bc\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7\\u03c2)",
+ "\\u0399\\u03b1\\u03c0\\u03c9\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0399\\u03b1\\u03c0\\u03c9\\u03bd\\u03af\\u03b1, \\u0397\\u03bc\\u03b5\\u03c1\\u03bf\\u03bb\\u03cc\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03bf=\\u0399\\u03b1\\u03c0\\u03c9\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03cc \\u03b7\\u03bc\\u03b5\\u03c1\\u03bf\\u03bb\\u03cc\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03bf)"
+ TESTCASE(TestEnglishExemplarCharacters);
+ TESTCASE(TestDisplayNameBrackets);
+ TESTCASE(TestIsRightToLeft);
+ TESTCASE(TestToUnicodeLocaleKey);
+ TESTCASE(TestToLegacyKey);
+ TESTCASE(TestToUnicodeLocaleType);
+ TESTCASE(TestToLegacyType);
+ TESTCASE(TestGetLanguagesForRegion);
+ TESTCASE(TestGetAppleParent);
+ TESTCASE(TestAppleLocalizationsToUse);
{"i-hakka", "", "MX", "", "I-hakka_MX", "i-hakka_MX", NULL},
{"x-klingon", "", "US", "SANJOSE", "X-KLINGON_us_SANJOSE", "x-klingon_US_SANJOSE", NULL},
- {"zh", "Hans", "", "PINYIN", "zh-Hans-pinyin", "zh_Hans_PINYIN", "zh_Hans@collation=pinyin"},
- {"hy", "", "", "AREVMDA", "hy_AREVMDA", "hy_AREVMDA", NULL},
+ {"zh", "Hans", "", "PINYIN", "zh-Hans-pinyin", "zh_Hans__PINYIN", "zh_Hans@collation=pinyin"},
+ {"hy", "", "", "AREVMDA", "hy_AREVMDA", "hy__AREVMDA", NULL},
+ {"de", "", "", "1901", "de-1901", "de__1901", NULL},
{"mr", "", "", "", "mr.utf8", "mr.utf8", "mr"},
{"de", "", "TV", "", "de-tv.koi8r", "de_TV.koi8r", "de_TV"},
{"x-piglatin", "", "ML", "", "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", "x-piglatin_ML.MBE", "x-piglatin_ML"}, /* Multibyte English */
{"zh", "Hant", "TW", "STROKE", "zh-hant_TW_STROKE", "zh_Hant_TW_STROKE", "zh_Hant_TW@collation=stroke"},
{"qq", "Qqqq", "QQ", "QQ", "qq_Qqqq_QQ_QQ", "qq_Qqqq_QQ_QQ", NULL},
{"qq", "Qqqq", "", "QQ", "qq_Qqqq__QQ", "qq_Qqqq__QQ", NULL},
- {"12", "3456", "78", "90", "12_3456_78_90", "12_3456_78_90", NULL}, /* total garbage */
+ {"ab", "Cdef", "GH", "IJ", "ab_cdef_gh_ij", "ab_Cdef_GH_IJ", NULL}, /* total garbage */
+/* if len < 0, we convert until we hit UChar 0x0000, which is not output. will add trailing null
+ * if there's room but won't be included in result. result < 0 indicates an error.
+ * Returns the number of chars written (not those that would be written if there's enough room.*/
+static int32_t UCharsToEscapedAscii(const UChar* utext, int32_t len, char* resultChars, int32_t buflen) {
+ static const struct {
+ char escapedChar;
+ UChar sourceVal;
+ } ESCAPE_MAP[] = {
+ /*a*/ {'a', 0x07},
+ /*b*/ {'b', 0x08},
+ /*e*/ {'e', 0x1b},
+ /*f*/ {'f', 0x0c},
+ /*n*/ {'n', 0x0a},
+ /*r*/ {'r', 0x0d},
+ /*t*/ {'t', 0x09},
+ /*v*/ {'v', 0x0b}
+ };
+ static const int32_t ESCAPE_MAP_LENGTH = sizeof(ESCAPE_MAP)/sizeof(ESCAPE_MAP[0]);
+ static const char HEX_DIGITS[] = {
+ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
+ '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
+ };
+ int32_t i, j;
+ int32_t resultLen = 0;
+ const int32_t limit = len<0 ? buflen : len; /* buflen is long enough to hit the buffer limit */
+ const int32_t escapeLimit1 = buflen-2;
+ const int32_t escapeLimit2 = buflen-6;
+ UChar uc;
+ if(utext==NULL || resultChars==NULL || buflen<0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<limit && resultLen<buflen;++i) {
+ uc=utext[i];
+ if(len<0 && uc==0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(uc<0x20) {
+ for(j=0;j<ESCAPE_MAP_LENGTH && uc!=ESCAPE_MAP[j].sourceVal;j++) {
+ }
+ if(resultLen>escapeLimit1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ resultChars[resultLen++]='\\';
+ resultChars[resultLen++]=ESCAPE_MAP[j].escapedChar;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if(uc<0x7f) {
+ u_austrncpy(resultChars + resultLen, &uc, 1);
+ resultLen++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(resultLen>escapeLimit2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* have to escape the uchar */
+ resultChars[resultLen++]='\\';
+ resultChars[resultLen++]='u';
+ resultChars[resultLen++]=HEX_DIGITS[(uc>>12)&0xff];
+ resultChars[resultLen++]=HEX_DIGITS[(uc>>8)&0xff];
+ resultChars[resultLen++]=HEX_DIGITS[(uc>>4)&0xff];
+ resultChars[resultLen++]=HEX_DIGITS[uc&0xff];
+ }
+ if(resultLen<buflen) {
+ resultChars[resultLen] = 0;
+ }
+ return resultLen;
* Jitterbug 2439 -- markus 20030425
/* test that the default locale has a display name for its own language */
- length=uloc_getDisplayLanguage(NULL, NULL, buffer, LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
+ length=uloc_getDisplayLanguage(NULL, NULL, buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
if(U_FAILURE(errorCode) || (length<=3 && buffer[0]<=0x7f)) {
/* check <=3 to reject getting the language code as a display name */
log_data_err("unable to get a display string for the language of the default locale - %s (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
/* test that we get the language code itself for an unknown language, and a default warning */
- length=uloc_getDisplayLanguage("qq", "rr", buffer, LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
+ length=uloc_getDisplayLanguage("qq", "rr", buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
if(errorCode!=U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING || length!=2 || buffer[0]!=0x71 || buffer[1]!=0x71) {
log_err("error getting the display string for an unknown language - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
/* test that we get a default warning for a display name where one component is unknown (4255) */
- length=uloc_getDisplayName("qq_US_POSIX", "en_US", buffer, LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
+ length=uloc_getDisplayName("qq_US_POSIX", "en_US", buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
log_err("error getting the display name for a locale with an unknown language - %s\n", u_errorName(errorCode));
"el_GR" };
- static const char *expect[] = { "Spanish (Calendar=Japanese Calendar, Collation=Traditional Sort Order)", /* note sorted order of keywords */
- "espagnol (Calendrier=Calendrier japonais, Ordonnancement=Ordre traditionnel)",
- "espanyol (calendari=calendari japon\\u00e8s, ordre alfab\\u00e8tic=ordre tradicional)",
- "\\u0399\\u03C3\\u03C0\\u03B1\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03AC (\\u03B7\\u03BC\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03CC\\u03B3\\u03B9\\u03BF=\\u0399\\u03B1\\u03C0\\u03C9\\u03BD\\u03B9\\u03BA\\u03CC \\u03B7\\u03BC\\u03B5\\u03C1\\u03BF\\u03BB\\u03CC\\u03B3\\u03B9\\u03BF, \\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BA\\u03C4\\u03BF\\u03C0\\u03BF\\u03AF\\u03B7\\u03C3\\u03B7=\\u03A0\\u03B1\\u03C1\\u03B1\\u03B4\\u03BF\\u03C3\\u03B9\\u03B1\\u03BA\\u03AE \\u03C3\\u03B5\\u03B9\\u03C1\\u03AC \\u03C4\\u03B1\\u03BE\\u03B9\\u03BD\\u03CC\\u03BC\\u03B7\\u03C3\\u03B7\\u03C2)" };
+ static const char *expect[] = { "Spanish (Calendar=Japanese Calendar, Sort Order=Traditional Sort Order)", /* note sorted order of keywords */
+ "espagnol (calendrier=calendrier japonais, ordre de tri=ordre traditionnel)",
+ "espanyol (calendari=calendari japon\\u00e8s, ordenaci\\u00f3=ordre tradicional)",
+ "\\u0399\\u03c3\\u03c0\\u03b1\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03ac (\\u0397\\u03bc\\u03b5\\u03c1\\u03bf\\u03bb\\u03cc\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03bf=\\u0399\\u03b1\\u03c0\\u03c9\\u03bd\\u03b9\\u03ba\\u03cc \\u03b7\\u03bc\\u03b5\\u03c1\\u03bf\\u03bb\\u03cc\\u03b3\\u03b9\\u03bf, \\u03a3\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03c1\\u03ac \\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03be\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03cc\\u03bc\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7\\u03c2=\\u03a0\\u03b1\\u03c1\\u03b1\\u03b4\\u03bf\\u03c3\\u03b9\\u03b1\\u03ba\\u03ae \\u03c3\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03c1\\u03ac \\u03c4\\u03b1\\u03be\\u03b9\\u03bd\\u03cc\\u03bc\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7\\u03c2)" };
UChar *expectBuffer;
- for(i=0;i<LENGTHOF(testL);i++) {
+ for(i=0;i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(testL);i++) {
errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- uloc_getDisplayName(aLocale, testL[i], buffer, LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
+ uloc_getDisplayName(aLocale, testL[i], buffer, UPRV_LENGTHOF(buffer), &errorCode);
if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
log_err("FAIL in uloc_getDisplayName(%s,%s,..) -> %s\n", aLocale, testL[i], u_errorName(errorCode));
} else {
+ /* test that we properly preflight and return data when there's a non-default pattern,
+ see ticket #8262. */
+ {
+ int32_t i;
+ static const char *locale="az_Cyrl";
+ static const char *displayLocale="ja";
+ static const char *expectedChars =
+ "\\u30a2\\u30bc\\u30eb\\u30d0\\u30a4\\u30b8\\u30e3\\u30f3\\u8a9e "
+ "(\\u30ad\\u30ea\\u30eb\\u6587\\u5b57)";
+ UErrorCode ec=U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UChar result[256];
+ int32_t len;
+ int32_t preflightLen=uloc_getDisplayName(locale, displayLocale, NULL, 0, &ec);
+ /* inconvenient semantics when preflighting, this condition is expected... */
+ }
+ len=uloc_getDisplayName(locale, displayLocale, result, UPRV_LENGTHOF(result), &ec);
+ if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ log_err("uloc_getDisplayName(%s, %s...) returned error: %s",
+ locale, displayLocale, u_errorName(ec));
+ } else {
+ UChar *expected=CharsToUChars(expectedChars);
+ int32_t expectedLen=u_strlen(expected);
+ if(len!=expectedLen) {
+ log_data_err("uloc_getDisplayName(%s, %s...) returned string of length %d, expected length %d",
+ locale, displayLocale, len, expectedLen);
+ } else if(preflightLen!=expectedLen) {
+ log_err("uloc_getDisplayName(%s, %s...) returned preflight length %d, expected length %d",
+ locale, displayLocale, preflightLen, expectedLen);
+ } else if(u_strncmp(result, expected, len)) {
+ int32_t cap=len*6+1; /* worst case + space for trailing null */
+ char* resultChars=(char*)malloc(cap);
+ int32_t resultCharsLen=UCharsToEscapedAscii(result, len, resultChars, cap);
+ if(resultCharsLen<0 || resultCharsLen<cap-1) {
+ log_err("uloc_getDisplayName(%s, %s...) mismatch", locale, displayLocale);
+ } else {
+ log_err("uloc_getDisplayName(%s, %s...) returned '%s' but expected '%s'",
+ locale, displayLocale, resultChars, expectedChars);
+ }
+ free(resultChars);
+ resultChars=NULL;
+ } else {
+ /* test all buffer sizes */
+ for(i=len+1;i>=0;--i) {
+ len=uloc_getDisplayName(locale, displayLocale, result, i, &ec);
+ }
+ if(U_FAILURE(ec)) {
+ log_err("using buffer of length %d returned error %s", i, u_errorName(ec));
+ break;
+ }
+ if(len!=expectedLen) {
+ log_err("with buffer of length %d, expected length %d but got %d", i, expectedLen, len);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* There's no guarantee about what's in the buffer if we've overflowed, in particular,
+ * we don't know that it's been filled, so no point in checking. */
+ }
+ }
+ free(expected);
+ }
+ }
+ * TestDisplayNameBrackets
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ const char * displayLocale;
+ const char * namedRegion;
+ const char * namedLocale;
+ const char * regionName;
+ const char * ulocLocaleName;
+ const char * uldnLocaleName;
+} DisplayNameBracketsItem;
+static const DisplayNameBracketsItem displayNameBracketsItems[] = {
+ { "en", "CC", "en_CC", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "English (Cocos [Keeling] Islands)", "English (Cocos [Keeling] Islands)" },
+ { "en", "MM", "my_MM", "Myanmar (Burma)", "Burmese (Myanmar [Burma])", "Burmese (Myanmar)" },
+ { "en", "MM", "my_Mymr_MM", "Myanmar (Burma)", "Burmese (Myanmar, Myanmar [Burma])", "Burmese (Myanmar, Myanmar)" },
+ { "zh", "CC", "en_CC", "\\u79D1\\u79D1\\u65AF\\uFF08\\u57FA\\u6797\\uFF09\\u7FA4\\u5C9B",
+ "\\u82F1\\u6587\\uFF08\\u79D1\\u79D1\\u65AF\\uFF3B\\u57FA\\u6797\\uFF3D\\u7FA4\\u5C9B\\uFF09",
+ "\\u82F1\\u6587\\uFF08\\u79D1\\u79D1\\u65AF\\uFF3B\\u57FA\\u6797\\uFF3D\\u7FA4\\u5C9B\\uFF09" },
+ { "zh", "CG", "fr_CG", "\\u521A\\u679C\\uFF08\\u5E03\\uFF09",
+ "\\u6CD5\\u6587\\uFF08\\u521A\\u679C\\uFF3B\\u5E03\\uFF3D\\uFF09",
+ "\\u6CD5\\u6587\\uFF08\\u521A\\u679C\\uFF3B\\u5E03\\uFF3D\\uFF09" },
+enum { kDisplayNameBracketsMax = 128 };
+static void TestDisplayNameBrackets()
+ const DisplayNameBracketsItem * itemPtr = displayNameBracketsItems;
+ for (; itemPtr->displayLocale != NULL; itemPtr++) {
+ ULocaleDisplayNames * uldn;
+ UErrorCode status;
+ UChar expectRegionName[kDisplayNameBracketsMax];
+ UChar expectUlocLocaleName[kDisplayNameBracketsMax];
+ UChar expectUldnLocaleName[kDisplayNameBracketsMax];
+ UChar getName[kDisplayNameBracketsMax];
+ int32_t ulen;
+ (void) u_unescape(itemPtr->regionName, expectRegionName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax);
+ (void) u_unescape(itemPtr->ulocLocaleName, expectUlocLocaleName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax);
+ (void) u_unescape(itemPtr->uldnLocaleName, expectUldnLocaleName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax);
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulen = uloc_getDisplayCountry(itemPtr->namedLocale, itemPtr->displayLocale, getName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(getName, expectRegionName) != 0 ) {
+ log_data_err("uloc_getDisplayCountry for displayLocale %s and namedLocale %s returns unexpected name or status %s\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedLocale, myErrorName(status));
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulen = uloc_getDisplayName(itemPtr->namedLocale, itemPtr->displayLocale, getName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(getName, expectUlocLocaleName) != 0 ) {
+ log_data_err("uloc_getDisplayName for displayLocale %s and namedLocale %s returns unexpected name or status %s\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedLocale, myErrorName(status));
+ }
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_data_err("uloc_getDisplayName for displayLocale %s and namedLocale %-10s returns unexpected status %s\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedLocale, myErrorName(status));
+ } else if ( u_strcmp(getName, expectUlocLocaleName) != 0 ) {
+ char bbuf[128];
+ u_strToUTF8(bbuf, 128, NULL, getName, ulen, &status);
+ log_data_err("uloc_getDisplayName for displayLocale %s and namedLocale %-10s returns unexpected name (len %d): \"%s\"\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedLocale, ulen, bbuf);
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ uldn = uldn_open(itemPtr->displayLocale, ULDN_STANDARD_NAMES, &status);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulen = uldn_regionDisplayName(uldn, itemPtr->namedRegion, getName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(getName, expectRegionName) != 0 ) {
+ log_data_err("uldn_regionDisplayName for displayLocale %s and namedRegion %s returns unexpected name or status %s\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedRegion, myErrorName(status));
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ulen = uldn_localeDisplayName(uldn, itemPtr->namedLocale, getName, kDisplayNameBracketsMax, &status);
+ if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
+ log_data_err("uldn_localeDisplayName for displayLocale %s and namedLocale %-10s returns unexpected status %s\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedLocale, myErrorName(status));
+ } else if ( u_strcmp(getName, expectUldnLocaleName) != 0 ) {
+ char bbuf[128];
+ u_strToUTF8(bbuf, 128, NULL, getName, ulen, &status);
+ log_data_err("uldn_localeDisplayName for displayLocale %s and namedLocale %-10s returns unexpected name (len %d): \"%s\"\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, itemPtr->namedLocale, ulen, bbuf);
+ }
+ uldn_close(uldn);
+ } else {
+ log_data_err("uldn_open fails for displayLocale %s, status=%s\n", itemPtr->displayLocale, u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ (void)ulen; /* Suppress variable not used warning */
+ }
+ * TestISOFunctions
+ */
/* test for uloc_getISOLanguages, uloc_getISOCountries */
static void TestISOFunctions()
static void setUpDataTable()
and country codes to make sure we have the correct names for them.
