+CurrencyUnit::CurrencyUnit(StringPiece _isoCode, UErrorCode& ec) {
+ // Note: unlike the old constructor, reject empty arguments with an error.
+ char isoCodeBuffer[4];
+ const char* isoCodeToUse;
+ // uprv_memchr checks that the string contains no internal NULs
+ if (_isoCode.length() != 3 || uprv_memchr(_isoCode.data(), 0, 3) != nullptr) {
+ isoCodeToUse = kDefaultCurrency8;
+ } else if (!uprv_isInvariantString(_isoCode.data(), 3)) {
+ // TODO: Perform a more strict ASCII check like in ICU4J isAlpha3Code?
+ isoCodeToUse = kDefaultCurrency8;
+ } else {
+ // Have to use isoCodeBuffer to ensure the string is NUL-terminated
+ uprv_strncpy(isoCodeBuffer, _isoCode.data(), 3);
+ isoCodeBuffer[3] = 0;
+ isoCodeToUse = isoCodeBuffer;
+ }
+ // TODO: Perform uppercasing here like in ICU4J Currency.getInstance()?
+ u_charsToUChars(isoCodeToUse, isoCode, 3);
+ isoCode[3] = 0;
+ initCurrency(isoCodeToUse);
+CurrencyUnit::CurrencyUnit(const CurrencyUnit& other) : MeasureUnit(other) {