char languageCodes[] [4] = { "he", "id", "iu", "ug", "yi", "za", "419" };
- const char* languageNames [] = { "Hebrew", "Indonesian", "Inuktitut", "Uighur", "Yiddish",
+ const char* languageNames [] = { "Hebrew", "Indonesian", "Inuktitut", "Uyghur", "Yiddish",
"Zhuang", "419" };
const char* inLocale [] = { "en_US", "zh_Hant"};
UErrorCode status=U_ZERO_ERROR;
resultLen = uloc_getName(testCases[i].localeID, buffer, 256, &status);
+ (void)resultLen; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
if (uprv_strcmp(testCases[i].expectedLocaleID, buffer) != 0) {
log_err("Expected uloc_getName(\"%s\") => \"%s\"; got \"%s\"\n",
testCases[i].localeID, testCases[i].expectedLocaleID, buffer);
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0]); i++) {
*buffer = 0;
resultLen = uloc_getKeywordValue(testCases[i].localeID, testCases[i].keyword, buffer, 256, &status);
+ (void)resultLen; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
if(uprv_strcmp(testCases[i].expectedValue, buffer) != 0) {
log_err("Expected to extract \"%s\" from \"%s\" for keyword \"%s\". Got \"%s\" instead\n",
testCases[i].expectedValue, testCases[i].localeID, testCases[i].keyword, buffer);
{ "no@ny", "no@ny", "no__NY" /* not: "nn" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "no-no.utf32@B", "no_NO.utf32@B", "no_NO_B" /* not: "nb_NO_B" [alan ICU3.0] */ }, /* POSIX ID */
{ "qz-qz@Euro", "qz_QZ@Euro", "qz_QZ@currency=EUR" }, /* qz-qz uses private use iso codes */
- { "en-BOONT", "en_BOONT", "en__BOONT" }, /* registered name */
- { "de-1901", "de_1901", "de__1901" }, /* registered name */
- { "de-1906", "de_1906", "de__1906" }, /* registered name */
+ { "en-BOONT", "en__BOONT", "en__BOONT" }, /* registered name */
+ { "de-1901", "de__1901", "de__1901" }, /* registered name */
+ { "de-1906", "de__1906", "de__1906" }, /* registered name */
{ "sr-SP-Cyrl", "sr_SP_CYRL", "sr_Cyrl_RS" }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr-SP-Latn", "sr_SP_LATN", "sr_Latn_RS" }, /* .NET name */
{ "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_YU_CYRILLIC", "sr_Cyrl_RS" }, /* Linux name */
{ "ja_JP", "ja_JP", "ja_JP" },
/* test case for "i-default" */
- { "i-default", NULL, NULL }
+ { "i-default", "en@x=i-default", "en@x=i-default" }
static const char* label[] = { "getName", "canonicalize" };
{ "de_AT@currency=ATS", "fr_FR",
{0x0073, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006c, 0x006c, 0x0069, 0x006e, 0x0067, 0x0020, 0x0061, 0x0075, 0x0074, 0x0072, 0x0069, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x0065, 0x006e, 0x0000}
- { "de_DE@currency=DEM", "it",
- {0x004d, 0x0061, 0x0072, 0x0063, 0x006f, 0x0020, 0x0054, 0x0065, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0073, 0x0063, 0x006f, 0x0000}
+ { "de_DE@currency=DEM", "it",
+ {0x006d, 0x0061, 0x0072, 0x0063, 0x006f, 0x0020, 0x0074, 0x0065, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0073, 0x0063, 0x006f, 0x0000}
{ "el_GR@currency=GRD", "en",
{0x0047, 0x0072, 0x0065, 0x0065, 0x006b, 0x0020, 0x0044, 0x0072, 0x0061, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x006d, 0x0061, 0x0000}
{ "eu_ES@currency=ESP", "it_IT",
- {0x0050, 0x0065, 0x0073, 0x0065, 0x0074, 0x0061, 0x0020, 0x0053, 0x0070, 0x0061, 0x0067, 0x006e, 0x006f, 0x006c, 0x0061, 0x0000}
+ {0x0070, 0x0065, 0x0073, 0x0065, 0x0074, 0x0061, 0x0020, 0x0073, 0x0070, 0x0061, 0x0067, 0x006e, 0x006f, 0x006c, 0x0061, 0x0000}
{ "de@collation=phonebook", "es",
{0x006F, 0x0072, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x006E, 0x0020, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0020, 0x006C, 0x0069, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x00ED, 0x006E, 0x0020, 0x0074, 0x0065, 0x006C, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x00F3, 0x006E, 0x0069, 0x0063, 0x006F, 0x0000}
static const UChar expected[][50] = {
{0x0042, 0x0075, 0x0064, 0x0064, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0069, 0x0073, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x0065, 0x0072, 0x0020, 0x004b, 0x0061, 0x006c, 0x0065, 0x006e, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0072, 0x0000},
- {0x0054, 0x0065, 0x006c, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x006f, 0x006e, 0x0062, 0x0075, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x002d, 0x0053, 0x006f, 0x0072, 0x0074, 0x0069, 0x0065, 0x0072, 0x0072, 0x0065, 0x0067, 0x0065, 0x006c, 0x006e, 0x0000},
+ {0x0054, 0x0065, 0x006c, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x006f, 0x006e, 0x0062, 0x0075, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x002d, 0x0053, 0x006f, 0x0072, 0x0074, 0x0069, 0x0065, 0x0072, 0x0075, 0x006e, 0x0067, 0x0000},
{0x0044, 0x0065, 0x0075, 0x0074, 0x0073, 0x0063, 0x0068, 0x0065, 0x0020, 0x004d, 0x0061, 0x0072, 0x006b, 0x0000},
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(testCases)/sizeof(testCases[0]); i++) {
baseNameLen = uloc_getBaseName(testCases[i].localeID, baseName, 256, &status);
+ (void)baseNameLen; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
if(strcmp(testCases[i].baseName, baseName)) {
log_err("For locale \"%s\" expected baseName \"%s\", but got \"%s\"\n",
testCases[i].localeID, testCases[i].baseName, baseName);
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
size = uloc_getDisplayLanguage("qqq", "kl", name, sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]), &status);
+ (void)size; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
if (status != U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING) {
log_err("For language \"qqq\" in locale \"kl\", expecting U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING, but got %s\n",
+static void TestEnglishExemplarCharacters(void) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int i;
+ USet *exSet = NULL;
+ UChar testChars[] = {
+ 0x61, /* standard */
+ 0xE1, /* auxiliary */
+ 0x41, /* index */
+ 0x2D /* punctuation */
+ };
+ ULocaleData *uld = ulocdata_open("en", &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_data_err("ulocdata_open() failed : %s - (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ULOCDATA_ES_COUNT; i++) {
+ exSet = ulocdata_getExemplarSet(uld, exSet, 0, (ULocaleDataExemplarSetType)i, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err_status(status, "ulocdata_getExemplarSet() for type %d failed\n", i);
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!uset_contains(exSet, (UChar32)testChars[i])) {
+ log_err("Character U+%04X is not included in exemplar type %d\n", testChars[i], i);
+ }
+ }
+ uset_close(exSet);
+ ulocdata_close(uld);
static void TestNonexistentLanguageExemplars(void) {
/* JB 4068 - Nonexistent language */
available = ures_openAvailableLocales(tests[i].icuSet, &status);
rc = uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP(tmp, 199, &outResult, http[tests[i].httpSet], available, &status);
+ (void)rc; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
log_verbose(" got %s, %s [%s]\n", tmp[0]?tmp:"(EMPTY)", acceptResult(outResult), u_errorName(status));
if(outResult != tests[i].res) {
log_err_status(status, "Could not open res_index.res. Exiting. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
- for (i=0; i<LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
const char* oldLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][0];
const char* newLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][1];
UCalendar* c1 = NULL;
log_err_status(status, "Could not open res_index.res. Exiting. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
- for (i=0; i<LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
const char* oldLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][0];
const char* newLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][1];
UDateFormat* df1 = NULL;
log_err_status(status, "Could not open res_index.res. Exiting. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
- for (i=0; i<LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
const char* oldLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][0];
const char* newLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][1];
UCollator* c1 = NULL;
log_err_status(status, "Could not open res_index.res. Exiting. Error: %s\n", u_errorName(status));
- for (i=0; i<LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
const char* oldLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][0];
const char* newLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][1];
UChar name1[256], name2[256];
resIndex = ures_open(NULL,"res_index", &status);
- for (i=0; i<LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
const char* oldLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][0];
const char* newLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][1];
int32_t capacity = 256;
int i =0;
int j=0;
- for (i=0; i<LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
+ for (i=0; i<UPRV_LENGTHOF(LOCALE_ALIAS); i++) {
const char* oldLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][0];
const char* newLoc = LOCALE_ALIAS[i][1];
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
}, {
- "ku_Arab_IQ",
+ "ku_Latn_TR",
}, {
}, {
- "pap_Latn_AN",
+ "pap_Latn_AW",
}, {
- }, {
- "und_AN",
- "pap_Latn_AN",
- "pap"
}, {
}, {
- "en_Latn_ET",
- "en_ET"
+ "am_Ethi_ET",
+ "am"
}, {
}, {
- "chk_Latn_FM",
- "chk"
+ "en_Latn_FM",
+ "en_FM"
}, {
}, {
- "zh_Hans_CN",
- "zh"
+ "zh_Hani_CN",
+ "zh_Hani"
}, {
}, {
- "uz_Cyrl_UZ",
+ "uz_Latn_UZ",
}, {
- "la_Latn_VA",
- "la"
+ "it_Latn_VA",
+ "it_VA"
}, {
}, {
- "fr_Latn_VU",
- "fr_VU"
+ "bi_Latn_VU",
+ "bi"
}, {
}, {
- "uz_Cyrl_UZ",
+ "uz_Latn_UZ",
}, {
}, {
- "zh_Hans_CN",
- "zh"
+ "zh_Hani_CN", /* changed due to cldrbug 6204, may be an error */
+ "zh_Hani", /* changed due to cldrbug 6204, may be an error */
}, {
}, {
- "en_Latn_AQ",
- "en_AQ"
+ "und_Latn_AQ",
+ "und_AQ"
}, {
}, {
- "en_Latn_AQ",
- "en_AQ"
+ "und_Latn_AQ",
+ "und_AQ"
}, {
}, {
- "zh_Latn_TW",
- "zh_Latn_TW"
+ "trv_Latn_TW",
+ "trv"
}, {
}, {
- "en_Latn_AQ",
- "en_AQ"
+ "und_Latn_AQ",
+ "und_AQ"
}, {
}, {
- "en_Moon_AQ",
- "en_Moon_AQ"
+ "und_Moon_AQ",
+ "und_Moon_AQ"
}, {
const char* const locale_to_langtag[][3] = {
- {"@x=elmer", "x-elmer", "x-elmer"},
{"", "und", "und"},
{"en", "en", "en"},
{"en_US", "en-US", "en-US"},
{"sr_Latn_SR", "sr-Latn-SR", "sr-Latn-SR"},
{"en__POSIX", "en-u-va-posix", "en-u-va-posix"},
{"en_POSIX", "en-u-va-posix", "en-u-va-posix"},
+ {"en_US_POSIX_VAR", "en-US-posix-x-lvariant-var", NULL}, /* variant POSIX_VAR is processed as regular variant */
+ {"en_US_VAR_POSIX", "en-US-x-lvariant-var-posix", NULL}, /* variant VAR_POSIX is processed as regular variant */
+ {"en_US_POSIX@va=posix2", "en-US-u-va-posix2", "en-US-u-va-posix2"}, /* if keyword va=xxx already exists, variant POSIX is simply dropped */
{"en_US_POSIX@ca=japanese", "en-US-u-ca-japanese-va-posix", "en-US-u-ca-japanese-va-posix"},
{"und_555", "und-555", "und-555"},
{"123", "und", NULL},
{"_Latn", "und-Latn", "und-Latn"},
{"_DE", "und-DE", "und-DE"},
{"und_FR", "und-FR", "und-FR"},
- {"th_TH_TH", "th-TH", NULL},
+ {"th_TH_TH", "th-TH-x-lvariant-th", NULL},
{"bogus", "bogus", "bogus"},
{"foooobarrr", "und", NULL},
{"az_AZ_CYRL", "az-Cyrl-AZ", "az-Cyrl-AZ"},
- {"aa_BB_CYRL", "aa-BB", NULL},
+ {"aa_BB_CYRL", "aa-BB-x-lvariant-cyrl", NULL},
{"en_US_1234", "en-US-1234", "en-US-1234"},
{"en_US_VARIANTA_VARIANTB", "en-US-varianta-variantb", "en-US-varianta-variantb"},
- {"en_US_VARIANTB_VARIANTA", "en-US-varianta-variantb", "en-US-varianta-variantb"},
- {"ja__9876_5432", "ja-5432-9876", "ja-5432-9876"},
- {"zh_Hant__VAR", "zh-Hant", NULL},
+ {"ja__9876_5432", "ja-9876-5432", "ja-9876-5432"},
+ {"zh_Hant__VAR", "zh-Hant-x-lvariant-var", NULL},
{"es__BADVARIANT_GOODVAR", "es-goodvar", NULL},
{"en@calendar=gregorian", "en-u-ca-gregory", "en-u-ca-gregory"},
{"de@collation=phonebook;calendar=gregorian", "de-u-ca-gregory-co-phonebk", "de-u-ca-gregory-co-phonebk"},
{"en@timezone=America/New_York;calendar=japanese", "en-u-ca-japanese-tz-usnyc", "en-u-ca-japanese-tz-usnyc"},
{"en@timezone=US/Eastern", "en-u-tz-usnyc", "en-u-tz-usnyc"},
{"en@x=x-y-z;a=a-b-c", "en-x-x-y-z", NULL},
- {"it@collation=badcollationtype;colStrength=identical;cu=usd-eur", "it-u-ks-identic", NULL},
+ {"it@collation=badcollationtype;colStrength=identical;cu=usd-eur", "it-u-cu-usd-eur-ks-identic", NULL},
{"en_US_POSIX", "en-US-u-va-posix", "en-US-u-va-posix"},
- {"en_US_POSIX@calendar=japanese;currency=EUR","en-US-u-ca-japanese-cu-EUR-va-posix", "en-US-u-ca-japanese-cu-EUR-va-posix"},
+ {"en_US_POSIX@calendar=japanese;currency=EUR","en-US-u-ca-japanese-cu-eur-va-posix", "en-US-u-ca-japanese-cu-eur-va-posix"},
{"@x=elmer", "x-elmer", "x-elmer"},
{"en@x=elmer", "en-x-elmer", "en-x-elmer"},
{"@x=elmer;a=exta", "und-a-exta-x-elmer", "und-a-exta-x-elmer"},
+ {"en_US@attribute=attr1-attr2;calendar=gregorian", "en-US-u-attr1-attr2-ca-gregory", "en-US-u-attr1-attr2-ca-gregory"},
expected = locale_to_langtag[i][1];
len = uloc_toLanguageTag(inloc, langtag, sizeof(langtag), FALSE, &status);
+ (void)len; /* Suppress set but not used warning. */
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
if (expected != NULL) {
log_err("Error returned by uloc_toLanguageTag for locale id [%s] - error: %s\n",
+#define FULL_LENGTH -1
static const struct {
const char *bcpID;
const char *locID;
int32_t len;
} langtag_to_locale[] = {
- {"en", "en", 2},
- {"en-us", "en_US", 5},
- {"und-US", "_US", 6},
- {"und-latn", "_Latn", 8},
- {"en-US-posix", "en_US_POSIX", 11},
+ {"ja-u-ijkl-efgh-abcd-ca-japanese-xx-yyy-zzz-kn", "ja@attribute=abcd-efgh-ijkl;calendar=japanese;colnumeric=yes;xx=yyy-zzz", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en", "en", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-us", "en_US", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"und-US", "_US", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"und-latn", "_Latn", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-US-posix", "en_US_POSIX", FULL_LENGTH},
{"de-de_euro", "de", 2},
- {"kok-IN", "kok_IN", 6},
+ {"kok-IN", "kok_IN", FULL_LENGTH},
{"123", "", 0},
{"en_us", "", 0},
{"en-latn-x", "en_Latn", 7},
- {"art-lojban", "jbo", 10},
- {"zh-hakka", "hak", 8},
- {"zh-cmn-CH", "cmn_CH", 9},
- {"xxx-yy", "xxx_YY", 6},
- {"fr-234", "fr_234", 6},
- {"i-default", "", 9},
+ {"art-lojban", "jbo", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"zh-hakka", "hak", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"zh-cmn-CH", "cmn_CH", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"xxx-yy", "xxx_YY", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"fr-234", "fr_234", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"i-default", "en@x=i-default", FULL_LENGTH},
{"i-test", "", 0},
{"ja-jp-jp", "ja_JP", 5},
- {"bogus", "bogus", 5},
+ {"bogus", "bogus", FULL_LENGTH},
{"boguslang", "", 0},
- {"EN-lATN-us", "en_Latn_US", 10},
- {"und-variant-1234", "__1234_VARIANT", 16},
+ {"EN-lATN-us", "en_Latn_US", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"und-variant-1234", "__VARIANT_1234", FULL_LENGTH},
{"und-varzero-var1-vartwo", "__VARZERO", 11},
- {"en-u-ca-gregory", "en@calendar=gregorian", 15},
- {"en-U-cu-USD", "en@currency=usd", 11},
- {"en-US-u-va-posix", "en_US_POSIX", 16},
- {"ar-x-1-2-3", "ar@x=1-2-3", 10},
- {"fr-u-nu-latn-cu-eur", "fr@currency=eur;numbers=latn", 19},
- {"de-k-kext-u-co-phonebk-nu-latn", "de@collation=phonebook;k=kext;numbers=latn", 30},
- {"ja-u-cu-jpy-ca-jp", "ja@currency=jpy", 11},
- {"en-us-u-tz-usnyc", "en_US@timezone=America/New_York", 16},
- {"und-a-abc-def", "und@a=abc-def", 13},
- {"zh-u-ca-chinese-x-u-ca-chinese", "zh@calendar=chinese;x=u-ca-chinese", 30},
- {"x-elmer", "@x=elmer", 7},
+ {"en-u-ca-gregory", "en@calendar=gregorian", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-U-cu-USD", "en@currency=usd", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-US-u-va-posix", "en_US_POSIX", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-us-u-ca-gregory-va-posix", "en_US_POSIX@calendar=gregorian", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-us-posix-u-va-posix", "en_US_POSIX@va=posix", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-us-u-va-posix2", "en_US@va=posix2", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-us-vari1-u-va-posix", "en_US_VARI1@va=posix", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"ar-x-1-2-3", "ar@x=1-2-3", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"fr-u-nu-latn-cu-eur", "fr@currency=eur;numbers=latn", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"de-k-kext-u-co-phonebk-nu-latn", "de@collation=phonebook;k=kext;numbers=latn", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"ja-u-cu-jpy-ca-jp", "ja@calendar=yes;currency=jpy;jp=yes", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-us-u-tz-usnyc", "en_US@timezone=America/New_York", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"und-a-abc-def", "und@a=abc-def", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"zh-u-ca-chinese-x-u-ca-chinese", "zh@calendar=chinese;x=u-ca-chinese", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"x-elmer", "@x=elmer", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-US-u-attr1-attr2-ca-gregory", "en_US@attribute=attr1-attr2;calendar=gregorian", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"sr-u-kn", "sr@colnumeric=yes", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"de-u-kn-co-phonebk", "de@collation=phonebook;colnumeric=yes", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"en-u-attr2-attr1-kn-kb", "en@attribute=attr1-attr2;colbackwards=yes;colnumeric=yes", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"ja-u-ijkl-efgh-abcd-ca-japanese-xx-yyy-zzz-kn", "ja@attribute=abcd-efgh-ijkl;calendar=japanese;colnumeric=yes;xx=yyy-zzz", FULL_LENGTH},
+ {"de-u-xc-xphonebk-co-phonebk-ca-buddhist-mo-very-lo-extensi-xd-that-de-should-vc-probably-xz-killthebuffer",
+ "de@calendar=buddhist;collation=phonebook;de=should;lo=extensi;mo=very;vc=probably;xc=xphonebk;xd=that;xz=yes", 91},
int32_t i;
UErrorCode status;
int32_t parsedLen;
+ int32_t expParsedLen;
for (i = 0; langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID != NULL; i++) {
status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
- locale[0] = 0;
+ locale[0] = 0;
+ expParsedLen = langtag_to_locale[i].len;
+ if (expParsedLen == FULL_LENGTH) {
+ expParsedLen = uprv_strlen(langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID);
+ }
uloc_forLanguageTag(langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID, locale, sizeof(locale), &parsedLen, &status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
log_err_status(status, "Error returned by uloc_forLanguageTag for language tag [%s] - error: %s\n",
langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID, u_errorName(status));
} else {
if (uprv_strcmp(langtag_to_locale[i].locID, locale) != 0) {
- log_err("uloc_forLanguageTag returned locale [%s] for input language tag [%s] - expected: [%s]\n",
+ log_data_err("uloc_forLanguageTag returned locale [%s] for input language tag [%s] - expected: [%s]\n",
locale, langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID, langtag_to_locale[i].locID);
- if (parsedLen != langtag_to_locale[i].len) {
+ if (parsedLen != expParsedLen) {
log_err("uloc_forLanguageTag parsed length of %d for input language tag [%s] - expected parsed length: %d\n",
- parsedLen, langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID, langtag_to_locale[i].len);
+ parsedLen, langtag_to_locale[i].bcpID, expParsedLen);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void TestToUnicodeLocaleKey(void)
+ /* $IN specifies the result should be the input pointer itself */
+ static const char* DATA[][2] = {
+ {"calendar", "ca"},
+ {"CALEndar", "ca"}, /* difference casing */
+ {"ca", "ca"}, /* bcp key itself */
+ {"kv", "kv"}, /* no difference between legacy and bcp */
+ {"foo", NULL}, /* unknown, bcp ill-formed */
+ {"ZZ", "$IN"}, /* unknown, bcp well-formed - */
+ };
+ int32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; DATA[i][0] != NULL; i++) {
+ const char* keyword = DATA[i][0];
+ const char* expected = DATA[i][1];
+ const char* bcpKey = NULL;
+ bcpKey = uloc_toUnicodeLocaleKey(keyword);
+ if (expected == NULL) {
+ if (bcpKey != NULL) {
+ log_err("toUnicodeLocaleKey: keyword=%s => %s, expected=NULL\n", keyword, bcpKey);
+ }
+ } else if (bcpKey == NULL) {
+ log_data_err("toUnicodeLocaleKey: keyword=%s => NULL, expected=%s\n", keyword, expected);
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(expected, "$IN") == 0) {
+ if (bcpKey != keyword) {
+ log_err("toUnicodeLocaleKey: keyword=%s => %s, expected=%s(input pointer)\n", keyword, bcpKey, keyword);
+ }
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(bcpKey, expected) != 0) {
+ log_err("toUnicodeLocaleKey: keyword=%s => %s, expected=%s\n", keyword, bcpKey, expected);
+ }
+ }
+static void TestToLegacyKey(void)
+ /* $IN specifies the result should be the input pointer itself */
+ static const char* DATA[][2] = {
+ {"kb", "colbackwards"},
+ {"kB", "colbackwards"}, /* different casing */
+ {"Collation", "collation"}, /* keyword itself with different casing */
+ {"kv", "kv"}, /* no difference between legacy and bcp */
+ {"foo", "$IN"}, /* unknown, bcp ill-formed */
+ {"ZZ", "$IN"}, /* unknown, bcp well-formed */
+ {"e=mc2", NULL}, /* unknown, bcp/legacy ill-formed */
+ };
+ int32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; DATA[i][0] != NULL; i++) {
+ const char* keyword = DATA[i][0];
+ const char* expected = DATA[i][1];
+ const char* legacyKey = NULL;
+ legacyKey = uloc_toLegacyKey(keyword);
+ if (expected == NULL) {
+ if (legacyKey != NULL) {
+ log_err("toLegacyKey: keyword=%s => %s, expected=NULL\n", keyword, legacyKey);
+ }
+ } else if (legacyKey == NULL) {
+ log_err("toLegacyKey: keyword=%s => NULL, expected=%s\n", keyword, expected);
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(expected, "$IN") == 0) {
+ if (legacyKey != keyword) {
+ log_err("toLegacyKey: keyword=%s => %s, expected=%s(input pointer)\n", keyword, legacyKey, keyword);
+ }
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(legacyKey, expected) != 0) {
+ log_data_err("toUnicodeLocaleKey: keyword=%s, %s, expected=%s\n", keyword, legacyKey, expected);
+ }
+ }
+static void TestToUnicodeLocaleType(void)
+ /* $IN specifies the result should be the input pointer itself */
+ static const char* DATA[][3] = {
+ {"tz", "Asia/Kolkata", "inccu"},
+ {"calendar", "gregorian", "gregory"},
+ {"ca", "gregorian", "gregory"},
+ {"ca", "Gregorian", "gregory"},
+ {"ca", "buddhist", "buddhist"},
+ {"Calendar", "Japanese", "japanese"},
+ {"calendar", "Islamic-Civil", "islamic-civil"},
+ {"calendar", "islamicc", "islamic-civil"}, /* bcp type alias */
+ {"colalternate", "NON-IGNORABLE", "noignore"},
+ {"colcaselevel", "yes", "true"},
+ {"tz", "america/new_york", "usnyc"},
+ {"tz", "Asia/Kolkata", "inccu"},
+ {"timezone", "navajo", "usden"},
+ {"ca", "aaaa", "$IN"}, /* unknown type, well-formed type */
+ {"ca", "gregory-japanese-islamic", "$IN"}, /* unknown type, well-formed type */
+ {"zz", "gregorian", NULL}, /* unknown key, ill-formed type */
+ {"co", "foo-", NULL}, /* unknown type, ill-formed type */
+ {"variableTop", "00A0", "$IN"}, /* valid codepoints type */
+ {"variableTop", "wxyz", "$IN"}, /* invalid codepoints type - return as is for now */
+ {"kr", "space-punct", "space-punct"}, /* valid reordercode type */
+ {"kr", "digit-spacepunct", NULL}, /* invalid (bcp ill-formed) reordercode type */
+ };
+ int32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; DATA[i][0] != NULL; i++) {
+ const char* keyword = DATA[i][0];
+ const char* value = DATA[i][1];
+ const char* expected = DATA[i][2];
+ const char* bcpType = NULL;
+ bcpType = uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType(keyword, value);
+ if (expected == NULL) {
+ if (bcpType != NULL) {
+ log_err("toUnicodeLocaleType: keyword=%s, value=%s => %s, expected=NULL\n", keyword, value, bcpType);
+ }
+ } else if (bcpType == NULL) {
+ log_data_err("toUnicodeLocaleType: keyword=%s, value=%s => NULL, expected=%s\n", keyword, value, expected);
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(expected, "$IN") == 0) {
+ if (bcpType != value) {
+ log_err("toUnicodeLocaleType: keyword=%s, value=%s => %s, expected=%s(input pointer)\n", keyword, value, bcpType, value);
+ }
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(bcpType, expected) != 0) {
+ log_data_err("toUnicodeLocaleType: keyword=%s, value=%s => %s, expected=%s\n", keyword, value, bcpType, expected);
+ }
+ }
+static void TestToLegacyType(void)
+ /* $IN specifies the result should be the input pointer itself */
+ static const char* DATA[][3] = {
+ {"calendar", "gregory", "gregorian"},
+ {"ca", "gregory", "gregorian"},
+ {"ca", "Gregory", "gregorian"},
+ {"ca", "buddhist", "buddhist"},
+ {"Calendar", "Japanese", "japanese"},
+ {"calendar", "Islamic-Civil", "islamic-civil"},
+ {"calendar", "islamicc", "islamic-civil"}, /* bcp type alias */
+ {"colalternate", "noignore", "non-ignorable"},
+ {"colcaselevel", "true", "yes"},
+ {"tz", "usnyc", "America/New_York"},
+ {"tz", "inccu", "Asia/Calcutta"},
+ {"timezone", "usden", "America/Denver"},
+ {"timezone", "usnavajo", "America/Denver"}, /* bcp type alias */
+ {"colstrength", "quarternary", "quaternary"}, /* type alias */
+ {"ca", "aaaa", "$IN"}, /* unknown type */
+ {"calendar", "gregory-japanese-islamic", "$IN"}, /* unknown type, well-formed type */
+ {"zz", "gregorian", "$IN"}, /* unknown key, bcp ill-formed type */
+ {"ca", "gregorian-calendar", "$IN"}, /* known key, bcp ill-formed type */
+ {"co", "e=mc2", NULL}, /* known key, ill-formed bcp/legacy type */
+ {"variableTop", "00A0", "$IN"}, /* valid codepoints type */
+ {"variableTop", "wxyz", "$IN"}, /* invalid codepoints type - return as is for now */
+ {"kr", "space-punct", "space-punct"}, /* valid reordercode type */
+ {"kr", "digit-spacepunct", "digit-spacepunct"}, /* invalid reordercode type, but ok for legacy syntax */
+ };
+ int32_t i;
+ for (i = 0; DATA[i][0] != NULL; i++) {
+ const char* keyword = DATA[i][0];
+ const char* value = DATA[i][1];
+ const char* expected = DATA[i][2];
+ const char* legacyType = NULL;
+ legacyType = uloc_toLegacyType(keyword, value);
+ if (expected == NULL) {
+ if (legacyType != NULL) {
+ log_err("toLegacyType: keyword=%s, value=%s => %s, expected=NULL\n", keyword, value, legacyType);
+ }
+ } else if (legacyType == NULL) {
+ log_err("toLegacyType: keyword=%s, value=%s => NULL, expected=%s\n", keyword, value, expected);
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(expected, "$IN") == 0) {
+ if (legacyType != value) {
+ log_err("toLegacyType: keyword=%s, value=%s => %s, expected=%s(input pointer)\n", keyword, value, legacyType, value);
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(legacyType, expected) != 0) {
+ log_data_err("toLegacyType: keyword=%s, value=%s => %s, expected=%s\n", keyword, value, legacyType, expected);
static void test_unicode_define(const char *namech, char ch, const char *nameu, UChar uch)
UChar asUch[1];
+static void TestIsRightToLeft() {
+ // API test only. More test cases in intltest/LocaleTest.
+ if(uloc_isRightToLeft("root") || !uloc_isRightToLeft("EN-HEBR")) {
+ log_err("uloc_isRightToLeft() failed");
+ }
+/* Apple-specific, test for Apple-specific function ualoc_getAppleParent */
+static const char* localesAndAppleParent[] = {
+ "en", "root",
+ "en-US", "en",
+ "en-CA", "en_001",
+ "en-001", "en",
+ "en_001", "en",
+ "en-150", "en_GB",
+ "en-GB", "en_001",
+ "en_GB", "en_001",
+ "en-AU", "en_GB",
+ "en-BE", "en_150",
+ "en-DG", "en_GB",
+ "en-FK", "en_GB",
+ "en-GG", "en_GB",
+ "en-GI", "en_GB",
+ "en-HK", "en_GB",
+ "en-IE", "en_GB",
+ "en-IM", "en_GB",
+ "en-IN", "en_GB",
+ "en-IO", "en_GB",
+ "en-JE", "en_GB",
+ "en-MO", "en_GB",
+ "en-MT", "en_GB",
+ "en-NZ", "en_GB",
+ "en-PK", "en_GB",
+ "en-SG", "en_GB",
+ "en-SH", "en_GB",
+ "en-VG", "en_GB",
+ "es", "root",
+ "es-ES", "es",
+ "es-419", "es",
+ "es_419", "es",
+ "es-MX", "es_419",
+ "es-AR", "es_419",
+ "fr", "root",
+ "fr-CA", "fr",
+ "fr-CH", "fr",
+ "haw", "root",
+ "nl", "root",
+ "nl-BE", "nl",
+ "pt", "root",
+ "pt-BR", "pt",
+ "pt-PT", "pt",
+ "pt-MO", "pt_PT",
+ "sr", "root",
+ "sr-Cyrl", "sr",
+ "sr-Latn", "root",
+ "tlh", "root",
+ "zh_CN", "root",
+ "zh-CN", "root",
+ "zh", "zh_CN",
+ "zh-Hans", "zh",
+ "zh_TW", "root",
+ "zh-TW", "root",
+ "zh-Hant", "zh_TW",
+ "zh_HK", "zh_Hant_HK",
+ "zh-HK", "zh_Hant_HK",
+ "zh_Hant", "zh_TW",
+ "zh-Hant-HK", "zh_Hant",
+ "zh_Hant_HK", "zh_Hant",
+ "zh-Hant-MO", "zh_Hant_HK",
+ "zh-Hans-HK", "zh_Hans",
+ "root", "root",
+ "en-Latn", "en",
+ "en-Latn-US", "en_Latn",
+ "en_US_POSIX", "en_US",
+ "en_Latn_US_POSIX", "en_Latn_US",
+ "en-u-ca-hebrew", "root",
+ "en@calendar=hebrew", "root",
+ "en_@calendar=hebrew", "root",
+ "en-", "root",
+ "en_", "root",
+ "Default@2x", "root",
+ "default", "root",
+ NULL /* terminator */
+static void TestGetAppleParent() {
+ const char **localesPtr = localesAndAppleParent;
+ const char * locale;
+ while ((locale = *localesPtr++) != NULL) {
+ const char * expectParent = *localesPtr++;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ int32_t plen = ualoc_getAppleParent(locale, getParent, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getAppleParent input \"%s\", status %s\n", locale, u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (uprv_strcmp(expectParent, getParent) != 0) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getAppleParent input \"%s\", expected parent \"%s\", got parent \"%s\"\n", locale, expectParent, getParent);
+ }
+ }
+/* Apple-specific, test for Apple-specific function ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion */
+enum { kUALanguageEntryMax = 10 };
+static void TestGetLanguagesForRegion() {
+ UALanguageEntry entries[kUALanguageEntryMax];
+ int32_t entryCount;
+ UErrorCode status;
+ const char * region;
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ region = "CN";
+ entryCount = ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion(region, 0.001, entries, kUALanguageEntryMax, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, status %s\n", region, u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ // Expect approximately:
+ // wuu 0.06 Wu
+ // hsn 0.06 Xiang
+ // hak 0.023 Hakka
+ // nan 0.019 Minnan
+ // gan 0.017 Gan
+ // ii 0.006 Yi
+ // ...at least 4 more with fractions >= 0.001
+ if (entryCount < kUALanguageEntryMax) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, entryCount %d is too small\n", region, entryCount);
+ } else {
+ UALanguageEntry* entryPtr = entries;
+ if (uprv_strcmp(entryPtr->languageCode, "zh_Hans") != 0 || entryPtr->userFraction < 0.8 || entryPtr->userFraction > 1.0 || entryPtr->status != UALANGSTATUS_OFFICIAL) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, invalid entries[0] { %s, %.3f, %d }\n", region, entryPtr->languageCode, entryPtr->userFraction, (int)entryPtr->status);
+ }
+ for (entryPtr++; entryPtr < entries + kUALanguageEntryMax && uprv_strcmp(entryPtr->languageCode, "ug_Arab") != 0; entryPtr++)
+ ;
+ if (entryPtr < entries + kUALanguageEntryMax) {
+ // we found ug_Arab, make sure it has correct status
+ if (entryPtr->status != UALANGSTATUS_REGIONAL_OFFICIAL) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, ug_Arab had incorrect status %d\n", (int)entryPtr->status);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // did not find ug_Arab
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, entries did not include ug_Arab\n", region);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ region = "CA";
+ entryCount = ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion(region, 0.001, entries, kUALanguageEntryMax, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, status %s\n", region, u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ // Expect approximately:
+ // ...
+ if (entryCount < 2) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, entryCount %d is too small\n", region, entryCount);
+ } else {
+ if (uprv_strcmp(entries[0].languageCode, "en") != 0 || entries[0].userFraction < 0.7 || entries[0].userFraction > 1.0 || entries[0].status != UALANGSTATUS_OFFICIAL) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, invalid entries[0] { %s, %.3f, %d }\n", region, entries[0].languageCode, entries[0].userFraction, (int)entries[0].status);
+ }
+ if (uprv_strcmp(entries[1].languageCode, "fr") != 0 || entries[1].userFraction < 0.1 || entries[1].userFraction > 1.0 || entries[1].status != UALANGSTATUS_OFFICIAL) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, invalid entries[1] { %s, %.3f, %d }\n", region, entries[1].languageCode, entries[1].userFraction, (int)entries[1].status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ region = "IN";
+ entryCount = ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion(region, 0.001, NULL, 0, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, status %s\n", region, u_errorName(status));
+ } else {
+ if (entryCount < 40) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_getLanguagesForRegion %s, entryCount %d is too small\n", region, entryCount);
+ }
+ }
+/* data for TestAppleLocalizationsToUse */
+typedef struct {
+ const char * const *locs;
+ int32_t locCount;
+} AppleLocsAndCount;
+enum { kNumLocSets = 6 };
+typedef struct {
+ const char * language;
+ const char ** expLocsForSets[kNumLocSets];
+} LangAndExpLocs;
+static const char * appleLocs1[] = {
+ "Arabic",
+ "Danish",
+ "Dutch",
+ "English",
+ "Finnish",
+ "French",
+ "German",
+ "Italian",
+ "Japanese",
+ "Korean",
+ "Norwegian",
+ "Polish",
+ "Portuguese",
+ "Russian",
+ "Spanish",
+ "Swedish",
+ "Thai",
+ "Turkish",
+ "ca",
+ "cs",
+ "el",
+ "he",
+ "hr",
+ "hu",
+ "id",
+ "ms",
+ "ro",
+ "sk",
+ "uk",
+ "vi",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_TW",
+static const char * appleLocs2[] = {
+ "ar",
+ "ca",
+ "cs",
+ "da",
+ "de",
+ "el",
+ "en", "en_AU", "en_GB",
+ "es", "es_MX",
+ "fi",
+ "fr", "fr_CA",
+ "he",
+ "hr",
+ "hu",
+ "id",
+ "it",
+ "ja",
+ "ko",
+ "ms",
+ "nl",
+ "no",
+ "pl",
+ "pt", "pt_PT",
+ "ro",
+ "ru",
+ "sk",
+ "sv",
+ "th",
+ "tr",
+ "uk",
+ "vi",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_HK", "zh_TW",
+static const char * appleLocs3[] = {
+ "ar",
+ "ca",
+ "cs",
+ "da",
+ "de",
+ "el",
+ "en", "en_AU", "en_CA", "en_GB",
+ "es", "es_419",
+ "fi",
+ "fr", "fr_CA", "fr_FR",
+ "he",
+ "hr",
+ "hu",
+ "id",
+ "it",
+ "ja",
+ "ko",
+ "ms",
+ "nb",
+ "nl",
+ "pl",
+ "pt", "pt_BR", "pt_PT",
+ "ro",
+ "ru",
+ "sk",
+ "sv",
+ "th",
+ "tr",
+ "uk",
+ "vi",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_HK", "zh_MO", "zh_TW",
+static const char * appleLocs4[] = {
+ "en", "en_AU", "en_CA", "en_GB", "en_IN", "en_US",
+ "es", "es_419", "es_MX",
+ "fr", "fr_CA", "fr_CH", "fr_FR",
+ "nl", "nl_BE", "nl_NL",
+ "pt", "pt_BR",
+ "ro", "ro_MD", "ro_RO",
+ "zh_Hans", "zh_Hant", "zh_Hant_HK",
+static const char * appleLocs5[] = {
+ "en", "en_001", "en_AU", "en_GB",
+ "es", "es_ES", "es_MX",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_Hans", "zh_Hant", "zh_TW",
+ "yi",
+ "fil",
+ "haw",
+ "tlh",
+ "sr",
+ "sr-Latn",
+// list 6
+static const char * appleLocs6[] = {
+ "en", "en_001", "en_150", "en_AU", "en_GB",
+ "es", "es_419", "es_ES", "es_MX",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_Hans", "zh_Hant", "zh_Hant_HK", "zh_HK", "zh_TW",
+ "iw",
+ "in",
+ "mo",
+ "tl",
+static const AppleLocsAndCount locAndCountEntries[kNumLocSets] = {
+ { appleLocs1, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocs1) },
+ { appleLocs2, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocs2) },
+ { appleLocs3, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocs3) },
+ { appleLocs4, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocs4) },
+ { appleLocs5, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocs5) },
+ { appleLocs6, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocs6) },
+static const char* l1_ar[] = { "ar", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Ara[] = { "Arabic", NULL };
+static const char* l1_ca[] = { "ca", NULL };
+static const char* l1_cs[] = { "cs", NULL };
+static const char* l1_da[] = { "da", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Dan[] = { "Danish", NULL };
+static const char* l1_de[] = { "de", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Ger[] = { "German", NULL };
+static const char* l1_el[] = { "el", NULL };
+static const char* l1_en[] = { "en", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Eng[] = { "English", NULL };
+static const char* l2_en_001_[] = { "en_001", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l2_en_CA_[] = { "en_CA", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l2_en_GB_[] = { "en_GB", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l2_en_US_[] = { "en_US", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l2_en_GB_Eng[] = { "en_GB", "English", NULL };
+static const char* l3_en_GB001_[] = { "en_GB", "en_001", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l3_en_AUGB_[] = { "en_AU", "en_GB", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l3_en_INGB_[] = { "en_IN", "en_GB", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l4_en_150GB001_[] = { "en_150", "en_GB", "en_001", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l4_en_AUGB001_[] = { "en_AU", "en_GB", "en_001", "en", NULL };
+static const char* l1_es[] = { "es", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Spa[] = { "Spanish", NULL };
+static const char* l2_es_419_[] = { "es_419", "es", NULL };
+static const char* l2_es_ES_[] = { "es_ES", "es", NULL };
+static const char* l2_es_MX_[] = { "es_MX", "es", NULL };
+static const char* l2_es_MX_Spa[] = { "es_MX", "Spanish", NULL };
+static const char* l3_es_MX419_[] = { "es_MX", "es_419", "es", NULL };
+static const char* l1_fi[] = { "fi", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Fin[] = { "Finnish", NULL };
+static const char* l1_fil[] = { "fil", NULL };
+static const char* l1_tl[] = { "tl", NULL };
+static const char* l1_fr[] = { "fr", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Fre[] = { "French", NULL };
+static const char* l2_fr_CA_[] = { "fr_CA", "fr", NULL };
+static const char* l2_fr_CH_[] = { "fr_CH", "fr", NULL };
+static const char* l2_fr_FR_[] = { "fr_FR", "fr", NULL };
+static const char* l1_haw[] = { "haw", NULL };
+static const char* l1_he[] = { "he", NULL };
+static const char* l1_hr[] = { "hr", NULL };
+static const char* l1_hu[] = { "hu", NULL };
+static const char* l1_id[] = { "id", NULL };
+static const char* l1_in[] = { "in", NULL };
+static const char* l1_it[] = { "it", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Ita[] = { "Italian", NULL };
+static const char* l1_ja[] = { "ja", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Japn[] = { "Japanese", NULL };
+static const char* l1_ko[] = { "ko", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Kor[] = { "Korean", NULL };
+static const char* l1_ms[] = { "ms", NULL };
+static const char* l1_nb[] = { "nb", NULL };
+static const char* l1_no[] = { "no", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Nor[] = { "Norwegian", NULL };
+static const char* l2_no_NO_[] = { "no_NO", "no", NULL };
+static const char* l1_nl[] = { "nl", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Dut[] = { "Dutch", NULL };
+static const char* l2_nl_BE_[] = { "nl_BE", "nl", NULL };
+static const char* l1_pl[] = { "pl", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Pol[] = { "Polish", NULL };
+static const char* l1_pt[] = { "pt", NULL };
+static const char* l1_pt_PT[] = { "pt_PT", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Port[] = { "Portuguese", NULL };
+static const char* l2_pt_BR_[] = { "pt_BR", "pt", NULL };
+static const char* l2_pt_PT_[] = { "pt_PT", "pt", NULL };
+static const char* l1_ro[] = { "ro", NULL };
+static const char* l2_ro_MD_[] = { "ro_MD", "ro", NULL };
+static const char* l1_mo[] = { "mo", NULL };
+static const char* l1_ru[] = { "ru", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Rus[] = { "Russian", NULL };
+static const char* l1_sk[] = { "sk", NULL };
+static const char* l1_sr[] = { "sr", NULL };
+static const char* l1_srLatn[] = { "sr-Latn", NULL };
+static const char* l1_sv[] = { "sv", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Swe[] = { "Swedish", NULL };
+static const char* l1_th[] = { "th", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Thai[] = { "Thai", NULL };
+static const char* l1_tlh[] = { "tlh", NULL };
+static const char* l1_tr[] = { "tr", NULL };
+static const char* l1_Tur[] = { "Turkish", NULL };
+static const char* l1_uk[] = { "uk", NULL };
+static const char* l1_vi[] = { "vi", NULL };
+static const char* l1_yi[] = { "yi", NULL };
+static const char* l1_iw[] = { "iw", NULL };
+static const char* l1_zh_CN[] = { "zh_CN", NULL };
+static const char* l1_zh_TW[] = { "zh_TW", NULL };
+static const char* l1_zh_Hans[] = { "zh_Hans", NULL };
+static const char* l1_zh_Hant[] = { "zh_Hant", NULL };
+static const char* l1_zhHant[] = { "zh-Hant", NULL };
+static const char* l2_zh_HKTW[] = { "zh_HK", "zh_TW", NULL };
+static const char* l2_zh_Hant_HK_[] = { "zh_Hant_HK", "zh_Hant", NULL };
+static const char* l2_zh_CN_Hans[] = { "zh_CN", "zh_Hans", NULL };
+static const char* l2_zh_TW_Hant[] = { "zh_TW", "zh_Hant", NULL };
+static const char* l3_zh_MOHKTW[] = { "zh_MO", "zh_HK", "zh_TW", NULL };
+static const char* l3_zh_HK_HantHK_Hant[] = { "zh_HK", "zh_Hant_HK", "zh_Hant", NULL };
+static const LangAndExpLocs appleLangAndLoc[] = {
+// language\ result for appleLocs1 appleLocs2 appleLocs3 appleLocs4 appleLocs5 appleLocs6
+ { "zh", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans } },
+ { "zh-Hans", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans } },
+ { "zh-Hant", { l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_Hant, l1_zh_Hant, l1_zh_Hant } },
+ { "zh-Hans-CN", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l2_zh_CN_Hans, l2_zh_CN_Hans } },
+ { "zh-Hans-SG", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans } },
+ { "zh-Hant-TW", { l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_Hant, l2_zh_TW_Hant, l2_zh_TW_Hant } },
+ { "zh-Hant-HK", { l1_zh_TW, l2_zh_HKTW, l2_zh_HKTW, l2_zh_Hant_HK_, l1_zh_Hant, l2_zh_Hant_HK_ } },
+ { "zh-Hant-MO", { l1_zh_TW, l2_zh_HKTW, l3_zh_MOHKTW, l2_zh_Hant_HK_, l1_zh_Hant, l2_zh_Hant_HK_ } },
+ { "zh-Hans-HK", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans } },
+ { "zh-CN", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l2_zh_CN_Hans, l2_zh_CN_Hans } },
+ { "zh-SG", { l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_CN, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans, l1_zh_Hans } },
+ { "zh-TW", { l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_TW, l1_zh_Hant, l2_zh_TW_Hant, l2_zh_TW_Hant } },
+ { "zh-HK", { l1_zh_TW, l2_zh_HKTW, l2_zh_HKTW, l2_zh_Hant_HK_, l1_zh_Hant, l3_zh_HK_HantHK_Hant } },
+ { "zh-MO", { l1_zh_TW, l2_zh_HKTW, l3_zh_MOHKTW, l2_zh_Hant_HK_, l1_zh_Hant, l2_zh_Hant_HK_ } },
+ { "en", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-US", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l2_en_US_, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-AU", { l1_Eng, l3_en_AUGB_, l3_en_AUGB_, l3_en_AUGB_, l4_en_AUGB001_, l4_en_AUGB001_ } },
+ { "en-CA", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l2_en_CA_, l2_en_CA_, l2_en_001_, l2_en_001_ } },
+ { "en-GB", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-IN", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_INGB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-US", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l2_en_US_, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en_US", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l2_en_US_, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-FR", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l4_en_150GB001_ } },
+ { "en-BE", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l4_en_150GB001_ } },
+ { "en-GG", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-HK", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-IE", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-MO", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-MT", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-NZ", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-PK", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-SG", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-VG", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l3_en_GB001_ } },
+ { "en-IL", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l2_en_001_, l2_en_001_ } },
+ { "en-001", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l2_en_001_, l2_en_001_ } },
+ { "en-150", { l1_Eng, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l2_en_GB_, l3_en_GB001_, l4_en_150GB001_ } },
+ { "en-Latn", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-Latn-US", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en,/*TODO*/ l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-US-POSIX", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l2_en_US_, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-Latn-US-POSIX", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-u-ca-hebrew", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en@calendar=hebrew", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en-", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "en_", { l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "es", { l1_Spa, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es } },
+ { "es-ES", { l1_Spa, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l2_es_ES_, l2_es_ES_ } },
+ { "es-419", { l1_Spa, l1_es, l2_es_419_, l2_es_419_, l1_es, l2_es_419_ } },
+ { "es-MX", { l1_Spa, l2_es_MX_, l2_es_419_, l3_es_MX419_, l2_es_MX_, l3_es_MX419_ } },
+ { "es-AR", { l1_Spa, l1_es, l2_es_419_, l2_es_419_, l1_es, l2_es_419_ } },
+ { "es-Latn", { l1_Spa, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es } },
+ { "es-Latn-MX", { l1_Spa, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es, l1_es } },
+ { "pt", { l1_Port, l1_pt, l1_pt, l1_pt, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "pt-BR", { l1_Port, l1_pt, l2_pt_BR_, l2_pt_BR_, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "pt-PT", { l1_Port, l2_pt_PT_, l2_pt_PT_, l1_pt, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "pt-MO", { l1_Port, l2_pt_PT_, l2_pt_PT_, l1_pt, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "fr", { l1_Fre, l1_fr, l1_fr, l1_fr, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "fr-FR", { l1_Fre, l1_fr, l2_fr_FR_, l2_fr_FR_, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "fr-CA", { l1_Fre, l2_fr_CA_, l2_fr_CA_, l2_fr_CA_, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "fr-CH", { l1_Fre, l1_fr, l1_fr, l2_fr_CH_, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "ar", { l1_Ara, l1_ar, l1_ar, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "da", { l1_Dan, l1_da, l1_da, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "nl", { l1_Dut, l1_nl, l1_nl, l1_nl, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "nl-BE", { l1_Dut, l1_nl, l1_nl, l2_nl_BE_, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "fi", { l1_Fin, l1_fi, l1_fi, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "de", { l1_Ger, l1_de, l1_de, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "it", { l1_Ita, l1_it, l1_it, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "ja", { l1_Japn, l1_ja, l1_ja, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "ko", { l1_Kor, l1_ko, l1_ko, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "nb", { l1_Nor, l1_no, l1_nb, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "no", { l1_Nor, l1_no, l1_nb, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "pl", { l1_Pol, l1_pl, l1_pl, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "ru", { l1_Rus, l1_ru, l1_ru, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "sv", { l1_Swe, l1_sv, l1_sv, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "th", { l1_Thai, l1_th, l1_th, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "tr", { l1_Tur, l1_tr, l1_tr, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "ca", { l1_ca, l1_ca, l1_ca, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "cs", { l1_cs, l1_cs, l1_cs, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "el", { l1_el, l1_el, l1_el, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "he", { l1_he, l1_he, l1_he, NULL, NULL, l1_iw } },
+ { "iw", { l1_he, l1_he, l1_he, NULL, NULL, l1_iw } },
+ { "hr", { l1_hr, l1_hr, l1_hr, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "hu", { l1_hu, l1_hu, l1_hu, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "id", { l1_id, l1_id, l1_id, NULL, NULL, l1_in } },
+ { "in", { l1_id, l1_id, l1_id, NULL, NULL, l1_in } },
+ { "ms", { l1_ms, l1_ms, l1_ms, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "ro", { l1_ro, l1_ro, l1_ro, l1_ro, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "mo", { l1_ro, l1_ro, l1_ro, l2_ro_MD_, NULL, l1_mo } },
+ { "sk", { l1_sk, l1_sk, l1_sk, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "uk", { l1_uk, l1_uk, l1_uk, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "vi", { l1_vi, l1_vi, l1_vi, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "yi", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_yi, NULL } },
+ { "ji", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_yi, NULL } },
+ { "fil", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_fil, l1_tl } },
+ { "tl", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_fil, l1_tl } },
+ { "haw", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_haw, NULL } },
+ { "sr", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_sr, NULL } },
+ { "sr-Cyrl", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_sr, NULL } },
+ { "sr-Latn", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_srLatn, NULL } },
+ { "tlh", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_tlh, NULL } },
+ { "Default@2x", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "default", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "root", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "_US", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "-US", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "-u-ca-hebrew", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "-u-ca-hebrew", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "@calendar=hebrew", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+enum { kNumAppleLangAndLoc = UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLangAndLoc) };
+/* tests from <rdar://problem/21518031> */
+static const char * appleLocsA1[] = { "en", "fr", "no", "zh-Hant" };
+static const char * appleLocsA2[] = { "en", "fr", "nb", "zh_TW", "zh_CN", "zh-Hant" };
+static const char * appleLocsA3[] = { "en", "en_IN", "en_GB", "fr", "de", "zh_TW" };
+static const char * appleLocsA4[] = { "Spanish", "es_MX", "English", "en_GB" };
+static const char * appleLocsA5[] = { "en", "fr", "de", "pt", "pt_PT" };
+static const char * appleLocsA6[] = { "en", "no", "no_NO", "pt_PT" };
+static const AppleLocsAndCount locAndCountEntriesA[kNumLocSets] = {
+ { appleLocsA1, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsA1) },
+ { appleLocsA2, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsA2) },
+ { appleLocsA3, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsA3) },
+ { appleLocsA4, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsA4) },
+ { appleLocsA5, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsA5) },
+ { appleLocsA6, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsA6) },
+static const LangAndExpLocs appleLangAndLocA[] = {
+// language\ result for appleLocsA1 appleLocsA2 appleLocsA3 appleLocsA4 appleLocsA5 appleLocsA6
+ { "zh-Hant", { l1_zhHant,/*0*/ l1_zhHant,/*zh_TW*/ l1_zh_TW, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "zh_Hant", { l1_zhHant, l1_zhHant,/*zh_TW*/ l1_zh_TW, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "zh_HK", { l1_zhHant, l1_zhHant,/*zh_TW*/ l1_zh_TW, NULL, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "en_IN", { l1_en, l1_en, l3_en_INGB_, l2_en_GB_Eng, l1_en, l1_en } },
+ { "es_MX", { NULL, NULL, NULL, l2_es_MX_Spa, NULL, NULL } },
+ { "pt_PT", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l2_pt_PT_, l1_pt_PT } },
+ { "pt", { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_pt, l1_pt_PT } },
+ { "no", { l1_no, l1_nb, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_no } },
+ { "no_NO", { l1_no, l1_nb, NULL, NULL, NULL, l2_no_NO_ } },
+ { "nb", { l1_no, l1_nb, NULL, NULL, NULL, l1_no } },
+ { "nb_NO", { l1_no, l1_nb, NULL, NULL, NULL, l2_no_NO_ } },
+enum { kNumAppleLangAndLocA = UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLangAndLocA) };
+/* tests from log attached to 21682790 */
+static const char * appleLocsB1[] = {
+ "ar", "Base", "ca", "cs",
+ "da", "Dutch", "el", "English",
+ "es_MX", "fi", "French", "German",
+ "he", "hr", "hu", "id",
+ "Italian", "Japanese", "ko", "ms",
+ "no", "pl", "pt", "pt_PT",
+ "ro", "ru", "sk", "Spanish",
+ "sv", "th", "tr", "uk",
+ "vi", "zh_CN", "zh_TW"
+static const char * appleLocsB2[] = {
+ "ar", "ca", "cs",
+ "da", "Dutch", "el", "English",
+ "es_MX", "fi", "French", "German",
+ "he", "hr", "hu", "id",
+ "Italian", "Japanese", "ko", "ms",
+ "no", "pl", "pt", "pt_PT",
+ "ro", "ru", "sk", "Spanish",
+ "sv", "th", "tr", "uk",
+ "vi", "zh_CN", "zh_TW"
+static const char * appleLocsB3[] = {
+ "ar", "ca", "cs", "da",
+ "de", "el", "en", "es",
+ "es_MX", "fi", "French", "he",
+ "hr", "hu", "id", "Italian",
+ "ja", "ko", "ms", "nl",
+ "no", "pl", "pt", "pt_PT",
+ "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv",
+ "th", "tr", "uk", "vi",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_TW"
+static const char * appleLocsB4[] = {
+ "ar", "ca", "cs", "da",
+ "de", "el", "en", "es",
+ "es_MX", "fi", "fr", "he",
+ "hr", "hu", "id", "it",
+ "ja", "ko", "ms", "nl",
+ "no", "pl", "pt", "pt_PT",
+ "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv",
+ "th", "tr", "uk", "vi",
+ "zh_CN", "zh_TW"
+static const char * appleLocsB5[] = { "en" };
+static const char * appleLocsB6[] = { "English" };
+static const AppleLocsAndCount locAndCountEntriesB[kNumLocSets] = {
+ { appleLocsB1, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsB1) },
+ { appleLocsB2, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsB2) },
+ { appleLocsB3, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsB3) },
+ { appleLocsB4, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsB4) },
+ { appleLocsB5, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsB5) },
+ { appleLocsB6, UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsB6) },
+static const LangAndExpLocs appleLangAndLocB[] = {
+// language\ result for appleLocsB1 appleLocsB2 appleLocsB3 appleLocsB4 appleLocsB5 appleLocsB6
+// Prefs 1, logged with sets B1-B3
+ { "en", { l1_Eng, l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_Eng } },
+ { "es", { l1_Spa, l1_Spa, l1_es, l1_es, NULL, NULL } },
+// Prefs 2, logged with sets B1-B6
+ { "English", { l1_Eng, l1_Eng, l1_en, l1_en, l1_en, l1_Eng } },
+ { "Spanish", { l1_Spa, l1_Spa, l1_es, l1_es, NULL, NULL } },
+enum { kNumAppleLangAndLocB = UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLangAndLocB) };
+typedef struct {
+ const AppleLocsAndCount * locAndCountEntriesPtr;
+ const LangAndExpLocs * appleLangAndLocPtr;
+ int32_t appleLangAndLocCount;
+} AppleLocToUseTestSet;
+static const AppleLocToUseTestSet altuTestSets[] = {
+ { locAndCountEntries, appleLangAndLoc, kNumAppleLangAndLoc },
+ { locAndCountEntriesA, appleLangAndLocA, kNumAppleLangAndLocA },
+ { locAndCountEntriesB, appleLangAndLocB, kNumAppleLangAndLocB },
+ { NULL, NULL, 0 }
+/* tests for multiple prefs sets */
+static const char * appleLocsM[] = { "en", "en_GB", "pt", "pt_PT", "zh_CN", "zh_Hant" };
+static const char * prefLangsM[] = { "tlh", "zh_HK", "zh_SG", "zh_Hans", "pt_BR", "pt_PT", "en_IN", "en" };
+static const char * locsToUseM[] = { "zh_Hant" };
+enum {
+ kNumAppleLocsM = UPRV_LENGTHOF(appleLocsM),
+ kNumPrefLangsM = UPRV_LENGTHOF(prefLangsM),
+ kNumLocsToUseM = UPRV_LENGTHOF(locsToUseM),
+/* general enums */
+enum { kMaxLocalizationsToUse = 8, kPrintArrayBufSize = 128 };
+// array, array of pointers to strings to print
+// count, count of array elements, may be -1 if array is terminated by a NULL entry
+// buf, buffer into which to put concatenated strings
+// bufSize, length of buf
+static void printStringArray(const char **array, int32_t count, char *buf, int32_t bufSize) {
+ char * bufPtr = buf;
+ const char * curEntry;
+ int32_t idx, countMax = bufSize/16;
+ if (count < 0 || count > countMax) {
+ count = countMax;
+ }
+ for (idx = 0; idx < count && (curEntry = *array++) != NULL; idx++) {
+ int32_t len = sprintf(bufPtr, "%s\"%.12s\"", (idx > 0)? ", ": "", curEntry);
+ if (len <= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ bufPtr += len;
+ }
+ *bufPtr = 0; /* ensure termination */
+static UBool equalStringArrays(const char **array1, int32_t count1, const char **array2, int32_t count2) {
+ const char ** array1Ptr = array1;
+ const char ** array2Ptr = array2;
+ if (count1 < 0) {
+ count1 = 0;
+ while (*array1Ptr++ != NULL) {
+ count1++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count2 < 0) {
+ count2 = 0;
+ while (*array2Ptr++ != NULL) {
+ count2++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count1 != count2) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ int32_t idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < count1; idx++) {
+ if (uprv_strcmp(array1[idx], array2[idx]) != 0) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void TestAppleLocalizationsToUse() {
+ const AppleLocToUseTestSet * testSetPtr;
+ const char * locsToUse[kMaxLocalizationsToUse];
+ int32_t numLocsToUse;
+ UErrorCode status;
+ char printExpected[kPrintArrayBufSize];
+ char printActual[kPrintArrayBufSize];
+ for (testSetPtr = altuTestSets; testSetPtr->locAndCountEntriesPtr != NULL; testSetPtr++) {
+ int32_t iLocSet, iLang;
+ for (iLocSet = 0; iLocSet < kNumLocSets; iLocSet++) {
+ for (iLang = 0; iLang < testSetPtr->appleLangAndLocCount; iLang++) {
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ const char * language = testSetPtr->appleLangAndLocPtr[iLang].language;
+ const char ** expLocsForSet = testSetPtr->appleLangAndLocPtr[iLang].expLocsForSets[iLocSet];
+ numLocsToUse = ualoc_localizationsToUse(&language, 1,
+ testSetPtr->locAndCountEntriesPtr[iLocSet].locs, testSetPtr->locAndCountEntriesPtr[iLocSet].locCount,
+ locsToUse, kMaxLocalizationsToUse, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_localizationsToUse testSet %d, locSet %d, lang %s, status %s\n",
+ testSetPtr-altuTestSets, iLocSet+1, language, u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (numLocsToUse == 0 && expLocsForSet != NULL) {
+ printStringArray(expLocsForSet, -1, printExpected, kPrintArrayBufSize);
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_localizationsToUse testSet %d, locSet %d, lang %s, expect {%s}, get no results\n",
+ testSetPtr-altuTestSets, iLocSet+1, language, printExpected);
+ } else if (numLocsToUse > 0 && expLocsForSet == NULL) {
+ printStringArray(locsToUse, numLocsToUse, printActual, kPrintArrayBufSize);
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_localizationsToUse testSet %d, locSet %d, lang %s, expect no results, get {%s}\n",
+ testSetPtr-altuTestSets, iLocSet+1, language, printActual);
+ } else if (numLocsToUse > 0 && !equalStringArrays(expLocsForSet, -1, locsToUse, numLocsToUse)) {
+ printStringArray(expLocsForSet, -1, printExpected, kPrintArrayBufSize);
+ printStringArray(locsToUse, numLocsToUse, printActual, kPrintArrayBufSize);
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_localizationsToUse testSet %d, locSet %d, lang %s:\n expect {%s}\n get {%s}\n",
+ testSetPtr-altuTestSets, iLocSet+1, language, printExpected, printActual);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ numLocsToUse = ualoc_localizationsToUse(prefLangsM, kNumPrefLangsM, appleLocsM, kNumAppleLocsM, locsToUse, kMaxLocalizationsToUse, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_localizationsToUse appleLocsM, langs prefLangsM, status %s\n", u_errorName(status));
+ } else if (!equalStringArrays(locsToUseM, kNumLocsToUseM, locsToUse, numLocsToUse)) {
+ printStringArray(locsToUseM, kNumLocsToUseM, printExpected, kPrintArrayBufSize);
+ printStringArray(locsToUse, numLocsToUse, printActual, kPrintArrayBufSize);
+ log_err("FAIL: ualoc_localizationsToUse appleLocsM, langs prefLangsM:\n expect {%s}\n get {%s}\n",
+ printExpected, printActual);
+ }